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The Covid-19 Joke

I am laughing my butt off at this, let me tell you what I see...

People keep quoting the WHO (world health organization) for saying "we don't know if being immune to covid 19 will give you immunity to covid 19."


Let me run some fact across anyone who is not boycotting every fake news outlet that's pushing this crap cuz the jokes getting old.

Every time the body becomes infected with an illness it becomes Immune to it in 1 of 2 ways.

1.) Your body identifies the infection, makes white blood cells to kill the infection, clears the infection and remembers what it is like (this is why a vaccine works, once your body has both been exposed to and cleared the virus you are immune ... PERIOD ... there is no "we don't know if you are immmuuuunnnneeee"
Watch the anime "cells at work" if you need this explained like your a 5 year old.

Now if this doesn't work move on to option 2.)

2.) the virus kills you... making it impossible for you to be reinfected... thus... still immune. Funny right !?!?
: D

Isn't that neat, how simple biology is?

So please, when some idiot starts talking about how "we don't know if you can be reinfected or not BE AFRAID!" Block them, boycott that news station and email them WHY.

Laugh at them too, may as well let them know we are on to them... and then never use that news source ever again. (not like we can't get real news from social media, heck I know more about what is going on in the world from people I play video games with who live all around the world and like to gossip!)
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