Life is indeed the most excellent of all virtues. If we were to even for a single moment reflect upon Life and its trajectories, all we could be able to perceive is that Life is encompassed and has bestowed each and every one of us with excellence in each sphere and facet of this most adventurous journey called, Life.

Life has always provided each and every one of us with the very best, all times, all instances, always in all ways. We should always appreciate with immense gratitude this precious gift, "Life", that we have been awarded fortunately.

To Live each and every moment with Awareness, Gratitude, Responsibility and Appreciation is an Excellence by itself. We live once. Let us Live excellently, with thanks.

Wish the very best for all, appreciate every moment, hope for the very best with an enthusiastic perspective whilst attending to the concerned assignments with due diligence, prudent acumen, a calibrated approach and a staunch belief that Life is Excellent, for it is truly Excellent.

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Comments (7)

Gratitude is a very powerful tool to achieve the things YOU want in YOUR life!
If u read the first paragraph carefully, are u saying " life bestowed life on us?"
Bit of a peculiar version of life!!! Starting from the first line, it talks about life being excellent. Well have heard the terms like “life is a gift” or “Life is precious” and also have heard of the popular term that “Life is not a bed of roses”, but the blog expresses this totally different view which is “Life is excellent” or "to have a belief that Life is excellent”. To me, its ridiculous to think that “Life is excellent”. And its amusing to hear that “life is the most excellent of all the virtues?”. Its pretty obvious that Mr.Stevano is a little confused about the concepts of “virtues” and “life”… Sad to say that the whole blog is just a jumble of words and poorly written…

Quoting form the blog, “Life has always provided each and every one of us with the very best, all times, all instances, always in all ways.” Well, is this factually true or just superficial? Any human being knows that life is a series of incidents or situations which can be either good or bad, happy or sad, bitter or sweet, winning or losing and the list goes on.. Facing the fact that the “Life is a challenge” could be a better approach than living in a dream that “life is excellent”.

If you try to say, in short, “to live a worthy life”, I would agree. But to say that “life is excellent” or “Excellent life” or “life has bestowed us with excellence” are some unconvincing and worthless statements!!
Life is not a virtue...
Totally agree, You can live a virtuous life, but life itself is not a virtue. Therefore as Melodyy so nicely said, it is a pile of BS.
I like to read it, thanks for sharing...bouquet bouquet
In my thinking, I know I am not perfect, but always, I do my best to stay within my integrity, honesty and reality. I do not even strive for perfection. I work with reason. I work with workability. I go for the genuine best and not for "perfection". Thus, in my case, perfection is what works for the situation in every genuine way, sense and meaning.

Anyway guys thank's for all your comments....
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