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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

So it is our duty here to make sense of this book, based upon what related passages reveal concerning its central themes, while reading the text in the same way as the rest of Scripture.of Jesus Christ

The central question surrounding this phrase is whether Jesus Christ is the source of the revelation (subjective genitive) or being described by the revelation (objective genitive).
Elsewhere, a very similar Greek phrase ?p??a???e?? ??s?? ???st?? [apokalypseos Iesou Christou] is used by Paul: “For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ” (Gal. 1:12).6 It would seem that in Galatians the genitive ??s?? ???st?? [Iesou Christou] is subjective rather than objective, for Paul is discussing the source of his revelatory knowledge. It did not come through man, nor was it taught, but it came through the revelation of Jesus. Jesus was the source of Paul’s revelation, not man.
In favor of the objective genitive (Jesus as the object being revealed), is the oft-expressed longing of the NT writers for His appearing (1Cor. 1:7; 2Th. 1:7; 1Pe. 1:7). In these passages, the appearing of Jesus is referred to as the “revelation of Jesus Christ.” Apart from the glimpses provided within this book and elsewhere in the NT, the true character and glory of Christ is yet hidden. When He appears, His glory will no longer be veiled and all men everywhere will understand that He is God.7

If “context is king” in interpretation, then the next phrase would indicate we are to take this as the subjective genitive: “which God gave Him to show His servants.”8 The emphasis here is on Jesus Christ as the source of the revelation being given to John.
Wallace suggests the possibility that this is a plenary genitive indicating the revelation is both from Christ and about Christ.9 However, as Thomas has observed, such an understanding violates the basic interpretive principle that the original author had only one intended meaning.10
The context favors the subjective genitive (the revelation is from Jesus Christ), but we should be aware that throughout Scripture, Jesus is involved with revelation in at least three ways:
He is the source of revelation (Gal. 1:12; 1Pe. 1:11; Rev. 1:1?).
He is the object of revelation (Luke 24:44; 1Cor. 1:7; 2Th. 1:7; 1Pe. 1:7; Rev. 1:11-18?; 5:6-10?; 19:11-16?). “Many fail to see the centrality of Jesus Christ in this volume. . . . become preoccupied with the identification of events and persons other than our Lord. Many seem to be more interested in the Antichrist than in Jesus Christ.”11
His incarnation is the revelation of God to man (Isa. 9:1-2; John 1:14, 18; 12:45; 14:8-9; Col. 1:15; 2:9; Heb. 1:2; 1Jn. 1:2).
Paul makes plain that the revelation he received was not the result of teaching he received from men. In other words, biblical revelation is not by human insight or instruction. It is the unveiling of that which was previously unknown and would forever remain unknown if God had not graciously granted us His self-disclosure. This is why the natural world can never be classified as the 67th book of the Bible, for the “revelation” it provides is not biblical revelation. It is subject to the finding out of man and the manner in which it is discerned is subject to the flawed interpretations and theories of fallen men. This alone tells us why Genesis takes precedence over the speculative investigation of prehistory by modern science. Scriptural revelation, the direct revelation of God, has no equal.
It is for these very reasons that biblical revelation is always initiated by God and never by man. It was the Lord who opened Hagar’s eyes so that she saw water nearby (Gen. 21:19). It was the Lord who revealed the Angel of the Lord blocking Balaam’s way (Num. 22:31). The Lord opened the eyes of Elisha’s servant so that he might see the angelic host (2K. 6:17).

RE: looking for real love (sounds weird but yeah I know it's still out there)

“Search yourselves girls. Find the ones you want and then charm him”

I’m trying to charm one at the moment. It’s incredibly difficult per the usual. He just had shoulder surgery and on his Facebook he said he’s in horrible pain. I just messaged him and said I would support him with whatever he needed even go to the beach with him like he wanted so that he could rest. No response from him. He texts me almost everyday. I don’t know how else to charm him lol. It’s tough man.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Revelation 1:1 Open Bible at Rev. 1:1 Listen to Rev. 1:1
Up to this point, we have spent considerable time discussing background information in order to better prepare the reader for the verse-by-verse exposition to follow. Having read the background material, the reader should now be equipped to understand the principles behind the method of our exposition and the liabilities we believe attend competing views.
Moving forward, we will place greater emphasis upon exposition than refuting alternate views, although we will continue to make mention of them at key places in the text.1
See the Introduction for a discussion of various background topics related to the book of Revelation.

