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The Source – Part 2

Some seek to impose a form on this divine essence
through the creation of dogma and religion
Others transcend all religious dogma
and relate to this essence directly

We are all connected
to that mystical primordial source
which underlies and transcends
all time and space

It floods the consciousness
lifting it to a dimension
that lies beyond
thought and language

We are all connected to that source
for there is a fundamental unity
of everything in the cosmos
of which we are merely a part

The Source, which is the essence, underlies all religions. Religion, with its belief system involving concepts, is a form. It seeks to conceptualize the source in thought, words and language but this is impossible since the source, the essence, cannot be conceptualized. It is beyond all concepts. It can only be apprehended directly through experience.
In the attempt to conceptualize the source, different groups have come up with different conceptualizations. This has given rise to different religions, which are just various forms that seek to express the same essence or source. In this regard, all religions, including those of indigenous and “so-called” primitive peoples are valid forms that seek to express the same source or essence.
The problem with religion comes about when one religion claims that it alone is right and the others are wrong, or that it is better than the rest. Such a religion may seek to impose itself, overtly or covertly, on others. This may be done in genuine sincerity, since such persons believe that this is justifiable, in accordance with the teachings of their religion. Many wars have been fought, claiming many lives, in the name of religion.
Although there may be some differences in the teachings of the various religions, at the core, the moralistic perspective is similar. Do not kill other persons or steal from them, etc.. This is nicely encapsulated in the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.
This is not meant to downplay the psychological security persons obtain from their belief in the teachings of a paricular religion. However, this does not establish that that religion is the so called “true path” and the others are wrong as some persons would like to think. How do we know that persons who believe just as sincerely in the teachings of another religion do not obtain a similar sense of psychological security, or even deeper, in their religious beliefs? We can only speak for ourselves despite what “our” religion may teach. Remember, the persons who believe in that other religion may just as easily claim that their religion is the “true path” on the basis of the psychological security it gives them.
Having sincere faith or belief in something, which may provide psychological security, does not necessarily make that something absolutely true. The security comes not from the object of one's belief but from the “act of belief” itself in the teachings of a religion, whatever that religion may be.
With all the uncertainties of life that we face, having an anchor that provides a sense of psychological security can be an important coping mechanism. So if you believe in the teachings of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism or any other religion and it gives you a sense of psychological security to cope with your daily life, then by all means continue to do so. But please respect the religious beliefs of others that may differ from yours.
I fully support the role religion plays as a coping mechanism but that does confer on it the status of “absolute truth”, whichever religion it is, as some may claim.

The Source - Part 1

We are all connected
to that mystical primordial source
which underlies and transcends
all time and space

It floods the consciousness
lifting it to a dimension
that lies beyond
thought and language

To some
the source is manifested as a divine essence
with an attribute of the holy
that instils a sense of awe and worship

To some
the source is the essence of the creative spirit
that seeks expression
in original works of art

The source lies beyond thought and language
As Lao-tse says:
He who knows does not speak
He who speaks does not know

We are all connected to that source
for there is a fundamental unity
of everything in the cosmos
of which we are merely a part

Pope Francis has it right when it comes to money

Atlanta Archibishop Wilton Gregory did the right thing when he sold his $2.2 million Atlanta home. He was so wrong, from the start. His first act of wrongness was building the mansion. His second act of wrongness was his initial statement that he “would consider selling the mansion.” If he was at all in tune with Pope Francis, his first statement would have been, “I will sell the property.” He eventually sold it.

Reportedly, Joseph Mitchell, nephew of Margaret Mitchell who authored the book, “Gone with the Wind,” bequested $15 million to the Archdiocese. Gregory openly used some of the funds for his personal dwelling. And, there is at least one other archbishop who committed a similar act. Reportedly, Newark Archbishop John Myers was crucified by his parishioners for spending $500,000 to beautify and upgrade his retirement home. Amazingly, these two men made such expenditures despite the position of the pope! And, thats not all. The Vatican forced German Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst to submit his resignation for the same type of “unholiness.” This man spent $31 million euros ($43 million) on his own residence. German people were outraged. Reportedly, the mansion had conference halls, a museum, private apartments, and a chapel.

