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By 1970, it was apparent that psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry had agreed upon a joint marketplace strategy: they would call psychiatric disorders, that is, all things emotional and behavioral, 'brain diseases' and would claim that each and every one was due to a 'chemical imbalance' of the brain . Further, they would launch a propaganda campaign, so intense and persistent that the public would soon believe in nothing but pills--'chemical balancers' for 'chemical imbalances' .

Anti-psychiatry and psychology links

The war is on and the frontline's your brain.

Psychiatry and psychopolitics are concerned with changing attitudes, the only difference being scale - psychiatry involves the person and psychopolitics involves the whole of society. What comes under this heading is psychiatry in all its forms - psychology, marketing campaigns, mental health, industrial negotiations, consensus, social engineering, psycho-surgery and psychotropic drugs - which are the tools being used to subdue and direct the west towards the new world order.

There are two schools of thought about how society is evolving - (1) that it is a natural process or (2) that it is being engineered towards a desired goal. It can be shown that society is being carefully engineered using very advanced knowledge of social engineering, experiments firstly done on a small scale and then implemented globally.

John Coleman lists 21 strategies being employed by the illuminati to bring the world around to accept one world government. The idea is to engineer a breakdown of morale through created crises and have people give up trying to be in charge of their own destinies and accept dominion of one world order.

"To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another and then "managing" such crises. This will confuse and demoralize the population to the extent where faced with too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will result."



Dineen’s main thesis for which she provides extensive support is this:

With degrees in psychology, medicine, social work, nursing or with no academic qualifications at all, the expanding work force of the Psychology Industry relies for its survival and growth on its ability to manufacture victims.

Dineen relates in detail how the psychological manufacturing of victims takes place. She differentiates between real victims and the ones manufactured by the Psychology Industry, which involves a blurring between the two and spreads a net to include virtually everyone. She concludes her book by saying:

"The Psychology Industry can neither reform itself from within nor should it be allowed to try. It should be stopped from doing what it is doing to people, from manufacturing victims. And while the Psychology Industry is being dismantled, people can boycott psychological treatment, protest the influence of the Psychology Industry and resist being manufactured into victims."

Manufacturing Victims is a blunt but honest appraisal of what the Psychology Industry is doing to people and will continue to do unless a miracle puts a stop to it. While Christians may describe this book as a "secular book," for a "secular audience," it is even more important for those in the church to read it. The author has accurately described "The Psychology Industry with its false explanations of cause, false statements of fact, false reports of cure and false claims of authority." Christians need to know the information in Dineen’s book, because the church has been overrun with the theories and therapies of the Psychology Industry, which has tentacles into almost every facet of the church through some of the most popular Christian writers.

Manufacturing Victims: What the Psychology Industry is Doing to People is not a Christian book. Dineen is a secular writer who approaches the subject of psychotherapy from a research perspective. However, because Christians need to know the information in Dineen’s book, we have decided to make it available to our readers.


Having learned to process away facts and fear truth, these conditioned masses would resist logic and hate God's Word. It's natural. After all, "the whole world is under the control of the evil one." (1 John 5:19) Therefore, Jesus warned His disciples long ago, "If they persecute me, they will persecute you. for they do not know the One who sent me." Are you and your children ready to face hostility and rejection for your faith? If so, you will delight in this promise:

"Blessed are you when men hate you exclude you, and revile you, and cast out your name as evil for the Son of Man's sake. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, for great is your reward in heaven." Luke 6:22-23

Manufacturing Victims: What the Psychology Industry is Doing to People

Dr. Tana Dineen, a licensed psychologist, has abandoned her clinical practice and written a book titled "Manufacturing Victims: What the Psychology Industry is Doing to People". Her book is the result of her extensive knowledge of the research in psycho-therapy as well as her own practical experience in the field.

She says, "Over ten million Americans seek the services of the Psychology Industry each year." In documenting the growth of psychotherapy, Dineen says:

In the early 1960’s, 14% of the U.S. population (25 million of a total 180 million) had ever received psychological services.
By 1976, that number had risen to 26%. However by 1990, at least 33% (65 million of 250 million) have been psychological users at some point in their lives and
in 1995, the American Psychological Association stated that 46% of the U.S. population (128 million) had seen a mental health professional.
Some even predict that by the year 2000 users will be the majority—constituting 80% of the population.

