Create eCard

Last Sent eCards (1,531)

Here is a list of eCards ordered by Last Sent, posted by members. Connecting Singles eCards are totally free for you to send. ANY CS card on these pages can be changed & customized by you for ANY occasion. You don't have to send these cards as-is. You can change the greeting & music to make one fit for you. Click on an eCard below to view it, then click the "Send this eCard" button, edit the card template to make it your own, and send it to your friend! Or if you prefer, you can also Design a new eCard template to be added to these pages and used by other members. Click here to post an eCard.

Happy Birthday eCard

Happy Birthday

Keep Smiling eCard

Keep Smiling

Purrrrr fect match eCard

Purrrrr-fect match

Love is in the air eCard

Love is in the air

Kiss eCard


Irish Blessing eCard

Irish Blessing

Thank you eCard

Thank you

sorry for your loss eCard
Owl ways friends eCard

Owl-ways friends

open skyes eCard

open skyes

Thinking of you eCard

Thinking of you

Welcome to CS eCard

Welcome to CS!

A chance meeting eCard

A chance meeting

Love Friendship eCard

Love & Friendship

Piano and rose eCard

Piano and rose

love eCard


I miss U eCard

I miss U

Im Sorry eCard

I'm Sorry...

Peace on Earth eCard

Peace on Earth

Love and peace eCard

Love and peace

Broken Heart eCard

Broken Heart

Thinking of you eCard

Thinking of you

Good Fortune eCard
Spirit of Christmas eCard
Happy Thanksgiving eCard

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving eCard

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Anniversary eCard

Happy Anniversary

Happy Birthday eCard

Happy Birthday

zZZZzzz time eCard

zZZZzzz time

Hidden stars eCard

Hidden stars

Sunsets and you eCard

Sunsets and you

Carriage ride eCard

Carriage ride

Snowed in with You eCard

Snowed in with You

Happy Halloween eCard

Happy Halloween