breadcrumb Catfoot Blog

Scheduled For Surgery.

Somebody very dear to me is scheduled for major surgery later today. Bajanshay will be taken up in hospital at 10 am Barbados local time which is about two hours from now.sigh

I spoke to her a while ago and she is in good spirits but this must be a very bad time for her, seen in the light that her grandmother passed away on Sunday and is not buried yet.sad flower

She will be taking her mobile with her and will certainly be able to read your well wishes when she recovers. She promised to phone me as soon as she is able to and I will inform you when she does.rose

Bajanshay, I think of you every moment and wish you a speedy recovery. I hope to see you back on the blogs soon again with your positive posts.bouquet
cats meow cats meow

To all my other friends, have a marvelous day.wave
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Selling My Heritage?

I feel kind of sad. On Friday, to the disgust of a part of my family, I have accepted an offer for my house after it had been in the market for four months. According to the agreement I must vacate the house by the end of June.sigh

Selling it was not easy. I have been living in this house since I inherited it 30 years ago but my memories for it goes much further. As a child I spent a lot of time here. It feels as if I’m selling a part of myself. This is where my mother and my grandfather grew up. It is as they are here every day and but I’m getting older now and the house is too big for me.blues

The property had been in my family for more than 250 years. Originally it was a farm. When part of it was proclaimed as part of the town, my grandfather sold it to a developer but he retained the house. The rest of the property he sold to a neighboring farmer. The new township developed around his house.daydream

The original house had a thatched roof but it burned down in the middle fifties and my grandfather demolished the ruins and build a new house on the same foundations.snowed in

But it is not all sadness; in some ways I am very pleased to be departing from here. The small township I live in is surrounded on three sides by agricultural land and when the farmers clean the lands, we are invaded by mice. Being on the far edge of town, the cell phone and data signals are poor and we are often without electricity due to cable theft. For some reason I forgot to mention this to the various prospective buyers.liar

And now the big work starts; getting rid of the junk I have accumulated in 30 years and I have not found alternative accommodation yet. I will be residing with my sister for a few months while the furniture, appliances and effects that I opt to keep will have to go into storage until I have made up my mind about what to do with the rest of my life.hmmm

Something tells me I’m going to be very busy during the next month.doh
cats meow cats meow

May you all have a wonderful day.wave
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Why Marry An Older Man?

We often see young girls marrying an older men. Some would say that she is just looking for a father figure in her life but there may be more to it than that.scold

For one, she may be looking at his secure financial status; life is not cheap these days and there may be some advantage in being an old man’s darling in the stead of a young man’s slave. Financial stability can be a big tie breaker. Starting off in a 3 bed room house may be preferable to starving in a one room apartment.daydream

And then an older man is generally more mature and sophisticated with a quiet confidence and years of experience and is more than often a good

He will normally be patient, punctual and will display good old fashioned values like opening the door or pulling out the chair for you. Good manners go a long way. You will find him dependable and he won’t keep you waiting for hours, nor will he get upset when you stray off the topic.hmmm

An older man can be a great teacher and you can greatly benefit from his greater experience while deeper his wisdom and ability to listen will prevent him from forcing it onto you.professor

But most of all, he can be too good a friend to lose because the relationship will mean more to him than the sex. Physical intimacy is the cherry on the cake and not the object of the issue. He has done his conquering and has nothing to proof. If it happens then it does, if not, then so be it.hug

So there may be more in an older man that meets the eye and that sexy young girl who dropped her hunk to marry an old man was perhaps much smarter than what you give her credit
cats meow cats meow

Have a wonderful day, all of ya.wave
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What The Eyes Cannot See

I stood there looking at her; she had caught me by surprise when she greeted me by name as I walked into the office.confused

“How did you know it was me,” I asked. After all, she was blind. I have heard that blind people can recognize you by your after shave lotion but I do not use any exclusive brands. It could have been anybody walking in there.dunno

“I recognized the limp in your walk.”

“I don’t limp,” I said.

“Yes, you do,” she said. “How else could I have recognized you? I recognized you the moment you stepped out the elevator.”idea

The limp is a legacy of the light stroke I suffered just over a year ago. And I worked so hard to conquer it and I thought I did but apparently it is still there. A blind receptionist/telephonist heard what was hidden to those who can

Ok granted, I have been in and out of my attorney’s office quite a few times during the last few months but not that often; maybe 8 or ten times. It is truly amazing how the other senses can compensate after the loss of a sense.hmmm

I can only admire this woman. She qualifies for a disability grant and yet she is prepared to work for her living. So unlike many others in my country, some healthy and strong, who are quite prepared to sit at home, living off a state grant. And then I wonder if she really is disabled or handicapped. I think not.thumbs up
cats meow cats meow

Have a wonderful day.wave
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Asking The Wrong Questions?

