Truth is a Lonely Path to Tread

‘None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. They feed them on falsehoods til wrong looks like right in their eyes’
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Standing up for truth and freedom requires real courage and an unshakeable determination not to buy into lies in any shape or form. But, it’s not always easy to discern what’s true and what’s not in a world where lies and cover-ups are becoming increasingly prevalent. Simply speaking the truth often leaves truth-tellers open to being attacked by those who place their trust in official sources and seem unwilling to probe beneath the surface by doing their own independent research. The truth is the truth. It’s not your belief or my belief or even what the majority believe that makes it so. The truth is quite simply the truth. Even if most people choose to believe a lie, that doesn’t make it the truth. It just means that those people have been deceived and are agreeing to the collective madness of groupthink.

One of the most effective ways of silencing truth-tellers is to spread disinformation that makes them look ridiculous. Disinformation agents come in many forms and may expose certain things, which have been covered up. But, they also peddle bogus theories and mix fact with fiction in a way that destroys the essence of an argument and the credibility of those speaking out against what is generally deemed to be consensus reality. A number of people have claimed that two well-known figures in the alternative media, David Icke and Alex Jones, are in fact controlled opposition who muddy the water and actually lead people astray. Genuine truth-seekers need to be constantly vigilant and be willing to thoroughly scrutinize all information, regardless of the source. Clearly, discernment is key in differentiating between those who are trustworthy and those who are not.

People who defend mainstream sources of information often seem very reluctant to accept that what is being presented to them may be a distorted version of the facts. They suffer from a strong normalcy bias, which makes it very difficult for some to believe that governments often have ulterior motives and that they lie. Perhaps people can accept that governments do lie on occasions to cover up certain things, but when the magnitude of the lies is huge and all-encompassing, it may seem completely incomprehensible. If the media, so-called fact checkers and many organisations and educational establishments are either directly under government control, recipients of funding from major pharmaceutical companies or party to other conflicts of interest, how can we ever really know how much truth there is in what they say? Speaking out against lies and any form of injustice is crucial if we are ever going to reclaim our basic human rights. When people are silent in the face of lies and deception, they collude with the lies and support a system that is taking away more and more of their freedom.

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Comments (44)

Well spoken. Unfortunatly only five percent of the population has the capability to think freely and have an interest in listening to all information even obscure and ridiculed such. History is full of geniuses who was ridiculed and even prosecuted in their time. We should have faith in that the truth will come forward but it will take long time.
95 percent is glued to the Telly with a beer in hand and believes anything the spokes person says.
The previous post is a continuation of the blog, but for some reason, the profile was shown as unknown.
She may have her reasons dunno only she knows better
My way is...keep a distance...I go my way, you go yours.thumbs up
Maybe you wrote in wrong profile and quickly detected that one! scold laugh
I like this passage from your blog:
"The truth is the truth. It’s not your belief or my belief or even
what the majority believe that makes it so.
The truth is quite simply the truth." obstacle is to start agreeing on what the truth might be
on the most fundamental level.
I'm very happy on even the smallest progression on that.
Agreeing with most of what you told in your blog, except;
‘It’s a universal law - intolerance is the first sign of an inadequate education. An ill-educated person behaves with arrogant impatience, whereas truly profound education breeds humility.’
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
I only had 8 years of schooling in Holland. I drove my dad bonkers as a child he would so often tell me; jenny you can ask more questions than ten wise men could answer.
Just now my sister in Holland told me in an email that she has been fully vaccinated and it has left her feeling so very secure and safe...........
I have no intention to get vaccinated myself............
Keep up the good works..........................jenny

I like your point that we need to hold the faith that the truth will eventually come to light, though it may take a long time.
I’m not sure what happened with the profile delete. This has happened to me once before. Technology is perhaps not my thing!

I really don’t understand what point you’re trying to make

Yes, agreeing as to what’s the truth may well be the crux of the issue. But, if we’re willing to engage in exploring this with a spirit of genuine openness and curiosity, I believe we can all learn a lot from each other in the quest for truth.
Mr BoDangles

I tend to take the view that if something isn’t helpful, it’s best just to discard it. It sounds as if you find self-help books a useful avenue to pursue.

