All we will ever be?

Either the writer of Game of Thrones is a genius or he/she has a very vivid imagination mixed with a philosophical thinking that does not hold too much water. I am at a part in the series where a very profound statement has been made. I have just began to ponder it. I like thinking about things on my own first to see how valid points/philosophical statements are...but this one might take some time, time unfortunately I do not have a lot of lately. Getting some perspective here will certainly help.

The statement: "Hopes and dreams, and loves and fears will all we will ever be." Is it possible if we boil down everything in our lives into the most simplest forms, does this statement hold validity?

These four essential life characteristics do all pertain to the self. That is for sure.

The part in the series has to do with teaching a young girl to be nobody.

Is it better to be somebody or nobody?


The reason why I ask, to be somebody, carries an ego attached. From things I have seen and heard in the past, your ego is not your amigo. laugh

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Williamston, Michigan, USA

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