Dineen uses the expression "Psychology Industry" to include a number of individuals. She names "traditional mental health professions of psychology, psychiatry, psychoanalysis and clinical social work" as well as "psychotherapy." She says:
"No longer can clear distinctions be made between them; so, what I call the Psychology Industry comprises all five of these and it encompasses, as well, the ever expanding array of psychotherapists: the counsellors and advisors of all persuasions, whether licensed, credentialed, proclaimed, or self-proclaimed."


evoke strong feelings

produce cognitive dissonance, a form of mental and moral confusion

dialogue to consensus

elicit a response that

1. demonstrates a change in attitude

2. can be measured

3. becomes part of a child's individual electronic data file

The goal of brainwashing in the Soviet Union was to create the new "Soviet Man."19 The UN goal is to mold global citizens so committed to the new ideology that they cannot be turned back even by the most logical arguments. UNESCO's 1995 report, Our Creative Diversity, said it well:

"Education must inform... but it must also form, it must provide them with a sense of meaning to guide their actions...

"Education should promote 'rational understanding of conflict, tensions, and the processes involved, provoke a critical awareness... and provide a basis for the analysis of concepts that will prevent ...chauvinist and irrational explanations from being accepted.'...

"Its primary task is to provide information, explain and analyze problems and subject them to criticism...
"It should cover adults as well. The principle of lifelong education should be the aim of all societies." 20

Edward Hunter wrote the book Brainwashing, an insightful report on the experience of prisoners who survived Soviet brainwashing strategies in Communist Countries during the fifties. His warnings should shine a red light into our foolish presumptions that this process couldn't be used in our nation. 21 Compare his words with the above UNESCO report written over four decades later:

"Even when he stands by himself, the truly indoctrinated communist must be part of the collective. He must be incapable of hearing opposing ideas and facts, no matter how convincing or how forcibly they bombard his senses. A trustworthy communist must reach in an automatic manner without any force being applied." 22


"measure our progress. "

"address the root causes of problems."

"promote a broader definition of health that includes physical, mental, social, and spiritual dimensions."

"focus on prevention, wellness and change incentives."


Children who refuse to conform may be considered handicapped. According to a Teacher Training Manual from the National Training Institute for Applied Behavioral Science,

"Although they appear to behave appropriately and seem normal by most cultural standards, they may actually be in need of mental health care in order to help them change, adapt, and conform to the planned society in which there will be no conflict of attitudes or beliefs."17

Conflict must be replaced with solidarity, and -- as in the USSR -- everyone must be monitored for compliance with the new global beliefs and values. Such a surveillance system is at the heart of President Clinton's Executive Order 13107 (See "Trading U.S. Rights for UN Rules." It establishes "an Interagency Working Group on Human Rights Treaties", and its functions include:

the monitoring of the actions by the various States for their conformity with relevant treaties,

the provision of relevant information for reports and other monitoring purposes, and

the promotion of effective remedial mechanisms;" 18

Monitoring the progress of mental Health for All (HFA) is essential to the process of managed change. Non-compliance or dissent must be spotted, reported, and corrected before it spreads. Even "a substantial risk" of failure to conform could bring preventative correction. Remediation, conflict resolution, and other mind changing strategies include these steps:

challenge traditional values


The UN Plan for Your Mental Health

Don't be deceived by nice sounding labels such as Healthy Start, Healthy People, Healthy Families, Healthy Communities, and Healthy Cities. These and other "local" campaigns for public and mental health follow a global blueprint. They all fit into a worldwide system of health management and surveillance led by the World Health Organization, a UN special agency that equates faith with hate and truth with intolerance.1 The goal is conditioning the masses to willingly conform to new "universal" values, environmental guidelines, and a global management system.

Dr. David Satcher, U.S. Surgeon-General and Assistant Secretary for Health, gave a progress report at a National Healthy People Consortium in November 1998 "We have a clear blueprint in place," he announced. "Currently, 47 states are actively involved in Healthy People 2000 and 'Healthy City and Healthy Community' initiatives are being pursued throughout the country. Hundreds of national organizations have reviewed the Year 2000 objectives and have adopted them as their own."


The Healthy Cities project was launched by WHO in the early eighties. Its web site explains its purpose: "The Healthy Cities Project helps change the ways in which individuals, communities, private and voluntary organizations and local governments think about, understand and make decisions about health." 13

Today, its guidelines are followed by leaders across America -- whether they use the label "Healthy City" or not. Remember Dr. Satcher's report at the 1998 Healthy People Consortium:

"'Healthy City and Healthy Community' initiatives are being pursued throughout the country. Hundreds of national organizations... have the Year 2000 objectives... Healthy People 2010 is the United States' contribution to the World Health Organization's call to the nations of the world to renew their commitment to health for all. 14

It's no accident that the last three words, "health for all," sound like UNESCO's 1990 World Conference on Education for All (EFA). The latter introduced the same six education goals President Bush announced in 1991. EFA's counterpart in the health arena is WHO's Health for All (HFA). And, like Goals 2000, the US branch of UNESCO's outcome-based education system, "a Healthy City is defined in terms of process and outcome."

