Tidal Waves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The moon is a ghostly galleon in the starlit sky,
Clouds, soft as feathers pass it by,
Waves below, gently lap the shores
The tents nearby tell many woes...

Amazing! four or five? years into that terrifying day
when parts of the world collapsed in a brutal way
a fresh anger envelops me, cos today's papers here
say, a nuclear test of the giants it was,that cost
human kind to live with what they lost

The tents are silent in this dark night,
they speak of pain , and helplessness
of days gone beyond a say
there is no relief yet, suffering is endless
for help to come, they wait in total silence

women, children and men, all huddled on cold floors
this is at night, the day is exceedingly hot
the tin roofs warm up to the merciless sun
bringing in sweat which sure is no fun

The waves, the expanse of the dark ocean
seem to be now, a picture of innocence
unaware of the effects so ravaging
they had on man kind, in silent terror

There will be many who will shed silent tears
remembering ones loved and dear,
the world will silently watch to see
new homes for these souls with the help
they collected and sent long ago

Why was it that, most of it was squandered?
I ask myself in silent betrayal
Why do people get heartless
at the sight of help in many forms?

Clothes, toys, medicines, and money
amass of wealth to build up a nation
was mostly lost in the pockets of sick,
unscrupulous souls, for their own selfish deeds

This is a silent tribute to the many
who died, who still live without any
love, hope or future,
May all beings be happy, May there be an end
to the endless throes of pain..

FOR THE TSUNAMI that came and went
left lasting impressions
of kindness, brutality and heartlessness
of human kind, for us to see and hear.
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