Thank you for your feedback. With regard to the quote, I don’t think that education necessarily means formal education. I know a few people who were entirely self-taught and on the whole were a lot wiser than those who have studied for years in institutions. It sounds as if you’ve got a very inquiring mind. Funnily enough, I remember being told something similar as a child about continually seeking answers to my questions.
I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.
Abraham Lincoln
Interesting blog thumbs up
Real facts just brought.
With speed...
Another fun fact...not only was the Lincoln Admin. Stuffed with officials who hated him..the White House itself was used for seances [ sorcery
And all manner of witchcraft.
Most people don't know how to handle the truth due to denial of many personal traits that really don't work in society and or relationships. With many even sugar coating won't work.

A good study of "Abnormal Psychology" gives good insight to such behaviors. It can give a better understanding as to the psyche of such and to realize there is often underlying issues creating some abstract thought process('s) at play that can lean the mind in different ways.
Hello Shelora wave

Very interesting blog about the TRUTH.
Many are just not prepared -or unwilling - to hear the truth though.

As Bob said above..
"Strange what you said about David Icke"

As long as I have known this man (also met him personally),
He is the most sane person I've ever known!
For 30 years he has been speaking the TRUTH and, even with all the ridicule he got for it, he is still at it and has woken up many people to the TRUTH!
All the "predictions" he had since 1990 (day of his awakening") have come true!

This man is a "Hero" in many people's eyes for having the courage of exposing the truth.
And, by doing so, he's been banned from all platforms.

When reading his books - or anyone else's - of someone who has the guts of exposing all those in control....
I always do my own checking up...from my own source...and don't just follow blind.

Genuine people always tell you to check up for yourself.
And I do!

In his latest book, which I'm reading at the moment, he explains in great detail how this "virus" started...
And I believe every word of it!
I happen to know some people in Wuhuan who have also confirmed the story from first hand information.

Anyway...time for me to get out of bed...
And face another "reality" for
the unspoken words are the truest words ,,,you will rarely hear ,,

I’m in complete agreement with you on this. We may have different views about certain things, the ‘vaccines’ for example, but that certainly doesn’t mean that we can’t talk and be respectful of each other’s views. As you say, that’s what often seems to be sadly lacking in society. It’s when people are not willing to engage in dialogue and address their differences that relationships break down.

Yes, I think it’s true that our personal history and unresolved issues from the past predispose people towards particular ways of thinking and contribute to the difficulty in facing painful truths. But, what I really wanted to highlight was the extent of the mind control that is now taking place in our world and the ways in which this is leading to a kind of mass hypnosis.
Hello Dan

I can appreciate what you’re saying about David Icke, particularly if you’ve met him personally and feel that he’s really genuine. Certainly, when I’ve listened to him talking, he comes across as very persuasive and he dissects issues in an extremely in-depth way, as well as presenting very compelling arguments. In my last comment, I’ve mentioned some of the points that raise questions for me regarding Icke. I knew that saying I view him as controlled opposition would be quite contentious, as I’m aware that many people think highly of him. One of my friends will not listen to a word spoken against him, so we just agree to differ in our views. But, it would be really interesting to talk more about this with you, as I’m always open to revising my views.
@ Shelora

Truth is one thing for sure but mentioning David Icke in the same sentence sure is twisted.

An anti-sematic and Holocaust denierdoh

That’s so true. I could ask you to expand upon that, but then it would no longer be unspoken!

Yes, I would be interested to know what conclusions David Icke came to and the basis for that. Although I haven’t heard his talk at the end of the Freedom Rally on July 24th, I did hear him talk at the end of another rally. In the one that I recall watching, I felt that his son, Gareth, gave a much more impassioned speech than he did.
Tiger_ Moth

I’m not sure if you read the whole post and understood the relevance of the point I was making in relation to David Icke. I was actually questioning whether he is an authentic truth-teller, as many people believe.

