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Newest eCards (1,531)

Here is a list of eCards ordered by Newest, posted by members. Connecting Singles eCards are totally free for you to send. ANY CS card on these pages can be changed & customized by you for ANY occasion. You don't have to send these cards as-is. You can change the greeting & music to make one fit for you. Click on an eCard below to view it, then click the "Send this eCard" button, edit the card template to make it your own, and send it to your friend! Or if you prefer, you can also Design a new eCard template to be added to these pages and used by other members. Click here to post an eCard.

waiting for you

waiting for you

Seems unfair, that we found one another and yet are still alone, Hours , days , weeks and months havent brought us closer. Even though we are apart, My heart still beats for you, and always waits for you.

I Love To Know You Better

I Love To Know You Better...

I Love To Know You Better...

A flower for missing You

A flower for missing You

The memories flash before me It makes me want to cry I miss you even more when they appear

You Have A Friend

You Have A Friend...

If you just need to talk... Call me If you just need someone to listen, You can call me. Whatever time of night, No matter what time of day, You can always call.. I'm here for you.. Ok?

Im Sorry You Are Going Through This

I'm Sorry You Are Going Through This...

I hope that things start, Looking up for you real soon.

I give U my heart please use it wisely

I give U my heart..please use it wisely..

I give U my heart..Please use it wisely..

Wanna ask do U miss me like I miss U

Wanna U miss me like I miss U?

Do you miss me like I miss you

I am sorry

I am sorry

I am Sorry

Stargazer Lillies

Stargazer Lillies

Thinking of You



Wishing you all the great things in life And I hope this birthday will bring you An extra share of all that makes you happiest! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!

Get Well

Get Well

Get Well...

Thinking Of You

Thinking Of You ...

I Remember You...

Thinking of You

Thinking of You...

I Remember...

If there is love

If there is love...


Thinking Of You

Thinking Of You ...

Thank You!

Wanna know U

Wanna know U

Wanna know U...




Spring of love

Spring of love

I will take you there. You allways will be happy by me.

Good Morning

Good Morning!

A cheerful morning to you, And I hope you have a fantastik day!

I May Be Biased

I May Be Biased...

But I happen to think You're just... Purrfect!

Thinking Of You

Thinking Of You ...

Have Wonderful Day!

let me be the one for you

let me be the one for you..

Let me be the one for you..

You are pretty

You are pretty

with simple words, you are as pretty as flower..

You are simple and sweet

You are simple and sweet..

Wanna tell you, you are simple and sweet angel

Been Thinkin Bout You

Been Thinkin' Bout You...

And I think it's time.. We meet.

Thinking of You

Thinking of You!

Have Wonderful Day!

Love Friendship


Smile from my garden...

Thinking of You

Thinking of You...

Have Wonderful Day!

Im Lost Without You

I'm Lost Without You...

Hurry Back... I'm just a lost puppy, Without you.

Have Wonderful Weekend

Have Wonderful Weekend!

Have Wonderful Weekend!

Take time

Take time..

Take time to think It is the source of all power Take time to read It is the fountain of wisdom Take time to play It is the source of perpetual youth Take time to be quiet It is the opportunity to seek God Take time to be aware It is the

I love you

I love you

You Were & You Will Be The Man Of My D R E A M S! I LOVE YOU DARLING

A New Day For Both Of Us

A New Day For Both Of Us ...

A New Day For Both Of Us ...

Good Morning Sunshine

Good Morning Sunshine!

I Couldn't Resist... You're just so darn irresistible!

I really miss U

I really miss U