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me im a fun young man looking for a fun ladie of almost any age
so you can write me if thats you :)
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A poem I wrote called Time Stand Still

Here is a poem I wrote after I lost my mom. It is about how I felt when she died and I am sure other peope feel this way when some one they love dies. So hear it is.

Time Stand Still
Since you've gone it seems likt time stands still.
I miss you so much that I feel ill.
Often I wonder why you had to go.
The emotional wounds I have have seems to heal so slow.
I am so lost with out you here.
This lost feeling will be here forever I fear.
Moving on is so hard to do.
Cause knowing I can't see you makes me feel so blue.
If only time would move on.
Then I could accept that you are truelly gone.
I know I need to find a way to restart time.
So I can get on with my life.
But so far I have not found a way.
Yet I know that I find the answer some day.
And until that takes place.
I will have to rely on Gods good grace.

This is a picture of my mom
Embedded image from another site
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She is just a 3 year old, how can she be so bad
that thunder cloads and shattered glass is all she has.
If thunder is but her daddy's touch
and stones her mother's words,
where is the heaven in her life's game.
In the dark corners of the room solace is found
waiting for the next stone to fling her way,
the next thunderstorm,
when darkness falls...
Charlies Pub opens the stormy skies for thunder to strike.
Oh how bad can she be,
that the Angels can't open heavens door,
for her to feel the love, hugs, play and laughter with no more pain.
One more thunderstorm...and in the distance a sweet voice...
Angels bring Misty to Me.angel
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Dream, Hope and Wish......

Being only human, it is our nature to dream, hope and wish....dream of what we want, hope it is not impossible and wish that it were not.

Unfortunately, when we adhere to a dream with stubborness we restrict ourselves on our journey through the world of dating and love. We decide what we are looking we ever find it?....and bypass potential friends and lovers.

I recently started chatting with a potential interest. After a few days, he shared his thoughts with me on what he wanted in a partner and asked me to share my thoughts in turn. I did.....and received a shock....a very rude letter. I was told that I had no values, that I had a poor outlook on life, no brains, no personality and more that I will not elaborate upon here. It was very hurtful, undeserved and sad to be judged for sharing thoughts and feelings that were different and, therefore, not accepted or respected.

So, I feel that dreams are wonderful, as long as we are flexible and do not allow them to cloud our sensibilities. My dream of the perfect man?.....someone who will accept me and love me for who I am. In turn, I will want to do the same for him.

In that light, I have tried to travel this particular road in my life with as few obstacles as possible by simply dreaming of love, hoping I will find it and wishing the same for all of you.
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The Nothing

I see Nothing

I hear Nothing

The Nothing is closing in

In a crowd it suffocates me

As it breathes in my air

As the lonliness engulfs me

I know I'm not alone

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Thinking about You..

When I ate today at noon
All I could think about was you
Wishing you was here to do what you do
Wishing I could feed you with my spoon
Hoping someday I'll see your smile again

I don't know if I can take all this pain
Knowing that I am here and you are there
Thinking about the times we had and will not have

You are the best there ever was and will be
There is nothing to explain you, but lovely
Even when I was sad you made me happy

I just don't know what to do
I just hope one day, I get to see you

......................bouquet bouquet bouquet bouquet hug hug hug happy place happy place happy place snowed in snowed in snowed in snowed in
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Raining outside

sleep It's raining and cold again. I can't wait for spring to truly arrive!
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I appreciate you....

You are a person
who makes life easier and better
for everyone around you.
Your continual acts
of thoughtfulness
and kindness
brighten each day.
What you did for me
will glow in my memory,
reviving pleasant feelings
every time I think about it.
I appreciate you,
and I thank you....

To aperson who I admire...bouquet bouquet bouquet hug hug
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My Heros Were My Parents

Me being the youngest of my family,I'd always been their baby but as I grew up they learned to give me some space to grow.They helped me learn to do things on my own.My mother and father will always be a great inspiration in my life.Those two amazing people had two different characters and because of that I learned alot from both.

Talking of my father he was always the hard and tough person in a very positive way,his motto was when the going gets tough the tough get going.I've seen him never give up any time on his life or letting us down. He taught me to be strong. I learned that life will always be hard but if you keep your head straight, and to always think wise,be confident and not to give up cause you can always win life.

He taught me another great lesson,that nothing is given to us on a gold plate from the moment we're born.We should thrive and work hard to get where we want to.The golden lesson I value most is what you give society is what you back in return,so do justice in every day in your life then we won't regret any day of our lives and life will always treat us well.Yet again my father had a funny way of thinking about life.He said when we're born happiness and sadness are just facts of life so be ready to face them as they come and don't be led down by sadness or be over whelmed by happiness. I never understood what he meant by it but now I know what he meant.We have to learn to accept the only true facts in life but not get caught in it but keep on moving and learn to live the life.

Well words aren't enough to tell how much I learned from him,but thanks to all he taught me and he eventually made me become a stronger person to face life and whatever life offers me best or worse.

My mother taught me how to enrich my life spiritually which I really appreciate and I'm happy that I was born to her because,she taught me that enriching my life spiritually can make you a happier and more humble person than normal.She also taught me how to look at things in a wider view then being biased which in turn made me think more intelligently.She also taught me that a girl has many roles to play in her life time and many duties to do and how I should adjust mentally to each of those roles and do my duties correctly.

I'm grateful to my parents because they never made me feel sad. They always gave me what I wanted but they had their limits so I didn't turn out to be a spoiled person.Most of all they taught me many things that will always come in handy in this crazy ride of life.I'm the most luckiest person to have had such amazing and wonderful parents.
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Well, I read many threads here and blogs and I think first thing we must do it first is to accept ourselves how we are phisically and phisically in a word to be optimistic,because if we are not pleased by us like person,how we can start to look other person to like her?We must like by ourselves first to be optimistic ,trustful in ourselves and then ready to find a person to like her .Love is when u accept yourself and the person whom u choose how he/she is and u don't want to change him/her,but u love him/her how he/she is for what he/she is,because every person is special in his/her way.rose rose
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