WHO's Healthy Cities program works with America's Coalition for Healthier Cities and Communities, whose members may or may not use the WHO labels. But they must all follow the Total Quality Management process which calls for continual monitoring of change and progress. They must also agree to:


More specifically such a task force would undertake to study 'the social-education implications of the availability, especially in advanced societies, of new means of social control.'...Trilateralism is the current attempt by ruling elites to manage both dependence and democracy---at home and abroad....Economic gain and social control are inseparable goals of trilateralism."

Connecting this desire for social control to education, in the same year Brzezinski's BETWEEN TWO AGES appeared, the NEA's ASCD published TO NURTURE HUMANENESS: COMMITMENT FOR THE ' 70s. The NEA included a disclaimer regarding the writers' opinions in the book. Nevertheless, the NEA did choose the writers and published their views. In the book, Dan Dodson (professor of educational sociology at New York University) wrote: "Social controls cannot be left to blind chance and unplanned change---usually attributed to God." John Loughary (chairman of the Department of Counseling at the University of Oregon) commented: "Many daily decisions and value judgments now made by the individual will soon be made for him." And Raymond Houghton (professor of secondary education at Rhode Island College and member of the ASCD 1970 Yearbook Committee) proclaimed: "There are those who are, on an increasingly sophisticated level, coming to know how behavior is changed....Absolute behavior control is imminent....The critical point of behavior control, in effect, is sneaking up on mankind without his self-conscious realization that a crisis is at hand. Man will not ever know that it is about to happen. He will never self-consciously know that it has happened."

One means of controlling behavior is "sensitivity training" (mentioned in Part 1 of this article and developed by the National Training Laboratories, now called the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science), a primary technique used at places like Esalen where workshops such as "Advanced Training in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing" have been held. One of Esalen's directors was Virginia Satir, who was president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, which is an international network supporting a humanistic vision of the person, fostering research and education which encourage others to share this view, and showing how this vision can be realized in the life and work of all.

Satir was also president of the "International Congress on Family Therapy" (Prague, May 1987) sponsored by the World Federation of Mental Health (WFMH), the only non-governmental organization in mental health at the time with consultative status to the United Nations and all of its relevant agencies. WFMH members influence government policies around the world and have urged the expansion of "health" to include a concern for mental and emotional development.


Russell mentioned "religion" as an obstacle to their grand design, but remember that in Part 1 of this article, Dr. John Rawlings Rees indicated they had made "a useful attack upon the Church." One way in which the attack upon the Church was pursued by its enemies was via introducing "collectivism." And in that regard, Edgar C. Bundy's COLLECTIVISM IN THE CHURCH is instructive, as he explained: "Because 'mental health' has become available as a lever to be used for promoting political and ideological designs, a word on the subject is in order....People who are normal in every sense of the word but who hold unpopular political ideas, such as opposition to world government and to the United Nations, Federal aid to education, and socialism, are now being branded by their opponents as 'lunatics,' 'nuts' and 'idiots.' Some of the mental health legislation which has been recently introduced on the state and Federal levels gives such wide latitude of interpretations to psychiatrists and politicians...that it is conceivable that anyone who takes a stand for the sovereignty of the United States, in favor of Congressional investigations...and in favor of states' rights could be committed to an asylum in order to silence opposition."

Bundy's book was published in 1958, and in that same year, the linking of psychology and the schools was furthered by Prof. Louis Kaplan of the University of Southern California. According to the LOS ANGELES EXAMINER (December 14, 1958), Prof. Kaplan said "there may be as many as 25% of America's school children who are emotionally or psychologically disturbed." He called for more psychological testing and said the teacher and school could help students resist the pull of possible negative factors in the home and neighborhood.

But have the schools really been all that helpful to children when it comes to their mental health? In the late 1950s, the National Mental Health Institute commenced a program to have public schools administer Ritalin to children classified as "dull" or "emotionally disturbed." The Institute awarded $29,000 to school officials in Montgomery County, PA, to experiment on 90 selected school children, but the program was dropped when a school director, J. E. P. Burns, M.D., objected. On September 24, 1959, Dr.Burns wrote a letter stating: "The program (administering drugs to children to increase their work output) was to last two years. During this time our public school children could have been made nervous wrecks or even worse. I presented this program to the school board and condemned the same with all of the power at my command and successfully caused the program to be dropped."

