breadcrumb spiritalk Blog


Blogs remind me of keeping a diary. 'Dear Diary' was all about thoughts, emotions and wishes. No reality exists at all.

You can be anything you wish behind a computer screen. It is a dangerous game to take anyone too serious until you have met them face to face and found a real friend or foe.
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As the healing gift develops and you become a finer instrument of the spirit to heal the sick, it will be a reward that cannot be measured in material terms. Attunement is a subtle condition, very difficult to describe in words.

It has no physical symptoms by which to recognize it, as attunement is so natural. There should, however, be consciousness of a feeling different from normality, which is often more readily appreciated when returning to normal, full consciousness after emerging from the state of attunement.

Healers are more aware of the attuned condition when engaged in contact healing and a sign of this is the great joy, inwardly felt, when pain has been relieved or an affliction lessened or overcome. It is joy of the spirit self and this could not be experienced unless an attuned condition has been established.

Attunement means establishing a state of affinity with the spirit guides. It is good to seek regularly and purposefully to attain a more perfect state of affinity with spirit. Meditation is the tool used for attunement.

Before engaging in contact healing, the healer sits for a few moments to attain affinity with spirit. In spite of other activities that may be going on at the time and the changing of one patient for another, the attuned condition will, with experience, remain with the healer.

Healers possess the high motives of love and compassion for the sick. Healers from spirit also have these two great qualities. Thus it is, through love and compassion from spirit, blending with the same qualities in the healer, that the attunement is achieved.

Such attunement is a natural act. It is almost like dozing but with the consciousness of inner mind awareness. From the healing point of view, we are seeking mental abandonment rather than mental concentration, in the usual sense.

In order to use this effective and powerful method of hands-on healing, the healer would have good intent: the intent to be a channel for spiritual healing energy, the intent to be of help, the intent to do only that which is in the highest interest of all.
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As the healing gift develops and you become a finer instrument of the spirit to heal the sick, it will be a reward that cannot be measured in material terms. Attunement is a subtle condition, very difficult to describe in words.

It has no physical symptoms by which to recognize it, as attunement is so natural. There should, however, be consciousness of a feeling different from normality, which is often more readily appreciated when returning to normal, full consciousness after emerging from the state of attunement.

Healers are more aware of the attuned condition when engaged in contact healing and a sign of this is the great joy, inwardly felt, when pain has been relieved or an affliction lessened or overcome. It is joy of the spirit self and this could not be experienced unless an attuned condition has been established.

Attunement means establishing a state of affinity with the spirit guides. It is good to seek regularly and purposefully to attain a more perfect state of affinity with spirit. Meditation is the tool used for attunement.

Before engaging in contact healing, the healer sits for a few moments to attain affinity with spirit. In spite of other activities that may be going on at the time and the changing of one patient for another, the attuned condition will, with experience, remain with the healer.

Healers possess the high motives of love and compassion for the sick. Healers from spirit also have these two great qualities. Thus it is, through love and compassion from spirit, blending with the same qualities in the healer, that the attunement is achieved.

Such attunement is a natural act. It is almost like dozing but with the consciousness of inner mind awareness. From the healing point of view, we are seeking mental abandonment rather than mental concentration, in the usual sense.

In order to use this effective and powerful method of hands-on healing, the healer would have good intent: the intent to be a channel for spiritual healing energy, the intent to be of help, the intent to do only that which is in the highest interest of all.
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Can we communicate with Spirit?

Each and every human being has the capacity to be is a part of the makeup of human existence. It begins with the 5 senses used in our material existence and we add 2 more (Intuition - gut feelings; I know - this comes from the heart - it neither sees nor hears, it just knows) when we apply our psychic sensitivities.

Mediumship is the communication with those that have passed into spirit realms through death of the physical body. We use our psychic sensitivities to attune to spirit guides in the spirit realm and communicate with our loved ones and friends.
It is all about vibration. The earth (material) vibration is quite gross and the spirit is light.

We are body, mind, spirit even as we live the material/physical life. The spirit and mind continue into the lighter realms of vibration at death, allowing that the spirit in the body can attune to the spirit dis-embodied.

All mediums are psychic; not all psychics are mediums. Many psychics form a demonstration to others and bring messages of comfort and love. Mediumship is when there is attunement with the spirit realms and the medium speaks to their guides who bring along the loved ones of the enquirer.

Can we really communicate with spirits? Of course we can and mediumship is real and valid to anyone who wishes to make open minded inquiries as to its operation and effectiveness.

To develop the talents latent within each of us, we meet in circles of individuals interested in expanding their spirituality as they meditate to attune to their spirit guides. There is no time limit on the development process, so there are no comparisons one with other. Each is on their own individual journey of growth.

Natural law tells us that what we give out, will come back to us and multiplied by the intent. So the more we take the attitude of giving during the circle process, the more we will receive. Each will have the energy and opportunity to develop at their own pace.

The opening prayer tells spirit our intent is ready for attunement. And closing prayer is the signal that all is over for this sitting. At this time, there are no more messages or left overs from spirit contact. We are shut down for the evening and should not pressure others to open a dialogue. It will more likely be their own mind at this point.

