Message of Light 2

Dear Ones; It is the littlest things in life that can make all the difference in the world. You can make great strides and make differences in your life, in your world. It starts with one single step, and that step lies within you. Love and joy are all that is needed to make a difference. You are the difference you want in your world. Never expect your happiness to flow from someone else. Happiness knows no other like the kind word or gesture that you may have for another. To find the true happiness in your heart you must first enjoy you, for you are the only one that can make you happy. Only you knows what triggers happiness in your heart. You can not make others happy, they must make themselves happy. Happiness is within them. They are the only ones who knows how that should feel. Each being on the planet lives in their own world. Connected to a larger one. ~ AA Ariel ~

Please use your discernment with these messages,
and pass along to anyone you think might benefit.
Copyright © - Angelyn 2009
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