RE: Pelosi announces official Trump Impeachment inquiry - "No one is above the law"

There hasn't been any illegal behavior by Trump.

Only the demonrats and obozo regime. The real treasonous people deserving of military execution.

RE: Pelosi announces official Trump Impeachment inquiry - "No one is above the law"

A forgot to mention that another real, actual and deserving, impeachment might be under way. The impeachment of the committee chairman.

Time to start removing the demonrats from their places because they have no clue on how to honorably, honestly, and properly use any type of power.


RE: Pelosi announces official Trump Impeachment inquiry - "No one is above the law"

Every time they complain about not having information then decline information as not enough, the demonrats prove their true essence is every thing they accuse others of.

Impeaching Trump to allow the demonrats in will destroy the country. Their policies that every one blames others for, cause nothing but destruction.

We have the right person for the job in there right now. We can't afford the demonrat hordes any more.

RE: Pelosi announces official Trump Impeachment inquiry - "No one is above the law"

RE: Pelosi announces official Trump Impeachment inquiry - "No one is above the law"

No one is above the law except for the corrupt demonrats as long as they can keep fabricating, and covering:

RE: House Judiciary panel to set rules for Impeachment investigation - vote on Thursday

You don't get it.

True justice is the fact that the whole investigation was fabricated and illegally carried out. It is the demonrats themselves that should be facing charges including obozo itself.

They have nothing including the lack of support for their erroneous actions.

RE: House Judiciary panel to set rules for Impeachment investigation - vote on Thursday

oops. stuck on another topic as well.

They need at least 66% in the house to try getting it to the senate. A huge majority needed there too.

RE: House Judiciary panel to set rules for Impeachment investigation - vote on Thursday

Only a little over half of the house of reps is demonrat. They have zero evidence but plenty of fabrication as their narratives fall apart with unreleased evidence of Flynn's innocence makes it appearance. That's just the start of the unraveling of the party of criminals. The whole fabrication is coming apart as mccabe could b the first to start facing charges. The whole demonrat party is egregious and their circus is sickening as they have to attempt it to continue their communist attempts at taking over the country. So sad so many are actually not able to see the truths as they've played out.

75% needed to pass the house to even get the idea of impeachment to the senate.

As the truths begin to surface, demonrats are quickly losing even more support.

Only the true sheep like yourself are still sick enough to support the group that promises nothing but the sell out of the nation and citizens. They will bury us in short order. Even quicker than during the obozo years, of which started during the clinton years.

RE: The mistake of religion influencing elections

There is no such thing as "separation of church and state", any where.

RE: The mistake of religion influencing elections

Basically the left has it's religion, liberals have theirs, atheists whether they think they do or not with disbelief etc., demonrats enforce theirs through brainwashing and repeated mantras, every thing can be considered a religion no matter how you try to specify what it is or isn't. If it's not wanted as religion or belief system for people to want to persecute, it can be considered a cult or any thing other to persecute.

The 1st amendment of the U.S. Constitution:

RE: The mistake of religion influencing elections

oops!. Too many CAN'T stand to be away from social media or their phones for long.

RE: The mistake of religion influencing elections

Either a person holds to some actual values and guidelines or they don't.

Just as people try saying things about religion, the same can be said about social media and many other "outlets".

So that leaves every thing at pretty much a stalemate as people choose their poison based on chosen positions. Politics can be used to destroy anything more upright just the same as social media and more is used now.

It's from around election time. Even as the demonrats themselves have demonstrated how they can use it and make it look like some one else; you can bet percentages are higher now than ever. Too many can stand to be away from social media or their phones for too long.

RE: What a day..

Sounds like you have the potential to work your way into a lead person for a materials position.

A lead position in shipping and receiving holds many other detailed involvements.

Take your time and learn all you can as you go in any direction you take.

RE: Stocks PLUNGE today amid a fear of a Trump induced recession.

Stocks go up and down no matter what.

Job markets in the U.S. at least, are still strong. Haven't checked too much out side lately.

That means an up tick could be coming. Or maybe we hit holiday slow downs before new peaks again.

Either way, it only takes a weak-minded person and media to start this drivel again.

Get a grip and understand that markets are volatile ALL of the time no matter what.

Why else would they need categories for "risk" factor?

RE: What’s Happening In The US Of A?

Only 17 mass shootings at present in 2019.

RE: A fair useful summary of the Mueller Report

Mean while, all the conflict of interests of the people involved in the scheme to undermine the election are left out.

