Marlin2020Marlin2020Mentor, Ohio USA13 Threads 137 Posts
This message was submitted for me to post it on Connectingsingles. There have been many people and other forces erasing or planting viruses on Montu's messages. Some of them are Nuwaubian freemasons right where he is located in East Cleveland. Others are black youth being payed for theirservices. There is even a plant within the very home Montu lives. Anyway, I have been instructed to shared this with women everywhere. Hopefully this won't get destroyed or worse. And the message of Montu begins.

This missive is in honor to the Holy Breath which is the superior force behind Montu, the Nuwaubian from North Carolina's, advancing intellect. As we have stated on countless occassions, Montu is under the stringent surveillance of other Nuwaubians, no matter what their different school titles are, in East Cleveland, Ohio. Some beings are seriously attached to things of this world, and no matter who their spiritual teacher and guide is, these beings will only serve who evil extraterrestrials created. Montu says that time is running out and should the extraterrestrials succeed in their major takeover, presently termed the New World Order, it will be much more difficult to become less dense. In 2020, there is a movement shaping around the globe which involves two major issues. Stripping humans of all rights while being forced to stay at home as if in prison, and destroying all finances of those humans. Your small businesses are crumbling under this strategy which involves nearly every Federal Government Agency. All government agencies is playing roles in a mass sweep thats shaping around the globe. And the main keys in the alien ran governments plots is to place you into poverty and to disarm you. Many of your Illuminati Governors, be they female or male, were the "key" forces behind everything. What many of you are experiencing today is a very well planned out strategy. Female Governors as well as male Governors are involved with whats about to take place. Some or all of them may seem human in appearance which has been very misleading to many. Your governors sold out you and your states out because the children of the Pleiadians got some damning evidence against them a long time before they ever became governors. This is how the 5-Pointed system works, There are no exceptions. In this world if you seek money and power you have to sell your souls for it. Humans were beginning to wake up which is why alien human hybrids were placed in key positions of power.

They may seem human in appearance but we assure that they are far from it. They have the ability to look into one's eyes and implement psychic attacks. Humans want more than anything to be able to describe things within their own cirxumference of understanding. But in truth, things are a bit more complex than that. Take for an instance the shape of a circle or cipher. The circle has no beginning nor end which is only known to the creator of that circle. When you look at the circle there is something trapped within. The parameters keep most humans locked into the 360 degree time grid. This is because you are trapped within the circle created by someone else. Montu further goes on to say that there are the inner parameters of a circle and then there are the outer parameters. The inner parameters lock you inside someone else's creation which is similar to America being somewhat patterned after Ancient Egipt. However, knowledge was stolen from the Egiptians and was then used in the many vices which entraps all those not aware of the sceince.
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Marlin2020Marlin2020Mentor, Ohio USA13 Threads 137 Posts
Montu also says that when you step outside of that circle you then enter into the outer parameters of whats normal, based upon what you were taught all of your lives. The inner part of the circle is equivalent to earth and its inhabitants. The outer parameters are equivalent to that which is outside the earth's atmosphere. So your 360 degrees of knowledge now starts to pusate from other octaves or frequencies. Your 360 degrees of knowledge then starts to meld with higher evolutionary chains of life. Montu says most freemasons and even Eastern Stars know this and because of the many oaths and blood sacrifices dedicated to Pleiadian deities, they will not reveal this to you. They may try and speak heavy by scientifically breaking down the physical and spiritual transformation process just to remain within the parameters of their oaths. But in truth humans will not be given the keys to life and the math of the world by Satanic freemasons, Eastern Stars, the Boule Society, the Illuminati, and countless others.