I must confess that no I didn't read the post, just gleaned from other posters who appear to think David Icke is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

I do agree with your opening statement however with regards the "merciless attacks" from others whose opinion differs from one's own.laugh

For my own truth it's just telling it like it really is warts and all.handshake
Tiger_ Moth

I think that’s all that any of us can do - Speak our own Truth. A key point that I was intending to convey in the blog was that it’s often not easy to know what’s actually the truth in terms of the bigger picture.
Hi again Shelora,

I rather like this quote and do try to apply it within my own boundaries. Far be it for me to dictate how others live their lives.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Shelora ~ ps Sorry I left out the most important things, I agree. The path of truth. Being kind, being merciful, decent, forgiving, having compassion and having humility are very rare these days and I
try and try to be a better person. Patient, forgiving, but Humility is the biggie and as I get older I see myself as ordinary trying to get by each day. No lying about ages, no chasing materialistic possessions
or photoshopping my face to get likes on the phone !!!laugh
Lavender Mafia s ~thumbs up
GG! ... reunion hug


Yes. Good book. One of my Cold War era jobs, but mine was more TSCM, than RDF'ing.

addendum. PSYCHO-POLITICS is a dense read, for certain. I would start with chapter V: an examination of loyalities.

Keeping in mind that this was written decades ago, and see how much has come to pass, a lot of it at the hands of the corrupted Entertainment Industry.

Remember, the VENONA INTERCEPTS, or intercepted communications between Moscow Center and secret Communist agents of influence in the West, vindicated Senator McCarthy.

The degradation of Western societies has been the Gramscian design, and carried out for decades.
Miclee ~ Good to see you ginger reunion
Best new T shirt...
It says...


Thanks for the link. I will check this out.
Shelora ~ I love John O'Donoghue. I still read Anam Chara. There are so many great people in the world and so many books to read and then I find perhaps I have outgrown them and I go back to the great thinkers.
As I said, I am only taking baby steps in the world but it can be painful and from that we should be able to use that in a positive way. To help, to care deeply for others in pain. There are many great writers, too many to name. I started Yoga and the tenets of Buddhism at a very young age whilst still at school. I learnt to take what was good and useful from each thing I came across.
Enough for now. Have a lovely day Shelora.

Although the seriousness of what we’re dealing with cannot be over-stated, as I think you’re well aware, sometimes it can help to inject a little humour into things, no matter how dark they are.
Shelora ~ I had pressed send and realised I had written down the Irish way. Yes, it is interesting now that you bring it up that he did not write the Irish for friend Chara.
I don't believe anyone can be our soulmates, and you see or have experienced the carnage when we do expect a man to be our soulmate. It is asking too much. For all is within ourselves.
I have moved a little away from john O 'Donoghue, yes he is wonderful but some things he has written about distancing ourselves away from people who are in simple language not happy. This to me is only handging around fair weather friends and people like this to me, havenot got a clue what a true friend is. for me it is somebody prepared to walk the long road with you and be there for you when life is tough, if only to listen or try and understand and visa versa.
Maybe i am a romantic. In the end it is ourselves who heal ourselves. As I said before, the more I read the less I realise I know. The sun is trying to come out over here but the clouds are battling away. Lucky you being where you are with the outstanding beauty around you. Have a lovely day. slan.
It enhances your arguments when you don't have an explicit contradiction in them. You claim that it is a "It’s a universal law - intolerance is the first sign of an inadequate education", but then go on to claim that the education process itself is corrupt, "Their credulity usually stems from long years of conditioning, largely through the education system".

So, I submit that your argument is flawed.

It does seem, though, that you are headed down the path that may lead you there. I hope it does, as we need more Students of Truth.


It’s a fair point you make that it’s important not to have contradictions in the line of reasoning. I stand by the statement that the education system, certainly in many western countries, does contain a large element of conditioning which I believe plays a significant part in leading to the credulity I talk about.

The Solzhenitsyn quote was chosen to convey the point I was making that those who go on the attack and are intolerant of opposing views lack the humility that true education can confer. From my perspective, education encompasses so much more than the formal aspects that take place within the education system itself.

In any case, I don’t believe that this quote is central to the theme of the blog, which, after all, is really about the difficulty in discerning the truth when it has been distorted and covered up in a multitude of ways. So, I don’t agree at all that the use of this quote means that my argument is flawed. However, your point has made me aware that when using quotes it’s very important to consider carefully whether they may be interpreted in ways that could detract from the main theme.
Meet the Author of this Blog


Inverness, Highland, Scotland, UK

I believe in savouring every moment to the full. Having just turned 70, I want to make the most of this stage of life and would love to find someone to share the adventure with. My interests include travel and experiencing other cultures, spending ti [read more]

About this Blog

created Aug 2021
Last Viewed: Apr 23
Last Commented: Dec 2021
Last Edited: Dec 2021
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