Goatee1120: How can I serve God without God? How can I teach God without God? Jesus said apart from me you can do nothing. Receive the Holy Spirit before service.

1 CORINTHIANS 2:4 My message and preaching where not with wise and persuasive words, but with demonstration of the Spirit's power,5 so that our faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power.

Oswald Chambers: The result is a refined religious lifestyle, and the Spirit of God cannot witness to it because the preaching is in anther realm other than his.

Oswald Chambers: The goal of faithfulness is not that we will do work of God, but that He will be free to do work through us.

Awareness with things are good right?? To know who to talk mess about and who to say well that person is of the Lord back off some. Best way to test someone to see if they know the difference is be yourself and not passive lol, works every time lol. Gotta learn you have to be careful about bashing spiritual men.

I mean wouldn't you rather serve beside someone with their personality, realness, and you can trust. No one needs their bum kissed no one needs to be agreed with all the time. What we all need is a Holy Spirit renewed faith as much as possible. A lot of people have called me everything in the book lemon, false teacher, moron, and yes the kicker satan. lol

I mean it bothers me why?? Because I'm an open vessel to the Lord and for that to be mocked I see a ((((huge)))) problem within the hearts of believers these days. People need to be trained in the Spirit to discern the Spirit of God from the opinion of man. It's insulting and close ot maybe speaking against the Spirit for those who bash spiritual men under the Anointing of Christ.

Even when it hurts when the Spirit testifies to a person's words to bash them and ignore the words, I bash and reject the Lord in that time. Everyone wants to be good in themselves, they want praise from men to say your a good guy. Is that a sin no it isn't but the motive of that want could result in sin following me here.

Take this to heart nothing wrong with wanting to look goood be good or whatever is you like. Do me a favor before you do work for God, receive Him and make sure you in Him during that work. With that your work will bring life to others and also birth rewards for you in heaven.

And when the world is mocking you insulting you outcasting you for some odd reason, don't worry means your touching a nerve and your truly working for the Lord. And you can see for yourself what I've seen, a broken world a confused world and a church that needs Him and not the opinion of man.
God sense 101
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