When You’re In Love With A Beautiful Woman.

The other day I read a blog about the perils of marrying a pretty woman. I’m not going to mention names because I’m not sure if I’m allowed to read his blogs, so I do it on the quiet when he is asleep and when nobody else is watching.giggle

I’d probably be accused of not being able to think but sometimes when I think about a blog that I read, I start thinking about what was said and what was not said. And then I want to add my own half penny, but I’m not allowed to comment. Oh, before I forget, I don’t have a problem with blogs on the same topic; it is always interesting to see the different views people have on it though I must admit that a few people around here regularly piggy-back on a topic that is doing well at the time. But their views are still interesting, regardless the motive.uh oh

But back to the topic, Even Stevens (composer) had it all wrong. It is not hard to be in love with a beautiful woman unless if you make it so. Beautiful women are used to everybody gawking at them. Granted, they react differently to it; some enjoy it, some are indifferent to it, some are annoyed and others are bored by it. Be that as it may, a beautiful woman is not likely to succumb to every Tom, Dìck and Harry falling over his own feet for her affection. As I said, they are used to it.popcorn

As for myself, I normally only date good looking women and occasionally I’m lucky enough to get a stunner. I have found them to have the same reserves as any other woman; maybe even more. So, a guy who gets worried about other guys looking at his date, girlfriend or wife has a little problem that he has created for himself. Men will always look at a beautiful woman, especially when she has the attire and personality to go with it.wow

Actually, I enjoy dating a beautiful woman. After all, with her choice of available offers, she would not have been with me if she did not want to be. Not only do I find it amusing when the other men compete for her favor but it does me proud. They only underline my good taste in women. grin
cats meow cats meow

Hang in there, it is almost weekend..wave
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Comments (60)

Cat, Art adores Mimi (and vv) and she is, by the way, gorgeous laugh
Most men go for looks

Many women do too

Personally, so long as I don't wince when I look at the bloke I'm with, I'm happy. So long as he doesn't knock me down if I'm standing between him and his reflection ...
Awwwwww....Biff blushing

Thank you hug kiss
It's so good to see you again. I think this must me telepathy, You posted your comment while I was typing my response to Biff and in the process I said everything that I can say to you. So kindly see my response to Biff as for you as well.
Opposss....I mean your reply to Biff grin
Then I hope I answered the correct point. laugh
Of course not , it is not hard to be in love with beauty .
Wait until you see the real beaut though .
I meant to say
Wait until you see the real beauty from within , then you would really decide
Yeah whatever giggle
Catfoot ~ Thanks, for your nice comment. I would of course have to have a physical chemistry or there is really no point. I am not a Freud Fraud so I won't play psycologist here. I do know I have seen beautiful women with quite plain men and they seem very happy. I have a beautiful looking friend, in the amazingly attractive way of say, Grace Kelly, perfect features, Goddess type, and gentle, intelligent and kind. Great fun too. Her present husband is plain and ordinary to look at but has am amazing mind and personality, lovely, warm, her first husband went off with a plain woman so much for the Fairy tales that the beautiful woman always gets the prince and lives happy ever after... another Western Myth.

I am hoping she finds forever happiness with her present husband. hug
Physical appearance isn't very important to me. It's the overall impression about someone that matters. smile
I got no worries about dating a beautiful woman because they typically don't like me much sigh
I need someone im physically attracted to aswell....its not the be all and end all...but we judge most times on appearance first ..if the initial attraction isnt there then i rarely stick around.
Hi Annlee
Of course, real beauty comes from inside and even somebody with a not so beautiful outer surface can become beautiful if the right sentiments comes from inside.
Very true Catfoot. When you get to really like somebody, once there is chemistry, a lovely heart all else will follow. Beauty fades in time anyway.
Hi Molly,
That is true; a stew that was cooked slowly for hours is always better that one that was on the burner for half an hour. Of course pressure cookers have changed that. grin
Hi Mercedes,
Whatever is a very dangerous word when used by a woman.laugh
Pretty women don't have it that easy either. more than one has complained to me that beauty can be a burden as it attracts a lot of riff-raff. And some said that it annoys them when men stare them blind at their looks while missing their person altogether.
Hi Krinka
I think you're right about that. Physical appearance is not all that important but it is what first hits the eyes. And many make the mistake to evaluate the person no further. You can get monster behind the prettiest face.
Hi Track,
Come on Buddy, it's not so bad. This is not the first time that you said something like that. Woman like men and I can see no reason why they would not like you. There are just a few basic things to get right and Bob is your uncle.
Yes, but let's face it, chemistry start easier when there is a pretty face involved somewhere in the equation.
I think it went over your head in what I was trying to convey hug
Must nip off to the supermarket. It's raining and I want soup tonight.wave
Awwwww.....thank you, Catfoot.

