SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
It is widely believed in Philadelphia, Pa., that police are always right. It is even believed that if the local news reports on anybody they are always right. In other words, people within Philadelphia believes everything fed to them by law enforcement and the news media. Local freemasons and eastern stars have been cashing in on the ignorance of 90% of Philadelphia residents. Infact, just this past week, there was alot of police and federal influence within nearby masjids and mosques in Philly. The police and the feds wanted to know who were visitors at mosques in northeast philly, north philly, and west philly. Members of whats known as the Shura, are usually informants for police and the feds. And if a family attends the mosque or masjid, and seeks aid of some sort, their phone numbers are requested. later, these numbers would be shared with police or the feds, who secretly run checks or wiretap the phones. Many muslims complained on July 29, 2017, that police and other law enforcement were too much involved with certain wealthy masjids and mosques, and its members from these mosques who travel to other mosques looking for things to report. Several muslims contend that once police get your phone numbers, usually they will track you. Americans don't know that Verizon Wireless and AT & T, have what is called "Voice Data Recognition Software", which allows them to secretly record and document all customers by voice, and anyone who sees the phones of the customers. This information is known by Arabs, Pakistanians, Hindus, and pale Egyptians, which is why they've recorded conversations of Americans muslims in the recent past, and have conspired with both the feds and local police against the Americans.

In Philadelphia, police are very corrupt, and have shared information and photos of residents with all sorts of agencies. 90% of the residents aren't even threats to America but they are still targeted and documented. Friends who work at Septa Transportation swears that there are countless photos of blackmen who are not threats, nor do police have anything on them to arrest them, secretly being shared by high ranking employees. They aren't even pan handlers. They are just undesirables caught in a web of conspiracies by major phone companies, law enforcement, local federal agencies, and secret special interest groups. All of these parties are tied in with muslim Mosques and Masjids, freemasons and eastern stars, et cetera. And everything is about taking photos, sending mass texts, or posting threads on Facebook. Like we stated in previous posts, there have been photos and recordings of certain police, certain secret agents, and others, manipulating muslims, regular residents, and others, to post their problems on social media. And when the posts are seen, police will act on each element within the post without parties targeted knowing what is going on. Everything is about doing things behind your backs, or behind the scenes so that you won't have any idea as to what is going on around you. Take for an instance the Kensington Avenue section of Philadelphia. What Americans don't know, nor do most Philadelphians, is that there is a major drug epidemic in Philadelphia, and police are secretly quarantining communities. They are not trying to eliminate the drugs, nor rehabilitate the addicts. They are just quarantining communities for the next phase of the New World Order. ( People like this girl Lateefah, and her many drug dealing comrads, have been working secretly with police, et cetera, for close to 10 days. She is one of the most decitful young black women in our time, according to her many non-drug dealing neighbors.
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SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
Peaceful and accepting black people must understand that the Boule Society kept close tabs on Prince because he fought against the establishment. Merle Haggard was killed from higher order secret societies equivalent to the Boule Society, who kept watch over him, and reported to their superiors all of their findings on him. These parties are known to elderly people in the 1950's to the 1980's, as soul ties. If you watched the movie entitled, "Spiderman 3", starring Tobey Mcguire, there was a part when his professor told him that when these things bind themselves to you, sometimes its hard to unbind them. Believe it or not, when Americans were born in this country, their genetic makeup was kept in large filing systems held in remote areas around the country, until expose. Once exposed, they moved from West Virginia, to countless other regions. And from these genetic makeups, your government, through scientists, mediums, witches, and warlocks, et cetera, could determine whether or not you would be a threat to their existence! Americans don't have to believe this! But its irrefutable facts! From the very beginning of many births on Earth, certain humans have been assigned soul ties who watch them throughout their existence. They are responsible for the success, the failures, and the deaths of these humans. Black people seem to think that Hillary Clinton is the answer to their prayers. Don't any of you know that the tornadoes and other massive storms wiping out the mid-west parts of the U.S. is being done so to see to it that Hillary wins the Presidental Election? The Military Space Program is very real folks, and they have the abilities of god, as some of you may think. Many of you are being lied to by your masonic Preachers, Pastors, Imams, Shiekhs, Rabbis, and Gurus, who is telling you that Mother Nature is responsible. Mother Nature is responsible for some storms, but not the intelligent guided lightning, nor tornadoes hitting the same or similar locations over and over again. Many of the people in these regions claim to be Devout Christians. Now, why would your god destroy all your wealth and then kill you if he was a forgiving god? Is it because many Christians hold the same characteristics as Judas Iscariot, who snitched on Jesus? Is the media telling you to report anything you see suspicious, and once you did, certain cops used that to assassinate the less fortunate? Or is it that something much more sinister, and highly advanced, is at work. In Philadelphia, Pa., the Boule Society has so much influence in black communities that they've birthed demons and devils who is shooting people for petty reasons, robbing other blacks because they've been mentally groomed to hate anything thats less fortunate with dark skin, or is spreading rumors leading to assassinations and incarcerations.
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SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
And as you can see, there are many parties working on projects behind the scenes that is baffling poor Americans. Americans better understand that there are powerful people and organizations right here in the United States, who have been working diligently for decades to bring America under the authority of a global government, using all sorts of techniques. They are being helped immeasurably by global economic upheaval. The debate rages over whether the various economic crisis is a result of normal market cycles, risky financial practices, or they’re manufactured crisis, meaning powerful financial families and institutions are intentionally causing the crisis in order to benefit from them. Either way, the globalists are taking advantage of the fear and panic to pursue their one-world agenda. If you watched the Hal Lindsey Report a while back, you would have witnessed Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, blithely tell a gathering at the European Union, that the Obama administration was using the economic meltdown to advance its agenda on climate change and energy. In the same way, the globalists use the crisis not only to lay the foundation of a one-world government, but actually create the first governing bodies in that one-world regime. And the United States eagerly signed on with the program. The New World Globalization Orders is still being fulfilled even under the Trump Administration. They are using Donald Trump in bankrupting America, causing a mother collapse of all financial collapses, while micro-chipping work employees at the same time. And while this is taking place, a secret portal has been opened.

