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In 1321, the Last Cathars Perfect, Guillaume Belibaste, was burned by the inquisition at the stake. The High Spiritual Ingewide made a prophecy before he died:
'' In 700 years the laurel will be green again, good people will come back ''
2021 is the fulfillment of this prophecy.
Cathars considered the laurel as the sacred symbol of pure love. When inquisitors executed Catharen, the martyrs said: '' the laurel wilted, pure love dies." But they had holy faith and new that one day the laurel would turn green again.
The souls of '' the PURE ", the Cathars, the Bogomiles, return to this age!
They first appeared in the 10th century in the Balkans (Bulgaria), they were Christians who wanted to revive true apostolic Christianity.
In the 11th century hundreds of thousands of them were chased out of the Bulgarian countries and settled across Europe and became known as Cathars.
In Europe alone there were 50 million people who followed Catharism (in France, Italy, Germany, etc.). ) until they were completely eradicated and killed by the inquisition specially founded to destroy Catharism (the pure hearted).
Cathars lived a simple life. They shared what they had, fed the needy, cared for work in their craft workshops, comforted and cared for the sick.
They lived according to the virtues of early apostolic Christianity: unlimited kindness, perfect purity, holy love, peace, divine wisdom, and divine righteousness. They didn't reject anyone.
Cathars were a peaceful people who found millions of followers. They have inaugurated every dedicated member in Higher states of consciousness, after a purification period (catharsis). They knew the secrets of the universe and the creation...
In all places where Cathar / Bogomilian values were accepted, people lived in societies that were way ahead of their time, with material and spiritual prosperity unknown in neighboring feudal societies.
Women had equal rights as men, and were also priests and rulers, everyone received free education and could read and write, everything was mutual possession. All this during the Middle Ages when most other people were feudal slaves living in conditions that barely exceeded animals.
Cathar and Bogomil societies were so ahead of their time, that they were the first to create the motto and lived: '' Freedom, equality and brotherhood ". Far before the French Revolution, and far before the '' Aquarius '' era. That's when all humanity will live by these principles.
The ideals and principles of the Cathars began the Renaissance and the increase in human consciousness. Some famous Cathars are: Leonardo Da Vinci, Miguel de Cervantes, Shakespeare, Ramon Llull.
My best friends,
Many of you are those souls who were persecuted 700 years ago, killed by millions, oppressed because of their advanced humanist ideals and pure love.
We came back as the prophecy said-700 years from the moment the last of us were killed, so we can recreate the ideal society of Love, Freedom and Brother/Sisterhood that was way ahead of his time, but now THE time is coming!
2021 is when the Love and good people return to take over from the forces of darkness! It was ordered by God/ess and nothing can overthrow this!
2021 is exactly when Saturn and Jupiter join Waterman and the principles of '' Freedom, Equality and Brother/Sisterhood '' can be incarnated!
So fear not, some powers in power may have other plans for humanity, might try to suppress the voice of those who have returned, but nothing can stop us from fulfilling our destiny and inheritance!

The NATURE of all “things”?

Duality to overcome to become One again
Every question has the answer within itself otherwise it would not be a question in the first place.
Every problem has an solution otherwise it is not a problem.
The Universal Law of One as the sacred Womb of Chaos
That is where nature comes from The plus and minus /Yin and Yang
The polarity of two energies equal in strength Bringing order in the chaos

When there is one two will come , when there is three one has to leave.
Whatever that might mean it has been said as the riddle of nature

On this Planet Earth we use four as base to create
To learn about and live by the laws of nature
Earth Water Fire and Air the building blocks from the beginning of time and space
The physical the emotional the mental and the spiritual
As above so below or is it the other way around? As below so above

The four seasons is to be seen in its cycle as the answer found of the nature of all things
The four directions North Cold East sun-rising South warmth West sun-setting
The four levels of the human brain. The Mind, Intelligence. Memory and oops forgot what the last one was sorry lol must be personality Ego
The pope the cardinal the priest the sheep
The president the minister the mayor the people
The Captain the Officer the crew the passenger
The Soul the Higher self the Ego the Lower self

SPRING is the morning ,seeding with thoughts for the day to come, watering it into germination with the emotional connection
Childhood up untill eaten for the tree of knowledge
The garden of Eden where all is in perfect harmony
The foreplay in any (adult) s*xual encounter

SUMMER is the afternoon the flower of what has been seeded you have to keep on watering it is essential to be able to stay involved
Pre adulthood exploring the field of differences
The penetration merging the two into one the beauty of the body

AUTUMN is the evening the harvest time of fruits and nuts and depending on the thoughts of morning Some call this Karma
Adulthood family
The o*gasm collecting the essence of “Love”

WINTER is the night time ploughing the soil. Turning it upside down taking out as many weed roots as possible in the knowledge of the soul that they will return
Retirement, the elder, peace
The aftermath resting in each others arms.

