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Newest eCards (1,531)

Here is a list of eCards ordered by Newest, posted by members. Connecting Singles eCards are totally free for you to send. ANY CS card on these pages can be changed & customized by you for ANY occasion. You don't have to send these cards as-is. You can change the greeting & music to make one fit for you. Click on an eCard below to view it, then click the "Send this eCard" button, edit the card template to make it your own, and send it to your friend! Or if you prefer, you can also Design a new eCard template to be added to these pages and used by other members. Click here to post an eCard.

Purrrrr fect day

Purrrrr-fect day

Have a purrrrr-fect day

Happy B Day

Happy B-Day

Happy Birthday have a GREAT CAKEY day!

Hi there

Hi there

Hi there I hope this brightens your day.

I have a nice smile

I have a nice smile

I have a nice smile ..every time I think of you

Crush on you

Crush on you

I've got a crush on you



Welcome to CS!

Thank You

Thank You

Just wanted to say "thank you" again and again... because of how nice and how thoughtful you've been!



Together we can make our dreams come true

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day

Love at Last

Love at Last!

Love at Last!

Happy BirthDay

Happy BirthDay

Happy Birthday Wishing you a LOVE-ly day

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day

Thinking of you.. makes my heart sing Happy Valentines Day!

Love ya

Love ya

I could spend forever like this with you.

A chance meeting

A chance meeting

A chance meeting... became a chat.. became a smile.. became a lovely connection became soooo much fun...



Happy Valentine's Day

Valentines Day

Valentine's Day

Thinking of you..

Happy Valentines Day to my sweetheart

Happy Valentines Day to my sweetheart

Happy Valentines Day to my Sweetheart

Love Energy

Love Energy

" Love"

2 hearts 1 connection

2 hearts, 1 connection

two hearts... one great connection

Purrrr fect match

Purrrr-fect match

We're a purrrr-fect match

Sweet Valentine

Sweet Valentine

To My Sweet Valentine

Thinking of you

Thinking of you

Thinking of you..



What'cha want?

Side by side

Side by side

You just call out my name, And you know whereever I am Ill come running, oh yeah baby To see you again. Winter, spring, summer, or fall, All you have to do is call And Ill be there, yeah, yeah, yeah. Youve got a friend.

Enter my Heart

Enter my Heart

Enter my Heart

Like to know you

Like to know you

Let's chat.. I'd like to know more about you.

Happy Hearts Day

Happy Hearts Day

Happy Hearts Day

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Love chatting

Love chatting

Love chatting with you... Happy Valentine's Day

Crazy bout U

Crazy bout U

Always beware of smiling spiders bearing gifts j/k.. Have a Happy Day

Happy Valentines

Happy Valentines

Happy Valentine's Day

Hearty wish

Hearty wish

a HEART-y wish.. for a LOVE-ly day

Valentine for my friend

Valentine for my friend

Happy Valentine's Day, My Friend

I give you my heart

I give you my heart

I give you my heart

Happy Valentines

Happy Valentines

Happy Valentines Day