Civil Political Freedoms. Russia, China and Israel...

...and the American Revolution. My marginally educated detractors here, few in numbers, but large in errors, will smile with glee. Thinking, The Vierk has finally totally lost it, trying to tie all these things together. But allow me to digress.
In the cases of the first two States, short shrift will do. As in, ---Oh, let's see, --- Hong Kong, Tibet, South China Sea, and Uigher Gulag Archipelago ---all should do just fine, even for the most deluded Sinophile. And in the former USSR, workers' paradiso incarnate,--- a full 4 decades of Vlad at the helm, via a new constitution, will convince even those with severe 'BD-HDSyndrome'. The first letter has changed (Trump to Bernie). but the illness is identical, oh my dear CS lemmings..
But isn't Apartheid, fascist, VERY fascist racist, Palestine a stretch? After all, how many times do we read and hear, in the biased media, that she is the only democratic state in the Levant? Until one looks closer. Sure, some real Ur-Palestiians have the vote, but to what end of real power? Adding frosting to the cake would be the tewwowist Yishuv, the illegal ever growing settlements, their own wall, endless checkpoints, destruction of family homes after alleged terrorist violence, and much more. Now topping the list are our sometimes wrong, VERY wrong, President Trump's awful Jerusalem and West Bank policies. Yep, It's right chere, Vierko Boy criticising our hero. Suck it up, alt lefties, all. Try something similar, on your sides, you might like it. You have a long list of actors. B Hussein O, and so on.
But our one of a kind US Revolution, against King Georgie Boy's indiscretions, and the most powerful army and navy at the time, is instructive. Ah, yes, it has to do with the belief in how precious are political civic freedoms.
General George may have had his bad days, sure, keeping spirits up and deserting down, and Compte Lafayette and hommies, certainly helped a good deal. But in the end, lots of mere farm felas and their sons/dads/grand dads had to face it all, and to prevail. Crappy time to die in war, I'd aver. The TBD-HD Syndrome alt lefties will hem and haw over these truths, but who can mount valid (feaces) arguments, with my (theses) arguments here?
Somewhere deep in the human genome rests anger at being bullied about. It has burned in the hearts of Patriots since time immemorial. Connect the dots, on the three named countries. And our valiant Minutemen (and women).
Don't tread on me! Nuff said.
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Ocean Coast, Maine, USA

Retired, but busy. Years left to enjoy. Handy, curious, multilingual (German, French, Spanish, learning Portuguese). Love animals. Live on a salt water ocean bay just south of Canada. Angling off the rocky beach. Mussels. Watching the oceans reclaim [read more]