There is a charge for the circle to show our good faith and intent at exchange of energy with others on earth and in spirit. It also helps the continuity of the resources offered from Spiritual Wisdom Community. Membership in Spiritual Wisdom is necessary to sit in their circles.

We show constancy and consistency by attending regularly and sitting in the same place each time. In this way we form energy bonds. When one moves forward, so is the potential for all to gain.

Spiritual healing is done on a give and take basis. One week the healer, the next the client. It serves to give some measure of understanding healing. What we have received is done as a sharing process. Be respectful of the circle. No talking or chatting while others are speaking. Each has a turn.
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A New Year Begins

Lets not drag all that old baggage from this year into the new year. Leaving it at the doorstep will ensure that it is not important enough to carry forward.

Bring forward love. Bring forward peace. Bring forward caring and kindness. See if we can't make this a real beautiful, peaceful year filled with love.
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A New Year Dawns

Human nature mirrors mother nature in our actions and lives. 2012
was a year of turning over the soil of the gardent of our lives.

It exposed a lot of the unseen people, places, things that need to be looked at for their value in our lives. Did you find friends, relatives, other people, places, things losing their interest in your life?

As we dug up old things and prepared the soil, we sowed seeds of our dreams and goals as we go forward into a new year. Those seeds have been nurtured and fed, watered with our tears, fertilized with the failures of our lives. The blossoms will be better for these conditions.

2013 will be a year of manifestation of our dreams and goals. We have made many preparations and it will be time to walk into our prosperity. Keeping healthy, wealthy, and wise will be the balance for 2013.

Do not dwell in past hurts and pains, they are non-productive. Release all to the universe to be dissolved in your own spirituality.

When you can do that, it will be time to enter into new experiences. Keep the value of the old experiences but release the actual experience as non-productive to the manifestation of your own best good.
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We have been given the tools of strength and balance in our body, mind and spirit connection. We do not require any outside stimulus to open and expand our state of consciousness to include the sensitivities of empowerment within our humanity.

Using prayer to connect to the highest source of all qualities allows the spirit to grow and be within a framework of love. It solidifies the connection between human frailties and the God of our own understanding. Opening and closing all our efforts with spirit, in prayer solidifies the covenant we seek with the guiding force of all life.

As you can program your computer to its language, so can you program your universe to the language of love. With this programming in place, the universe will resonate with the highest frequencies of ‘life force energy’, ‘God’, ‘Light’ that resonate at this frequency.

When you focus on this frequency your being becomes attuned like a musical instrument and will bring it into harmony in every cell of our universe. When you focus on fear, it creates disharmonic frequencies in your being.

We can neither create nor destroy energy, we can only change its form. As we create something, we do not create the energy, but take energy that already exists and change its form into that which we desire.

The human existence is a series of many electrical systems. We call them body, mind, and spirit connection, functioning together as one reality. When we create our thought forms, send them through this maze of electrical systems, which is then sent to a universal consciousness, this energy is then returned to manifest our desires.

If the electrical systems within the individual existence are fragmented, dysfunctional or distorted through fear and negativity, the thought form is sent out and returns distorted. If the electrical system is blocked, the thought form may never have the opportunity to be completed.

As the individual creation takes the universal energy already in existence and exercises creative mind, giving the energy meaning and direction with thought, the most powerful energy in the universe, creative manifestation is now set into motion. You have been doing this your entire life.

Thought is energy set into motion. What your mind creates, your body and spirit can manifest.
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Tools of our own Consciousness 4.


Using the mind to visualize in conjunction with a meditative, peaceful state is our ability to calm our consciousness for stress relief and health. Our imagination can picture anything in our mind we choose. Keeping it positive and of nature is an important aspect of manifesting peace and calm within, when it is needed for life.

All energies flow from the source, the creator of all life. Beginning all exercises of our consciousness with a prayer puts the spiritual aspect we are seeking for ourselves into all our efforts for ourselves as well as others. From the spirit allow the greater spirit to guide and protect you through all activities of being, so that service is the watchword of a loving life. Be a part of the spread of energy of peace, calm and harmony throughout a troubled world so that you can remain a part of the raising of consciousness of all life.

Sit comfortably, close the eyes to distraction and breathe gently. Take note of your breathing and allow it to slow and calm, releasing tensions from the body. Let go of the stresses causing tension within the body, blow out several times to get in touch with your deeper breathing.
Picture water lapping on a shore (the scene can be one of your own choosing, either from memory or produced for this purpose). With the ebb and flow of the water, feel your whole being flowing, in and out, relaxing and enlivening your whole body, mind and spirit connection.

The beach has warm sand beneath your feet and a warm sun upon your shoulders. You are peaceful and calm as you walk along your secluded, private personal space. Listen to the ebb and flow of the tides. Feel the calm of this sound.

When ready, enter the cool waters to refresh. Flow again with the tides of the water as you enjoy it over, around and through your whole being.

