SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
Many christians believe that the death penalty was supported by Jesus the christ. Pastors teach that Jesus wasn't against capital punishment, and therefore capital punishment wasn't bad. Pastors also teach that the U.S. government is good and mean the people well. They teach their flocks that police killing unarmed blackmen was the fault of the blackmen who were assassinated. Furthermore, they teach that black people who commit crimes because they were cast out of society for felony convictions should have no place amongst so-called civilized people. And yes, they support undercover police and federal agents posing as workers to catch people engaged in crime activity. THE HANGMAN EQUALS DEATH! THE DEVIL EQUALS DEATH! DEATH EQUALS DEATH!...From Skull and Bones death mantra. The year 2017, began as the year of fear and vulnerability. The message of possible death has loomed over this country as the terror barometer changes colors over night and the government has secretly signed provisions to expand their repression and their revocation of civil liberties. As long as there is a crisis, as long as we believe that there is an imminent threat the Government will have carte blanche and will continue to push the envelope. It is unfortunate that the news does not look good on this front but the warnings went out years ago and it seems that majority of Americans have chosen to continue the journey into the 21st century fearful and distressed. The mantras are set in motion. The edicts of Imperialism and religious fanaticism are being interwoven in a Hegelian plan that keeps a nation crippled because of a shrewd propaganda campaign that encourages blind faith in leaders who believe that a nation "under God’ has it’s mandate from heaven.

This is the ultimate deception. Using the ploy of convincing the populace that all decisions are based on a God given Mandate is the highest form of Luciferian control. It smacks of cult behavior and it is my observation that terror alert changes, and the conditioning of the populace is similar to the Kool aid Drills that were being implemented in Jonestown. On November 18, 1978, the Reverend Jim Jones ordered the 911 members of his flock to kill themselves by drinking grape Kool Aid laced with Cyanide. They willingly did so. The people were brainwashed by Jones and were told that God blessed their Utopia and that if anyone tried to disrupt the community they would fight with their guns. When Jones felt that he was threatened he convinced his followers to die with him. People believe that Jones developed a deity complex and that he put himself above the law. Jones was preparing to fight a literal Armageddon against other human beings that he believed to be evil doers and that he mandated that anyone who was out to destroy this Utopia were degenerates. A Utopia that he felt was seen as divine in the eyes of God. He was looked upon as a leader that was getting divine information from God, information that would insure safety and refuge from outsiders who oppose their newfound independence. As with most cults, followers are asked to make changes that the leaders themselves do not make. When religious authorities tell you that sacrifices must be made to ward off demonic attacks, you can hold a mirror up to our Government and can see that the sacrifices of civil liberties are encouraged to ward off terrorists and terrorism.
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SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
Little by little we are being groomed into the flock and history shows that this type of behavior will lead to a major tragedy where the people fall for an orchestrated crisis. It has been said in many circles that the noose is tightening around America and that we are going willingly to the gallows. No one is aware of when the trap door will open. When it does the worst case scenario is that our country will make dramatic changes. These changes will be implemented as a fearful country is reminded that they are in the crosshairs for possible terrorist attacks. These changes will also negate any and all parts of the Constitution. Now you may think that this is all conspiracy theory and paranoid delusion, however times have changed and our government officials are already conceding that they are on the ready to take away civil liberties and revoke the constitution for the sake of safety. The world has changed dramatically in the last fifty years, and particularly in the last decade. Institutions designed in another age may or may not be appropriate for the future. It is the mandate of the United States Commission on National Security/21st Century to examine precisely that question. It has undertaken to do so in three phases: the first to describe the world emerging in the first quarter of the next century, the second to design a national security strategy appropriate to that world, and the third to propose necessary changes to the national security structure in order to implement that strategy effectively. This is a form of surrender to the terrorist threat. It would also be surrender to the New World Order. We are learning that this Order is clearly a Satanic Dynasty that uses a Mandate of Heaven to enforce it’s global dominance. Speaking about the Mandate of Heaven is speaking about the ancient trick that has been used to manipulate a people from feeling any remorse for mass murder, or mass hatred, for a group of people whom they consider to be a threat to their righteousness and their divine purpose.

