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Love/Friendship eCards (295)

Here is a list of Love/Friendship eCards. Connecting Singles eCards are totally free for you to send. ANY CS card on these pages can be changed & customized by you for ANY occasion. You don't have to send these cards as-is. You can change the greeting & music to make one fit for you. Click on an eCard below to view it, then click the "Send this eCard" button, edit the card template to make it your own, and send it to your friend! Or if you prefer, you can also Design a new eCard template to be added to these pages and used by other members. Click here to post an eCard.

eCardPosterOrder by Most ViewedOrder by Most CommentedOrder by Most SentCreatedLast Comment
A Beautiful Flower

A Beautiful Flower!

BEAUTIFUL Flower Is Like a Beautiful Soul!...

falicia16301Dec 13


"LOVE" For Your Self and Others! Is What Make Us Humans![...

falicia18501Dec 5
Fluffy Beautiful Friend

Fluffy Beautiful Friend

GREATINGS Fluffy Best Loyal Friends Wil Never Betrayed You! BY falicia...

falicia21100Nov 14
Love Friendship

Love Friendship

Hello. It's nice to see you on Connect Singles. Looking forward to becoming friends...

CFoss1991148020Sep 16
Live a positive life is peace of mind

Live a positive life is peace of mind

Hello great greetings to you all I believe that Everyone is happy with the way that life is treating them very happy greetings to you all I hope an...

Aj44_Nk12801Jul 2023


What can I say? You are a pleasure to see as often as I can. I only wish I knew you in real-life. I wish we were friends and could do fun stuff tog...

Unknown15201Jul 2023
Beautiful muscle man

Beautiful muscle man.

Alexis, I would really like to get to know you. I am very physically attracted to you, but would love to get to know you as a person. [/b...

Unknown10302Jul 2023
For the gorgeous guy

For the gorgeous guy!

Well, my friend what can I say? My intuition (which is NEVER wrong), tells me you are an absolute sweetheart! Thank you for indulging me in allowing...

Unknown21401Jun 2023
Gorgeous man

Gorgeous man

Steve, I think that whatever woman gets you is going to be the luckiest woman on earth. You are crazy sexy, an absolute sweetheart and one of the ni...

Unknown13201Jun 2023
The One I want

The One I want.

Big guy, You have blown me away today. I never knew feelings like this existed. I am in total awe of your magnificent spectacular body and o...

Unknown12502Jun 2023
Amazing man

Amazing man

Tony, I can't tell you how great it was to meet someone. You seem really solid and down-to-earth! Just my type of person! Have an awesome day, sexy...

Unknown11301Jun 2023


Kieran, I am totally speechless. Never have I been so enamored of an older man before. You are so handsome and muscular, I want to taste every inch...

Unknown11402Jun 2023
You floor me

You floor me ....

Everything I want to say is written above, Mike. Except to say that I am completely and utterly crazy about you, without even knowing you! I have NE...

Unknown10300Jun 2023


Mike, Your tolerance, humor and acceptance makes you a great guy. Your looks, body, arms and sexuality strengthens it. Your heart, soul and spirit...

Unknown11101Jun 2023
Just for you

Just for you ...

Haroun, You have shown me so much in such a little time. I find you fascinating and I love hearing about you and your family. I really wish that t...

Unknown17811Jun 2023Jun 2023
Such beauty

Such beauty.

I could look at you all day, Wassim. You truly are so sexy....

Unknown11701Jun 2023
Still Blue Ocean

Still Blue Ocean

You remind me of this ocean. Calm, tranquil, beautiful and peaceful. You truly emanate all the power and placidity of it. I am so glad I met...

Unknown9902Jun 2023


There is something erotic about water, and I would love to do things to you in the pool that no-one else could see! I can think of all sorts of ways...

Unknown16404Jun 2023


Alfie, I wish to give you a full body massage. To feel your skin and to loosen away your tension. I'll rub every inch of your body and bring you ma...