While the use of drugs on school children encountered this setback, it was only temporary (see Rep. Gallagher's quote in Part 1 of this article). In Zbigniew Brzezinski's BETWEEN TWO AGES: AMERICA'S ROLE IN THE TECHNETRONIC ERA (1970), he referred to "the increasing availability of biochemical means of human control," and said "human beings become increasingly manipulable and malleable." After reading this book, David Rockefeller named Brzezinski as the first director of the Trilateral Commission, which was established in 1973.

As stated at the first of Part 2 of this article, the Rockefeller Foundation had "social control" as a primary goal. And in Holly Sklar's edited volume, TRILATERALISM: THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION AND ELITE PLANNING FOR WORLD MANAGEMENT (1980), she related that "in a 1973 memo on the Trilateral Policy Program, then-director Brzezinski recommended the study of 'Control Over Man's Development and Behavior' as a theme for later consideration.


At the end of the Second World War, the Rockefeller Foundation's medical director, Alan Gregg, began to fund the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) to undertake the kind of social psychiatry that had been developed by the army during wartime and see if it could be relevant for civilian society. Dr. John Rawlings Rees (mentioned at the beginning of Part 1 of this article) developed the "Tavistock Method," which induces and controls stress via what Rees called "psychologically controlled environments" in order to make people give up family-held beliefs under "peer pressure."

TIHR worked closely with the Research Center for Group Dynamics (mentioned in Part 1 of this article), which co-founded the National Training Laboratories (NTL) with a division of the National Education Association (NEA). One of the primary architects of the NTL (which received an initial grant of $100,000 from the Carnegie Corporation) was Willard Goslin of the NEA's Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). Goslin was chairman of an NEA Yearbook Committee, which produced PATHS TO BETTER SCHOOLS (1945). In the book's chapter, "Citizens of the World," one reads: "Today it has become necessary for the elementary school to be actively concerned with developing...acceptance of world citizenship....The school...has as its basic objective the development of intelligent and competent world citizens."

Further promoting "world citizenship" was Dr. Ewen Cameron who, on May 5 of the year after PATHS TO BETTER SCHOOLS was published, delivered a speech titled "The Building of the Coming World Order" in which he pronounced: "What we call morals, are simply the customs, prohibitions and rules which a society maintains at any given time....The United Nations Organization deserves the support of all who are concerned with the building of a New World Order....There can be only one education anywhere on the earth and that is education for world citizenship."

Seven years later, Dr. Cameron would become president of the American Psychiatric Association, and in that same year (1953), Fabian Socialist Bertrand Russell's THE IMPACT OF SCIENCE UPON SOCIETY was published, in which he explained: "I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology....Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen....Educational propaganda, with government help, could achieve this result in a generation. There are, however, two powerful forces opposed to such a policy: one is religion; the other is nationalism....A scientific world society cannot be stable unless there is a world government."




(1) I believe in the worth of humanity, but not in God;
(2) We cannot know for sure whether or not there is a God;
(3) One of the most important things children should learn is when to disobey authority;
(4) The findings of science may some day show that many of our most cherished beliefs are wrong;
(5) Organized religion, while sincere and constructive in its aims, is really an obstacle to human progress.


The General Education Board (GEB), established by John D. Rockefeller, Sr., was chartered in 1902. And in Raymond Fosdick's memorial history of the Board, he indicated it was part of John D. Rockefeller, Jr.'s effort toward the "goal of social control." The GEB was established the year after SOCIAL CONTROL (1901) was written by Edward Alsworth Ross (Father of American Sociology), and in this book, Ross revealed that social checks and stimuli "are managed by a rather small knot of persons...the Elite....Judgment may be moulded as well as the will and the feelings."

The word, "moulded," is instructive because in THE WORLD'S WORK (August 1912), one reads "The Country School of Tomorrow" by GEB chairman Frederick Gates, declaring: "In our dreams, we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands." Not only was the GEB to be used for social control, but the Rockefeller Foundation as well.

On April 11, 1933, its president , Max Mason, assured trustees that in their program, " the Social Sciences will concern themselves with the rationalization of social control... the control of human behavior." And in July of the very next year (1934), Willard Givens (executive secretary of the National Education Association 1935-1952) declared: " A dying laissez-faire must be completely destroyed and all of us, including the 'owners,' must be subjected to a large degree of social control....An equitable distribution of income will be sought."