Since my Arty is still in slumberland, I can give you a quick kiss!! lips

When you're in love with a good chick, you are cognitively impaired. It doesn't even take being in love as a matter of fact. Check it out.
hi 1one1
Ah, you see, love is a funny thing. It blinds you, make you break all your own rules and ultimately make you foolish. But it is still great to be in love.
wave Hey! Bob.

I always have wonder about the phrase;Being With A Beautiful Women/ Good looking man.

Meaning! If that person wanting to be with beautiful/ good looking person. Are the person that is wanting this, " Are They A Beautiful or A Good Looking Person Too?"

I am not much into looks! I look beyond a person face: How they act, talk, life style, what someone can bring to a relationship! Are they a access or a liability in my life or the other way around. Am I a access or a liability to that person. I don't even go by the body size of a person. As long as I am attracted to a person without their looks on their face.Having At least Some Things in common with each other. Maybe its just me! But this is just who I am.
Hi Angel,
I think that is about how most level-headed people think but let's face it, and attractive specimen is going to get your attention a bit sooner. Of course if he or she does not weigh up, they are discarded with all the rest. And your right about two people in a relationship to be an asset to each other. They must add value to each other's lives.
When i said earlier that i like someone that im attracted to...i dont discount the person beneath the veneer.

Personality...how they carry themselves..their views and the likes would have to align with mine and mine theirs..for it to work.cheers
Hi Dee,
I have to start with an apology. somehow I missed your previous comment. I read it but never acknowledged it. I'm so sorry. I think the trip to the supermarket was on my mind.

To come back to your comment, it the end it is (or should be) the person who counts. As I said to Angel, when a pretty face pops up, it arouses the attention but if there is no substance behind, one loses interest very quickly. Interests may vary but it is so important to share most views, esp. on religion and politics. Those two things had sunk many a good relationship.
And here's to youhug

May the mother of your children be prosperous.

confused May The Mother Of My Children?

I would say if the man can keep a beautiful woman continuously happy, even after many years together, there should be no issues. However, when this beautiful woman, who is accustomed to having men gawk at her, may start thinking the grass might be greener on the other side....especially when the grass is not so green at home, at the current time....is when things may become challenging.

But, if you are a man looking for short term relationships, have at it. That should be enjoyable.

It is well known, women are attracted to personality...with a touch of attraction to physical beauty. I would argue a woman who is solely attracted to physical beauty would be a red flag.
A red flag to a guy who is looking for a long term relationship, I should say.
Aha......I'm lucky, not roaming arround Yogyakarta when u were there, otherwise u will cach me heart wings flirty
Hi Wen
That is true, I have found that most beautiful women don't attach too much value to the outer looks. We often see them pairing up with somebody not so attractive on the outside. They too look for inner beauty; the sensible ones at least.
Hi Johnny,
You have to keep any woman, beautiful or otherwise, happy or they will leave. Men are like that too. If not happy,why keep it up. Being a pretty woman does not make them less faithful. They have the same aspirations and desire for a happy and stable life as anybody else.

Of course, you get those who will seek the greener pastures but that is not limited to beautiful women. That depends on the person inside.
I don't think that beautiful women are much different from regular women. Sure, you get the exceptions who may use to beauty to manipulate people but that does not go for all.
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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

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created Mar 2018
Last Viewed: just now
Last Commented: Apr 2018
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