RE: Keeping your oath...

Much has changed from 100 years ago therefore I don't expect fascism to look like it did do in the past.

All we have in common with 100 years ago is an old people who believed no expense should be spared saving their skin, because they've be living on the easy street since the 1850s, and a more general belief that depopulation would be a good idea anyway. The Somme general was a geriatric Malthus and we do still have plenty of those.

RE: Keeping your oath...

Mussolini described as the radical centre, the government of national unity, but I don't anticipate this being possible without war in the trenches. Fascism as per the 20th century is unimaginable without the experiences of world war one - that shared life in trenches. Lockdown doesn't count if anything lockdown demonstrates our unwillingness to wage war on behalf of the nation. So little in the way of national unity, so unwilling to be conscripted. That's why you got the opposition to lockdown, it reflects just how militarized the general public isn't.

RE: How many more times treat me the way you wanna do?

Basically put he wants you to pull rank. He wants you to use the law and the courts to try and stop him because that probably won't work in this century. The authorities are regarded as unworthy to say the least, the forces of convention make life worse everyday and its ability to pull rank is severely limited. It's losing all the time and Trump wants to present himself as an alternative to the worst elite in western history

RE: How many more times treat me the way you wanna do?

To give out millions to this woman whilst people are struggling and have been through far worse in their own past without compensation. Trump wants the establishment to behave as Marie Antoinette as possible

RE: How many more times treat me the way you wanna do?

I think he wants her to do that, take as much money as possible. Here we have a woman winning in a court of law without any real evidence and a multi-million dollar incentive to be lying. Trump is putting the state on trial trying to expose it as a man-hating mafia

RE: The chair draggers...

You need to march around there wth a bat, tell them you've been feeling a bit clumsy

RE: Feminism today.

China can get away with it because everything they've done apart from the lockdown holds promise to the young.

The problem in the west is that there was much intergenerational resentment to begin with. It's just people who are going to die soon and a culture that reflects a belief that you're not going to need anything in ten years. There's only ten years left anyway

RE: Feminism today.

As a rule of thumb you empower women when you seek to double down on convention and become more religious. Wokery is the western religion and that's just political correctness done with greater fanaticism. It's conservative in the sense of conservation, it's the establishment establishing itself more. Everything that was now stands double.

You empower women is the key term. You decided that, you gave it to them, they didn't overthrow anybody. Never did and never will.

RE: Colour therapy

Clothes are far too important to have your style polluted by the zodiac. It's you who wears your own clothes, not a twelfth of the planet.
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    Last Liked: Jun 14, 2023

RE: Stay away from Medicine

Some people take painkillers and antibiotics like they were smarties, and the antibiotics in the cattle? What's wrong with moderation?

But at the same time some of us have no choice. Take the pill or die at least for the time being, unless the medicine gets even better. It would be ideal to take it once and never again.


Potentially good news for the innocent and the beaten down, but so was communism. Artificial intelligence could bring the myth of equality under the law into the new reality. But equality under the law is a terrifying prospect to the rich and powerful, to the charmers and to people with high status. Equality under the law is technically possible for the first time in human history, but this does not make it so.
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    Last Liked: May 19, 2023


The potential is to have for the first time in history an independent and objective judiciary that can also read minds. That's potentially good news for those serving a sentence, but committed no crime. It's potentially great news for the innocent everywhere.

But will that happen? Is public property even public property anymore or is it a crony capitalist rig? Does the government and big corporations seize the property of the nation? Do they sell these they have no right to sell? Yes. Do they buy things that were never meant to be bought? Yes.

RE: I am 99% sure someone gave me covid..

Does it really matter at this point?

And you know what if it wasn't covid but a strain of flu worse than covid? He'd be falsely reassured by a negative covid test. Just stay away from nursing homes and intensive care units
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    Last Liked: May 17, 2023

RE: Dietary contradictions...

My rough guide is to fast on a Monday after eating most on a Sunday. And cook like an oldendayser twice a week, these meals are not to be a taste sensation you can be really boring when you put your mind to it. Look and feel stupidly good by being boring in a great way

RE: Is there a God?

Atheism before the 1960s was one thing, as the preserve of the thinking class, but it became mainstream widespread in the 1960s i.e. it's the atheist flock that's the issue. What do they believe in then? What does the flock do now?


Anyway at least we have the Soviet union as an example of what the lefty scientific and so-called reasonable people are capable of. The cruelty of an intellectual fake victim and what they then do to the common man.

We always hear that 97% of climate scientists believe in man-made climate change what we don't take into account is that most scientists believed in communism because they're really bad at getting people, because they're an unearthly nerd that wants to experiment anyway.