If Givens' language sounds like Communism, that's because it is similar to the economic philosophy being preached in the Soviet Union at the time. And about the same time (before 1936) in the USSR, Lavrentia Berea (head of Stalin's secret police) delivered an address to American students at Lenin University, declaring: "A psychopolitician...must recruit and use all the agencies and facilities of 'mental healing.' He must labor to increase the personnel and facilities of 'mental healing' until at last the entire field of mental science is entirely dominated by Communist principles and desires....You must labor until we have dominion over the minds and bodies of every important person in your nation....You will discover that everything will aid you in your campaign to seize, control and use a 'mental healing' to spread our doctrine and rid us of our enemies within their own borders."


At the end of the Second World War, the Rockefeller Foundation's medical director, Alan Gregg, began to fund the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) to undertake the kind of social psychiatry that had been developed by the army during wartime and see if it could be relevant for civilian society. Dr. John Rawlings Rees (mentioned at the beginning of Part 1 of this article) developed the "Tavistock Method," which induces and controls stress via what Rees called "psychologically controlled environments" in order to make people give up family-held beliefs under "peer pressure."


"We were trained in all phases of warfare, both psychological and physical, for the destruction of the Capitalistic society and Christian civilization. In one portion of our studies we went thoroughly into the matter of psychopolitics. This was the art of capturing the minds of a nation through brainwashing and fake mental health... During the past few years I have noted with horror the increase of psychopolitical warfare upon the American public."

--Kenneth Goff, member of the U.S. Communist Party
from 1936 to 1939.

Governments Passing Forced Fluoridation Laws

As America wakes up and passes local laws removing fluoride from water supplies, the Feds are pressuring States into forcing fluoridation. The Nuremberg laws clearly state that it is a crime against humanity to force or covertly medicate populations. This is just another over the top control freak action by a gangster run system.

Why Does the Military Seem to be Preparing for Urban Warfare in the United States?

The 1,000 acre site was turned over to the Indian National Guard in July of 2005 and since has been continually evolving into a full-immersion contemporary urban training environment.”

The MUTC seems very similar to the new facility being erected outside of San Diego, due to the fact that it boasts a 180 acre reservoir along with an urban environment which includes some 68 major buildings including: a school, hospital, dormitories, light industrial structures, single family dwellings, a dining facility and administrative buildings.

In total, there is 850,000 square feet of floor space for the military to train on along with an underground utility tunnel system and more than 9 miles of roads and streets.

MUTC does not only involve the military, indeed they say that it is a consortium which includes governmental, public and private entities who work together in order to give the personnel the most realistic training experience available.

Highlighting my grave concerns, which are shared by many of my readers, the MUTC website points out that this facility indeed provides, “Training that can be tailored to replicate both foreign and domestic scenarios and that can be utilized by various civilian and military organizations.”

It is likely quite obvious to my readers that this is focusing on domestic scenarios, as all of the recent military drills in actual urban environments have been doing.

A short list of those who use the MUTC includes: Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force and Special Operations Forces, State Emergency Management agencies, Federal Emergency Management Agencies, Federal Bureau of Investigations, State Departments of Health, National Air Patrol, Department of Homeland Security, State Counter-Terrorism Agencies, Law Enforcement agencies and much more.

Apparently pre-existing facilities like the MUTC aren’t enough for the military establishment, leading to new facilities being erected, older facilities being expanded and even more facilities to be unveiled this year.

The burning question this leaves unanswered is: why?

Why are they preparing to wage war with American citizens on our own turf?

There has been a large push to turn the American people into the enemy and training facilities like this, drills like the one in LA along with the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (NDAA) which opens us up to indefinite military detention on nothing more than suspicion.

I have previously written about the fact that all the pieces are in place which leaves me wondering: when will the hammer drop?

The question is left unanswered to this day and I continue to hope that I am totally off base here and that nothing will ever happen.

I hope beyond all hopes that all of this preparation, seemingly for warfare in the United States, is in fact totally innocuous and no such scenario will ever present itself.

Unfortunately, the military and government have shown that they usually know what they’re doing, even if they pretend they don’t when they’re put under scrutiny.

It is quite unlikely that these preparations are totally irrelevant and will not be used in any way.

If you have any information on military maneuvers, exercises and drills, especially occurring in major urban areas or other training centers that replicate a city environment, please e-mail me immediately at: admin@EndtheLie.com so I can craft more complete articles in the near future.