There are Prince Hall freemasons who seem to be working overtime to get control of the black people. Unfortunately, many of them are being aided by betraying Nuwaubian freemasons. But Montu says that many who have went astray are where they are suppose to be in this evolutionary cycle of their existence. Others are seeking higher learning which breaks them from the clutches of time grids or time locks. As Montu stated, the circle, which is considered the compass in freemasonry, was created by those who created the latter version of the craft. So your thought processes, perceptions, and behaviors were masterfully designed by adepths. Since 1775, many secret societies, along with all freemasons and Eastern Stars who do not follow the rightness and reasoning tetradedron originating from Ancient Egipt, have joined forces with extraterrestrials. There are many other than Reptilians, Dawaanis, and Insectilians involved with conspiracies against humans. Many Prince Hall freemasons try and razzle dazzle the black population by breaking down Joachin, BOAZ, and Hiram Abiff. In truth, these three chambers were created from the minds of those who joined the Illuminati before their deaths. Most America Preachers, Imams, Sheikhs, Ministers, Rabbis, et cetera, are freemasons and Eastern Stars under the control and direction of the New World Order treaties. None of them will betray it no matter how generous they may seem with the knowledge at times. Some may try and manipulate you into accepting death because its their job to make sure that humans are not oppositional in any way to the New World Order.
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Marlin2020Marlin2020Mentor, Ohio USA13 Threads 137 Posts
The Pleiadians have controlled Europeanized freemasoney for centuries. Ancient Egipt had forces which could defeat the Pleiadians but humans look to the Pleiadina as gods due to their advanced technology that controls your everyday life. They can make it rain, snow, earthquake, et cetera. They have technology coming from many flatscreen televisions which can manipulate the thought patterns of humans. It can also replicate or mimick your thoughts and suggest that you do this or that, or vote for him or her, and more. If humans all around the globe pay close attention to the strategy of leadership in all countries you will clearly see freemasons and Eastern Stars have ruled your regions at least since 1775. In 2020, many freemasons and Eastern Stars are controlling every neighborhood and community while Illuminati appointees act as leaders over cities, states, and countries. There is a very tight network of interaction between them all. Most humans will never know who is who because some just don't have the eye for detail. Others are spending too much time getting high while monsters are contemplating their fates. The children of Pleiadians, who control the Illuminati and all freemasons and Eastern Stars, controls all information. Freemasons and Eastern Stars, along with many other secret societies, hail to conceal the secrets and will never reveal anything to anyone who isn't of their same degree or higher degrees. This means, for an instance, if you know that 12 x12 = 144, under masonic formula it will involve the numeral 9. They will not share the 9 mind with you because it will violate their agreements with their masters. So they will lie to you and make those lies fair-seeming with local and national news media mind manipulations. And many women and men part of these medias are either Eastern Stars, freemasons, or is in some secret society which works with the children of the Pleiadians.

Many of them are in fact alien human hybrids and cross breeds. Others who are human is afraid of the technology power reaches of the children of the Pleiadians, along with their many abilities which makes them seem as if they are gods with extra-ordinary abilities. The humans claim to believe in Allah, Jesus, or Moses, but fear and obey the children of the Pleiadians, amongst other extraterrestrials on earth at this space/time continuum. The children of the Pleiadians wanted women in power not because it was right, but because it allowed their females to asume the highest roles over human women. Many of them are leaders of women's movements and have worked dedicatingly for many decades. They got into the minds of both men and women and used their thoughts, perceptions, and behaviors against them. They told women it was a right to sleep wioth more then one male, even if they are married. The alien human hybrid men did the same with human men.
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Marlin2020Marlin2020Mentor, Ohio USA13 Threads 137 Posts
In truth, the coronavirus is a bio-weapon being used against the Chinese people. It was designed to slow down the economic advancement of China. It have tooken the U.S. and China's trade wars to a whole new level. The trade war have become economical biological warfare. Part of the trade war involved China's leadership of 5G technology. The place where 5G was born was within Wuhan. When the 5G was turned on in Wuhan in October of 2019, the epidemic not long afterwards, brokeout. There is an electronic component within the virus known as nano-particles. This also means that the virus can be triggered by machines. The prfect weapon to kill down a population. This virus borders on living things and non-living things. It is also protein wrapped around genetic material. Both RNA and DNA. It is also generated by electronic frequencies. The virus can be activated by 5G 60 cycle frequency radiation which is why most of you have been told to stay home. You have some sort of service within your homes that involves 5G. Your children's 5G phones will be used as a tool of death for many of you. Montu, has been trying to educate the people in Cleveland but the Boule Society, other secret societies, both caucasian and black cops, buildings and stores he may frequent, along with those closet around him are working hard to disprove and discredit him. They work on a daily basis, and some have even been paid just to make up lies on Montu. Unfortunately, many people in Cleveland, nevertheless Ohio, are afraid of the forces Montu takes on daily. Montu risks his life just to try and save whats left of humanity. He has compassion for mortals. The fight against him should have been one black people in East Cleveland should have paid attention to. Those who have had contact with Montu claims he is a very generous person. Others say he have never spoken about anything to them other than the seriousness in the age in which we live. Those who may have something negative to say are agents of the Varat. They may look black, act black, and may even claim to hold love for blacks, but their love is actually evol or evil. They only care about money and they are always plotting against others who have no negative bone in their body towards them. They thrive on taking away the joy of others.

