Higher Culture

What makes a person think they are part of a "Higher Culture" in this day and age ?

What are the criteria or characteristics?

Is it Wealth ?
Is it all the real estates they own, or maybe all the family Monetary inheritance they have in the bank and that they don't have to work like the normal people in this world....

Or it Intelligence ?
Do they have to know more about Fine Arts, or classical music or politics.... Have they read more books or have a better knowledge on the world as to the normal person ?

Or is it Religion?
Do you have to be a Christian or Muslim or Buddhist ?

Or Colour of the Skin ?
Do you have to be a certain colour skin or eyes maybe even hair colour or maybe you have to be more beautiful on the outside to be part of a higher culture?

Or their Geographical location on the Map ?
Do you have to part of Europe or America or maybe a Scandinavian country?

Or is it the Food they eat, or etiquette, or moral and principals or is it even the air that they breath maybe it different ......... Lol

Sorry just trying to make sense ... I seen this statement been made a few times and I was wondering what make a person think they are of an higher culture.... :Dunno:

So how many of you believe that you are part of a HIGHER CULTURE and what are your reasons for believing so ?
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