Quite often we don’t get the answers we expect because we’re not asking the right questions. It may seem silly but sometimes two questions that sound the same can have different answer. This often happens when one of the facts surrounding the question is not what we assume it to be. Let me demonstrate what I mean.professor

A super computer with a very good data link was installed on the pavement in Adderley Street, Cape Town and people were invited to ask questions as it was claimed that the computer had access to every bit of information and could answer any

The people were amazed at the speed at which the computer spat out the correct answers. One fella stood there watching it and decided to get the computer tied up.hmmm

“Where is my father?” he asked and two seconds after he had his thumbprint scanned, the computer came back and said: “Your father is fishing in Richards Bay.”idea

“Gotcha!” he said. “That is not my father. My father is dead.” The operator said it was impossible as the computer never made any mistakes and they tried again, scanning the other thumbprint. The answer came back the same.doh

“Ok, let’s try something else,” said the operator as he was tapping new commands on the keyboard. Moments later the reply came back. It said:

“Your mother’s husband is in plot 1785, Stikland Cemetery. And just for the record; your father is still fishing in Richards Bay!”tongue

So there you have it. Be careful of how you phrase your questions and don’t ask them if there is a possibility of you not liking the answer.laugh
cats meow cats meow

Have a wonderful Friday and don’t ask any wrong questions.wave
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It Is All In The Mind.

Hindus don’t eat cows because they are holy while Muslims and Jews don’t eat pigs because they are unholy. So if I have it right, an animal must be unholy before the Hindus will eat it but it must be holy before the Muslims or Jews will eat it. Then do I have to have a steak and a pork chop on my plate so they can cancel each other, just to have a normal, balanced meal?giggle

Many, many years ago I had a Jewish colleague and he arrived at my home one Sunday just as my wife was serving our Sunday lunch. We were having a leg of pork. He came to fetch something and I did not know him that well.hmmm

Hell, that chicken and gravy looks delicious. Don’t you want to give me some as well, he said

Colin, it is pork, I said.

It is only pork if you say so, he said looking very disappointed.sigh

Ok, I said somewhat puzzled, thinking that he may be offended by the pork. You’re right. It is chicken.wink

Can I have some, I’ll pay for it, he said with a smile.

Realizing that he was a bachelor, I invited him to join us for lunch and told my wife to dish up another plate of food. We sat down and he finished his plate before asking if perhaps there was more of the ‘chicken’ and my wife complied.

After lunch we agreed to cook the same food in four weeks time and he undertook to pay for all the ingredients if my wife would prepare it. We agreed. It turned out that this Jew boy had a weakness for pork.laugh

This went on for about five years, even after he left the company and continued until he was transferred to Johannesburg. I wonder if he found somebody there as well to cook his ‘chicken’.idea

One Sunday a month he would arrive, sit down for lunch, look at the food and ask me what it was, pointing at the pork. It became a ritual.

Colin, it is chicken, I would say and he would ask. Are you sure?

Yes, positively, I would say and we would enjoy the food. He always had a second helping of ‘chicken’ before leaving the money for the next meal before departing.

One night at a work function I asked him what would happen if he ate pork without knowing about it. Nothing, he said looking at me with a straight face. The sin will be on the one who lied to me.liar

I guess there will be no mercy on me.hole
cats meow cats meow

Have a great day and eat nothing holy or unholy.wave
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Love And Hate

I was always under the impression that love and hate was the same emotion; just opposite ends of the scale but I was wrong.blushing

I have learned that people can both love and hate somebody with the same intensity. This is more often so with women (no intention here of bashing women), while men rather tend to dislike.professor

Hate is a dangerous emotion and it consumes more energy than anything else. It will eat you up from the inside and spit you out as an empty shell when it has burned out, leaving you bitter and lonely. You can never be happy as long as you carry hate in your heart; it is all consuming.sigh

When you love and hate the same person, nothing – not even the death of that person – can satisfy the urge for revenge. Death will only rob you of the object of your hate and leave you empty. Therefore you would help such a person if possible if his life was in

When a man dislikes somebody intensely enough he will enter a stage of feeling nothing for that person. No love, no hate, no dislike, just nothing. The person would not exist in his life and he could not be bothered if the person was alive or not. A far more dangerous emotion or rather lack of emotion. He would literally feel nothing for the to hand

If you walk around with hate in your heart, get rid of it; before it consumes you. It will imprison your heart and ransom your soul.mumbling
cats meow cats meow

Enjoy this happy day.wave
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It Is Not For The Taking!

