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Love/Romance eCards (285)

Here is a list of Love/Romance eCards. Connecting Singles eCards are totally free for you to send. ANY CS card on these pages can be changed & customized by you for ANY occasion. You don't have to send these cards as-is. You can change the greeting & music to make one fit for you. Click on an eCard below to view it, then click the "Send this eCard" button, edit the card template to make it your own, and send it to your friend! Or if you prefer, you can also Design a new eCard template to be added to these pages and used by other members. Click here to post an eCard.



"thirst drove me down to the water where i drank the moon's reflection." ~ jalal-uddin rumi i want to taste you...

Your Beauty

Your Beauty

"winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting, and autumn a mosaic of them all." stanley horowitz You Captivate Me...

Brilliant Love

~~~ Brilliant Love ~~~

"it is at the edge of the petal that love waits." ~ william carlos williams

A flower says it all

A flower says it all.

A miracle of Nature are flowers but none compare to you my love.

My Heart Wants to Say

My Heart Wants to Say ...

There Are So Many Things My Heart Wants To Say ... I Love You Sweetheart! ... There Is No Other Way.

Sending nothing but love

Sending nothing but love

Sending you nothing but my love

The sweetest rose cannot compare to you

The sweetest rose cannot compare to you.

I want to say. The love we share Is lavish, rich and rare. So I feel I must declare With utmost thought and care. That all else How fine or fair simply said, cannot compare.

Love at Last

Love at Last!

Love at Last!

Love in Full Bloom

Love in Full Bloom

You are always on my mind. Every minute of every day I love you more and my heart has opened to you like a magical rose in full bloom.

Our love is in bloom like a perfect rose

Our love is in bloom like a perfect rose

"Our love is in bloom Like a perfect rose"

promise in love

promise in love

In love, promise only what you can deliver, then deliver more than you promise.



Lonely? can i be lonely when you are always in my thoughts.i wake up with you and go to sleep with you.i love you"

I close my eyes and feel you near

I close my eyes and feel you near

I close my eyes and feel you near In every dream and every tear In every memory that doesn't fade away It feels like forever, it's Just a heartbeat away My Dreams seems so far away In other times they just around the corner I know you're far b




Every day

Every day

Every day I find my love for you Grows more and more...

Your Love Is Everything

Your Love Is Everything ...

Sweetheart! ... Your Love Is Everything That I Dreamed ... You Fill My Life With Happiness! ... I LOVE YOU !

You look great

“You look great”

Babe “You look great”

pure love

pure love

Pure Love Is when you smile at the image of the one you love. When you laid your head on his chest, and the sound of his heart beat, makes your heart beat faster. Pure Love is when you feel complete peace when with the love of your choice. And

Distance cannot separate true love

Distance cannot separate true love

Distance cannot separate two hearts.. that truly love.. one another. ****

across the miles

across the miles

Until that moment arrives I send to you across the miles My tender love My warm embrace And my most passionate kiss

Sweetness is my weakness

Sweetness is my weakness

"Sweetness Is My Weakness" XOXO

love each other

love each other

People like us never depart Who love each other Heart to heart

it is because of you

it is because of you

" If I know what love is, it is because of you "

Ill love you forever more

I'll love you forever more

The big things mean a lot But one thing is for sure The little things keep us together And I'll love you forever more

Id do everything for you

I'd do everything for you

I'd walk a thousand miles, just to see you I'd scream a thousand words, just so you could hear me I'd cry a thousand tears, just so you'd know I care about you I'd sings a thousand love song, Just so I could think about you I'd climb to the

words could never express

words could never express

Words could never express How much I love you!



Come fly away with me



It sure would be nice if you were here to share the view



Sunrise Or Sunset Don't Know Do Know I want to see every one of them with you



Love is no matter of counting the years, But making the year count ! ................. I Love You forever.

love long distance

love long distance

True love does not worry about The distance between For the heart and soul Travels through one's words

with love of herself

with love of herself

If you cannot inspire a woman With love of you Fill her above the brim With love of herself All that runs over will be yours ( Charles Caleb Colton )

I am here for You

I am here for You

I am here for you Today, tomorrow And always... Have a beautiful day!

I Love You

I Love You


a warm e wish

a warm e-wish

What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other word Would smell as sweet (Romeo and Juliet)