Sit, boy, Sit! Good boy!

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Comments (21)

Top Dog

i thought you'd like this. it gave me goosebumps
sorry for the hijack

Mic, in that case...

Raph, you know you'll get deleted so what's the point?
why not? you're quite the posterior
For All Whiners Everywhere - Wah Wah Wah (Tuva Semmingsen) -
With segue into "The Ecstacy Of Gold" ...
"The Most Chill Conductor Ever" ...

Wah Wah Woman gets Shot Down ...
sad flower

I'm leaving that one up there for a little while, so the Mods can see it.
this gal knows what guys want wink
i tried to sleep but staring down a sheep peddler disrupted that
Well, it is time to turn in here, so sweet dreams when they come.

Good night!
S'long, Keith ...

good morning

looks like there's a Keith that pops up out of nowhere, like a prairie dog
Raph, i don't twit

Zero Hour ...wink