Montu says that China's response to the virus, as was confirmed by benevolent doctors, was nothing short than herioc. China built 3 1000 bed hospitals in a little more than a week. The U.S. response is much more sinister. While people in the U.S. are infected the U.S. plans to fulfill its New World Order obligation since China has been wounded. Both Europe and India will follow the pattern of the U.S. because President Trump's job is not only to fulfill the NWO, but also to re-establish the Temple of NAN.NAR on earth. And without the opposition of the people many will be doomed. You all will confine yourselves to your homes like good shepeple until the time for your roundups. You are being controlled by digital and electronic devices daily for briefings on the coronavirus, rendering many of you sleepwalkers. They must do a mass data of mindsets in order to know where to send their forces to. When you are out and about they have no idea what you are saying or what anyone is saying to you. But if you are home neighbors are spying on neighbors, and many are outright lying because it is a way to set you up for destruction. Trust it or not,
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Marlin2020Marlin2020Mentor, Ohio USA13 Threads 137 Posts
The new identification is about to come to pass as well. But our main problem is those sleep walkers who sit at their telivisions daily watching news on the coronavirus. It is making them more and more paranoid. And like frightened cattle they are being ushered in a very unique way for the slaughter and can't see it. There are mass graves around Monroe and Madison, Georgia, for those with the virus. There are also places in New York. Each state ios preparing mass graves in remote areas even as this missive is being revealed. Now to facts about the coronavirus. There are different strains of the coronavirus being unleashed onto the populations. We have the specific strain which came down in the form of a meteprite in 2019 in China. Then there is a link between 5G, mucus, and meats. Then comes scientist developements of another strain. First and foremost, 5G network is causing a rift in population control. Companies like Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T, just to name a few, were the culprits who promoted the key to the destruction of humans. But you sought better deals, cheaper rates, and cheaper phones. Dracula cannot infect you unless you first let him/her in. And because many of your children let him/her in with your approval, the earth's population now stands to have over 87% decimated.

President Trump suggests that gatherings should be limited to 10 people although there are others that say 5 is too many. Bill Gates said in an interview that we should at least continue with social distancing another 10 weeks. He explained that until the numbers start to go down across the country, which he says could take at least 10 weeks, the shutdown should be in play everywhere. He also stepped up his call for more testing and was hopeful a vaccine will be developed in less than 18 months. As it stands now, at least 30 states have stay-at-home orders in place with some 250 million Americans told to remain sheltered and maintain social-distancing measures. The Pentagon confirmed that it’s seeking to provide as many as 100,000 military-style body bags for potential civilian use as the U.S. warns that deaths could soar in the coming weeks from the coronavirus pandemic. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has requested 100,000 body bags, known as Human Remains Pouches, through an interagency group that directed it to the Defense Department. Not to mention those alleged FEMA coffins that were said to exist at one time, as many of them have now disappeared from the lot they sat in for some time.We still have choices and on TV commercial, it is being said that we have to reset to what they are calling a new normal – they are speaking as if this is going to go on with this social distancing for life. This is part of a huge brainwashing process. Unforunately. a very large number of caucasians will follow this. Many black women will follow it because they believe everything their government and the media tells. them. The virus was desigfned to kill mostly Asians. This means that it will be mostly Asians and sub-races of Asians who will be infected. There are more black and latino people who believe in Donald Trump and all of th Dragonians than they do of their own Ancestors. Your compliance will land you in a camp before its over.
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Marlin2020Marlin2020Mentor, Ohio USA13 Threads 137 Posts
Time moves in a circle or a spiral motion. And the movement of a child in the womb moves in a circle for 9 months. The circle or orb or ball's outline profile is perfect because the orb is a ball or circle, like the sun, The moon of this solar systme also moves in a circle.m Montu contends that the children of the Pleiadians know of these secrets and distorts them for the sake of power and control. They have the truth and even promote it, but they distort it for the sake of diabolicalism. They are from a negative or evil sphere which is why everything they promote, advise, promulgate, or force upon humanity is the complete opposite from that which is considered positive or good. Evil is one half of a sphere folks, and those running the world today are from hell itself. Montu further contends that humans only fear the extraterrestrials because of the heaven and hell concepts. Others fear death because they have no idea what lies for them after this life. And some will only exist for the moment and will exist no more. These beings were created by the scientists of the children of the Pleiadians. They don't have souls and what humans have which connects them to everything in life, these monsters do not. The scieintists of the children of the Pleiadians created humaniods for the purpose of misleading humanity into falling victimized to their New World Order. Hell is about snitching, liars, lying informants, barers of false testimonies against the innocent, human sacrifices for wealth and power, and the list goes on and on. It is no coincidence that during this so-called coronavirus plague humans were instructed to stay at honme or in doors, while many of your businesses suffered and fiancially collapsed. During you home imprisonment, you were being monitored by those close to you, those next door to you, and those driving down your streets. Other means of surveillance was tried out against you using 5G technology. They wanted to know more about your conversations, who you stayed in contact with, and so on and so forth.