Why Does the Military Seem to be Preparing for Urban Warfare in the United States?

These urban warfare exercises are not restricted to the United States. Indeed, similar exercises have occurred in the United Kingdom this year as well.

The problem here is that downtown Los Angeles is nothing like the operational situations in Iraq or Afghanistan, although it would prepare the military for operations to be conducted in Los Angeles itself or any other large American City.

Thanks to a reader, I have also become aware of something called the MUTC.

The MUTC, or Muscatatuck Urban Training Center, is located in South Central Indiana’s Jennings County, which is near Butlerville.

According to the official website, operated by the National Guard, it “is a secluded, self contained community, once home to the Muscatatuck State Developmental Center.

Why Does the Military Seem to be Preparing for Urban Warfare in the United States?

Recently I published an article covering the January 22-26 multi-agency exercises being conducted in the Los Angeles area.

As I outlined in the article, this is in fact part of a broader trend of joint military-police drills (which often include other agencies, hence the “multi-agency” label) that have been occurring across the United States.

It seems hard to ignore the fact that the armed forces of the United States are training for urban warfare, not urban warfare in the Middle East, but instead here in our own nation.

This is becoming painfully clear due to the fact that the military trains for what they think they’re going to do.

If they are planning to fight in the desert, they would train in the desert and obviously if they are going to be fighting in a metropolitan setting in the United States, they would train in an American City.

Unfortunately, this is exactly what we are witnessing: increasing amount of training in urban American environments.

The Los Angeles drill is just a microcosmic example of this, and one of the more disturbing developments is the announcement of a “mock city roughly the size of downtown San Diego” which has been erected recently at the Twentynine Palms military base.

This is located northeast of San Diego and cost the taxpayer $170 million with the intention of training American military forces to wage urban warfare.

According to the Marine Corps, the facility boasts a staggering 1,560 buildings.

The Corps are quick to highlight that it “will allow troops to practice and refine skills that can be used around the world,” even though it is clearly aimed at preparing troops for warfare in the United States.

The reason this is quite obvious is that urban warfare is radically different depending on the country you are in. This is evidenced by similar mock cities being erected to mimic a city in Afghanistan, a training facility which would not help troops prepare for war in a large American City.

In fact, the article on Military.Com in which this project is detailed mentions the mock Afghan villages, while failing to point out that this is radically different from the previously erected training sites.

This new mock city “is one of the largest and most elaborate” with a whopping seven separate mock city districts spanning a massive 274 acres of desert.

There are fake hotels, markets and other businesses which boast actors who create scenarios to challenge the soldiers.

These scenarios reportedly range from humanitarian relief to peacekeeping missions to police work and, of course, direct combat missions, according to the Marine Corps.

Are Your Nosy Neighbors Spying on You?

Police: Funeral Director who Left Body in Hearse Took Life Insurance Money

A former Graham funeral director who left a body in a hearse for nine days has been accused of taking a woman's life insurance money after her husband's death.

The Times-News of Burlington reports that police charged 57-year-old David Lawson on Friday with obtaining property by false pretense.

Authorities say a woman signed over $24,000 in life insurance policies to Lawson to pay for her husband's funeral. But Ella Troxler says Lawson never gave her money left over after taking out more than $8,000 for the services. Lawson lost his license in December or illegally selling pre-need services but lacking money to repay refund-seeking customers.

In 2010, Lawson left a woman's body in his hearse while he waited for documents allowing him to have her body cremated.

Information from: Times-News,

Are Your Nosy Neighbors Spying on You?

In this age of email, text messaging, status updates and tweets, it's hard to disconnect, unplug and regain privacy. You think of your home as a safe haven—you don't have to interact with the public if you don't feel like it. You can shut your front door and be yourself, enjoy time with your partner and family.

This can all change if you have nosy neighbors. And if they're spying on you, that takes it to a whole new level. Learn how to deal with nosy neighbors so you can be comfortable in your new home.
Hey, Neighbor!

You might not be able to identify your nosy neighbor at first. You're new to the neighborhood, meeting people and getting acquainted. You share information about where you and your spouse work, ages of your children and normal conversational topics.

Your first nosy-neighbor red flag is that every time you're outside your house, this neighbor appears. Next are the intrusive questions, like, "So how much do they pay you at that engineering firm?" Yikes! Now he's gone beyond being just an unwelcome shadow.
Nosy Neighbor Deflection Techniques

Try these techniques for how to deal with nosy neighbors to get them to bug off.