The mandate of heaven was a Chinese concept used to justify the rule of the kings of the Zhou Dynasty and later the Emperors of China. The concept of the mandate of heaven was that a king's rule was based on the blessing of heaven and that if a king ruled unwisely, heaven would be displeased and would give the mandate to someone else. The concept was first used by the Zhou dynasty to justify their overthrow of the Shang dynasty and was used by many succeeding dynasties to justify their rule. One consequence of the idea of the mandate of heaven was that it was not necessary for a person to be of noble birth to lead a revolt and become a legitimate emperor, and in fact a number of dynasties such as the Han dynasty and Ming dynasty were founded by persons of modest birth. The idea of mandate of heaven was linked to the notion of dynastic cycle in which a dynasty started strong and vigorously but gradually would succumb to immorality and be replaced by a new stronger dynasty. The notion of the mandate of heaven was also invoked by Mencius a Chinese philosopher and Sage. The idea was different from the European notion of Divine right of kings in that it legitimized the overthrow of a dynasty and it also put some limits on the behavior of the emperor. If the emperor ruled unwisely or failed to perform the proper rituals, the emperor could lose the mandate of heaven and be overthrown. One has to look at the war on terror as an attempt to create a real threat to the divine rite of a New World Order. We have singled out one Emperor (Hussein) who has failed to rule wisely and one dynasty (Bush) has seen fit to over throw the other.
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SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
On September 11th, 1990, George Herbert Walker Bush spoke the divine charge: "We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times . . . a new world order can emerge: a new era, freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace." Notice how Bush senior says; "Out of these troubled times, a New World Order can emerge." In other words from chaos comes order, or in the Latin; Ordo Ab Chao. This has been termed a Satanic or Luciferian concept. It is believed that this concept is a cornerstone thought form in most secret societies. Most secret societies and enclave cults base their belief systems in death and chaos and from this death and from chaos will come human alchemy or the perfection of the human being. Both George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush are members of the Skull and Bones society, a secretive and subversive organization that performs death rituals with human skulls and bones, chant death mantras, perform m**turbatory rituals, and some initiates are made to lie naked in a coffin. The Bonesmen as they are nicknamed are part of what has been called the most powerful secret society in the country. The Secret Doctrine of Societies such as these can be a bit confusing. Our so-called world leaders have adopted Hegelian techniques to insure compliance. It is evident that they make their decisions based on agreements made by elite, secret societies. Their actions and decisions can’t be explained completely to people who have not been exposed to Hegelian dialectic. In Hegelian philosophy the conflict of the conservative right or liberal left, good or evil, thesis and antithesis is important to these secret elitists in order to give you that harsh push forward.