The first word of this book, ?p???????? , should be kept in mind by the reader throughout the book. For it is God’s intention to reveal rather than conceal:
In the New Testament, apokalypsis always has the majestic sense of God’s unveiling of himself to his creatures, an unveiling that we call by its Latin name revelation. . . . It depicts the progressive and immediate unveiling of the otherwise unknown and unknowable God to his church throughout the ages.2

The clearness and lucidity (perspicuity) of the Scriptures is their consistent theme (Deu. 29:29; Pr. 13:13; Isa. 5:24; Isa. 45:19; Mat. 11:25; Mat. 24:15; Luke 10:21, 26; 24:25; 2Ti. 3:16; 2Pe. 1:19). Yet if Scripture is meant to be understood, why do we have such a difficult time understanding it, and especially this book? Our problem is not so much the difficulty of understanding, but our own idolatry and rebellion. We are unwilling to study to know God and to submit in obedience to that which may be known. We are more interested in other pursuits than in seeking God through His revealed words of life (John 6:63, 68). As is often the case where Scripture is concerned, our inability to understand is more a reflection of our lack of zeal than the difficulty which attends the interpretation of God’s Word. When the average person in our country spends multiple hours in front of a television set daily, but “just can’t find the time” to read God’s Word, the issue is not one of time management, but idolatry.
When we come to this last book of Scripture, our lack of preparation is evidenced all the more because what God intends as revelation, we see as mystery. Yet Paul holds that revelation is the antithesis of mystery (Rom. 16:25). This book is not intended to be a veiled document full of mysterious symbols, but an unveiling and clarification of things which have heretofore not been revealed by God.3 In order to grasp the meaning of this revelation, we need a foundation in the rest of Scriptures, and especially the Old Testament. (See The Importance of the Old Testament.)
There are several reasons why we believe that this book is not intended to be enigmatic. First, we believe that a chief purpose of God was the creation of language to communicate with man. If this is so, then the intellect of man and the clarity of language must be sufficient for this task:
If God is the originator of language and if the chief purpose of originating it was to convey His message to humanity, then it must follow that He, being all-wise and all-loving, originated sufficient language to convey all that was in His heart to tell mankind. Furthermore, it must also follow that He would use language and expect people to understand it in its literal, normal, and plain sense.4

Second, we have the pattern established by the rest of Scripture. “It is unthinkable to believe that God would speak with precision and clarity from Genesis to Jude, and then when it comes to the end abandon all precision and clarity.”5 It is not God’s intention to train us how to read and understand 65 books of the Bible and then “throw us a curve” in the 66th book by expecting that we adopt an entirely different approach. (See the discussion regarding The Art and Science of Interpretation.)

RE: 400 years of history up in flames.

Thanks for the history lesson. Sorry this is happening to you guys. sad flower

RE: The Preppy Killer

5 minutes into the docu and I’m already scared girl. Lol. By the way she wasn’t that pretty but that’s hardly here nor there. His motive was drugs I believe. Cocaine is just bad news all the way around. I knew someone who did it and he told me he felt so good about everything when he did it that it gave him the courage to break into people’s houses. I see that this fellow did that too. Drugs are bad news man.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Why then is America so hated by the radical left? It is not really hated for its slavery. Yes, slavery was a dark and ugly blot on American history but, in the words of social commentator Dennis Prager, “If it were, given the ubiquity of slavery throughout world history, every country and ethnic group on earth would be hated. America is hated for its values and its successes” (WND, 4/19/21).

There is an internationalist conspiracy to remove America as a sovereign nation because America is the single most potent opposer to globalism. In his 1991 Bilderberger speech, David Rockefeller made it clear that he and his family are part of a “secret cabal” to overthrow America. And “I am proud of it,” he said. CRT is an effective way to tear down the American Republic and make way for the one-world government of the Antichrist (see Revelation 13). Fortunately, many Americans, including notable black Americans, understand.

On April 28, 2021, Senator Tim Scott delivered the Republican response to President Biden’s address to a joint session of Congress. Among other things, Scott who is a black American said, “America is not a racist country.”

