To Love Or Not To Love

So many times I heard people saying that they will never love again as it only brings pain but are they not doing themselves short for nothing? There is no guarantee the next affair will be the same.mumbling

Surely there must be some good memories sprouting from a sunken love affair. I mean why have the affair in the first place if it brought no happiness? If it brought no happiness then you have only yourself to blame for placing an expectation on something that was not to be. A lover is supposed to make you happy.happy place

Love is too beautiful to be wasted but it needs not to be blind. You have to love with your eyes open. When you see the signs, don’t believe that it will go away for it will only grow worse. Break it off sooner than later and make it a clean break. Rather take a small hurt now than a much bigger hurt later.heart wings

Most aborted love affairs end in (or because of) some unpleasantness. That is life. When I think of the relationships I have been involved in, I only remember the good times. The bad times erase themselves with time. Don’t dwell on the shipwrecks of the past. Take the knock, put it behind you and get on with your life. There is no need to deprive yourself of all the joys of a future love. There is another love yet to come.idea

Don’t miss your dreamboat when it arrives. And if you discover that it is not the dreamboat that you thought it was, there is nothing to prevent you from jumping ship at the next harbor.uh oh

It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved.hmmm
cats meow cats meow

Have a wonderful day.!wave
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Comments (78)

Yesssss to that!! wine

Catfoot applause
Hi Mimi
Love is too wonderful to squander. You cannot be unlucky for ever. You must strike gold eventually.
Good morning Catfootwave

You have to love with your eyes open. When you see the signs, don’t believe that it will go away for it will only grow worse. Break it off sooner than later and make it a clean break. Rather take a small hurt now than a much bigger hurt later.heart wings

What a great advice!. That is very true. What I often say is "good becomes better, bad becomes worse".

Have a good day! wave hug
Gold or a gem is just rare to find especially when another knows exactly what kind of gem they are looking for. wine hug
Hmmm.... daydream writing
"It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved"
thumbs up

"Life is a series of natural & spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only create sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like." ------- Lao Tzu----
I've never loved nor been loved but I know what real love is...Its when I see couples in their 60's/70's/80's holding hands cuddling stroking cheeks the tremendous love in their eyes makes me smile or in some cases mists my very own eyes at times.

It's beautiful to see maybe one day it will be beautiful for me.

In saying that I'm not holding my breath waiting.

What will be will be
Hi star,
That is so true. Good becomes better and bad grows worse.
Hi Kal,
Exercising your right to remain silent?laugh
I forgot about your second comment.

That is why I never tell a would be lover what I want. If the know what to do it becomes artificial.
Hi Akash
Right, it does not matter how well you plan things for life takes its own course.
hi Mercedes,
Yep, que sera, sera. Love will come to you eventually; usually at a time and from a direction you least expect it.
That would be lovely cat & thank youhug
It seem's like you know me because that's what I do I hide.

I'm learning about having more confidence in myself I will get there.hug
Hi Mercedes,
No, it is not about knowing you. It is so obvious. If a somebody with your looks and your age has not encountered love then she's hiding or running away... or in denial. grin
A sprinkle of all you've mentioned but my first step is when given a compliment to accept and say thank you instead of saying you have must have a bad case of cataracts laugh

Ah, and then we have a bad case of modesty too. but that is a good characteristic as well.laugh
Well I do mean what I say laugh

I'm sure but I don't have cataracts. I do need reading glasses but you remind me of a traffic ticket. It says 'fine' all over.laugh

And there is nothing wrong with my taste.grin
Good morning Kittycat.