Don't answer invasive questions. Change the subject and redirect the conversation.
Be very direct. Nicely tell him that you really don't want to get into that topic.
Hide out. Okay, this is kind of wimpy and inconvenient, but sometimes you may resort to avoiding Mr. Nosy.
Define boundaries. The first few techniques may not work. Some people simply don't have healthy boundaries and see nothing wrong with being in your business, no matter how intrusive. You may need to tell him you think he's being nosy and that you don't care to interact with him anymore.

Beyond Nosy: What If He's Spying on Me?

Suppose one day you see this nosy neighbor in his house looking toward your home with binoculars or a telescope. He could be an avid bird watcher or amateur astronomer, but chances are he's spying. One day you catch him tiptoeing over, cupping his hands to your windows and looking directly into your home. Your neighbor has gone from "nosy" to the "spying on you" category, and you need to do something about it.

If this is an annoying but moderate case of the overly curious, here are two defensive techniques you can try:

Close your drapes and blinds. You'll have less light, but you may deter the spying.
Do some strategic planting. Again, you might be sacrificing some of your view, but taller plants like shrubs will block your spying neighbor's line of sight.

What If It's More Serious?

If your spy is doing the same thing to other neighbors, it's a neighborhood issue. But if you feel like you're the target of spying on the level of invading your privacy, call the authorities. This could become a matter of your family's safety. If you don't have a home security system, install one immediately.

Some signs to look for in your nosy neighbor are:

You're missing mail or this person brings you pieces of mail he says were delivered to him by accident.
If any of your doors or windows look like they've been tampered with, call the police immediately. If this neighbor has tried to break into your house, he may be trying to steal from you. He could also be dangerous and may intend to cause you and your family harm.

The Puppet Masters And Their Secrets

16 Statistics Which Show That The Number Of Americans Dependent On The Government Is At An All-Time

#1 According to the Census Bureau, 49 percent of all Americans live in a home that gets direct monetary benefits from the federal government. Back in 1983, less than a third of all Americans lived in a home that received direct monetary benefits from the federal government.

#2 The amount of money that the federal government gives directly to Americans has increased by 32 percent since Barack Obama entered the White House.

#3 The number of Americans receiving Social Security disability benefits has increased by 10 percent since Barack Obama first took office.

#4 Back in 1990, the federal government accounted for 32 percent of all health care spending in America. Today, that figure is up to 45 percent and it is projected to surpass 50 percent very shortly.

#5 The number of Americans on food stamps recently hit a new all-time high. It has increased by 3 million since this time last year and by more than 14 million since Barack Obama first entered the White House.

#6 Today, one out of every seven Americans is on food stamps and one out of every four American children is on food stamps. This is unprecedented in American history.

#7 In 2010, 42 percent of all single mothers in the United States were on food stamps.

#8 Back in 1980, government transfer payments accounted for just 11.7% of all income. In 2010, government transfer payments accounted for 18.4% of all income, which was a new all-time high.

#9 By the end of 2011, approximately 55 million Americans received a total of approximately 727 billion dollars in Social Security benefits. As the retirement crisis becomes much worse, that dollar figure is projected to absolutely skyrocket.

#10 According to the Congressional Budget Office, the Social Security system paid out more in benefits than it received in payroll taxes in 2010. That was not supposed to happen until at least 2016.

#11 Back in 1965, only one out of every 50 Americans was on Medicaid. Today, one out of every 6 Americans is on Medicaid, and things are about to get a whole lot worse. It is being projected that Obamacare will add 16 million more Americans to the Medicaid rolls.

#12 The U.S. government now says that the Medicare trust fund will run out five years faster than previously anticipated.

#13 The total cost of just three federal government programs - the Department of Defense, Social Security and Medicare - exceeded the total amount of taxes brought in during fiscal 2010 by 10 billion dollars.

#14 It is being projected that entitlement spending by the federal government will nearly double by the year 2050.

#15 Right now, spending by the federal government accounts for about 24 percent of GDP. Back in 2001, it accounted for just 18 percent.

#16 When you total it all up, American households are now receiving more money directly from the federal government than they are paying to the government in taxes.

Is The NYPD Experimenting With Drones Over The City? Evidence Points To Yes

Miami, Cities In Texas Also Said To Be Trying This New Way To Be Eye In The Sky

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — They’re used in war zones for surveillance and military strikes.

But are there plans to deploy drones in the Big Apple to keep an eye on New Yorkers?

More and more people believe it’s inevitable, reports CBS 2’s Don Dahler.

