For God’s sake, give it a rest

The original words that were translated, interpreted and then compiled into what has come to be known as the Bible, were written by men. I don’t think that is in dispute. Things only start to become contentious when it is claimed that these men were simply taking down dictation from God; or at least that is what I understand is being claimed by the people who describe the Bible as the word of God. Just how reliable can we take these ancient scribes to be? How can we be sure they weren’t just making it all up?.

When we don’t even seem to be able to trust the information coming to us hot off the press, informing us about current events as they are happening, how much faith can justifiably be put in stuff that was reported hundreds of years ago.

God may well be up there in his Heaven, who knows? It’s not for me to say he isn’t. It just strikes me as questionable that an awful lot of people are willing to accept an archaic collection of words, written by rather primitive people, as the manufactures manual on the way the Human Race should conduct itself on planet Earth.

I only say this in response to the current onslaught of apocalyptic warnings we are experiencing. I don’t particularly want to question anyone’s beliefs but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to raise the issue when people are continually trying to interfere with mine.
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