I do hope to love again. I love love.
But i do envy those who can go straight from one love affair to the next with ease. Some people are better bouncers than others.
I have friends who are bouncers. You are a bouncer from what I've seengrin They fall in love more quickly and recove more quickly.
I am more like a big helium balloon that takes a long time to fill and rises slowly.
Not many people have the patience to wait for that. laugh
Cat just want to add one last comment before you start charging me for your Dear Abbey service laugh

I'm very confident and proud of what I've achieved and the work I put in at the gym yes I even pat myself on the back that's about it.
Hi Molly,
It is a way of living; not just loving. If somebody does me short, I strike back immediately. If I cannot recover my losses, I write it off as a bad debt and I get on with my life. There is no point in fretting about what could have been. A post mortem is good to find the cause of death but does not bring the patient back.

Love with one eye open, learn from your mistakes and live with both eyes wide open.
Hi Mercedes,
Too late for that. I have already billed you. I have automatic time billing on my laptop. My invoice should reach you shortly. Don't bother with electronic payments. Simply send your bank card and pin number to me.laugh

I agree..its best to keep trying..while learning and improving from past relationships.

I do what mercedes does too and see couples in their 80s holding hands and just still looking very much in makes me believe that in alot of cases love never dies..nor does it dwindle over the years of a LTR.....

Im not ready to look again...but when i do i sure would like to find it.

Hope you are keeping well, Cat hug
Hi Dee,
Yes, thank you. I'm off to Pretoria for a few days later this week.
Lovely...hope u enjoy...
Not the best timing though. My daughter and her husband are working during the day and my grandson goes to college but at least I'll have the evenings and the whole weekend with them.
Hi Cattie
It seems that your heart is like a taxi mini bus.
Always place for another.
laugh teddybear
hi Bea,
Hmm, so it is. What brings you here so soon? I thought you were taking a break from CS.grin
My boss has gone out.
When the cat is away, the mouse will play.
tongue teddybear
He's still going to fire you. How many times were you warned about misusing internet from work?doh
Come on Cattie
You make it sound like a major misappropriation of company resources.
I have been warned only four times.
Oops, here he comes back
Hmm, if it was not so serious why did you go off so fast?laugh
Plenty of time to meet up with that lady who moved back home!! grin
Not much hope for that. We've had no contact since my birthday and even that was rather mild. I phoned her yesterday to tell her that I'd be in Pretoria the coming weekend but she did not sound very enthusiastic. I played Diplomacy and told her I'd call once I'm there but I won't. She's probably got something else going. If she's still interested in seeing me, she can phone me now. I did my part.
Cat ~ good blog thumbs up
Everyone is different, I believe if you are in a relationship for a number of years, and you give your heart completetly one goes in to a kind of grief, a numbe state, the minds way of getting over the loss.
For those with big families, or who live with lots of people, work in a job where they meet lots of people, that is a salve, an ointment to help.
For me, as I got older, I felt I had met my soul mate, I don't expect that to happen again, but I dream it will. Loving another person enriches the souls and is so good for us in every way.
I think Billy Joels 'I'm an innocent man' says it all about people closing the door of their hearts to love.
As I said earlier, love is too precious to squander. Don't let it get away when it arrives.

And I'm getting worried about this telepathy. I was thinking about Billy Joel and his Piano Man just before I read this comment.laugh
Hi Catfoot, I have kind of settled into the life of being single and feel content with it. I do however keep a open mind of the possibility of finding a special woman.

Keeping a eye open is good advice to anyone, I did once have a relationship with a younger woman and seen signs but didn't want to see them and it did come to a end. lesson well learned.

cheers my freind
Hi Wen
That is usually the problem. We see the signs but ignore them, hoping things will get better. It never does.
Mercedes ~ Hard to believe that nobody has loved you, maybe you are not letting them 'in' as you have a great personality etc., smitten It's risky and takes a leap out of the comfort zone, but the initial phase is like being on heroin, and then when it moves to a deeper level it's beautiful too.
I love watching elderly people hold hands and you see them in coffee shops and they seem to have to much to talk about... wonderful.heart beating
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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

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created Mar 2018
Last Viewed: just now
Last Commented: Mar 2018
Last Liked: Mar 2018
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