I am not aware of any code of law stating that it is ok to steal. When you steal you deprive somebody of something that rightfully belongs to him.scold

Being in need is not an excuse to steal what somebody else had worked for. The fact that he has plenty of what you need, neither gives you the right to steal it, nor a reason be upset if he won’t share it with you. It belongs to him to do with as he sees fit.professor

And stealing from a large company does not make it any more acceptable for you are stealing from the employees and shareholders who are all individuals in the end. By stealing from a company you are delaying or diminishing the next pay increase of every employer of that company.blues

This is nothing new. A scoundrel and thief like Robin Hood had been immortalized in our literature and is being upheld as a hero to almost every child; supposedly for robbing the rich and giving to the poor. This is where the rot starts. Stealing is made to look noble to our children.sigh

While Robin Hood may have given a bit of his loot to the poor on occasion, he mostly robbed for his own gain. The only reason why he robbed the rich and not the poor is because the poor had nothing worth stealing.grin

If we should continue to condone stealing as justified in certain cases, it will become the norm and chaos will follow. We won’t accept it when a woman gets raped because the rapist needed sex, so why are we prepared to justify theft because the thief needed the item.dunno

Whether you steal a bread or a million dollars to buy bread for a life time, stealing remains stealing, no matter which way we look at it.doh
cats meow cats meow

Enjoy the rest of your day.wave
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My Secret To Living A Longer Life

Marie Antoinette did not live long because she ate wrong. Eating cake is not conducive to a long life; you lose your head too easily. What you eat and how you exercise is very important.professor

They say that regular exercise can make you live longer but that is not true. Like all other things your heart is only good for certain number of ticks and that's it. It is called normal wear and tear. A faster heartbeat will not make you live longer; that is the equivalent of believing that revving up your car will make it last longer. If you want to live longer you have to take things slower.grin

Never ever do exercises to lose weight. Exercises make muscles bigger, not smaller. Sex is the only recommended form of exercise; practice it regularly, if possible after each meal. It also relieves stress.idea

Additional stress can be reduced by smoking. Don’t let people tell you it is harmful. You inhale so much smog and secondary smoke, it does not matter. Smoking relaxes you and builds self confidence by being able to do your own thing. It has been scientifically proven that a good healthy pair of lungs is of no use to you in your grave.smoking

The same misconception exists with meat, fruits and vegetables. If you think about it, it will make sense eventually. Poultry is a rich source of grain and perfect for breakfast. We all know that grain provides roughage. Eating pork for lunch can supply you the daily quota of junk food which, contrary to popular believe, is needed by your system. Have beef or mutton for supper. Cattle and sheep eat hay, corn and grass and therefore a sure way of supplying you with vegetables; especially the green type.burger

While at the topic of vegetables, don’t forget to eat plenty of potato fries. It is fried in vegetable oil and you can never eat enough vegetables.thumbs up

Water is another issue. Let’s forget about the poor quality of water for a minute and let’s look at the feeding value. Other than harmful bacteria and dirt particles, it contains no feeding value whatsoever. Drink wine or ciders. It is made of fruit and 4 glasses can give you all the vitamins you need.buddies

Avoid bread at all costs. We had an unlimited supply of all the ingredients to make beer until some bloody fool thought of baking bread with it. One liter of beer has the same nourishment of a whole loaf of

There is no need to thank me for this valuable advice as I render it as a public service in the interest of a longer and healthier life.banana
cats meow cats meow

Stay lose. It is Friday.cheering
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A Typical Day At The Pearly Gates.

While doing my rounds the other day, I happened to be passing by the pearly gates and stood around for a while to watch the

I wonder what sin Peter had committed to have gotten the job of gate keeper in heaven? While most people are taken straight to heaven or hell, some border cases end up in a long queue at the gates of heaven for a revue. It is a full time job.dunno

First man arrives.
Peter: What did you do to deserve heaven?
1st man: I was married to a difficult woman for 55 years. It was hell.
Peter: Come in brother. Plenty of place for the likes of you. Next!

2nd man: Peter, I was married twice. Even worse.
Peter: Go to hell. This is no place here for bloody fools. Next!

3rd man: My only daughter died with me. She is here with me
Peter: What is her name?
3rd man: Penny
Peter: Go to hell. You held money to high in esteem.

4th man: My daughter also died with me. Here she is.
Peter: And what is her name?
4th man: Cherie.
Peter: Go to hell. You though too much about alcohol. Next!

