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Newest eCards (1,531)

Here is a list of eCards ordered by Newest, posted by members. Connecting Singles eCards are totally free for you to send. ANY CS card on these pages can be changed & customized by you for ANY occasion. You don't have to send these cards as-is. You can change the greeting & music to make one fit for you. Click on an eCard below to view it, then click the "Send this eCard" button, edit the card template to make it your own, and send it to your friend! Or if you prefer, you can also Design a new eCard template to be added to these pages and used by other members. Click here to post an eCard.

Owl ways friends

Owl-ways friends

Owl always be your friend

So glad we connected

So glad we connected

so happy we connected..

Love across the pond

Love across the pond

Love across the pond

Blue without you

Blue without you

Blue without you

Thinking of us

Thinking of us

Thinking of us

Youre a Star

You're a Star!

You're a Star!

You mean the world to me

You mean the world to me

You mean the world to me

Enter my Heart

Enter my Heart

Enter my Heart

Daisy a day

Daisy a day

"I’ll send you a daisy a day, dear I’ll send you a daisy a day I’ll love you until the rivers run still And the four winds we know blow away"

luvs me luvs me not

luvs me.. luvs me not

luvs me... luvs me not

Love Friendship

Love & Friendship

Love is friendship set on fire.

Heart Design

Heart Design

You make my heart sing

Catch my heart

Catch my heart

Catch my heart... I'm falling for you

Thinking of you

Thinking of you

My thoughts keep drifting to you..

Luvs me

Luvs me?

luvs me... luvs me not... luvs me!

feel better soon

feel better soon

I hope you're feeling better get well soon

Youre the missing piece

You're the missing piece

You're the missing piece in my world

Second most favorite thing

Second most favorite thing

my second most favorite thing...

Cool couple

Cool couple

We make a COOL couple



Thru cold winter snow, flowers of spring find their way to sunlight You'll find your way thru these troubled times.. -I'm here if you need a friend-

Warm Wishes

Warm Wishes

Warm Wishes to you!

Wishing you peace

Wishing you peace

Wishing you peace.. in your life and in your world

glad we connected

glad we connected

When I think of all the times we've spent chatting and posting together.. I smile -so glad we connected-

Lifes better with friends

Life's better with friends

Life's better with friends.. Glad we connected!

gift of giving

gift of giving

May you find peace and happiness in your time of loneliness. May love find you.

About life

About life

Life is short-break rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh deeply and never regret anything that made you smile!

Good morning

Good morning!

I'm just dropping in to say "I hope you have a wonderful day!" May your morning be sunny side up, Yours afternoon bright too. May the whole day bring good news to you!

with love

with love

I'll always hold you close to me, I'll be there for you and always care for you. I'll give you the world and make you happy! BE MINE AND MAKE MY LIFE COMPLETE!




Do You understand how much I love You

Do You understand how much I love You

Do You know how much I love You and miss You

Give A Peep Its Easter

Give A Peep - It's Easter!!!

Happy Easter From All The Peeps At My House!

Happy Easter happy Spring

Happy Easter, happy Spring

Have a very happy Easter And may you find Spring has left The winter behind



Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter Friend

Happy Easter Friend

You, my friend, are one great reason to celebrate this Easter season. Wishing you an Easter that's as special as can be.

Happy Easter

Happy Easter

Warm is my heart Bright are my days Beautiful is my world ~since I met you~ Happy Easter