Where is this nonsense coming from? The new pope is clear. The pope don’t play that. Upon his appointment he clearly showed his expectations for respecting and uplifting families and individuals who were poor and disenfranchised. The blueprint for the issues that were to define the pope’s expectations were forthright and in some instances “shocked the world.”

He criticized capitalism and called upon the rich to share their wealth and challenged the media to refocus on priorities. Let’s recall some excerpts from the pope’s speech, following his appointment:

“How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it’s news when the stock market loses two points. Today, everything comes under the laws of competition and the survival of the fittest, where the powerful feed upon the powerless.”

He commented on the idolatry of money. He said:

“I prefer a church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets rather than a church which is unhealthy from being confirmed and clinging to its own security.”

Before any Protestants start throwing stones, take a look at Protestant ministers. Joel Osteen, senior pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. He has a private residence valued at $10.5 million. Osteen boasts that he does not take a salary from his church. He really doesn’t need the church’s money as he makes his money selling books. However, the congregation made him rich before he sold one book. He has made millions on his publications with book advances as high as $13 million. Osteen pastors the largest congregation in America. And, there are others who are reportedly multi-millionaires living in mansions. Chris Oyakhiome has a net worth of $50 million, Benny Hinn $42 million, and Creflo Dollar (pardon the pun) $27 million, to name a few. These men sport BMWs, Rolexes and mansions, while most of us have trouble keeping our cars in running condition, while wearing mickey mouse watches, and paying mortgages on average priced homes which are badly in need of repairs.

Osteen’s on-going verbiage is, “You are entitled to a life of abundance God intended for you.” If God intended for all of us to have financial abundant lives then why are there millions of faithful, dedicated poor Christians? If the wealthy ministers have millions of dollars tied up in cars, why not sell a few and buy some of the carless worshippers Impalas? And, what about those faithful worshippers who give their last dollars in collection plates, through faith, in lieu of paying their utility bill, and have no heat the next week?

Nature in Your Life and Better Health

Is more nature in your life the secret to better overall health?

Do you have nature deficiency disorder? Increasingly, we have become an indoor society as well as one that is glued to a screen of some sort (ie: hand held devices, tablets, laptops, etc.). Nature is the outdoor environment that includes close association with trees, plants, open air and sunshine. It doesn’t have to be in the wilderness and can include time spent in a park, a local trail or conservation area. Gardening outdoors is another simple way to be in nature, even if you live in a big city. There is a growing body of evidence indicating that there are significant health benefits from simply being in nature.

Health Benefits:

1. Being outdoors means more opportunity for the sun to stimulate vitamin D production in your skin. Simply put, more nature means more vitamin D in your body. On it’s own, vitamin D can benefit cognition, mood, immune functions and bone health.

2. Nature speeds healing. A study that looked at recovery after gallbladder removal surgery compared two groups: those with a room with a window view of a natural scene compared to those with the view of a brick wall. Those with a nature view had a shorter hospital stay, gave less negative comments and took fewer potent painkilling medications.

3. Nature has restorative effects on the mind and on your energy overall. Compare the typical urban environment where there are many things that demand your attention: the cars driving by, constant and varying noises, many lights and other stimuli. However, in nature, it’s a different kind of busy: sounds of the wind in the trees or of a nearby stream or brook or birds chirping. Nature provides more interesting ways to observe and engage as opposed to the sudden and dramatic stimuli in the city environment. Studies on mental benefits of nature walks have shown that they can restore and improve cognitive functions and performance.

4. More calories burned. Exercise done outdoors burns more calories when compared to the same amount of time and exercise performed indoors.

5. There are social health benefits with access to nature. A Chicago study found that there is a significant decrease in crime rates, violence and aggression when urban areas are surrounded by green space compared to other urban areas with limited greenery. Think about how you can green your space, even if it is just indoor plants and indoor gardening…and watch your mind bloom!