As investigations continue on the illegalities of the the obozo erra spying, the demonrats push and twist lies to cover up their own actions.

If you were fairly informed and could see events and the truth as they have unfolded; you wouldn't be over whelmed and wrapped up in the criminal party of rats.

In a true system of justice, even obozo himself would be facing criminal charges, and all of the mueller would be erroneous as he too, goes down with the ship.

Impeachment won't happen, and most likely none of the other actual criminals that should be charged will face any thing either.

Get over it.

The country hasn't had it so good in decades. They still lie about losing revenues with the cuts and catering to the rich.

RE: A Liberal's paradise

Nothing is free.

How much are the current incarcerations costing the U.S.? That won't even include all of the legal fees and and tax payer costs for the judicial systems with it's employees. Oh, the man power it takes!

Any one that thinks healthcare and education any where is free; most likely isn't smart enough to look at their region's national deficit. Most likely, still not smart enough to look into why it's always growing if so much is free and spending tax payer dollars is unlimited with out consequences.

RE: Pelosi - I would rather see Trump in jail, than impeached.

More of those demonrats deserve prison time than any thing they keep twisting and fabricating against Trump.

The whole obozo regime. They weren't scandal free. They were government and party protected for full crimes and violations against the nation and citizens. Even helped enemies.

Funny how there's no crime or guilt but Trump has to prove innocence. The demonrats and obozo regime are fully guilty but unless we can get real Americans instead parasites to investigate, they will be viewed by poeple like you as innocent. Makes me wonder about just how well criminals truly stick together as a natural factor.

In all honesty, the most twisted and illegal people I know, are almost ALL demonrats and demonrat supporters.

It's no wonder why I keep a small to zero social life. Many of them will turn on their mothers if caught.

RE: Donald Trump; a decade of financial losing, totalling over $1 Billion

He didn't lie. As a business man, he pays as little as possible. That makes him and an untold billions of people that feel the same, smart.

More old news.

Is this what you have left? Old news like it's new news?

RE: Here it is - the more semi-complete redacted Mueller report

More forced spin and speculation vs. what the bottom line of the report was for and who also has to make determinations.

How mueller words his report is what dems will try twisting. It's not just the dems. It's the media. Too many just don't understand what a chain of command is or what duties are specified according to that chain.

Mean while, there's so much that needs truly investigated and prosecuted on the other side being swept under the rug. It's the demonrat party and cronies that people should be afraid of for more reasons than a few. Diversionary tactics only work for the weak minded.

RE: Despite Trump's denials, new witness states that hush money was paid for political gain

Every speech a candidate gives, is to sway an election outcome and push political gain.

The "stormy" dead end saga barely continues. Trump becomes one of the first candidates to use his own money to hide elicit behavior that was consensual. No one really cares. He's not the first or last in history. Congress gets to use tax payer funds to cover up advances that WEREN'T or AREN'T welcomed and consensual.

No one cares but the same people pushing to sway or change the outcome of an election for political gain. AT TAX PAYER EXPENSE!

RE: Businessmen have ALWAYS run this country. Only now, it's from the inside out

You give a good summary.

You leave out some major, crucial aspects. I can't list all of them either. One party is more corrupt than the other. Even the other is filled with many turn coats.

A business man can get us out of debt.

Congress, especially under control of that one party, will NEVER treat the people and country as any thing more than a money to promise unrealistic things to try maintaining power and control. Support for illegal immigration and more, has many purposes to that one party. Debt will continue to rise because there isn't any type of stopper. Too many can't seem to fathom that nothing is free. Even the so-called successful countries with socialized any thing, are growing in debt.

Since these parasites control the power of the purse and manage to continually over step their bounds with little to zero consequences, we will continue to circle down the toilet drain. Just at a slower pace when we do have an actual leader in favor of the country and citizens.

Politicians continually win at tax payer expense no matter what. Until people actually smarten up enough to unite and kick the parasites to the curb in the harshest ways possible, we will always lose.

I don't blame the business men and women. I blame the citizens for allowing education levels, standards, and ethics to continually be dropped. The parasites play a very large number of them like harps, and they're still too blind to see it.

The American dream was that people could be free and work for what they wanted. Education and opportunity was there to help it along. As laws and more were put into place, that people could come here legally to become citizens and partake in that dream. THAT is where true equality is and was.

