Let the Executions Now Begin!

There is a reason why there are no CLEAR plans to stop the oil spill in the Gulf. The biggest problem is the people have no actual power, thus they are merely subjects of the Crown, although they do not know it. Nothing has change much in the world except the delusion of freedom the sheeple have been sold. The whole scam is so well orchestrated that one cannot help but admire those who were able to achieve such a Grand Deception & maintain it for so long. However, what is NOT admirable is how they have chosen to use their powers to enslave mankind. In order to have power one MUST have the ability to wage war against those who are abusing power. The Crown has long known this. So it is imperative that they disarm those of us who will NOT trade our freedoms for their so called liberty. This is why UN Peace Keeping Troops have been deployed in Florida & many other parts of the United States. One, the crisis in the Gulf is being deliberately prolonged as a distraction to hide the invasion of America by foreign troops. The assault against America is multi-dimensional. Those who own this country are making their move to take possession over it on many different fronts. And they know precisely what they are doing. The people of America inherently know that they have sold their souls to Rock n Roll. Now they have little hope but to cling to Obama’s & Congresses’ lies. Together, Obama & BP have caused the crisis so they could offer the solution. These Helgian Dialectic principles have been used time & time again. Slowly, the American people have been persuaded to call for their own execution. As a result, state & local authorities do not even have the power to assist in the Gulf cleanup. And they can do nothing to stop those corrupt individuals in Washington from allowing the catastrophe from being prolonged. The States have become so dependent on federal disaster money that they dare not disobey. And if they do, they had better be prepared for the Coast Guard to open fire on them. Yeah, the federal government’s check book rules. So it should not come as a surprise that the Coast Guard prevented oil vacuuming barges, operating out of Louisiana, to assist in the cleanup. This is how the federal government usurps power from local & state jurisdictions. This is exactly what happened in the States Right’s issue, that sparked the Civil War. And the federal government is using OSHA, the EPA, & US fish & wild-life services to expand its powers to further hinder the cleanup efforts. Why? Because Obama wants to implement the many operations he has listed on his agenda. Obama doesn’t really care whether you know the truth or not, because he has the arm of the US & UN forces to impose his will on you. But he would rather you believe he is concerned about your health, so that he can implement CODEX ALIMENTARIOUS, which is a UN program designed to regulate natural health care supplements, which at present are the only known true sources of nutrients left in America, unless you just happen to own your own farm & understand the necessity of growing & raising your own organic produce & meat products, seeing how everything one buys in the stores is full of toxins that are deadly poisonous, which explains why so many people in America are obese & dying from all manner of different diseases. Two, Obama will use this crisis to pass Codex Alimentarious by executive order. So even if you do not die from the oil spill, you will most certainly die from starvation & disease.
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