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Unknown403-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Karma or Justice

Karma or JusticeIs justice. For the ones going around infringing copyrights. I received a letter from a court in N.Y. There's a lawsuit against Spotify for usi...

Unknown439-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Take Risks

Take RisksTake Risks...

jarred1465-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Track165110Sep 2017Go to Last Post
I Am Me

I Am Me….I Am Me…....

jarred1443-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Everyday Is Beautiful

Everyday Is BeautifulEveryday Is Beautiful...

jarred11,943-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
The Wrong Relationship

The Wrong RelationshipThe Wrong Relationship...

jarred1515-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Unknown597-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Happiness Is The Key Of Life

Happiness Is The Key Of LifeHappiness Is The Key Of Life...

jarred1676-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
No rapture on September 23 2017 false doctrine No rapture at all

No rapture on September 23,2017 false doctrine (No rapture at all)Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. Mark 13:32 But of that day and that hour...

Unknown410-Sep 2017Go to Last Post

Mama...Mama used to say when you speak chicken pee....

Unknown513-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Relationships These Days Are Harder

Relationships These Days Are HarderRelationships These Days Are Harder

jarred1460-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
We are all innocent until we die

We are all innocent, until we die.We are all innocent, until we die....

jarred1480-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Dear Irma

Dear IrmaThank you, thank you, thank you, for taking away with you my former mother in law with you. Rest in wind, whenever she landed....

Unknown548-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
One Thorn Of Experience

One Thorn Of ExperienceOne Thorn Of Experience...

jarred1485-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Everybody Is A Genius

Everybody Is A GeniusEverybody Is A Genius...

jarred1446-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Unknown622-Sep 2017Go to Last Post

A Few Tips For A Better DayDon't keep the sugar and salt in similar containers beside each other. If you need to use the bathroom but someone is in there, just use the garbag...

Track164020Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Relationship Is Not About Age

Relationship Is Not About AgeRelationship Is Not About Age [/url...

jarred1488-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
You May Know Me Who I Am

You May Know Me Who I AmYou May Know Me Who I Am:...

jarred1460-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Unknown426-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Life Is Your Mirror

Life Is Your MirrorLife Is Your Mirror...

jarred1401-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Two Things Are Infinite

Two Things Are InfiniteTwo Things Are Infinite [/u...

jarred1493-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Unknown375-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Forget What Hurt You But Never Forget What It Taught You

Forget What Hurt You But Never Forget What It Taught YouForget What Hurt You But Never Forget What It Taught You

jarred11,918-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Unknown597-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Everything Happens For A Reason

Everything Happens For A ReasonEverything Happens For A Reason [...

jarred1545-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Be Sure To Taste Your Words

Be Sure To Taste Your WordsBe Sure To Taste Your Words...

jarred1874-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Unknown425-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Unknown405-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Unknown354-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Dont Waste Your Time With Explanations

Don’t Waste Your Time With ExplanationsDon’t Waste Your Time With Explanations [/url...

jarred1494-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
love yourself

love yourselfLove yourself before you love others. Thank you Lord for love me...

honeybunny824480Sep 2017Go to Last Post
never give up

never give upNever give up on finding love. Soon or later that special person will come in your will find that happiness again....

honeybunny824330Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Unknown415-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Dont Lose Hope

Don’t Lose HopeDon’t Lose Hope...

jarred1459-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
THE TRIBE OF REUBEN Seminole Calusa Muskogee Creek Indian descent are part of the 12 tribes Part 1

THE TRIBE OF REUBEN Seminole, Calusa,Muskogee,Creek Indian descent are part of the 12 tribes Part 1Genesis 49:1 1 And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you IN THE LAST DA...

Unknown842-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
Always Laugh When You Can It Is Cheap Medicine

Always Laugh When You Can It Is Cheap MedicineAlways Laugh When You Can It Is Cheap Medicine

jarred1546-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
THE TRIBE OF REUBEN Seminole Calusa Muskogee Creek Indian descent are part of the 12 tribes Part 2

THE TRIBE OF REUBEN Seminole, Calusa,Muskogee,Creek Indian descent are part of the 12 tribes Part 2Numbers 15:37 37 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, 38 Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them FRINGES in the bo...

Unknown438-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
THE TRIBE OF REUBEN Seminole Calusa Muskogee Creek Indian descent are part of the 12 tribes Part 3

THE TRIBE OF REUBEN Seminole, Calusa,Muskogee,Creek Indian descent are part of the 12 tribes Part 3The origin of the Seminole conflict date back to Governor Moore's invasion into Spanish Florida in 1704 in which he introduced BANDS OF CREEKS into...

Unknown1,773-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
THE TRIBE OF REUBEN Seminole Calusa Muskogee Creek Indian descent are part of the 12 tribes Part 4


Unknown657-Sep 2017Go to Last Post
THE TRIBE OF REUBEN Seminole Calusa Muskogee Creek Indian descent are part of the 12 tribes Part 5

THE TRIBE OF REUBEN Seminole, Calusa,Muskogee,Creek Indian descent are part of the 12 tribes Part 5(The nickname Seminole that was given to the Tribe of Reuben is a byword that means runaway or wild. This is not a nationality. This name Seminole was...

Unknown510-Sep 2017Go to Last Post

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