What is Reality? - Part4 (Self Understanding and Reality)

Perhaps the most delicate and certainly the most important area of which the individual seeks an understanding to some extent, which may vary from person to person, is that of his/her psyche or mind in relation to his/her existence where the term mind is viewed as the capacity for thought or mental activity. Most people, if not all, at some time, seek to understand themselves or this mental activity through which they can define an identity of their own, with a view towards finding some meaning or purpose in their existence. Philosophy itself seeks an answer to this quest on a broader basis.

The method of approach used towards the attainment of such an understanding is generally the observation of one's thoughts, feelings, desires, etc., in addition to one's behaviour, and the subsequent attempt to find some logical interrelation between these factors on the basis of which a “sensible” deduction can be made. The above-stated factors may be considered to be subjective knowledge, i.e. knowledge of the effects of the mind. Perhaps the stated description of a general method of approach may not be very exact, seeing that each individual decides his/her method of approach. Yet it appears that in most cases, strong emphasis is placed on the use of logical reasoning applied to subjective knowledge. As is commonly stated, most people try to make sense, i.e. logical sense ,of it all. However, this raises the question: Is it possible for the human mind to arrive at a true and complete understanding of itself through the process of logical reasoning seeing it can only acquire subjective knowledge of itself, i.e. knowledge of its effects?

Through the process of logical reasoning, the human mind may try to arrive at an explanation of the causes that produce these effects, but it can never acquire objective knowledge of itself directly in order that it may validate the deductions it made about itself through logical reasoning. For to acquire objective knowledge of itself, i.e. direct knowledge of the causes responsible for its effects, mind would have to break itself into fragments and then make observations about these fragments thereby acquiring direct knowledge about the causes of its effects. This obviously would be impossible since mind would no longer exist, seeing that now there would only be fragments of mind and not mind as a whole to make the observations about its fragments.
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Comments (9)

As the Greek said:

"Know Thyself".

"The unexamined life is not worth living".
We will never fully know ourselves, although some people are definitely more self-aware than others.
But for me at least, I am constantly learning new things about myself as I experience new things.
Ah Socrates I usually do a list yearly, just to see fors and against my wellbeing. Things I may have got onto bad habits, or some traits that I don't like about myself. A lot is life changes and we subconsciously adjust, is it good (for me) I ask myself. A lot is to do with feeling inside, how does ME make me feel.

I do not think I will ever understand myself fully grin I reckon that is good I can never bore myself only amaze myselflaugh you can as afterthought maybe understand a reflex action or spoken word , but just my thoughts anyway.
Wishing you well Socrates teddybear
The problem here is, that are we talking only about the part of us,that we operate with in the ordinary life alone or do we accept into the question also the part of us that operate in the non ordinary life and even more extreme, the part of us, that are able to operate in the superior part of existence, where the ability to create is coming in..........the clear majority of people try to understand their self, from the built up shallow self, that they have inherited from the society,that has surround them trough the life......that is like a Matrix.
If we are in fact in the real, interested who we are as a whole, then there are going to come out all the time more and more surprises about our self ......and more honest we are about our self ,more deeper it is going to go and somewhere in the line, we start to get out knowledge from the non ordinary part.....where we start to understand about our original Self.....and when we start to get contact to that part in our self, it could easily turn us in to chock waves, when we start to understand, that many things we believe in, have nothing to do with the facts........I don't go further, as I only wanted to scratch the surface of a bigger and deeper understanding about the whole subject of SELF. wave

That entity we refer to as self is dynamic in nature.
As you mentioned, a person is constantly learning
new things about himself/herself.

"A lot is to do with feeling inside, how does ME make me feel."

I think that, in seeking to understand ourselves, a lot of us are guided by
that feeling deep inside us as you mentioned.

Thanks for your kind wishes.
I also wish you well.

."the clear majority of people try to understand their self, from the built up shallow self, that they have inherited from the society,that has surround them trough the life"

I assume you refer to that aspect of self as the ordinary part.

You also mentioned "original self".
How does a person acquire knowledge of this original self?

In addition, you mentioned:
"many things we believe in, have nothing to do with the facts."
Can you elaborate on that?

I agree that there are many facets to that entity we call self,

Thanks for your thoughts on understanding and knowing oneself.

now you are really opening up to the facts..... first you came up with the very limited Science, but Mystics has already thousands of years ago, got far deeper than science, that still struggle with quantum, string, holograph and even Matrix issues.......all is about TIME and linked to it are all different Dimensions .

All what we see, all what exist in our ordinary life is blocked into a limited time frame and more calculating we are as persons, more we are bound into it.....but we can broke out from it, by manipulating the time, where slowing down the speed, we are coming in to the non ordinary Reality and if we can reach the stand still, then we are able to close in and to pass the fire wall to Superior Reality...where all new creation take place......that is what Tesla was also talking about as his experience, where he could see the past, the present and the future all in the same time.
As you came up with Ultimate Reality as the word, it looks like it is a identification of both non ordinary and as I have named it, Superior Reality together......but I know from own experience, that they are separated and there is an own Fire Wall between them.
Almost all famous men in the World, starting from Einstein, Tesla and Jung, that have came up with something fundamental new in science, that has made possible a frame, for a wider development in it's field....ALL talk about flashes in their mind, that made them to understand.....and even they did not perhaps understand, how it happened or what it was, they in fact experienced,"Time slowing down, that make a Vacuum of a special superior Dimension"
As there are ordinary Reality, non ordinary Reality and Superior Reality, there are also different Dimensions in the same categories......we all Humans have slightly different time speed in our ordinary Dimension and we can also experience different speeds of time in our own life....as ordinary Dimension has it's limits and there is a fire wall that has to be opened, before our mind can alter the non ordinary Dimension, we have to experience something, that bring our mind into a kind like a separated vacuum, where the normal life in some way out from our senses, and here Socrates is the point, where all your explained affections are coming in as openers to that non ordinary side......so it can be triggered by many different affections.....also mass excitement of many people together can get it to open.
Meditation,specially when worked out in a more developed form, give the tools to break trough the fire wall into non ordinary Reality, directed by intention and with more development in skills, it is possible to attend the Superior Reality too and also directed by clear intention.
When there has been more talking about time trawling and it looks to be clearly now on the Scientists table too, so for me regression by hypnosis back to past lives are a sort of Time trawling and happen by slowing down the time speed, into an separated vacuum Dimension.....it is not Physical, but you experience it still as like physical.
When in deep state, like you can experience in very developed Meditation, where you are in a vacuum like state, where the time speed slow heavily down, even your body function can slow down so much, that it is like almost all are out of function......even your temperature go so much down, that in a normal state it is already life threatening......and no matter how hot it is in the room, you do not feel that at all.

You got my real respect Socrates, as you was brave enough to come out with real facts, facts, that most people in their ordinary reality, could be happy to mock.....and as I know, that you are on the right road, so keep it up thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up handshake

Thanks for your explanation re ordinary, non-ordinary and superior reality as you view them.
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San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago

I identify with the following words of Socrates:
“Know thyself”.
“The unexamined life is not worth living”.

I am a person who seek depth in life and living. This has been an overwhelming desire in me even since childhood. It is identified with a [read more]