With a leader that doesn't need the tax payer dollars, but understands the nation's equality and strength, comes from an economy to give more true opportunities; the parasites pretend to be fighting back against their fabrications of an America from their own, false, creation.

If we could raise the educational standards back up to meet the level of economic opportunity newly in place, we might have a real chance to fully save our republic for centuries more.

RE: NJ Senate signs bill to eliminate Pres & VP candidates from ballot, who do not release tax returns

No way that can be legal. Even in the form of a bill. It actually seems more in violation of the people's right to vote for a representatives.

Tax returns are not legal requirements for any one to show unless the IRS is the one asking to see them.

Jersey government needs to have their heads examined.

So sick that governments are NOT doing their jobs for the country and citizens but continually wasting time and dollars on the best ways to secure power and control for their party. Primarily demonrats.

RE: To help you better understand the impending Mueller report on Trump

After the mueller circus ends, which still has nothing, even confirmed by congressional and senate investigations; maybe there will be an honest FBI head and they will actually follow the evidence and put the demonrats in their proper places. Under investigations along with their cohorts and cronies across many departments, then off to prison.

Only a true idiot can ignore what the DNC, obozo regime, and certain agencies have done for this fabricated investigation.

Any convictions that have been carried out have not been actual or true convictions but absolute corruption from the highest levels. No crimes existed until the DNC and clinton fabricated dossier were kept from the investigations they deserve.

Those same "elites" say Russia tried interfering. The only true evidence of interference is with the obozo regime itself. The warning sign is the demonrats own proof that russian bots can be used by any one to sway and outcome. Most likely not Russian tactics at all but demonrat tactics for the gullible.

Demonrats deserve to be in front of a military firing squad starting with the obozo regime.

RE: Trump prepared to sign border security bill, declare national emergency, McConnell says

If we didn't have those career criminals and parasites telling lies and saying that they're working for the country; we wouldn't be in such a mess that the only guy that is, has to declare a national emergency to get something done that should have already been done years ago.

RE: The first steps towards FINALLY getting Trump's tax returns

More examples of how petty and criminalistic the dems are. Nothing more important to work on with our tax dollars huh?

The IRS is supposed to be in charge of taxes and reviews. Trump's financial records were already cleared for him to take office.

I think that if congress has nothing better to keep wasting our time and dollars on, maybe they should all resign so we can have a better chance to get a real congress in there, instead of the circus they've become.

They won't be able to read it any way. The tax laws and amounts are capped after a certain amount with no disclosure or explanation after the top.

RE: Bucket list

No bucket list for me.

If I truly want to do something, I can work it out and get it accomplished. No list has ever been needed.

Okay, I take it back. I was subject to the "honey do" list for a number of years. It was endless and never seemed to be finished no matter how much I accomplished.mumbling

RE: Snow or Cold?

I don't like winter. I've never been a winter person. My area frequently goes well below zero quite often most years.

If I had a choice; it would be snow.

Snow generally means it's not AS cold out side.

Too bad it can't be late spring, early summer year round.sigh


Yes Bearwoman.

I read that with in the last several days as well and I'm not surprised.

That's why I hate politics and politicians. It's often not a matter of what they should do vs. what they can do. It's better to try keeping track than be lost about what's going on in many areas.

All are supposed to be working for the nation and citizens first then help where we can after. Some would rather play politics and power, all the while caring less just how far and deep true damages can go.

RE: No Wall, No SOTU, No Nuthin—EXCEPT: TRUMP, “100,” DEMS, “0.”

the dems shut down the government to posture.

They wanted to give $25 billion dollars for the wall last year. They wanted amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants, under the dreamer act, with out question or safety considered. Trump rightfully told them no.

The executive order for that act was deemed illegal. The other issue is that only 7-800,000 anchor babies are actually in the system. Trump used common sense even though we need the border better secured.

Here we are again. Trump is trying to give the workers at least a little financial relief. This is one of the worst times of the year for many as winter rolls on. The dems have refused to negotiate since day one.

So again, as Trump tries to do the right thing for the workers, the dems will again cause a shut down after already voting twice, against the very workers they try using as pawns. Some dems did cross the line to try getting every thing right again but not enough of them for either bill to pass.

Once again, there will be shut down because the dems will refuse to negotiate. There should be no question in any one's minds that the dems under pelosi are more against Trump and the country but all for illegal immigrants and continued, no matter what, extreme tax payer costs. Loss of life and more included.

This is a list of blog comments created by Draegoneer.

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