This Order, or New World Order, from Old World Chaos, has been an underlying concept that can be found in the seal of the United States. The great eye in the pyramid appears on the dollar bill and the words; "Novus Ordo Seclurum" appear declaring the objective of the secret society. A new order of the ages from the ashes of the old order. In order for the New Order to be established there needs to be a crisis either real or manufactured that will bring about change. It is the political dictum that crisis leads to opportunity. The current leadership of the world is pursuing a Global Government. They are using the Hegelian crisis management tactic to create a schism in the World. The division of the people and the resulting terrorism gives the governments an opportunity to assume that the "Old Institutions" need to be abolished and that there are new ideas and laws that when implemented, would create a government that pretends to protect and appears to be looking out for the safety and well being of it’s people. View the provisions and ideas presented in the American Security for the 21st Century report entitled; "New World Coming", presented on September 15th, 1999: This paper consists of four parts: a contextual introduction; an articulation of twelve basic assumptions and observations; fourteen key conclusions about the global environment of the next quarter century; and a statement of their essential meaning for American national security strategy in the 21st century. The U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century will build upon this foundation to recommend a new strategy for the advancement of American interests and values. It will then propose, as necessary, new structures and processes for U.S. foreign and security policies in order to implement that strategy.
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SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
After the year 2000, the spread of knowledge, the development of new technologies, and an increasing recognition of common global problems will present vast opportunities for economic growth, regional integration, and global political cooperation. The size of the world's middle class may increase many times over, lifting literally tens of millions of people from the depredations of poverty and disease. Authoritarian regimes will increasingly founder as they try to insulate their populations from a world brimming with free-flowing information, new economic opportunities, and spreading political freedoms. We may thus see the rise of many new democracies and the strengthening of several older ones. However fragile this process may be, it holds the hope of less conflict in the world than exists today. Realizing these possibilities, however, will require concerted action on the part of the United States and other mature democracies around the world. Active American engagement cannot prevent all problems, but wise policies can mitigate many of them. The United States and governments of kindred spirit must work harder to prevent conflicts as well as respond to them after the fact. Otherwise, the promise of the next century may never be realized, for greater global connectedness can lead to an increased possibility of misfortune as well as benefit. The future is one of rising stakes. While humanity has an unprecedented opportunity to succor its poor, heal its sick, compose its disagreements, and find new purpose in common global goals, failure at these tasks could produce calamity on a worldwide scale. Thanks to the continuing integration of global financial networks, economic downturns that were once normally episodic and local may become more systemic and fully global in their harmful effects. Isolated epidemics could metastasize into global pandemics.

The explosion in scientific discoveries now under way bears the potential of near miraculous benefit for humanity; misused, in the hands of despots, the new science could become a tool of genocide on an unprecedented scale. During the next 25 years, dilemmas arising from advances in biotechnology increasingly will force some cultures to reexamine the very foundations of their ethical structures. As society changes, our concept of national security will expand and our political values will be tested. In every sphere, our moral imaginations will be exercised anew. For all that will be novel in the next century, some things will not change. Historical principles will still apply. There will still be great powers, and their interaction in pursuit of their own self-interests will still matter. As ever, much will depend on the sagacity and good character of leadership. Misunderstandings, misjudgments, and mistakes will still occur, but so will acts of bravery borne on the insight of exceptional men and women. Today, and in the world we see emerging, American leadership is of paramount importance. The American moment in world history will not last forever; nothing wrought by man does. But for the time being, a heavy responsibility rests on both its power and its values. It is a rare moment and a special opportunity in history when the acknowledged dominant global power seeks neither territory nor political empire. Every effort must be made to ensure that this responsibility is discharged wisely. It is to this end that our study is ultimately directed. As we look to the future, we believe that:
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SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
1. An economically strong United States is likely to remain a primary political, military, and cultural force through 2025, and will thus have a significant role in shaping the international environment.

2. The stability and direction of American society and politics will help shape U.S. foreign policy goals and capacities, and hence the way the United States may affect the global future.

3. Science and technology will continue to advance and become more widely available and utilized around the world, but their benefits will be less evenly distributed.

4. World energy supplies will remain largely based on fossil fuels.

5. While much of the world will experience economic growth, disparities in income will increase and widespread poverty will persist.

6. The international aspects of business and commerce (trade, transportation, telecommunications, investment and finance, manufacturing, and professional services) will continue to expand.

7. Non-governmental organizations (refugee aid organizations, religious and ethnic advocacy groups, environmental and other single-issue lobbies, international professional associations, and others) will continue to grow in importance, numbers, and in their international role.

8. Though it will raise important issues of sovereignty, the United States will find it in its national interest to work with and strengthen a variety of international organizations.

9. The United States will remain the principal military power in the world.

10. Weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, chemical, and biological) and weapons of mass disruption (information warfare) will continue to proliferate to a wider range of state and non-state actors. Maintenance of a robust nuclear deterrent therefore remains essential as well as investment in new forms of defense against these threats.

11. We should expect conflicts in which adversaries, because of cultural affinities different from our own, will resort to forms and levels of violence shocking to our sensibilities.

