girl booze shoplifter/Been Bleached!

~Your " prison" is walking through this world, all alone~from the song

"Desparado" by the Eagles


Nightshift was CRAZY again. Too much going on. Tired to begin with, then tried to cut down on coca cola on the job. I usually have 2 or 3 in a night. Tonight I had a Half a 20 ounce.

My arse was draggin babeeeee. Well the headache didn't help either.

For tonight's circus I present to you female underage shoplifter, stealing booze.

Supervisor's exact words over the intercom:

"Security up front" (who was he kidding eh? we have NO security)

"Put it down!" "That's it, now get out of the store. Do not come back!"


Well, I thought I was doing pretty good until I went to the women's rest room having to p. p.

someone had puked all over the bowl and left it for us.. Yay. Couldn't be happier *heavy sarcasm inserted here*

Now, I must splash straight up bleach on it. In the process, bleaching my new black cordoroy pants (what pretty pink spots they have now)
and nearly choking me with fumes.

I went outside sat on the curb and sucked in the beautiful clear night.
The moon was awesome. The cold didn't bother me. The fact that my supervisor didn't even ask if I was okay, yeah uhhh not so awesome.


I survived alone to write this blog. lol. on again to sleep.

P.S. Eagles "Desparado" on the overhead music this morning.
I've heard it a million times before and my "prison" is INDEED walking thruogh this world all alone.

To all those walking alone. You will find your loved one.
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