Political meeting cut short!

In my previous blog, I wrote a tribute to my nations flag, Dannebrog. All over the country, people were celebrating this icon, that still looks amazing! At the same time as the celebrations for the flag took place, our politicians were assembled on the small island of Bornholm. I say it's tiny, because it is. You can walk the entire island in a day, and the population is just 39,695 people.

Sidenote: It's the same island my friend lives on. I have been there once, and it's a true gem! Anyway, back to the topic at hand!

We are currently in a period of extreme weather here, because cold air meets hot air. That means thunderstorms and torrential rain. One such thing hit Bornholm, forcing the politicians to seek shelter in the nearby houses. My friend told me, that when she got off work, the rain was hammering down. Before the rain came, though, the lightning started to show itself. They were yellow and quite violent, so it was pretty dangerous.

I have checked the lightning radar, and it seems like they aren't put of the woods yet for at least another hour! I will ask her tomorrow how long it went on for.

In other news: I have to be up at 5 am tomorrow, so I am gonna go to sleep soon. After I finish my dinner, of course!
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Vallensbæk, Zealand, Denmark

Well not the LITERAL end of the World.

So.. Who am I? Well, my name is Danny, and I live in Denmark. I am a down to earth, carefree guy, who loves the small things in life. I am a fan of well crafted stories, and old movies. The Godfather is the [read more]