12. As the United States confronts a variety of complex threats, it will often be dependent on allies; but it will find reliable alliances more difficult to establish and sustain.

On the basis of the foregoing beliefs, and our understanding of the broad context of the international security environment that will emerge over the next quarter century, we conclude that:

1. America will become increasingly vulnerable to hostile attack on our homeland, and our military superiority will not entirely protect us.
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SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
The United States will be both absolutely and relatively stronger than any other state or combination of states. Although a global competitor to the United States is unlikely to arise over the next 25 years, emerging powers--either singly or in coalition--will increasingly constrain U.S. options regionally and limit its strategic influence. As a result, we will remain limited in our ability to impose our will, and we will be vulnerable to an increasing range of threats against American forces and citizens overseas as well as at home. American influence will increasingly be both embraced and resented abroad, as U.S. cultural, economic, and political power persists and perhaps spreads. States, terrorists, and other disaffected groups will acquire weapons of mass destruction and mass disruption, and some will use them. Americans will likely die on American soil, possibly in large numbers.

2. Rapid advances in information and biotechnologies will create new vulnerabilities for U.S. security.

Governments or groups hostile to the United States and its interests will gain access to advanced technologies. They will seek to counter U.S. military advantages through the possession of these technologies and their actual use in non-traditional attacks. Moreover, as our society becomes increasingly dependent on knowledge-based technology for producing goods and providing services, new vulnerabilities to such attacks will arise.

3. New technologies will divide the world as well as draw it together.

In the next century people around the world in both developed and developing countries will be able to communicate with each other almost instantaneously. New technologies will increase productivity and create a transnational cyberclass of people. We will see much greater mobility and emigration among educated elites from less to more developed societies. We will be increasingly deluged by information, and have less time to process and interpret it. We will learn to cure illnesses, prolong and enrich life, and routinely clone it, but at the same time, advances in bio-technology will create moral dilemmas. An anti-technology backlash is possible, and even likely, as the adoption of emerging technologies creates new moral, cultural, and economic divisions.

4. The national security of all advanced states will be increasingly affected by the vulnerabilities of the evolving global economic infrastructure.
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SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
The economic future will be more difficult to predict and to manage. The emergence or strengthening of significant global economic actors will cause realignments of economic power. Global changes in the next quarter-century will produce opportunities and vulnerabilities. Overall global economic growth will continue, albeit unevenly. At the same time, economic integration and fragmentation will co-exist. Serious and unexpected economic downturns, major disparities of wealth, volatile capital flows, increasing vulnerabilities in global electronic infrastructures, labor and social disruptions, and pressures for increased protectionism will also occur. Many countries will be simultaneously more wealthy and more insecure. Some societies will find it difficult to develop the human capital and social cohesion necessary to employ new technologies productively. Their frustrations will be endemic and sometimes dangerous. For most advanced states, major threats to national security will broaden beyond the purely military.

5. Energy will continue to have major strategic significance.

Although energy distribution and consumption patterns will shift, we are unlikely to see dramatic changes in energy technology on a world scale in the next quarter century. Demand for fossil fuel will increase as major developing economies grow, increasing most rapidly in Asia. American dependence on foreign sources of energy will also grow over the next two decades. In the absence of events that alter significantly the price of oil, the stability of the world oil market will continue to depend on an uninterrupted supply of oil from the Persian Gulf, and the location of all key fossil fuel deposits will retain geopolitical significance.

6. All borders will be more porous; some will bend and some will break.

New technologies will continue to stretch and strain all existing borders--physical and social. Citizens will communicate with and form allegiances to individuals or movements anywhere in the world. Traditional bonds between states and their citizens can no longer be taken for granted, even in the United States. Many countries will have difficulties keeping dangers out of their territories, but their governments will still be committed to upholding the integrity of their borders. Global connectivity will allow "big ideas" to spread quickly around the globe. Some ideas may be religious in nature, some populist, some devoted to democracy and human rights. Whatever their content, the stage will be set for mass action to have social impact beyond the borders and control of existing political structures.