6. The Journal of Health Psychology published a study that looked at how the body recuperated after a stressful experience. The researchers found that 30 minutes of gardening after a stressful experience reduced the level of stress hormone (cortisol) much more effectively than reading a book indoors. It also found that gardening led to a significantly more positive mood.

7. Nature can also invoke deeper feelings of connectedness and inspiration. Imagine the power and awe of witnessing a waterfall, or an expansive mountain scene or of a flowering meadow. Studies have found improved aspects of spiritual well-being such as an improved sense of purpose, connectedness and faith in a larger reality.

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True And Only Path To God (Repost)

In order for God to be "God", he must allow every individual an equal opportunity to attain or experience salvation otherwise, he will not be fair as he is supposed to be. If the starting point for the attainment or experience of salvation is based on the knowledge of the teachings and scriptures of a particular religion, each individual must be exposed to that knowledge, especially if such knowledge is "external" in the sense that he or she cannot arrive at the details of such knowledge on his or her own. Clearly, it is a fact that since the inception of human existence, many people have lived their entire lives and died without knowledge of any religion that may make the claim to be the true and only path to God. The only "religion" that may avoid this dilemma is one in which the individual can "realize" the relevant knowledge on his or her own, without dependence on "external" knowledge.

A few years ago, I watched in amazement, at a BBC news broadcast on television. A small aircraft was flying over a remote forested area in South America and it showed pictures taken from the air of a clearing in the forest in which there was a "primitive" hut or human dwelling place. The most amazing part of the newscast was that it showed a group of human beings close to the hut aiming their bows and arrows upwards, apparently at the small aircraft flying overhead. This strongly suggests that those people, at least up to that point in time, would have had no contact with the "outside" world. How could such people and their ancestors have heard the message of any "outside" religion, especially one that may claim to be the true and only way to God? More than likely, they must have their own religion.

I tried to locate, on the internet, a copy of the news documentary to which I referred but was unsuccessful. I shall be grateful if anyone can locate such a copy and post the link on this blog to share with others.
However, I came up with a link showing an "uncontacted" tribe in the Amazon jungle that can be viewed at:

Some Christians refer to John 14:6 to support their claim that their religion is the way to God, not a way, indicating it as the true and only way.
Muslims refer to the Quran as the Final Revelation and use this to support their claim that their religion, Islam, is the true way to God.
Some other religions may also make this claim.
What is the fate of those who have never even heard of any religion, whatever it may be, that makes the claim to be the true and only way?

Do you think that it is possible for a person to have a "direct" awareness or experience of God that is independent on the teachings of any religion?
Perhaps, this is what the term "spiritual but not religious" refers to.

(BTW, I could have also referred to God as SHE in this blog. Several religions do, especially the earlier ones)
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Life itself is bigger than any love affair
The magic of being in love may disappear
One partner may become tired of what both share
Leaving the other in a sad state of despair

If you are one with love that is still enduring
Please be thankful each day for what you are sharing
If the love you once shared has come to an ending
Though it may not be easy please stop your crying

The price you are now paying with your suffering
Is not worth someone who is no longer caring
So just wipe away all those tears and start smiling
Lift your head up and see the sun is still shining

Listen to the birds and you will hear them singing
Look at a sunset and enjoy what you're seeing
Feel the glorious warmth of the sunshine on your skin
Enjoy fully the wondrous beauty of living

Even though life may not be peaceful as a dove
Here is something you should always mindful of
Love of life is more precious than all other love
Grasp this sacred treasure with blessings from above

OK, so you and your bf/gf or spouse have broken up, or he/she has died. Though it may not be easy, now it is time to get a hold of yourself and move on with your life.

This poem is dedicated to such persons. Remember:
Love of life is more precious than all other love
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Factors that Make a Difference in Marital Success

According to research, even before a marriage begins, several factors influence a couple's chances for success. Some are under the couple's control; others are not.