Montu, the Nuwaubian from North Carolina staying in East Cleveland, Ohio, says that freemasons have been constructing myriad pyramidal mazes for those within their communities. The founder of the ancient mystic order of the Rosae Cricis based the order upon the legends of the Rosicrusians of 1614. There was a book published of great popularity. It was based on the travels of a ficticous character who wandered around the Middle East and founded a secret, mystical brotherhood. And since that time various groups of astrologers, alchemist, magicians, and catalyst have taken the name Rosicrusians. Astara is a very interesting section of the brotherhood. Astara is very similar to the Rosicrucians order, but it is 35 years younger. It deals with mysticism, karma, and other forbidden philosophies. What is so striking about Astara is that its mysticism is coupled with Christianity. But yet they deny any religous involvement. The Knights of Columbus was founded by a 29 year old Catholic Priest for men.
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Marlin2020Marlin2020Mentor, Ohio USA13 Threads 137 Posts
In Conclusion: THE LATEST CURRENT EVENTS: This is the year of the metal rat” and new technology, hook ups, and Artificial Intelligence, is here and the metal rats or robots is actually being marketed to the public. While the metal rat theme is still in play with 5G, facial recognition and a possible cashless society and biometrics in our future – the true rat analogy that is applicable now is the lab rat. This is the Chinese year of the Lab Rat. We are all being treated like lab rats because of a disease that we know came from China and what is most disconcerting is that while we first reported that COVID-19 may have been released in a bio-lab – we faced the ridicule of pushing an unfounded conspiracy theory but now this once vilified conspiracy theory is now getting legs and the idea that it was sequenced in a lab is finally being discussed in the mainstream media. Unfortunately, this is what the mainstream media calls “facts without fear.” According to mainstream news There is increasing confidence that the COVID-19 outbreak likely originated in a Wuhan laboratory, though not as a bioweapon but as part of China’s attempt to demonstrate that its efforts to identify and combat viruses are equal to or greater than the capabilities of the United States. Numerous virology experts are now on record as saying it cannot be dismissed, and multiple government and intelligence sources have confirmed that investigations are underway into the possibility that the coronavirus leaked from an unsafe Wuhan bio-lab and China lied about the true scale of the outbreak. However, the so-called fact checkers on Facebook and the Google searches have all shadow banned or have skewed searches so that you will have a hard time doing research on your own about the matter. Most mainstream websites including Fact Checker, have said that this particular conspiracy theory poses a health hazard.

