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Halloween eCards (35)

Here is a list of Halloween eCards. Connecting Singles eCards are totally free for you to send. ANY CS card on these pages can be changed & customized by you for ANY occasion. You don't have to send these cards as-is. You can change the greeting & music to make one fit for you. Click on an eCard below to view it, then click the "Send this eCard" button, edit the card template to make it your own, and send it to your friend! Or if you prefer, you can also Design a new eCard template to be added to these pages and used by other members. Click here to post an eCard.

Were good together

We're good together

It's spooooky how good we are together.. Happy Halloween!!

A friend like you

A friend like you...

Having a friend like you makes life a little less scarey Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

~Happy Halloween~ Hope your day is filled with smiles

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

May all your tricks be treats in disguise! Happy Halloween

thinking of you

thinking of you

Happy Halloween! ~from your spooky Friend~ Wherever you go Whatever you boooo Just want you to know I'm thinking of yoooooo...

purrrr fect match

purrrr-fect match

We're a purrrr-fect match Happy Halloween!

purrr fect friend

purrr-fect friend

Happy Halloween to a friend who's purrrrr-fect in every way!

Halloween treats

Halloween treats

~Happy Halloween~ Hope your day's a sweet treat!

Halloweens in the air

Halloween's in the air

be careful.. beware.. Halloween's in the air!

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

No Trick or Treater Could ever be sweeter! Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

Hope your Halloween is full of sweet treats.

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

Wishing you a beautiful autumn and a delightfully Happy Halloween too

Get batty

Get batty

It's Halloween!! get totally batty!

I like you best

I like you best!

Of all the weird things on Halloween.... I like YOU the best!!

You make me grin

You make me grin

Thinking of you on Halloween.. sure makes me grin

Halloween smile

Halloween smile

Hope your Halloween is filled with smiles!

Sweet Treat

Sweet Treat

Happy Halloween! Hope your day's a sweet treat!

Happy thoughts of you

Happy thoughts of you

Thinking happy thoughts of you.. Hope the moon is smiling over your Halloween world

Thinking of you

Thinking of you

Happy Halloween! ..thinking of you..

Missing you

Missing you

Missing you on Halloween

Thinking of you

Thinking of you

Thinking of you on Halloween ...sure makes me grin

Happy Trick or Treat

Happy Trick or Treat

Happy Trick or Treat! No matter which costume you choose... hope you'll be wearing a great big smile

Halloween friend

Halloween friend

Happy Halloween To my forever friend

Halloween Hi

Halloween Hi!

Just rattling by... with a Halloween Hi!

Halloween friend

Halloween friend

Having friends like you puts Happy in my Halloween!

dont be scared

don't be scared..

Halloween Witches flying past on broomsticks, Black cats leaping here and there, White-robed spooks on every corner, Mournful moaning in the air, Goblins peering out of windows, Spirit-things that rap and run- But do

Purrrrrr fect Halloween

Purrrrrr-fect Halloween

Hope your Halloween is purrrrrr-fect!

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

Halloween Wishes.. Have a Happy Pumpkin Day!

to my ghoulfriend

to my ghoulfriend

Happy Halloween! to my ghoulfriend

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

Have a great weekend and a Happy Halloween!

Halloween BOO

Halloween BOO!

A Halloween BOO! From me to you!

crossing paths

crossing paths

Just in case we don't cross paths... have a Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

~ * ~

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

Charmed, I’m sure.. To be wishing you A Happy Halloween



Charmed, I’m sure.. To be wishing you A Happy Halloween