There but for the grace of God go I. I remind myself each and every day when passing by a homeless person,a street urchin sitting in the blazing sun begging for money,and refusing to take food,because I know he will be buying glue to sniff away his pain and heartache.So life goes on and becomes the days of our lives,of things that remind us of pain and suffering,religious wars and a loss of lives.I am not perfect,I have flaws,I am not always happy and smiling,But my heart even when filled with my own burdens am prepared to put aside my pain and lend a ear to someone I believe needs more comfort,a nice word or just a word of encouragement.I go into a "save the world mode" and no matter how hard I try,how little resources I have I will give my last heartbeat to see a smile of appreciation on that persons face teddybear comfort
The point I wish to make here is to thank all the bloggers that responded to my post regarding the issue with me being implicated in a scam.
From the depth of my heart I want to thank you for your kind words and encouragement,as this has proved to me that there are VERY GOOD human beings out there,therefore I have regained my faith in the human race.
Thank you to all and you know who you are,may each and every blogger once again forgive me for things I could have said ,which being attacked one puts your back up against the wall and hope upon hope that you can save yet another miscarriage of unjust accusations and tempers flaring.Once again Thank You To One And All and lets use the glue to keep us together instead of inhaling toxic,hurtful remarks. Peace angel bouquet lips teddybear hug

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