Senator Scott said he was blessed “with a praying momma.” He bemoaned the closing of churches during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Becoming a Christian transformed my life, but for months too many churches were shut down.” Senator Scott said: “Black, Hispanic, white, and Asian, Republican and Democrat … we are not adversaries. We are family. We are all in this together, and we get to live in the greatest country on earth. … So I am more than hopeful. I am confident that our finest hour has yet to come.”

The world is in desperate straits but, “God is still on the throne and prayer changes things.” Jesus Christ is still saving souls and He hasn’t changed His mind about saving more—“red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight.”

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Critical race theory (CRT) is quickly becoming America’s new institutional orthodoxy. What is it and where did it come from? Patrisse Khan-Cullors, BLM co-founder, has said she is a “trained Marxist.” What are the connections between Marxism, CRT, and BLM?

Marxism was initially built on the theory of class conflict. Marx believed that the primary characteristics of industrial societies was an imbalance of power between capitalists (property owners) and workers, an imbalance between the oppressors and the oppressed. Marx said the only answer to this problem is revolution. Workers must rise to power, seize the means of production, overthrow the capitalist class, and usher in a new socialist utopia. In other words Marx believed in a Millennium without God.

During the twentieth century a number of governments underwent Marxist-led revolutions that left up to 100 million people dead. The Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, Cuba, and others violently destroyed the existing capitalist structures through mass murder, purges, and gulags. By the mid-1960s, Marxist thinkers in America realized they had no hope of success in a country where the people were happy and successful. A growing and prosperous middle class was enjoying the “American dream.” Fortunately, the civil rights movement of the 1960s led by Dr. King did bring change and justice through peaceful means. It brought the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

But the Marxists are historically resilient, a social cancer that destroys the host and thereby, ultimately, destroys itself leaving death. Rather than abandon their plans for societal change, Marxist thinkers in America simply adapted their revolutionary theory to the social and racial unrest of the 1990s. Abandoning Marx’s economic dialectic of capitalists and workers, they substituted race for class and sought to create a revolutionary coalition of the oppressed based on racial and ethnic categories. For them, the new imbalance of power is between the whites and the non-whites. While Dr. King was looking for a society where people would “not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character,” BLM makes skin color everything. Tell a BLM supporter that white lives matter too, and you will be in big trouble, maybe even violence.

For some CR theorists, even “white” science is suspect. James Lindsay writes, “Since modern science was predominantly produce by white, Western men, Critical Race Theory views science as a white and Western way of knowing. Critical Race Theory maintains that science encodes and perpetuates ‘white dominance’ and thus isn’t really fitting for black people who inhabit a culture of Blackness” (

CRT is not a unifying movement but thrives on division and social anarchy. It is based on fanning the flames of racial unrest. Several states—Oklahoma, Idaho, Louisiana, Missouri, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, West Virginia, Tennessee, and others—have drafted bills that ban the teaching of CRT. It is a national tragedy that Democrat lawmakers favor its teaching.

Believe it or not, CRT is not an idea that promotes liberty. It is against the idea of liberty and sees a free society as a way to structure and maintain inequities by convincing racial minorities not to agitate for radical racial identity politics. It is very different than the civil rights movement it incorrectly claims to continue.

Racism is wrong, as is the notion of racial superiority. The idea that whites are superior because they are white is to forget that Hitler and Stalin (as are most American mass murderers) were also white. The whites who made America great did so not because they were white but because of the Judeo-Christian values they held. These are values that are available to anyone and have nothing to do with skin color.

Killer Motives

Someone else here loves serial killer docs. I thought I was the only one. I am referencing it here because it is an honorable mention. I still need to watch it.


All I have to do is grab a man’s c*ck and he’s in the mood. laugh I don’t have to wear makeup even let alone a headscarf.

All kidding aside, the foods for me are avocados, seafood, and bananas. I think I’m naturally low on serotonin though so when I eat bananas they instantly give me a boost.

RE: Soaring gas prices

It’s outrageous here in California. You don’t want to know.

Another Public Apology

Daphne I totally agree with Drew about the job thing lol. If you can work you better be working! Lol. But if SHE can’t get a man, I don’t know if I can! She has it all!