On May 9, 2017, a new linear proton accelerator, Linac 4, was launched at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN), whose task is to increase the performance of the Large Hadron Collider. As reported in a press release, to build this 90-meter device, capable of accelerating elementary particles to near-light speed, it took ten years. A new proton injector is replacing Linac 2, which was launched four decades ago. Linac 4 is accelerating beams of negative hydrogen ions to 160 MeV. This is three times more than its predecessor. With the launch of Linac 4, new, huge opportunities have opened, and on May 15, launched the Large Hadron Collider for maximum capacity for the first time, and opened the Gateway to the Parallel World. The world’s largest European organization for nuclear research, known as CERN, was officially established in the summer of 1953, and for a long time the general public did not care at all about what was happening there. However, with the advent of the Internet, that is, the ability of people to quickly find information, or exchange information, what the world suddenly learned about CERN is truly a lot new. In particular, the CERN logo, on closer examination, is an exhibited axes and slightly rotated sixes. Further, it turned out that on the bas-reliefs of the Pilier des Nautes (the so-called Pillar of Sailors), staged in Paris in the 1st century (then the city was called Lutetia), a horned creature bearing the name (as it appears from the inscription) CERNUNNOS.
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SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
How it happened that the name of the demonic deity of ancient Europe coincided with the abbreviation of the center for nuclear research is interesting. And the territory of CERN has a statue of Shiva, the ancient Hindu god of destruction, which ties the Hindus into everything destroying Mother Earth. Just because they have secret mediations which can make one aware of atmospheric energies, have the ability to raise evil djinn, or uses psychology combine with lies to become powerful adversaries against the poor and unfortunate, makes them very valuable to and for the global elites! And the most interesting thing is that the statue at CERN depicts not just Shiva, but Shiva performing the cosmic dance Nadanta (or Tandavam, depending on the context); that is, a ritual dance that opens the Gates of the Abyss, or the Gates of Hell. The gates of the Abyss, the Stargate, portals to other worlds, and ancient Hindu cosmology may well be regarded as a secret move, and the nuclear scientists living in CERN are so entertained. However, as the physicists themselves testify, it is not fun at all at CERN. In fact, almost all of them there are real prisoners of the most cruel control system which the CIA did not dream of. All movements, all communications with the outside world, and with each other, are strictly regulated. Some try to publish something after their business trips to CERN, but immediately, get under the car, jump out of the windows, or even disappear without a trace.

