Pennsyltucky Federal Appeals Court Justice....

....puts the kibosh on State election result certification. Hate when that happens----2000 all over again.
Placing the matter one step closer to a SCOTUS look see, adjudication, and rulings on just remedies. Hey, I can suggest one.
Turf it all over to the 31 to 19 GOP majority State legislatures---one of 50 votes each one. As a well foreseen Constitutional option, from the founders. Nice, VERY nice.

What could possibly go wrong? Safest election in history.

And when the anarchists hit the streets, skip the tear gas-----full metal jacketed rounds for all. Law men and Militia. All around.
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Comments (18)

i'm wondering if i have a job tomorrow. Gov Wolf is the non-essential assassin
No worries, CO. Just hop up here to the Pine Tree State. You'd outsell each and every lunkheaded N and UCS here.
i don't want to move again... moping
I hated leaving beautiful San Diego CA, 7 years ago. It was still fairly nice back then but I saw the writing on the wall and knew it was time to go. I don't much care for the insects & weather here in South Carolina, but I do have a lot more freedom. That is at least for the time
Yep, big JB, my friend. The no-see-ums and roaches are annoying. But the two legged sorts in California are much worse. Was a great State some decades ago.
Liberalism and big government---toxic mix, no doubt.
To thine own self, be well known CO. What was all the kvetching about having nothing there for you, and moves to Minnesoooooooota, or some other fly over Yawn land, we all had to endure?
Is that the State with the smallest Softdrinks?
Embedded image from another site

Yep, C, my friend. And listen to how the hottie hayseeds pronounce the name of their state.
Minnesoooooooooooota! Ya bet cha.

Lapdog Pool Press Reporters Are Given Orders Not To Report On Kamal-Áss's Attempt To Croak The "President-Elect" wink ...

Obedient Face-Diapered Press Pússies Are Quarantined In News-Lockdown Van!
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

It is sad for all the people who think youtube is the holy grail for news from fake/twisted news story teller's and are gullible to beleave they are true as they come out with things they like to hear.
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Sir Tiny.. Puleeze, put the mask back on. Tough to see that whole visage so early in the morning.
Reminds of another Sir, of Sir Winston, in later years. Not the gravity/alcohol/ combat worry/tabacco--- worn face shot, oh no. But one from the rear, just before leaving us, after incontinence had long set in, and PJ pants had fallen to knee levels.
Notably before the nurse's towel clean up.
The resemblance is uncanny!
Embedded image from another site
9 out of 3 Biden supporters say there was no malarkey on November 3rdwow
MEANWHILE - In Georgia ...

Cleanest Election EVVERRR!! ... innocent
They Got No PROOF!! very mad

I see Raph posting Selfies again!
Yep, C. Lots of cracked camera lenses, no?
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Vierkaesehochonline now!


Ocean Coast, Maine, USA

Retired, but busy. Years left to enjoy. Handy, curious, multilingual (German, French, Spanish, learning Portuguese). Loves animals. Live on a salt water ocean bay just south of Canada. Angling off the rocky beach. Watching the oceans reclaim the land [read more]