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Are you serious?

Hi everyone, I'll try not to babble but here goes. I met a guy this time last year, from the outset he spoilt me, showered me with gifts, made m...
3,025690Aug 2017Feb 201813 hrs ago

Head Wrecking!

Getting down and personal with this blog but I'm hoping someone could shed some light on an individual's (my ex's) behaviour. So the story goes;...
79150Dec 2022Dec 202229 mins ago

Moving Forwards, Going Backwards.

Tell me I'm not the only one that sits and wonders where their life is going , anyone? While I'm quite happy being single and practically liv...
699140Mar 2019Mar 2019Apr 25

This is a list of blogs created by MysteriousGirl80, ordered by Most Viewed. Click here for MysteriousGirl80's Full Blog

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