1. Parent's Marriage. If a couple's parents were happily married, the couple is more likely to be happily married and less likely to divorce. Of course, many individuals whose parents divorced are able to establish happy marriages, but the odds favor those with happily married parents.

2. Childhood. An individual who had a happy, "normal" childhood is more likely to be successful in marriage.

3. Length of Acquaintance. Generally, the longer the acquaintance, the more likely the marriage will be successful. Those who have known each other over one year have better odds than those with acquaintanceships less than a year.

4. Age. In general, those who are older when married have more stable marriages. For example, those who marry at 20 years or older have marriages that last twice as long as those who marry under age 20.

5. Parental Approval. Parental approval is related to marriage success for two reasons: 1) approving parents are more supportive, and 2) disapproving parents may be seeing real problems that will create difficulties for the couple.

6. Premarital Pregnancy. Marriages that are the result of pregnancy have a high rate of failure. Fifty percent end within five years.

7. Reasons for Marriage. Marriages begun because of genuine understanding and caring have better success than those started for the "wrong reasons," such as getting away from home, rebellion, or wanting to be "grown up."

Once a couple is married, additional factors tend to influence their likelihood of marital success.

1. Attitudes. A democratic attitude, where both seek to cooperate and compromise is most functional.

2. In-laws. Especially if couples live close to parents, getting along with in-laws is important.

3. Common Interests. Couples with shared interests are more likely to participate in activities together and develop greater understanding and empathy for each other.

4. Do Opposites Attract? In general, the more similar a couple's background in terms of education, religion, nationality, and social status, the better.

5. Children. Children strengthen an already strong marriage, but may only "hold together" a poor one.

6. Communication. Happily married couples tend to: (a) talk to each other more often, (b) are more sensitive to each other's feelings, and (c) use non-verbal communication more effectively.

7. Roles. Similar expectations of work roles, housework roles, and spouse roles is one of the most important factors in marriage. If both spouses are traditional, that works wonderfully - as it does if both are more contemporary. The greatest conflicts occur when wives are more contemporary than husbands in what they consider the "right" roles for husbands and wives.

8. Personality. Obviously, the personality of the individuals involved is one of the most crucial factors. Traits such as emotional stability, self-control, affection, responsibility, favorable self-perception, and optimism are correlated with good marriage adjustment.

9. Religious Participation. Religiosity and marital success are related, regardless of denomination, as has been demonstrated consistently in studies over many years.

There are many factors related to background, upbringing, or circumstances that tend to be in a couple's favor for having a successful marriage. Many couples will not have all of these factors in their favor and will still have successful marriages. Some with the odds in their favor will fail, nevertheless. Part of the difference lies in the extent to which couples take care of their marriage. Every marriage needs thought and effort to improve.

What do you think?

Group Discussion & Cross Talk(on topic) encouraged!
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Marriage: Failure & Success

World's 10 Most Divorced Nations:

1. Belgium - 71%
2. Portugal - 68%
3. Hungary - 67%
4. Czech Republic - 66%
5. Spain - 61%
6. Luxembourg - 60%
7. Estonia - 58%
8. Cuba - 56%
9. France - 55%
10.USA - 53%

More divorce statistics(including other countries) from another source:

Worldwide Divorce Rates ““ Top 20
Countries with Highest Divorce Rates per Capita

1. Belarus 68%
2. Russian Federation 65%
3. Sweden 64%
4. Latvia 63%
5. Ukraine 63%
6. Czech Republic 61%
7. Belgium 56%
8. Finland 56%
9. Lithuania 55%
10. United Kingdom 53%
11. Moldova 52%
12. United States 49%
13. Hungary 46%
14. Canada 45%
15. Norway 43%
16. France 43%
17. Germany 41%
18. Netherlands 41%
19. Switzerland 40%
20. Iceland 39%
21. Kazakhstan 39%

(Differences are to be expected but except for Iceland 39% and Kazakhstan 39%, the rate per country exceeds 40%.)

The above-stated statistics give rise to the following questions:

Why do marriages fail?

What contributes to success in marriage?

(What do you think?)

Group Discussion & Cross Talk Encouraged!