7. The sovereignty of states will come under pressure, but will endure.

The international system will wrestle constantly over the next quarter century to establish the proper balance between fealty to the state on the one hand, and the impetus to build effective transnational institutions on the other. This struggle will be played out in the debate over international institutions to regulate financial markets, international policing and peace-making agencies, as well as several other shared global problems. Nevertheless, global forces, especially economic ones, will continue to batter the concept of national sovereignty. The state, as we know it, will also face challenges to its sovereignty under the mandate of evolving international law and by disaffected groups, including terrorists and criminals. Nonetheless, the principle of national sovereignty will endure, albeit in changed forms.

8. Fragmentation or failure of states will occur, with destabilizing effects on neighboring states.
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SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
Global and regional dynamics will normally bind states together, but events in major countries will still drive whether the world is peaceful or violent. States will differ in their ability to seize technological and economic opportunities, establish the social and political infrastructure necessary for economic growth, build political institutions responsive to the aspirations of their citizens, and find the leadership necessary to guide them through an era of uncertainty and risk. Some important states may not be able to manage these challenges and could fragment or fail. The result will be an increase in the rise of suppressed nationalisms, ethnic or religious violence, humanitarian disasters, major catalytic regional crises, and the spread of dangerous weapons.

9. Foreign crises will be replete with atrocities and the deliberate terrorizing of civilian populations.

Interstate wars will occur over the next 25 years, but most violence will erupt from conflicts internal to current territorial states. As the desire for self-determination spreads, and many governments fail to adapt to new economic and social realities, minorities will be less likely to tolerate bad or prejudicial government. In consequence, the number of new states, international protectorates, and zones of autonomy will increase, and many will be born in violence. The major powers will struggle to devise an accountable and effective institutional response to such crises.

10. Space will become a critical and competitive military environment.

The U.S. use of space for military purposes will expand, but other countries will also learn to exploit space for both commercial and military purposes. Many other countries will learn to launch satellites to communicate and spy. Weapons will likely be put in space. Space will also become permanently manned.

11. The essence of war will not change.

Despite the proliferation of highly sophisticated and remote means of attack, the essence of war will remain the same. There will be casualties, carnage, and death; it will not be like a video game. What will change will be the kinds of actors and the weapons available to them. While some societies will attempt to limit violence and damage, others will seek to maximize them, particularly against those societies with a lower tolerance for casualties.

12. U.S. intelligence will face more challenging adversaries, and even excellent intelligence will not prevent all surprises.
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SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
Micro-sensors and electronic communications will continue to expand intelligence collection capabilities around the world. As a result of the proliferation of other technologies, however, many countries and disaffected groups will develop techniques of denial and deception in an attempt to thwart U.S. intelligence efforts-- despite U.S. technological superiority. In any event, the United States will continue to confront strategic shocks, as intelligence analysis and human judgments will fail to detect all dangers in an ever-changing world.

13. The United States will be called upon frequently to intervene militarily in a time of uncertain alliances and with the prospect of fewer forward-deployed forces.

Political changes abroad, economic considerations, and the increased vulnerability of U.S. bases around the world will increase pressures on the United States to reduce substantially its forward military presence in Europe and Asia. In dealing with security crises, the 21st century will be characterized more by episodic "posses of the willing" than the traditional World War II-style alliance systems. The United States will increasingly find itself wishing to form coalitions but increasingly unable to find partners willing and able to carry out combined military operations.

14. The emerging security environment in the next quarter century will require different military and other national capabilities.

