((( VENTING ))) Astrologically, I'd have to say . . .

. . .That this 2nd Mercury retrograding period of 2021, has been (hands-down) THE absolute WORST retrograde of my life. Between botched work scheduling (getting booked 7 effin days in a row; and 1 day I was double shifted back to back, Sat evenin rollin into the wee early hours of Sun marnin; seriously WTAF !?) + the romantic communication confusion.

One thing I can say that this retro-period HAS actually taught me, that regardless of how old any fire-sign man is (karmically) he's bad news once we catch feelings. Soon as Mercury retro hits (old/young makes not a d@mn bit o' difference) they all (Aries and Sagittarius - Leo's not quite as bad, but still aggressive; best to err on the side of caution and leave the Lions be too)

*DISCLAIMER* --- Now I'm not saying Leo's, Sagittarius, & Aries are bad - at all. H3ll I get along fantastic with them, as long as we refrain from ANY sort of spiritual/emotional/physical intimacy, because that's the door that allows for karmic entanglement. Ugh! Sciatica, PTSD, OCD, and Anxiety are the lovely trophy scars left behind from fire-sign ex's. Battle-wounds. As much as I love the Norse, I'm happy not to be one. I'm too love and light to have massacred my ex's as my rage would have wanted me to.

So glad I myself am not a fire-sign, either. I'd have been fried in the electric chair years ago for murder laugh No joke. Fire + Fire = explosion. And with the placements I have feeding the rage....yyyyeah, I'm good being an Aquarius and keepin Mo-Fo's at a healthy distance. Just grabbing my crystals, meditating and zenning out to my solfeggio frequencies and chants.

Phukk that 6 foot shiznit. That ain't social distance. Try a whole state or two away, or h3ll, why not a whole ocean away?

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