And it's a strange time to be alive where the right is the new left. Where being normal won't get you anywhere in this world and talking truth to power, and all the cool kids, are on the right if they're white.


At least officially they have the run of the place. Unofficially there's a lot of resentment, people are starting to punch upwards and that's Brexit and Trump.

RE: Dietary contradictions...

Maybe one day a week where you have one meal that day. If you were in the wilderness as a hunter-gatherer that day would be the day that the antelope escaped you. It's not that you must always stomach privation, it's that you can stomach privation like an historically usual human being.

Civilisation is a positive, but nothing in excess to some extent the body must still adapt to the state of nature. Adapt to that which it was most adapted for. Good news about the weight loss anyway

RE: Is there a God?

Well I'm agnostic(probably more atheist technically speaking) but I do think it's necessary to invent a god. It's us all over to have invented him so that leads me to me believe we made it up. But why make it up? Just because it's made up doesn't mean it's not true to life. It doesn't mean we don't need God.

Although some more than others. Do you want $5 now or $6 in a week? The waiting is the hardest part and for many this requires the obedience to a god.

RE: Man killed on New York subway.

Difficult one to figure out really. More should have been done to help this man, but at the same time people have no patience. New York should be heavily controlled because people would if they could. Kill you that is. Trying not to kill must be so much harder for them.

RE: It is very easy to be happy.

Happiness is MAG without the A. It's in the doing of what made America great initially even if I don't know about the Make America Great Again, can you reanimate the corpse? Will it be the same as one of the living cultures that we find in our past and also abroad?

RE: It is very easy to be happy.

For me that is unhappiness. What you got came very easily is the source of first world problems, the misery in the west is but the sense of a spent force. No problems, no challenges, nowhere left to go.. all the great people of the culture have been and gone, and now we rest on the laurels of what once was the progress.

This is misery imo. To live in a culture that has already been done, where everything is established and set-fast and you have a theory of everything with perhaps a few wrinkles to iron out. This is misery. To live in the culture of the become and the dead, and not a culture of the living and the becoming. Happiness is the sense that no matter where you are today, tomorrow will be better because of you and your input. There's a future to be made.

RE: Medicine in the 21st century.

There are exceptions to every rule including the decline of civilization. Who can deny the progress of modern medicine?

But isn't it interesting how this one way that life actually has got better still involves being tougher than before in a way? The attitude now one of don't spend all day in bed, push yourself through the pain, you'll be worse off if we make this too easy for you. It's grin and bear it which might be the right attitude but it's hardly the usual attitude this century


Things have changed these days. We're a posh spaz nowadays. A posh spaz who hasn't got the money so the mores matter all the more. At least for a bit. Things will get more uptight before suddenly not uptight at all. Pretenses crashing down as we realise why people used to be tough as old boots
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    Last Liked: May 13, 2023


And I guess that is fitting. According to Marx, Marxism was supposed to arise in the rich countries as the inevitable outcome of social progress.

And cultural Marxism has in a weird way. Marxism on paper is so individualistic that you can ignore the facts of existence. Marx to my knowledge never talked about genderbending but you can trace being that radically individual to Marx. Tinker, tailor, solider, spy all in one day and it doesn't matter whether you were in any way cut out to be a tinker, tailor soldier spy. A business exists to provide work for the staff, not to provide goods and services to the customer. And society exists to allow you to do any mad thing you want, in no way does nature or society demand you to do things you don't want simply because that's how life is. On paper Marxism is radically individualistic like a rich kid not a poor kid, but in practice it's hopeless and ends up in the army like a poor kid not a rich kid. The woke in the west resembles Marxist theory paid for by capitalist parents, but the ones who became officially communist have no time for the ideals of Marxist theory. They're not culturally Marxist at all.


And that's an interesting reality. The countries that suffered Marxism are no longer Marxist in any way, it's the countries that never suffered under Marxism which are today the woke Stalinists. Cultural Marxism comes from the rich kids of capitalism, what a mong you can be without dying in a gilded space.
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    Last Liked: Jun 1, 2023


Perhaps it's a turning point the folks in Ukraine. Where would Ukraine be now if it was full of communist cowards and dorky spazlings like we are? Under Russian control. Only because they're relatively normal human beings are they able to resist.

RE: Cheapened humanity

And I also believe that if you focus on your nearest and dearest it becomes easier to appreciate what's interesting or even liberating about the internet. Nihilism is alright in small doses. To see and hear things you otherwise would not. Expect the unexpected taken to a whole new level but don't put your heart into it. You don't go to London for deep relationships with other people
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    Last Liked: May 10, 2023

RE: The what's next blog...

In the interests of the folks who sound like they're full of wires

This is a list of blog comments created by ChesneyChrist.

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