Soaring gas prices

Wrong again. Don't you ever get tired of being wrong? Under Trump, gas prices were pretty low. After Trump, it shot up soon after Biden took office.
View Blog    1 Likes    Last Liked: Apr 18

Useless trivia

Indonesian authorities issued a tsunami alert on Wednesday after eruptions at Ruang Mountain sent ash thousands of feet high. Officials ordered more than 11,000 people to leave the area.

The volcano on the northern side of Sulawesi Island had at least five large eruptions in the past 24 hours, Indonesia’s Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation said.

RE: Soaring gas prices

Naivety showing a lack of understanding.

The Red Sea attacks by Houthi rebels, which are forcing tankers to avoid the Suez Canal and instead go round South Africa’s Cape of Good Hope, are clearly playing their part, but so have global refinery maintenance closures, the start of America’s driving season all add up to the increases.

Trump could have done nothing to stop the price of crude oil increase.
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RE: Soaring gas prices

Shawn. Here is what I expect will happen:

not so much

And let's say Trump, our guy, gets back in he can only partially modefy this to the better. Just a tiny litte adjustment down. Cos the damage is done already. Prices went up all over the world cos some (selfish mf's) milked the situation for temselves, and now we can never really get back I fear. However if they had not been allowed to steal it in 2020 and Trump had stayed in charge, well we would not had been in this mess to begin with.
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RE: Soaring gas prices

That's pretty much the same as here Gz.
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RE: Soaring gas prices

The average fuel price in the UK is 143.75p per litre of petrol and 153p per litre of diesel

Depends where you buy of course as some stations are cheaper than others

RE: Soaring gas prices

Like Grand says different measures here.

UK and US gallons are different; there are approximately 4.55 litres in a UK gallon but only 3.79 in a US gallon so hard to compare precisely.

RE: Soaring gas prices

Well being outside of the US we have a different world here
so we only get half a gallon for 3.50.

It was worse a year or two ago, now it stabilized a tad.

Anyhows I think we need Trump back to bring back the optimism.
If possible.
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RE: Another Public Apology

No need to apologise for showing owns emotions and having feelings Mermaidhair.hug
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I bet Grand shopped himwink


No tolerance in Norway...


RE: Another Public Apology

Cheer up...
About dating...
Hey there is an app...this is
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Another Public Apology

Hi Oz. I appreciate that. Yes it was a woman that told me that. laugh Unfortunately this is a public space and I have to be a bit more cordial by default. But perhaps I can find a happy middle ground someday. I find I have to do that with everyone in life including public spaces. Especially public spaces I should say.

Thanks for always being here. hug
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RE: Men start their own movement...

Just for the Drizzle Drizzle movement...Enjoy...


RE: Another Public Apology

You're too kind with this blog. Somebody of cs told you something and you listened?
To be kinder to this gang here who half of them don't even show a face
and most never will ever date again, cos "they don't need nobody" and all that insanity.
Lol that must have been a chick by the way! No man here would tell you to calm down.

I prefer the honest straight up you.

It's blogs, when people gonna understand what a blog is supposed to be hmm?
Some honest truth telling, is what it's supposed to be, some actual report from your own personal observations in life.
And then these azzholes who have NOTHING to say themselves try tell you have to talk, feel or bahave.
They can shut their piehole.



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I thought I would post this because it will hopefully lighten things up...Peter reminds me of our member Grand...

Enjoy...laugh rolling on the floor laughing

Another Public Apology

Hi Marlin. It’s cool that you’re in Canada. I met a man from Canada once. He was here on a business trip. I asked so how do you like the US? He said meh it’s okay. A bit of a culture shock for me. I myself would like to visit Canada someday.

RE: Another Public Apology

try not to let the world change you, or you will be trying forever to figure out who you are.
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it does not happen in ukraine, because US corporations have the contracts to rebuild ukraine, so there is money to be made
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RE: Melania...

I think he is going to college soon enough...and I am sure he is taken care of least that was what was talked about along with Melania's new pre-nup...
I doubt if Trump has a close relationship in comparison to his mother though...or her parents...
Divorce can be upsetting for kids no matter what age...


Agreed, I believe in her world, nothing is pressing.

It's not like she will be evicted and have to setup in a 2 bedroom house near the bad side of town.

I'm not sure how long secret service will be available should Trump lose the 2024 election.
It's doubtful that would be an issue.

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