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Love/Romance eCards (285)

Here is a list of Love/Romance eCards. Connecting Singles eCards are totally free for you to send. ANY CS card on these pages can be changed & customized by you for ANY occasion. You don't have to send these cards as-is. You can change the greeting & music to make one fit for you. Click on an eCard below to view it, then click the "Send this eCard" button, edit the card template to make it your own, and send it to your friend! Or if you prefer, you can also Design a new eCard template to be added to these pages and used by other members. Click here to post an eCard.

eCardPosterOrder by Most ViewedOrder by Most CommentedOrder by Most SentCreatedLast Comment
Love u babe xxx

Love u babe xxx

Love U babe ??...

corkmale404702Mar 25
Happy Valentines

Happy Valentine's

To a Beautiful Soul!...

falicia6210Feb 5Feb 5
Happy Valentines

Happy Valentine's

To a Beautiful Soul!...

falicia5202Feb 5
Happy Valentines

Happy Valentine's

Your Greeting will go here...

falicia6901Feb 5
Future of dreams

Future of dreams

What dreams are made of as you're welcome to mine....

Spooky714601Oct 15
Music for your gracious heart

Music for your gracious heart

Welcome to my world....

Spooky711303Oct 10
Princess of beauty

Princess of beauty

Welcome to romance...

Spooky711403Oct 4
Soul of cherry blossom

Soul of cherry blossom

Welcome, gracious honorable PRINCESS Joann...

Spooky79401Oct 1


Dear PRINCESS Regina I come before you in the hopes of seeking that elusive butterfly of love. It's no up to GOD nor I to choose your beloved heart, b...

Spooky78401Sep 29
Cute Princess

Cute Princess


Spooky711002Sep 22
Cute Princess

Cute Princess


Spooky78400Sep 22

Picture I took in K West last month

Pic I took last month in Key West...

2LoveZ123011Sep 16


Will u marry me vika love u so much babe xxxx...

castlebarmale22311Jun 2023Sep 14
Lovely cherry blossom

Lovely cherry blossom

May I enter your beloved realm of harmony?...

Spooky79701Sep 5
Sweet smile of love

Sweet smile of love

Cherry blossom of spring....

Spooky712001Sep 4
Art of love

Art of love

Welcome sweet BUTTERFLY of Love...

Spooky711101Sep 1
The tenderness of your loving spirit

The tenderness of your loving spirit

The beautiful grace of your loving spirit....

Spooky79201Aug 27
My heart is your

My heart is your

No strings attached...

Unknown12201Aug 2023
Be mine

Be mine

My heart is yours if you want it...

Unknown19102Aug 2023
My beloved Princess has arrived

My beloved Princess has arrived

Welcome beloved Princess ?????? to my ?? & SOUL....

Spooky79500Aug 2023


As I see your beautiful Spirit....

Spooky710002Aug 2023

Rose in blume

Wishing you the best of summer ??...

2LoveZ26805Jul 2023
That Danish hunk

That Danish hunk

Nå Danny, Hvad mere kan jeg sige? Jeg synes, du er så forbandet sexet og intellektuel og sjov og ønsker Gud, jeg boede i Danmark! Jeg ville elske a...

Unknown9801Jun 2023
You are my D I S C O V E R Y

You are my D I S C O V E R Y... ... ...

You are my D I S C O V E R Y ... Ignite the F I R E in You for that flame of "Love" in its Purity to invade us and to usher in us that cherished li...

PavitP18109Jun 2023


I am so into you. I feel like a little kid. You are the most beautiful man I have ever met Online. I wish you nothing but the best for you and your...

Unknown12001Jun 2023
Just for you

Just for you!

Aboazzmi, You laugh, but in MY eyes, you are sweet, nice, and have an incredible body! I wish you could see this in yourself!...

Unknown13702Jun 2023


I want you so bad.... I want to kiss, suck, lick and taste you....

Unknown28502Jun 2023


My love, I wish to take your breath away and make love to you like no-one ever has before. I want you to moan with pleasure as we make passionate lov...

Unknown10501Jun 2023
Beautiful sunset just for you beautiful

Beautiful sunset just for you beautiful

Took this beautiful sunset across the Irish sea towards Pembroke and thought I'd share it with you beautiful...

summerahoy5415604Feb 2023
Our special world

Our special world

A Special World A special world for you and me A special bond one cannot see It wraps us up in its cocoon And holds us fi...

Staff5,8900105Mar 2016
Have I told you lately

Have I told you lately?

Have I told you lately.... that I care....

Staff3,9872162Jul 2011Apr 2017
Crush on you

Crush on you

I've got a crush on you...

Staff4,689025Feb 2008
So happy since we met

So happy since we met

I can't even begin to tell you, just how happy I have been, since the moment I found you....

Staff5,8130163Mar 2008
Heart Design

Heart Design

You make my heart sing...

Staff2,047029Apr 2008
Lovers Quarrel

Lovers Quarrel

And so it goes......

Staff14,45103Apr 2008
so glad we connected

so glad we connected

I'm so glad we connected.....

Staff3,676073Jul 2008
Love is a haven

Love is a haven

Love is a little haven of refuge from the world. ~Bertrand A. Russell~...

Staff2,268025Jul 2011
You make me smile

You make me smile

If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand. ~unkno...

Staff2,373059Jul 2011
Love chatting with you

Love chatting with you

The best part of my day.. is any minute I spend chatting with you....

Staff2,118052Apr 2012

ROSE !!!

Heart of my heart, the world is young Fragrance of love lies hidden in every ROSE!!!...

LifeThirst1,693140Sep 2011Jul 2020
2 hearts 1 connection

2 hearts, 1 connection

two hearts... one great connection...

Staff2,897028Feb 2008
Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary

As it opens itself to beauty, each bouquet is unique. I wish for you years that unfold with happiness and wonder. Happy Anniversary!...

gnj4u1,483010Sep 2014
2000 miles

2000 miles

I know that we are 2000 miles away each other, but feelings in my heart for you will never change. even if you go farther than that. you will be in my...

ag1211,43102Dec 2013
Have you received it

Have you received it?

There is an ocean between us. Forest and mountain keep us apart. I may not be a superman,but give me a second and i will fly accross countries to send...

ag1211,45404Nov 2013
When you tell me I am your world

When you tell me I am your world...

When you tell me I am your world, you melt my heart. When you tell me you can't live without me, you melt my soul. When you tell me you want to c...

Arteee1,789011Oct 2013


You Are Unique Like This Flower...

timotie1,24404Sep 2013