All views welcome! (except for Cupcakes)
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Intellectualism, Intelligence & Marriage

I did a previous blog entitled “The Intellectual and the Intelligent”.
The first comment I received (from a prominent blogger) stated:
“I see you are not intelligent even if you are an intellectual”.

When I queried the basis of that assessment, I was told:
“My one teacher friend has a lot of intellectual ways of being, but she has no intelligence when it comes to capture a man as she nags about all the I say you can be intellectual on many things in life, but you do not have to be intelligent at the same time...”

(My CS profile lists my marital status as Never Married)

I responded saying I agreed with the last part of the statement:
" I say you can be intellectual on many things in life, but you do not have to be intelligent at the same time..."
and continued:

"But does that mean my having been a teacher, like your friend, automatically make me not intelligent? Or is it also because I was never married, perhaps like your friend whom you say has no intelligence to capture a man? However, I do not think I am a nag(at least no one, so far, has told me that I am).
Oh well, poor unintelligent(or should I say dumb) me!"

Is there a relationship between being intelligent and getting married?

Any Comments?
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Anonymity Of The Internet And Monstrous Behaviour

The anonymity of the internet is to blame for the rise in online trolls targeting women because it has removed natural constraints on "monstrous" behaviour, a leading neurologist has suggested.

Baroness Susan Greenfield, a professor of pharmacology at Oxford University, said humans had evolved a "handbrake" to stop them disclosing all their thoughts in real life.
But, she argued, while the physical "constraints" of body language protect them from sharing "monstrous" thoughts in real life, it no longer applies from behind a screen.
Instead, a lack of empathy from the anonymity of the internet has now led to "appalling behaviour", with keyboard warriors issuing rape threats, bomb threats, and showing the "worst side of human nature".

Earlier this month, MP Stella Creasy, campaigner Caroline Criado-Perez, classicist Professor Mary Beard, and female journalists were the subject of rape and bomb threats on Twitter, while teenager Hannah Smith is reported to have committed suicide after being bullied online.

Baroness Greenfield told an audience the computer screen had given "spiteful people" a new means of expression without normal social concerns.
She said: "Of course there's always been bullying, there's always been spiteful people.
But until the screen gave a platform and the cyberworld gave them a means of expression and an anonymity, we have always been constrained."

"What biology has done, and this is very clever, is that we have body language, we have eye contact, and voice tone, and blushing and so on.
Biology has done this because the human tendency is to self-disclose about everything all the time, as an antidote to loneliness and its good for your health.
But we need to be constrained because if you do that unconditionally to anyone, potentially they can manipulate you; they can have power."

"So what has happened is that we've developed a handbrake.
If you don't have that biological handbrake - the eye contact, the body language, the blushing, the voice tone - it gives you slowly the confidence and the proof that you can disclose to someone else."
She added: "If you let it all hang on, then I'm afraid we have the problem of the monstrous things people are saying online, when they have the anonymity of the blogosphere.
It's not that the blogosphere is making people like that; it's like Lord of the Flies. It's giving people the chance to express the worst side of human nature which is normally constrained by body language."

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I just received the following email which I want to share with CS folks.
What do you think?

27 yr-old man, new york, District of Columbia USADate:4 minutes agoSubject:hello Mail History block member


AEP Corporate Headquarters
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Phone: (614) 716-1000

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be warn scammers make use of our website for scamming Do not reply any message or email that do not bear our headquarters.......

AEP Corporate Headquarters
1 Riverside Plaza
Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: (614) 716-1000
Nickolas akin B.O.D
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Whose judgement is better? Men or Women?

A married couple had opposing views on which was the better way to do something. After they argued for a while, the wife said:

"OK dear, we'll do it your way.
Your judgement is better than mine.

You chose to marry ME.
I chose to marry YOU."

(Courtesy of Andy and Flo)

Who has better judgement? Men or women?

Of course, it may depend on the nature of the matter involved.
You may specify accordingly, giving examples to support your answer.

(This is a group interactive blog)
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