Unknown11701Jun 2023
Some people

Some people.

Well, seeing as how you won't open your message, I'll leave you this here. So I suppose you think I'm a "fag" because I favorited you? Maybe I did...

Unknown11301Jun 2023
I know you too well

I know you too well!

Yeah, Mister. You can fool the world, but you can't fool me! Deep down behind your funny facade, I just KNOW that there's a great, funny, sweet guy...

Unknown10501Jun 2023
You make me melt

You make me melt.

Ayoubessallaq, every time I see you, I get butterflies in my stomach. Your body looks so delicious....

Unknown21701Jun 2023
Cant believe this

Can't believe this ....

I have no expectations, and never did, but from the moment I saw you, my heart skipped a beat. I think you are the most beautiful person I've met in...

Unknown9502Jun 2023


Mmmmmm... Kalda....

Unknown9201Jun 2023
As beautiful as you are

As beautiful as you are ...

Yaser, You take my breath away. You truly are the most beautiful man I have ever seen....

Unknown8501Jun 2023
As beautiful as you are

As beautiful as you are ...

You have the most beautiful, kind face!...

Unknown9003Jun 2023
Gday Chris

G'day Chris!

Hope your Sunday is going well, mate! And I hope you like this joke! Sorry I have to send it here, but for some reason, I can't send messages for 12...

Unknown8801Jun 2023
Im in awe

I'm in awe ...

"G'day Endwar!?" Or should I say: "Hey there, Mr. VERY interesting!" I say that because of your screen name. That tells me pretty much all I need t...

Unknown8601Jun 2023
Im sorry I cant answer you

I'm sorry I can't answer you

I will follow through with a message, handsome....

Unknown11100Jun 2023


Mmmm... you are one of the sexiest men I have ever seen! Have a great Sunday!!!...

Unknown15802Jun 2023
As beautiful as you are

As beautiful as you are ...

Sincerely, You make my heart race and get me so excited. I would love nothing better than to get to know you as well as I can....

Unknown10201Jun 2023



Unknown9901Jun 2023
I wish I was holding you while you sleep

I wish I was holding you while you sleep...

I would love to feel your beautiful body next to mine and wrap my arms around you while we sleep, Ahmed....

Unknown11501Jun 2023
Je souhaite faire votre connaissance

Je souhaite faire votre connaissance

Un vin Bordeaux mis en bouteille l'année de ma naissance pour sceller notre futur amour amical et et j'espère plus........

KAMPARIS18701May 2023
Stealing my heart

Stealing my heart

I think that you... might be stealing my heart...

Staff5,6930233Dec 2014


I promise i am yours I promise to always love , forever and ever through the good and the bad for worse or for better….. I wanna be with you for the...

Cquarty153013Mar 2023
Our friendship

Our friendship

I came to CS without expectation, never believing it possible to make a close friendship so far across the miles. But here we are... like we've...

Staff6,1172180Mar 2016Jun 2019
Good morning

Good morning

Good morning... hope you have a lovely day...

Staff6,0080189Apr 2015
When you love

When you love

When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out. ~Elizabeth Bowen~...

Staff5,792055Apr 2015May 2017
peace and harmony

peace and harmony

Wishing you peace and harmony in your life...

Staff4,592062Aug 2011
peace love harmony

peace, love, harmony

Wishing you peace, love, harmony and happiness as you journey through this day...

Staff4,718157Jun 2008Jun 2014
good morning just me wishing you

good morning just me wishing you...

Good Morning It's just me Wishing you A great Day!...

4MaryB2,690023Apr 2009Sep 2022


Kats who play together stay together...

Staff2,223032Dec 2007
Cant wait to meet you

Can't wait to meet you

Can't wait to meet you...

Staff2,572041Jan 2008


love me... love my Chihuahua...

Staff3,24505Jan 2008
You make my tail wag

You make my tail wag

You make my tail wag...

Staff2,588032Jan 2008