Restoring America

Is JADE HELM 15 the Pre cursor to civil war in america. CIA/FBI has always used a proxy trained warrior sect to go after citizen resistors when they have invaded other countries. What we have to remember is the CIA FBI ATF are not the friends of the citizens in america or in the WORLD. THE CRIMINALS ARE From and in the USA INC corporation of Washington DC,

Tired of govt stooges spying on your puter, tablet, phones yet?
I am!

When they start their civil war pockets in America, it will burst up like little fires every where. Keeping people busy trying to survive two on slots. 1) militarized law enforcement 2)foreign trained proxy warriors coming in the open borders of the US and Mexico that the Obama and CFR have created. Hundreds of people across the Americas has all ready been murdered and women raped, not by ISIS but by criminal Mexican gangs.

So when it starts, this govt created Civil War, the patriot militias x 10 needs to go to DC and NY to take the snakes head off! The USA Inc murdering by proxy warriors won't stop until the head is thrown into the bay! At which time all their supporters need rounded up and deported to there masters in the EU -London, Brussels, and Vatican, etc - a one way ticket.

All administrative buildings shut down.
All politicians of the two major parties jailed for 7 years.
The UN members jailed for life or deported.
All Federal Reserve buildings shut down and Wall Street, ( the fuel to the snakes fires ).

America belongs to the people and not to any corporation. An emergency order will be broad cast, explaining the collapse of the criminal collective in DC surrendered. You want to stay a Slave, a Sheeple, and you want all this for your kids also? WTF! are you nuts?!

Here's a partial list of the New Reborn America program;

Don't like liberty, minimal govt, fair wages, free food, free education, free health care, free water, cheap prices ( my brand new sports car retailed for $4700.00 USD in 1976) then you will leave America and live in the EU or Iraq, with all the other socialist atheistic Muslim drug addicted p*dophile murdering morons...America doesn't need greedy selfish a**hole anymore, that's how America got to where it is!

We don't need chinas imports! We need manufacturing here! We don't need federal reserve Dollars! We need digital credit accounts. The USA Inc owes every man women and child $1,000,000 million and your account will have a digital credit deposited for that amount to draw from weekly.

Everyone will be given a 1/2 acre of land, which they can use or trade to someone else in another region at their will to LIVE on. Farmers will be given free farm equipment for three years, And land to grow and rest and rotate crops, Raise animals for their community county state needs.

Prices will be fixed at deep discounts to 1977 prices. Businesses will go on trading, building, manufacturing, transporting, communicating.

Everyone gets a raise or reduction to 15.oo an hour.
Got a degree - work 30hrs-get 25.oo .
Over age 60- work part time-25.oo .
Homeless get a roof, food, education, water, health care.
Contribute in a job capacity part time-15.oo!
(its not money-it's digital credits!)

States and Cities will fire all administrators and the appointed Governor and mayors will follow the Militias recommendations.
Anyone who does not comply to restore America as a sovereign nation will be deported to the UK.

There is no more FIAT fraud Currency. People will use a debt card. All debts are set aside forever. All loans are forgiven.
Businesses manufacturers will order what they need for manufacturing . Business suppliers the same.
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