Edward R. Morrow did a report in 1947 called “The Case of the Flying Saucer.” It offered a balanced look at UFOs, a subject of widespread interest at the time. Murrow interviewed both Kenneth Arnold and astronomer Donald Menzel. From 1951 to 1955, Murrow was the host of the show “This I Believe,” which offered ordinary people the opportunity to speak for five minutes on radio. This was similar to what Art Bell would do when he would open the lines for average ordinary people giving their views on conspiracy theories, politics, and of course, Flying Saucers. Murrow was a pioneer, he continued to present daily radio news reports on the CBS Radio Network until 1959. His reporting always raised conflict with CBS because what he did was unconventional. He pioneered what can be called “guerrilla journalism” which captured the attention of the FBI and the House Un-American Activities Committee. He was being accused of being friendly to communism. Times have really not changed. There are still those who want to throw labels around, just to boost their lack of credibility. Disinformation can also be a threat to your security; in fact, an entire nation can be harmed by any misleading information that can cause riots, and or civil upheaval. People are now being programmed to discredit many stories because some news organization wishes to label them conspiracy theories or hoaxes. But as many of us may already know the truth prevails but even though the truth is there in front of people, many will turn their backs on it because it creates a doubt in their self-imposed normalcy bias.
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Marlin2020Marlin2020Mentor, Ohio USA13 Threads 137 Posts
When it comes to the COVID-19 crisis, the facts are admittedly ripe for conspiracy theory: China’s only high-security infectious-disease laboratory is located in Wuhan, the city where the coronavirus behind the COVID-19 pandemic first emerged. And the lab is famous for its sometimes controversial research on just such pathogens. But a new report suggesting U.S. diplomats voiced serious concern about safety at the lab in 2018 has added circumstantial backing to what we reported even before the virus was mainstream news — that perhaps the virus leaked accidentally from that Wuhan Institute of Virology lab.
n January 2018, the U.S. Embassy in Beijing took the unusual step of repeatedly sending U.S. science diplomats to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which had in 2015 become China’s first laboratory to achieve the highest level of international bioresearch safety (known as BSL-4). WIV issued a news release in English about the last of these visits, which occurred on March 27, 2018. The U.S. delegation was led by Jamison Fouss, the consul general in Wuhan, and Rick Switzer, the embassy’s counselor of environment, science, technology and health. Last week, the Wuhan Institute of Virology erased that statement from its website, though it remains archived on the Internet. What the U.S. officials learned during their visits concerned them so much that they dispatched two diplomatic cables categorized as Sensitive but Unclassified back to Washington. The cables warned about safety and management weaknesses at the Western Institute of Virology lab and proposed more attention and help. During interactions with scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology laboratory, they noted the new lab has a serious shortage of appropriately trained technicians and investigators needed to safely operate this high-containment laboratory. The State Department would not make the cables public. The Chinese researchers at Wuhan Institutes of Virology were receiving assistance from the Galveston National Laboratory at the University of Texas Medical Branch and other U.S. organizations, but the Chinese requested additional help. The cables argued that the United States should give the Wuhan lab further support, mainly because its research on bat coronaviruses was important but also dangerous. As the cable noted, the U.S. visitors met with Shi Zhengli, the head of the research project, who had been publishing studies related to bat coronaviruses for many years. In November 2017, just before the U.S. officials’ visit, Shi’s team had published research showing that horseshoe bats they had collected from a cave in Yunnan province were very likely from the same bat population that spawned the SARS coronavirus in 2003. Last year, The Wuhan Institute of Virology in China posted a job opening on November 18, 2019, “asking for scientists to come research the relationship between the coronavirus and bats.”
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Marlin2020Marlin2020Mentor, Ohio USA13 Threads 137 Posts
The Google translation of the job posting is: “Taking bats as the research object, I will answer the molecular mechanism that can coexist with Ebola and SARS- associated coronavirus for a long time without disease, and its relationship with flight and longevity. Virology, immunology, cell biology, and multiple omics are used to compare the differences between humans and other mammals.” Omics” is a term for a subfield within biology, such as genomics or glycomics. On December 24, 2019, the Wuhan Institute of Virology posted a second job posting. The translation of that posting includes the declaration, “long-term research on the pathogenic biology of bats carrying important viruses has confirmed the origin of bats of major new human and livestock infectious diseases such as SARS and SADS, and a large number of new bat and rodent new viruses have been discovered and identified.” This would indicate that scientist either discovered a new and terrible virus or that they sequenced a new and unstable virus that they could not contain and that they needed to recruit people to deal with it. Doctors in Wuhan knew that they were dealing with a cluster of pneumonia cases as December progressed, but it is accurate to say that a very limited number of people knew about this particular strain of coronavirus and its severity at the time of that job posting. By December 31, about three weeks after doctors first noticed the cases, the Chinese government notified the World Health Organization and the first media reports about a “mystery pneumonia” appeared outside China. On February 4th 2020, one week before the World Health Organization decided to officially name this virus “COVID-19” — the journal, Cell Research posted a notice written by scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology about the virus, concluding, “our findings reveal that Remdesivir and Chloroquine are highly effective in the control of 2019-nCoV infection in vitro. Since these compounds have been used in human patients with a safety track record and shown to be effective against various ailments, we suggest that they should be assessed in human patients suffering from the novel coronavirus disease.” So, this information was available in February. The use of these drugs to help treat COVID-19 were already recommended by the Chinese long before President Trump recommended them, the media turned it into a political attack while many people were dying from the virus. Most of the media is still attacking the possibility that these drugs can work even though they were recommended by the very task forced that was investigating it from the very beginning.
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Marlin2020Marlin2020Mentor, Ohio USA13 Threads 137 Posts
Those who are quick to scream and yell about inconvenient stories that they call conspiracy theory are those that are in the business of lying in order to procure time to get a vaccine. A Facebook fact checker who has ‘debunked’ articles suggesting that COVID-19 may have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology has a giant conflict of interest; she worked at the institute. Danielle Anderson, who works at Duke University’s NUS Medical School lab in Singapore, also contributes to Science Feedback – which Facebook has been using to slap “False Information” labels on articles claiming that COVID-19 may have originated at the Wuhan Institute where Anderson worked with bat coronavirus. A quick search of Anderson’s publications reveals no fewer than nine collaborations with Dr. Peng Zhou – a Wuhan scientist experimenting on bat coronavirus. Mention of his name may get you banned on Twitter. Anderson has been adamant that the lab adheres to the highest standards of safety, and that COVID-19 simply couldn’t have accidentally been leaked by her colleagues. This also seems to be the official story as many scientists which are probably hired mercenaries with a promise of a cut of the money from a vaccine have said that there is no evidence that the virus now plaguing the world was engineered; scientists largely agree it came from animals. But that is not the same as saying it didn’t come from the lab, which spent years testing bat coronaviruses in animals. Insiders have told the New York Times exactly what we have said all along about COVID-19 being Schrodinger’s virus. They commented that what the cables from Wuhan Institute of Virology indicate is that. “The idea that it was just a totally natural occurrence is circumstantial. The evidence it leaked from the lab is circumstantial. Right now, the ledger on the side of it leaking from the lab is packed with bullet points and there’s almost nothing on the other side.” So then we are to believe that the virus was spread by Bats and that it was leaked from a lab.