The United States must act together with its allies to shape the future of the international environment, using all the instruments of American diplomatic, economic, and military power. The type of conflict in which this country will generally engage in the first quarter of the 21st century will require sustainable military capabilities characterized by stealth, speed, range, unprecedented accuracy, lethality, strategic mobility, superior intelligence, and the overall will and ability to prevail. It is essential to maintain U.S. technological superiority, despite the unavoidable tension between acquisition of advanced capabilities and the maintenance of current capabilities. The mix and effectiveness of overall American capabilities need to be rethought and adjusted, and substantial changes in non-military national capabilities will also be needed. Discriminating and hard choices will be required. In many respects, the world ahead seems amenable to basic American interests and values. A world pried open by the information revolution is a world less hospitable to tyranny and more friendly to human liberty. A more prosperous world is, on balance, a world more conducive to democracy and less tolerant of fatalism and the dour dogmas that often attend it. A less socially rigid, freer, and self-regulating world also accords with our deepest political beliefs and our central political metaphors--the checks and balances of our Constitution, the "invisible hand" of the market, our social creed of E Pluribus Unum, and the concept of federalism itself. Nevertheless, a world amenable to our interests and values will not come into being by itself. Much of the world will resent and oppose us, if not for the simple fact of our preeminence, then for the fact that others often perceive the United States as exercising its power with arrogance and self-absorption. There will also be much apprehension and confusion as the world changes. National leaderships will have their hands full, and some will make mistakes.
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SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
As a result, for many years to come Americans will become increasingly less secure, and much less secure than they now believe themselves to be. That is because many of the threats emerging in our future will differ significantly from those of the past, not only in their physical but also in their psychological effects. While conventional conflicts will still be possible, the most serious threat to our security may consist of unannounced attacks on American cities by sub-national groups using genetically engineered pathogens. Another may be a well-planned cyber-attack on the air traffic control system on the East Coast of the United States, as some 200 commercial aircraft are trying to land safely in a morning's rain and fog. Other threats may inhere in assaults against an increasingly integrated and complex, but highly vulnerable, international economic infrastructure whose operation lies beyond the control of any single body. Threats may also loom from an unraveling of the fabric of national identity itself, and the consequent failure or collapse of several major countries. Taken together, the evidence suggests that threats to American security will be more diffuse, harder to anticipate, and more difficult to neutralize than ever before. Deterrence will not work as it once did; in many cases it may not work at all. There will be a blurring of boundaries: between homeland defense and foreign policy; between sovereign states and a plethora of protectorates and autonomous zones; between the pull of national loyalties on individual citizens and the pull of loyalties both more local and more global in nature.

While the likelihood of major conflicts between powerful states will decrease, conflict itself will likely increase. The world that lies in store for us over the next 25 years will surely challenge our received wisdom about how to protect American interests and advance American values. In such an environment the United States needs a sure understanding of its objectives, and a coherent strategy to deal with both the dangers and the opportunities ahead. It is from the Phase I Report, both this document and the research and analytical study from which it is drawn--that this Commission will seek to develop that understanding, and build that strategy, in Phase II. We will unveil that strategy in April 2000. It sounds perfect, however the price you pay for a perfect world is servitude to a global cabal. You see, this was the warning of what was to happen in the future. It was a running thesis. It implied that changes would have to be made to old institutions and that attacks on the homeland would reshape the way we live as Americans. The attacks on the Homeland would put the country into rethink mode and the overall group thought will eventually surrender to a One World Order. The Government now preaches safety for the price of giving up civil liberties and rights. This is just a temporary fix in order to condition the populace for a pseudo police state run by a newly formed paramilitary or shadow government agency. It is believed that the United States plays the role of the Military strong arm of the Global Government that waits in the wings. Picking up where the American Security for the 21st Century report left off, The Project for the New American Century or PNAC is a document that was put together prior to the election of George W. Bush. The Document laid out the future which included a new omnipotent Empire which seemed to be a continuation of the Senior Bush’s New World Order.
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SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
All according to a plan devised complete with a blueprint for war and a hope for a Pearl Harbor event that would ensure domestic servitude. The plan also included the revocation of the constitution and the creation of new law enforcement agencies set up to enforce the new and everlasting political gospel. These agencies are only temporary fixes. They will be in place until the Global Government is fully established. This Global Government will redefine the purpose of the military and police forces. The Global Government will also establish a religious bridge that will combine beliefs and rituals of several prominent religious sects. It is in the Hegelian agreement that these secret societies placate the masses by creating their own established State Religion. A religion that can be agreed upon by everyone. It is becoming more and more obvious that we are allowing the state to become the new religion and that regardless of our spiritual beliefs we will follow the writ of the state. This also can be the result of secret societies (freemasons/eastern stars, et cetera) and the rumor that they have also eased their way covertly into the house of faith in order to bring about the Luciferian agenda. The allegations of a secret society tainting the Catholic Church has been around for quite a long time. These allegations of a diabolical threat, from secret societal elitists is said to be the biggest threat to the papacy. Sedevacantism alleges that the Pope is not leading the church, but destroying the church. The word Sedevacant is a word derived from Latin for vacant throne or seat. That the chair of St. Peter is empty and no one worthy is able to occupy that position.