“WINTER IS COMING” what does that mean to you >>??
RA 08102019
professor doh banana
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Talking vibrations

Our Human body contains 70^%+ liquid
Every cell “communicates” with the other cells through the network of liquids
Ever cell has its own Electro magnetic field EMF
During the life time experiences, cultural and religious believes the magnetic field in its origin becomes “polluted” out of tune, dis-harmonized when we grow up

The physical body (entity Earth) is the container of 70%+ liquid and one of the best transporters of (sound) vibration. The music and/or sound we hear with the ears brings images into the imagination and has its effects on the mental body ( entity Fire) The vibration of the sounds that are coming at us through the Air. Penetrates through the skin into the container (as a pebble thrown in pond) expressed in feelings in the emotional body ( entity Water)

And can re-activate the self-healing power that every human has. Available, when used with awareness and intention of the sound creator
Every cell, every organ in the human body has the memory of its original state (vibration number)
Any stress or pain in the system causes disharmony. As a pollution in the magnetic field.
The sound vibrations created with the gongs (by the method I use) are carrying all vibration numbers of cells and organs, transported through the liquid system of the body.
As a massage from inside out, touching the tension spots and making them more flexible again.
Cells and organs recognize their original “tone” and start to resonate back to their “number” of origin

After 20 years self study as sound creator this became my believe and truth at the moment
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What do you think IT is?

I think IT IS,

IT is part of you
It comes in all different shapes
To trick you.
IT does not even hesitate to come
As your mother or any beloved.

IT is energy, your energy!
That has been lurking around every corner
IT is all your fears desires guilt illness
Shame sorrow the lying you did
To yourself of not being worthy,
The illusions and the holding on
To victim role modeling
IT is the fight between
Michael and Lucifer,
Horus and Seth
IT is duality
The closer one gets to the LIGHT
The bigger the resistance is from IT,
On the journey home
There is no other way then facing IT,
IT smells rotten death disgusting, I
IT wants to kill you before you reach home.
IT keeps on building up strength
From the running away from IT,
A battle has to start sooner or later,

The battle is now happening within you
And has been for many live times,
IT comes with you when you are born,
As IT is part of you from the beginning of times
IT will come back to fight the light
As he cannot exist in darkness alone,
IT needs light to be dark
IT is the teacher It
Is the light bringer LUCIFER
To shine his darkness so light can exist.

IT is the battle between consciousness and UN consciousness
Awake and asleep for the light.
At the darkest of the night
The new day arrives
The moon the sun
IT is the moon it is energy
That shows itself in many shapes
IT is the devil

Through the breastplate of wisdom
Shield of knowledge and sword of truth
You can fight the battle
against your own darkness
But you have to turn around and face it,
The swords of truth will start singing
The tone F heart vibration
The shield and breastplate as well
Nothing can penetrate the light
No dark IT can,
IT wants to kill from inside out,

The fight as it should be,
The fear and weakness you feel
Gives IT the power
To show himself in the illusions
And IT is wounded and furiously angry
Because you chose for the light
and love instead
For IT the dark green side of fears
And illnesses of you,
Fighting against your own light,

Yes sometimes it almost killed
You many times before,
Now it’s time to say ENOUGH,
As to what I feel,
The truth knowledge and wisdom
Are not outside anymore

They merged completely
within your system
Like the Hieros Gamos
the sacred marriage.
The opening of the third eye.
The veils of illusion are lifted.

IT can not be killed
But conquered it can
IT will come back in every occasion
That creates the energy to exist,
As long as you do not realize
That you ARE the LIGHT
And look clairvoyant
to what IT is

And you are never alone
That’s IT, IT IS,

Dark green / Peridot
Is light shining green, is you
The same dark green I have
Been confronted with many lifetimes
And it’s your love light that made me face the illusion
Of the power of IT,

That’s the strength
Of your light which is me
Light penetrates everything
No matter how dark,
Dark does not penetrate light.
Shine the light and all
That wants to kill you
Will disappear,
I honor you for the courage to face IT...
You still shine again so
IT lost its grip. On you
IT is you and me
As part of US,
As the Warriors of the light


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