5th man looking at his daughter:
Come on Fanny, let’s go. We did not come here to be insulted.

6th man: I died jumping off a building in Johannesburg.
Peter: Why did you do it?
6th Man: Two angels from heaven told me that the exhaust gases from the cars will support me floating down gently.
Peter: Come in Brother, plenty of place here for you.
Peter on the internal phone: Gabriel, find Vorster and Verwoerd, Now!

7th man: I was a tailor; a hard working and God fearing man.
Peter: Ok, come in. And who is that woman with you?
7th man: But Peter, I told you I’m a tailor. This is my scissors.

8th man: I sold used cars.
Peter: Go to hell. How did you get here in the first place? Next!

9th man: I came home unexpectedly and found the bed unmade, 2 empty glasses on the pedestals and a necktie on the floor. I rushed to the window and saw a man without a necktie walking out the building. I dropped the fridge on top of him but my foot got tangled in the wire and it took me with the fridge.
Peter: Go to hell: That was murderous intent. Next!

10th man: I took my tie off because I messed coffee on it and when I went out my shop to buy another tie, a fridge fell out of a window; right on top of me.
Peter: Come in brother, come in. That was undeserved. Next!

11th man.: I kept lonely ladies happy; can I come in?
Peter: How did you die?
11th man: Not sure. I was just sitting inside a fridge minding my own business.

I could not stay longer but this is how it goes on every day. It is a never ending flow of people. He has to eat his meals at his counter while helping the people. Peter must have done something seriously wrong to have gotten this dreadful job.
cats meow cats meowdoh

Vasbyt! Tomorrow is Friday.wave
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An Eye For An Eye?

Does a man deserve to live after he had purposely and intentionally killed another man? I hear this nonsense all the time about his constitutional right to live but what about the rights of the person he had killed?dunno

I believe that every person has the right to live and therefore has the right to defend his own life; or the life of another, providing that he does not use excessive force. professor

Killing somebody by negligence and/or recklessness should be heavily punished according to the circumstances. We cannot claim an accident if we were reckless or negligent.scold

I don’t believe that crimes of passion or things done on the spur of the moment are any different than any other crime. If you have intended to kill at the time, you should pay for that crime.

To me attempted murder is no different than murder. Doing a bad job is no mitigation. It is the intent that matters; not the result. doh

No, I don’t think a man deserves the right to live if he had willfully killed another; no matter what the reason. He had forfeited that right when he took it away from another.
cats meow cats meow

May you have a wonderful Wednesday.wave
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An Undeserved Punishment.

It was a Monday in January 1969; a windless sunny day and we were on the beach. I was almost 17, have just passed the 11th grade and would start my final year in school in a week or two. The tourist season was at an end and the beach was fairly quiet.

It was my mother, my father, my two brothers, my sister and I. Also with us was my father’s best friend, our local preacher man with his wife, two sons and a daughter.conversing

We were all sitting under beach umbrellas while my mother dished up food that came with the picnic basket. The stage was set for the disaster about to

Along came a man, visibly drunk, carrying a gallon of cheap wine. He was followed by a woman carrying picnic basket. Next came a string of 8 children, ranging from about 16 to 5 in age, each one carrying something. The man pointed to a spot right next to us and declared that they will sit right there. Every second word started with a capital ‘F’.doh

The man got talkative and asked my father if he was on leave for being able to relax on the beach on a Monday. My father confirmed that he was on leave.blah blah

And you, big man, the man said to our preacher, who must have had a good physique before his stomach ran off for a career of its own. Are you also on leave or did you book off sick for the day? Note that the F-words were still used very lavishly.uh oh

No, said our preacher, I don’t work on Mondays, it is my day off.

That is funny, he said, my day off is on a Sunday.

No, our preacher replied, on Sundays I work full time.

The man looked at our preacher with real incredibility in his eyes. F*ck, he said with disgust, but you’re working for a shit boss.shock

I started laughing uncontrollably and so did all the other kids. Eventually I left my food and went into the water, still laughing and within a minute I was joined by the preacher’s eldest son. Every time we looked at each other, we started laughing again.rolling on the floor laughing

That night, about five weeks before my 17th birthday, we had another kitchen table trial. The charge? Being a bad example. My father ruled that I was not too old for a hiding and afterwards, while I stood in my bedroom rubbing my stinging backside, I was still laughing. I daresay, my last hiding was about the only one I did not deserve.laugh
cats meow cats meow

Enjoy this day and remember, Tuesday's child is full of grace.wave
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