Not to be rude, but

Please.....lets be real, if your from Spain, Uraguay, etc...please don't expect any response from me.

I will only respond to men who are close to where i live. As i said, not to be rude...but come on....
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Comments (11)

To be a little polite, costs nothing!!!!wine
@ mak,
Nice 1 my frnd!
But she owns it!!!
How u doin?
wave G'day Shell.

wave How ya doing Makis?
@ bill,
Always good but never been better! Lol
But always on the best!

Hope u all too!

How ya doing Makis?

Very well my friend. thanks.!!
Today is a very beautiful day here in Cyprus..!!!

cheers cheers handshake
I'm very well Shell.

Dinner time here so me stomach is growling a bit. Got a nice big T-bone under the grill.grin

Yeah.... we've had a beaut day here too Makis. A bit cool but not bad for winter. cheers
A bit cool but not bad for winter

We have SUMMER, here up in the North..!!cheering cheering cheering applause applause

In a few days I leave for vacation, in my home land Greece..!!
Time for buddies and for cheers and drink pouring and pizza and burger

Can't wait....

cheers handshake
Miss Luv, I completly understand where you're coming from. I also often ask myself what the men writing to me are thinking if they do at all wink. 20 something hours plain trip away, tied down with an employe job and kdis.. really, come on - get real! Even so I still reply with gratitude, respect and wish them a succesful continuation of the search.
gd billy
u always aim at thee heart
that why i like u and the dead bodies on ur mind's backyard.
G'day Alf.... and thanks.

Yeah. I should get a really good crop of veggies this year.laugh cheers
Mr. 10K, are you trying to be funny or entertaining?
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by luv2ride
created Jul 2010
Last Viewed: Apr 16
Last Commented: Jul 2010

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