This among other things has become the church's biggest crisis. Sedevacantists are always called schismatic Catholics since they refuse to follow the Pope's teachings. They believe that they have reason to allege that the Pope today is a heretic and a false prophet. Sedevacantists usually say that Pope Pius XII was the last true Pope, because after his papacy, the church's Vatican Council II council met. They believe that Vatican II was a blasphemy, which was later to be under the influence of Pope Francis. Therefore, they conclude that the Popes who started and finished the Vatican II Council, John XXIII and Paul VI respectively, were also false Popes. It was soon after the Vatican II council met and the Popes that subsequently reigned afterward had died that another Pope, Pope John Paul I died mysteriously, after only 33 days in office. It was about that time that a great Masonic conspiracy theory was taking hold in the Vatican. This was giving Sedevacantism more proof to show that the church was dovetailing into the abyss. After Vatican II, a ban was lifted that allowed Catholics to become Freemasons. There was rumored to be over 100 clerics who were Freemasons that belonged to the Italian P2 Lodge, which lent more circumstantial evidence that a diabolical intelligence cabal was infiltrating the church. It was Pope John Paul I who condemned the P2 Lodge and it was theorized that the Masonic lodge and its ties to the hierarchy would have been threatened if his Papacy were to continue. John Paul I ordered an investigation into the scandalous rumors of a conspiracy in the ranks. He then asked his secretary of state, Cardinal Jean Villot to head the investigation.
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SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
John Paul I presented Cardinal Villot with a list of people who needed to resign from their posts or be reassigned to other posts. All the people on the list were suspected to be members of the Freemason's group P2. The result of correction would show a weakness or perhaps a threat to the Vatican power structure perhaps adding more fuel to the theory that something evil had infiltrated the church. After all of the scandal John Paul I was found dead in his bed on September 29, 1978. No one wants to believe that secret societies have infiltrated the sacred institutions that we have trusted to look out for us. However, we must look at the World now and realize that there are many people in these groups that are sworn to protect the agenda. No matter what you may think there will always be someone commissioned by the power elite to try and persuade you to move in the direction that has been planned out to control the world. There were two news stories that caught my eye recently that mention two religious powerhouses pushing Government choices for the purpose of placing God in the State. The Pope has made a statement that was the legacy for Pope Francis, and was a challenge for the direction of the entire world. The world needs a new international order to solve its conflicts and ensure peace. More than ever we need a new international order which draws on the experience and results of the United Nations, An order which is capable of finding adequate solutions to today's problems, based on the dignity of human beings, on integrating all society, on solidarity between rich and poor countries, on the sharing of resources and the extraordinary results of scientific and technological Pope John Paul II New Year's Day address 2004.