When ready, leave the cool water and return to the warm sandy beach. You will feel energized and full of warmth that seeps deep within your body. To share it, visualize someone you know of who could do with a calming thought and send some of your new- found peace along to them, as well.

You are ready to return to your conscious state and bring this peaceful, calm energy into all you think, do and be for the coming hours. It is important to say a prayer of thanks on completion of any exercise that calls on the universe to re-energize, renew and refresh your being as you work to also send peace and calm to others.
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Tools of our own Consciousness 2.


Our mind can be encouraged to think upon the lines of positive empowerment that we instill. To begin affirmations, it must be noted that it is important to use one that you can believe. Paying lip service to action will not get the job done. Even when it does not make sense to you at the present time, your consciousness can be exercised (like any muscle in the body) to accept this new thought.

Affirmations will be freeing us from the conscious thoughts that ‘life is pain’ and therefore to be endured. When we begin our affirmations, if this thought is embedded in our consciousness, we will not succeed in our efforts.

Not all in life is pain. There are many joys and it is our responsibility to accentuate the positive, finding the joys of life as we learn and grow. Life is not all black and white, the joys of life can be found even in our sorrow.

In nature, all is seeded in a soil of comfort and security, but to grow also requires fertilizer. The manure we put on our plants, while waste in another aspect, can nourish our flowers to blossom. Sit back and enjoy the results as the end product of the lessons of life.

On waking, to begin your day, turn your thoughts from chaos and confusion to peace and harmony with a simple affirmation. Without the calming exercise, you begin your day in hurry and bustle, which is designed to create chaos for your entire day.

During the stresses of your day, take a moment to repeat your affirmation and calm any loaded situation. Make it the last thought before sleep at night to ensure a peaceful dream state.

The affirmation that works for me:

Flow spirit flow, and all my fears release
I am a channel for thy love and peace
Heal spirit heal and all myself renew
I am expressing my perfection true

Protection Exercise:

Visualize a bubble (similar to one blown from a child’s soap bubble pipe complete with the rainbow patch – rainbows are mystical symbols of connection, communication, love and they complete with a pot of gold (prosperity) at the end) and see it expand to cover your whole body – you are floating in this bubble. Affirm that it is a filter of all negativity from within and without.
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Tools of our own Consciousness 3.


Using the mind to visualize in conjunction with a meditative, peaceful state is our ability to calm our consciousness for stress relief and health. Our imagination can picture anything in our mind we choose. Keeping it positive and of nature is an important aspect of manifesting peace and calm within, when it is needed for life.

All energies flow from the source, the creator of all life. Beginning all exercises of our consciousness with a prayer puts the spiritual aspect we are seeking for ourselves into all our efforts for ourselves as well as others. From the spirit allow the greater spirit to guide and protect you through all activities of being, so that service is the watchword of a loving life. Be a part of the spread of energy of peace, calm and harmony throughout a troubled world so that you can remain a part of the raising of consciousness of all life.

Sit comfortably, close the eyes to distraction and breathe gently. Take note of your breathing and allow it to slow and calm, releasing tensions from the body. Let go of the stresses causing tension within the body, blow out several times to get in touch with your deeper breathing.
Picture water lapping on a shore (the scene can be one of your own choosing, either from memory or produced for this purpose). With the ebb and flow of the water, feel your whole being flowing, in and out, relaxing and enlivening your whole body, mind and spirit connection.

The beach has warm sand beneath your feet and a warm sun upon your shoulders. You are peaceful and calm as you walk along your secluded, private personal space. Listen to the ebb and flow of the tides. Feel the calm of this sound.

When ready, enter the cool waters to refresh. Flow again with the tides of the water as you enjoy it over, around and through your whole being.

When ready, leave the cool water and return to the warm sandy beach. You will feel energized and full of warmth that seeps deep within your body. To share it, visualize someone you know of who could do with a calming thought and send some of your new- found peace along to them, as well.

You are ready to return to your conscious state and bring this peaceful, calm energy into all you think, do and be for the coming hours. It is important to say a prayer of thanks on completion of any exercise that calls on the universe to re-energize, renew and refresh your being as you work to also send peace and calm to others.
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Spirituality can be enhanced through learning

Are you interested in your own inner spirituality? Want to figure out how to do more with your spirituality? Or do you want to learn how spirituality will enhance your life?

Answering inner questions can bring peace to the outer life.

Let's talk........
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Take care of self


Flow spirit flow and all my fears release
I am a channel for thy love and peace

Heal spirit heal and all myself renew
I am expressing my perfection true


Visualize a bubble
(similar to one blown from a child’s soap bubble pipe complete with the rainbow patch
Rainbows are such magical symbols of connection, bridges, communication
And they come with a pot of gold (prosperity) at the end)

Visualize the bubble encompassing your whole body with you inside
Feel the warmth of its existence around you

Then affirm that it is a filter for all negativity
From within and without

Both exercises can be repeated frequently during your day
When the stresses are high
Make it the first thoughts in the morning
And the last thoughts at night
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