Jeremiah 1:17 Get yourself ready! Stand up and ((say)) to them whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them, or I will terrify you before them.

Ezekiel 2:7 You must speak my words to them, whether they listen of fail to listen, for they are rebellious. 8 Do not rebel like that rebellious house, open your mouth and eat what I have given you.

Ezekial 3:8 But I will make you as unyielding and as hardened as they are. I will make your forehead like the hardest stone, harder than flint.

I love those verses God preparing His prophets for (((spiritual))) war. You know I think it's a good thing for separation for church and state for one reason. Some people get out of preaching and running their mouth to brute force their faith on people like the Muslims do. God in all His power and might gives us a choice who are we to do otherwise?

Did the Lord tell His Prophets to start a war with swords and force people to love and respect Him? No, He simply said ((preach)) write the letter, tell them my words if they listen or not. It is strife .com when you preach the truth to people without any holding back on the Lord's truths and commands to be His people.
Or choose not to and when this life is over your bad your choice. (((Hell))

I do think the Government should give Believers more of a voice for freedom or speech purposes.
i don't think there should be limits on where and how we preach as long as there are no threats.
I do understand I've seen people get all nutty about the things of God. The reason is the Holy Spirit the ((LIght)) brings conviction to men's heart for God's judgments and your sins.

But as far as force or the Government forcing the Lord on people by Government is wrong. I believe believers should be able to preach as God wills them to, with no arguments, everyone else says what they feel and believe what's the difference??

There is a spiritual war inside every man and women like it or not. The only victory is in the power of the Holy Spirit. Gotta be like ol Ezekial hard headed closed minded and a mountain for God you have every right your fore fathers gave you, and let someone say other wise. God has given the American church all we need to reach the lost. Stop complaining take what's given seek the Lord for Ideas.

Listen or not He told Exekail tell them anyway. Back than they had no rights killed for proclaiming the truth. Ever had someone say I don't care about your faith yaddda yadda yadda, same ol thing different day. Had a lady from the UK on a site, say on a blog. Beat them at their own game. I thought hmmmmm prayed about it, Lord said fine with me, be passive and pushoverish they'll never listen to you.

And I thought so that's the reason for personalites wow lol. And I thought the whole time something was wrong with me as the nuts would say. Love cares, love values you and your stability in life, Love doesn't kiss your hinny. God is Love and He has never kissed mine.

So all in a nut shell, yes separation from church and state is a good thing, look at Iran, allah or die my Lord doesn't role like that. The Lord I serve roles like this I died for you, I love you more than you could ever know, but if you reject me that's your choice and even if it breaks my heart into, He gave you that choice. No one wants to be forced to be loved by someone.
Same thing with Him. Jesus is the Lord of all and respects choices don't do otherwise.
Old saying goes you make your own bed and you have to lay in it, don't blame God, satan or anyone blame yourself and see your ((need)) for HIm.
God sense 101
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