Of course we still have to guess about intent and whether or not someone would benefit from releasing the virus as a bio weaponized killing system or for a gain of function exercise. We already know that Remdesivir and Chloroquine have been politically dismissed as treatments by the media Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates even though Chinese Doctors say that it was highly effective in treating COVID-19. Does anyone see what is happening here? There has been a rush to save face by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation as they claim that they have been under attack by those who wish to believe outrageous conspiracy theories that vilify their foundation. Gates Foundation CEO Mark Suzman made a statement: “We’re aware that there’s allegations made in social media and other about nefarious schemes the foundation is alleged to be part of,” in connection with an announcement that the foundation is allocating $150 million more to fighting the pandemic. Furthermore, he states that “We’re about making sure every person on the planet in the United States and around the world … has the opportunity to live a healthy and productive life,” he said. “Every statement we make, every action we take, is toward that end.” So if this is the case then perhaps they should use their money to provide Remdesivir or Chloroquine to patience as it was known as far back as February that it worked in China.
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HexagonKeySetHexagonKeySetCentral, Waikato New Zealand150 Threads 7 Polls 3,829 Posts
Far better than anything Big Pharma can ever produce for inducing sleeeeeeepppp zzzz
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MustangWriterMustangWriterBoerne, Texas USA242 Threads 3 Polls 1,762 Posts
By the bristling beard of Odin!

The OP is Loki!
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Cranky_GeezerCranky_GeezerPatchogue, New York USA29 Threads 1 Polls 2,239 Posts
MustangWriter: By the bristling beard of Odin!

The OP is Loki!
Melin's beard! You might be right. However, I offer as an alternative the poster formerly known as Conrad59? laugh
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Thankfully as this was addressed to women, I didn't feel pressured to read it.laugh
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Cranky_Geezer: Melin's beard! You might be right. However, I offer as an alternative the poster formerly known as Conrad59?
and about half a dozen other handles!laugh
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raphael119raphael119washington d.c., District of Columbia USA19 Threads 3 Polls 5,181 Posts
"Conrad"- the two are merging into a great force!rolling on the floor laughing
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HexagonKeySetHexagonKeySetCentral, Waikato New Zealand150 Threads 7 Polls 3,829 Posts
raphael119: "Conrad"- the two are merging into a great force!
And, when the Great Raphael also merges into the insanity ... The Unholy Trinity ... will be completed !!!
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Marlin2020Marlin2020Mentor, Ohio USA13 Threads 137 Posts
Marlin2020Marlin2020Mentor, Ohio USA13 Threads 137 Posts
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Message #318

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by Marlin2020 (13 Threads)
Created: Apr 2020
Last Viewed: 16 hrs ago
Last Commented: May 2020

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