British physicist Peter Higgs, in 1964, carried out a calculation of the collision of two beams of protons, accelerated to an energy of 100 billion GeV (gigaelectronvolt). As a result of the collision of two separate protons, a hypothetical particle appears, named after this learned Higgs boson, or as subsequently named by Nobel laureate Leon Lederman. During the publication, the editor-in-chief independently changed the name of the particle, calling the Higgs boson a particle of God, but the original name seems more correct. A cloud of Higgs bosons will represent a rapidly growing sphere of an unstable vacuum in which the concepts of space and time will cease to exist. The sphere will grow at the speed of light, and such a small object as our planet will absorb in an instant. Italian physicist Sergio Bertolucci (Sergio Bertolucci), appointed by the owners of CERN as the official head of research, back in 2009, made some hints to the press about what CERN is really doing. According to him, the Large Hadron Collider is like a door to other, unknown dimensions, into which something can be sent. Or vice versa, from which something can be asked to come to this world. Educated people paralleled quite quickly, drawing attention to the following strange coincidence. Once in the media, there are official press releases and other CERN messages that physicists include involving something new, or are experiencing, in the sky above the planet, and sometimes right above CERN, the clouds assuming a strange configuration. From this are new strong storms and tornadoes, and sometimes even great earthquakes.
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SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
The original short story, which was later expanded into Childhood’s End, was called “Guardian Angel.” The plot of “Guardian Angel” concludes when Karellen, the chief alien Overlord reveals himself to the world, and turns out to look exactly like the Devil. It looked as if Clarke thought it would be funny and ironic to write a story in which an alien race comes down and helps humans achieve new levels of prosperity and happiness, but it turns out to look exactly like the devils they have feared for thousands of years. In the original short story, these devilish looking aliens had to hurry to get humans to prepare for the Golden Age because the Overlords feared something that would happen in the future – a cataclysmic end to the planet and its inhabitance. When Clarke decided to expand the story into Childhood’s End, he chose to extend the Christian metaphor by introducing new allegorical elements such as the Overmind – a metaphor for “God” or what New Agers call the Christ-like consciousness. As the devil metaphor grew, the Overlords were said to have never achieved the Overmind conversion.

They turned away from the influence of the Overmind. So we see that Karellan is Satan and that he and his demonic subjects help the world build a Utopia. When the Overlords reveal the end of mankind is about to transpire, we see the assimilation of the children into the Overmind. It is a science fiction version of the Rapture. Clarke creates a religious allegory that is interchangeable with all of the ancient alien theories that are now part of speculative history. Ancient histories have a coherent story that is told about our planet and how you see these stories, religious or historical they all seem to tell us that there is an apocalypse that we all have to experience, because our ancient ancestors experienced it. Their ancestors did too – even pre-Adamic civilizations saw the building of the planet by a “great extra-terrestrial” intelligence or a “Universal Monarch” that made the planet a paradise, a Utopian existence that in the end, was blighted by the interference of a chaotic and irreverent adversary that fell out of favor with God and the custodial guardians that took mankind under their wing. A good metaphor or allegory teaches us many things and if it is successful generates ideas that we have a hard time shaking from our consciousness. Metaphors and mythologies teach us valuable lessons and make us think about things in a more simplistic way.
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SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
Some say the mythology is often the milk we drink before we are fed the meat. This can be compared to the child who is nursed, until he is ready to eat like an adolescent or an adult. Mythologies and metaphor are typically a product of imagination that has within it, simple enduring truths that believe it or not, make us who we are mentally and spiritually. There are many stories we relate to on a personal level because within them are timeless lessons that have been wired into us for some strange reason. The mythologies about the great Gods from the sky are the most established stories in all cultures. Most of these stories have shaped many religious beliefs and have served to keep mankind in constant wonder about destiny and the future of all. It can be said that affairs from above have guided and shaped affairs down below. Planets and stars ruled the destiny of kings and kingdoms. The signs from the sky heralded the arrival of destroying entities and messiahs. The heavens will eventually show us that time is up and that the world has met its final definitive end. Many religions today are obsessed with what has happened in the past. In fact, all civilizations should have a keen interest in history both ancient and contemporary.

No matter what atheist and agnostics will tell you, one cannot reject the ideas that the stars, the planets and the mover of such celestial bodies took part in creating wonders, thunder’s lightning and cosmic violence. All histories insist that powerful gods ruled for a time, then as quickly as they came, went back up into heaven leaving behind the promise that if the planet ever needed them, they would return. Monuments would then be erected to these Gods as beacons for their return – obelisks, pillars, monoliths and steeples have been erected on sacred places to send a signal to whoever is out there that we are hopeful for their return. Each one bears a symbol that some say is a sacred sigil empowered to divide each tribe according to its beliefs and particular God. Some argue that they are all the same God. Regardless of the different sects of the world, extra-terrestrial gods are something that mythology indicates were a collective memory. The obsession over the history of these beings is a gesture that keeps us remembering what shaped early civilizations in the first place. Although we were warned at the time of Moses that God should not be depicted in any graven image, the images of both God and the Devil have been adopted by generations who need iconography that borders on idolatry depicting god in both statues and paintings.
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SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
These fallen angels were once in good graces with God, as they term the Creator, but fell from heaven. All angels have been misunderstood over time and with artists depictions of these beings, we tend to see them as tender Cheribim instead of warriors that may have rugged or otherwise frightening countenances. Throughout the world, beliefs about angels cover a wide spectrum; from one extreme, that they are merely thought forms and move about without detection to another extreme where they do have bodies without souls and are merely agents or soldiers that do the will of their master. The idea of angels being beautiful with wings is merely an artist’s idea and in most historic and biblical accounts angels have been powerful and their faces have struck fear in mankind. Angels of the past had been described as resembling serpents or animals with large black eyes, with the strength of lions. In the familiar Christmas passage from Luke we read:

“And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were sore afraid.”
Now, reading only Luke, we see that the shepherds fell to their knees and covered their faces when they saw the angel. The angel told them not to fear for there was great news about a child from God born in Bethlehem. In many translations of the biblical account, we learn that the angel came down on what is called a flying altar, which is described as a golden bowl. In other translations, the angel arrives in red robes and is seen standing on a gold tetrahedron known as the Merkabah. A Merkabah is described throughout the Bible as a light that burns like fire above the head of the anointed. The Merkabah and the Golden Bowl or dome has been described elsewhere as the method of travel for angels and other beings from Heaven.“Then I looked, and above the dome that was over the heads of the cherubim there appeared above them something like a sapphire, in form resembling a throne.” — The Book of Ezekiel. The altar that assumes the shape of pyramids and domes is a type of craft for the mal-awk, or messengers. When it is seen from the side it appears like a jewel. As it rotates, it becomes a Tetrahedron. It was known anciently as the vehicle in which the spirit of God travels. It can be called the “Chariot of Fire” or the “Angels’ Fire.” One of the other possible misconceptions about the nativity is that the star of Bethlehem was in fact a star or a comet. The literal translation from the Greek is that a flying altar had led the shepherds and the wise men to the Christ child. A flying altar is far from the story of a star. The star is plain and simply an interpretation.
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SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
The star or altar was not stationary in the sky during the time of the nativity and as cited in several scriptures, it appeared before the wise men and moved ahead of them, much like a Merkabah or Chariot of Fire. This scripture will demonstrate that the Star of Bethlehem was a moving light, and quite possibly not a star at all:
“When they had heard the king they went their way; and lo, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came to rest over the place where the child was.” — Matthew 2:9

The Star of Bethlehem not only moved across the sky but it also moved and stopped as if it were piloted by an intelligent being eventually hovering over the house where the child lived. The scripture (if we are to take it literally) is evidence of this. The light over Bethlehem hung low in the sky. Low enough that the wise men knew exactly which house the Christ child lived in. This would mean that the star, light, altar or craft, positioned itself right above the house. Within the modern era, there have been many views on how angels and Gods have interacted with mankind. It also has created a method by which Pope Francis and others have created or at least have tried to mix science and spirituality through a new cosmology and exo-theology. It is important now to re-envision what we know of angels and how they have somehow lent themselves to being more than religious figures, but figures that veiled though the centuries as heavenly emissaries that share the same attributes as fairies, and even extra-terrestrial entities. After all, there are plenty of the Christian faithful who believe that an extra-terrestrial invasion will be a great deception, and that the aliens that arrive will be accepted as saviors. It would a cosmic joke to see that they were really demons, and all of humanity's faith in them would lead to their ultimate end.

JULY 30, 2017
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oh man...that really sucks......shoot me.........please......moping moping moping moping moping moping help rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
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LaPiuLaPiuCopenhagen, Capital Region Denmark40 Threads 11 Polls 494 Posts
I give up
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Sanguinarium: The star or altar was not stationary in the sky during the time of the nativity and as cited in several scriptures, it appeared before the wise men and moved ahead of them, much like a Merkabah or Chariot of Fire. This scripture will demonstrate that the Star of Bethlehem was a moving light, and quite possibly not a star at all:
“When they had heard the king they went their way; and lo, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came to rest over the place where the child was.” — Matthew 2:9

The Star of Bethlehem not only moved across the sky but it also moved and stopped as if it were piloted by an intelligent being eventually hovering over the house where the child lived. The scripture (if we are to take it literally) is evidence of this. The light over Bethlehem hung low in the sky. Low enough that the wise men knew exactly which house the Christ child lived in. This would mean that the star, light, altar or craft, positioned itself right above the house. Within the modern era, there have been many views on how angels and Gods have interacted with mankind. It also has created a method by which Pope Francis and others have created or at least have tried to mix science and spirituality through a new cosmology and exo-theology. It is important now to re-envision what we know of angels and how they have somehow lent themselves to being more than religious figures, but figures that veiled though the centuries as heavenly emissaries that share the same attributes as fairies, and even extra-terrestrial entities. After all, there are plenty of the Christian faithful who believe that an extra-terrestrial invasion will be a great deception, and that the aliens that arrive will be accepted as saviors. It would a cosmic joke to see that they were really demons, and all of humanity's faith in them would lead to their ultimate end.

JULY 30, 2017

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by Sanguinarium (103 Threads)
Created: Jul 2017
Last Viewed: Apr 23
Last Commented: Jul 2017

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