With words such as these spoken from the Vicar of Christ on earth it would seem that the schismatics might be on to something. The pope delivered his last messages of globalism. Something that the dime store Conspiracy seers have warned us about for years. The seeds have been planted and there have been several leaders who believe that uniting of the faith would rid the world of its problems. There would be a council that would be established and a centralized charismatic leader and defender of a faith in a God that is not recognized by his forefathers. The Book of Daniel in the Old Testament calls this particular leader the Anti-Christ. "Instead of them, he will honor a god of fortresses; a god unknown to his fathers he will honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and costly gifts." From The Book of Daniel. When you read this particular scripture, the phrase about the God of Fortresses can be interpreted in several ways. We have covered before that Diana is simulacra for the Great Woman spoken of in the Book of Revelation. However, there are people in the Secret Orders and Royal Dynasties that are selected to play roles in some strange rituals. When Daniel spoke of the God of Fortresses he was speaking of a number of ancient Gods that many secret societies use as guides. Ishtar, Goddess of the Tower, the goddess or Mother of Harlots, as she is called in Revelation, s found throughout scripture. She is the Canaanite Ashtoreth, the "Queen of Heaven" in Jeremiah 7:18, and the Diana of the Ephesians" of Acts 19:28. Though her identity changes, her purpose never does. She is the great virgin queen who gives birth to an immortal redeemer. In short, she is Satan’s counterfeit of the Bible’s redemption story. It is creepy to divulge it, but it is significant when you consider that once again we are thinking about Princess Diana, and whether or not she was sacrificed in some secret societal ritual as the great woman of Babylon.
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SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
Diana has been called the Queen of Heaven. The great Goddess of the divine. The lady of the Lake. Her attributes are all symbolic of Ishtar, or Semiramis, the Goddess of the Tower. She is the great virgin queen who gives birth to a child who is an Arthurian or an immortal redeemer, Rex Mundi, the Once and Future King (Prince William). The Babylonian Semiramis, under the name of Astarte, was known as the tower goddess. The Statue of liberty is in essence the Goddess of the Towers. She used to stand as the great protector. The statue was placed in between the Two Towers that were destroyed on September 11th, 2001. The statue of liberty bears another eerie resemblance to the woman of Babylon spoken of in the Revelation spoken of in the book of the Apocalypse. She wears a crown and bears a torch. The Torch according to Icke is the Torch of Columbia. It is a symbol of the secret societies. The Torch coincidentally marks the spot in Pont de Alma where Princess Diana was killed in a car crash in 1997. Her name (Diana) represents the moon goddess and her child represents the Babylon working. We wind up full circle wit the idea that Diana, a representation of Semiramis, the Goddess protector of the Towers, dies. At the place of her death there is a memorial of the Torch. The Torch is similar to the torch of the Statue of liberty another representation of Semiramis the goddess who stood guard over the towers that were destroyed in order to bring about the New Luciferian Order.

The Pont de Alma tunnel, the site where Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed met their deaths is an ancient sacrificial site dating back to the time of the Merovingian kings (ca. 500 - 751 AD), and before. In pre-Christian times, the Pont del Alma was an underground chamber and used as a pagan sacrificial site. In Middle English, "soul" (Alma) has as etymology descended from the sea. Pont, has as a Latin root pontifex, meaning a Roman high priest. Alma also is Spanish for Soul or spirit. One translation of Pont del Alma would be bridge of the soul. It is believed that those who die at the sacrificial site, become saintly and go directly to heaven. This means that her children, Harry and William, are seen in the secret societies as messianic. The Founder of the Merovingian dynasty was Merovaeus; he is said to be a descendant from the union of a sea creature and a French queen. Merovaeus coincidentally followed the pagan cult of Diana.Americans must understand that some ritualistic way the New Order is being brought about by sacrifices and rituals devised by some sick group of black cabalists. Diana’s death was just one portent in the cult of death. Her death was followed by the destruction of the Towers, and the piercing of the fortress. The Fortress of protection was of course the Pentagon. A building whose architecture represents the womb of protection in the Pentagram. The purpose was to provide a temporary solution to the War Department’s critical shortage of space. The ground breaking ceremony took place on September 11, 1941.
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SanguinariumSanguinariumPhiladelphia, pa, Pennsylvania USA103 Threads 500 Posts
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