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Love/Romance eCards (285)

Here is a list of Love/Romance eCards. Connecting Singles eCards are totally free for you to send. ANY CS card on these pages can be changed & customized by you for ANY occasion. You don't have to send these cards as-is. You can change the greeting & music to make one fit for you. Click on an eCard below to view it, then click the "Send this eCard" button, edit the card template to make it your own, and send it to your friend! Or if you prefer, you can also Design a new eCard template to be added to these pages and used by other members. Click here to post an eCard.

so glad we connected

so glad we connected

I'm so glad we connected..

Love is a haven

Love is a haven

Love is a little haven of refuge from the world. ~Bertrand A. Russell~

You make me smile

You make me smile

If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand. ~unknown

Love chatting with you

Love chatting with you

The best part of my day.. is any minute I spend chatting with you.


ROSE !!!

Heart of my heart, the world is young Fragrance of love lies hidden in every ROSE!!!

2 hearts 1 connection

2 hearts, 1 connection

two hearts... one great connection

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary

As it opens itself to beauty, each bouquet is unique. I wish for you years that unfold with happiness and wonder. Happy Anniversary!

2000 miles

2000 miles

I know that we are 2000 miles away each other, but feelings in my heart for you will never change. even if you go farther than that. you will be in my heart forever.

Have you received it

Have you received it?

There is an ocean between us. Forest and mountain keep us apart. I may not be a superman,but give me a second and i will fly accross countries to send you my love.

When you tell me I am your world

When you tell me I am your world...

When you tell me I am your world, you melt my heart. When you tell me you can't live without me, you melt my soul. When you tell me you want to create our future together, I am yours until the end of time.



You Are Unique Like This Flower

Its every little thing you do

It's every little thing you do....

It's every little thing you do, that makes me fall in love with you!

I love you with every

I love you with every....

I love you with every inch of my body, with every ounce of my soul, with every beat of my heart!

black and white

black and white

I feel privileged

And Our Garden

And Our Garden

And Our Garden Will Grow With Thine Love of Mine~O~

Spring knocks at the doors

Spring knocks at the doors

Here we would meet spring,my best regards in the occasion,,

And the nature tells

And the nature tells,,,,,,

A great image of nature might have a different language to tell

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary

May your love continue to bloom, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Miles Between Us

Miles Between Us ...

Love Does Not Pay Heed to the Miles Between Us ... It is Measured by the Nearness of Our Hearts. I Know the Distance Keep Us Apart ... But the Distance Can Not Change the Feelings in My Heart

A thoughts of you

" A thoughts of you "

You are the first thing I think of when I awake; Thoughts of you last throughout the day and into the nights when I go to bed..... No one else, nothing else, fills my mind so sweetly as you do....




Long distance relationship

Long distance relationship


Your World

Your World

May Your World be filled with Beauty... Always


Do not put the point where the heart is a comma




Just the two of Us

"Just the two of Us"

"Just the two of Us"

Each new sunrise Lake Hudson Michigan 2011

"Each new sunrise" Lake Hudson Michigan 2011

Awoken to Beauty

Sailing the Same Path

Sailing the Same Path

Sailing A New Path Together...

Ill Wait for You

I'll Wait for You

I will wait for you

Fragrance Romance

Fragrance Romance

Fragrance in our mind

Forever in bloom

Forever in bloom

Oh how warm the rays of the rising sun Caressing lovelit skin As endless love blooms evermore And our lives conjoined begin

Close Up


Especially For You..

Look to where your mind wanders

Look to where your mind wanders

If you want to know where your heart is look to where your mind wanders....



Everlasting Love

Life has its moments

Life has its moments

~Life has its moments lets make it unforgetable~