Drones are unmanned aircraft that can fly at low altitudes and shoot live video — or shoot live missiles.

Surveillance cameras already dot the city’s streets, but is the NYPD exploring the use of even more eyes in the skies, in the form of drones? Some evidence points to yes.

A website named Gay City News posted an e-mail it says it acquired through the Freedom of Information Act. It’s purportedly from a detective in the NYPD counterterrorism division, asking the Federal Aviation Administration about the use of unmanned aerial vehicles as a law enforcement tool.

And the following is part of a recent interview with Commission Ray Kelly that raised more questions than it answered.

“In an extreme situation, you would have some means to take down a plane,” Kelly told “60 Minutes.”

Drones are already being used by law enforcement in other cities. CBS 2 has obtained footage of a huge protest in Poland a few months ago, shot by a small drone that could fly a few dozen feet right over the heads of the crowd and the police. High-resolution cameras can capture every detail, including faces and license plate numbers. In this country, Miami and several cities in Texas are experimenting with such aircraft.

“We’re always looking at technology,” said NYPD Spokesman Paul Browne. “Drones aren’t that exotic anymore. Brookstone sells them. We’ve looked at them but haven’t tested or deployed any.”

Former NYPD officer Gary Weksler said drones make sense.

“Not only would it be a form of intelligence gathering to protect the public, it also in many respects removes the officers, who might be attempting to identify issues, from harm’s way,” Weksler said.

But some are concerned about the invasion of privacy. Last month, the American Civil Liberties Union issued a 16-page report citing the growth of the use of drones and the lack of laws protecting citizens from airborne intrusions.

Just the mere possibility that the city could be looking into the use of drone surveillance aircraft prompted one anonymous New Yorker to post official looking NYPD warning signs all over the city.

Some say: “Attention, authorized drone strike zone.”

One Dahler found on Mercer Street said: “Local statutes enforced by drone.”

Given the city’s aggressive use of emerging technologies to stay one step ahead of terrorists, security experts say they’d be surprised if it does not pursue further use of drones.

Small drone aircraft can cost as little as a few hundred dollars.

According to the New Yorker, those bogus NYPD warning signs were put up by an Iraq War veteran who operated Army drones during the war and objects to their use by civilian police.

Police Nearly Burned Down Home Apprehending Fugitive

Pa. Fugitive Arrested During SWAT Operation in Winston-Salem


A man who fled after being given a 40-month sentence in Pennsylvania for bank robbery was taken down in a SWAT operation in Winston-Salem Friday, Winston-Salem Police said.

James Allen Brown, 44, was arrested at a home on Polo Road around 3:50 p.m., police said.

US Marshals located Brown at the home and asked Winston-Salem officers and the SWAT team to assist, police said.

When Brown refused to exit the home, SWAT officers entered and deployed a distraction device, police said.

Officers took Brown, who was not injured, into custody a short time later.

The device started a small fire, which Winston-Salem firefighters put out, police said.

He is being held in the Forsyth County Jail without bond as a federal fugitive from justice.

North Carolina Robbing Citizens Bank Accounts


A Greensboro man said his bank account was completely drained due to the state mistakenly believing he owed them $5,000 in taxes.

Tommy Marx said he got a letter from the state this week, saying he owed the taxes from the 2008 tax year.

However, Marx had moved to Oregon in 2008 to find a job. He has his 2008 Oregon tax return as proof.

He didn't think much of the letter until he checked his bank accounts.

"It was saying that I had zero dollars--zero in my checking, zero in my savings," Marx said.

Marx has spent all week talking with the state Department of Revenue trying to straighten things out.

"I just panicked. I didn't know the state could do that," Marx said.

Revenue department officials could not comment directly on Marx's case but said auditors often look at federal tax records to see if state residents failed to pay.

If an auditor believes the state is owed money, an automated garnishment can be put into place, revenue officials said.

"I just really did think it was one of those clerical errors," Marx said.

Marx received a call from an auditor late Friday who said they are working to put the money back into his account. As of Friday's 10:00 newscast, he was still penniless.

Revenue officials said one way to avoid complications is to keep your address information up-to-date.

Anonymous Witness: License plate YXV-7393

Homeland Security Wants to Spy on 4 Square Miles at Once

Obama’s State of the Union: More Bailouts and Spending

New American
January 25, 2012

President Barack Obama claimed in his third State of the Union address that he supported a policy of “no bailouts, no handouts, and no copouts.” But he said this after he had outlined more than half a dozen new spending handout proposals in a speech that also praised bailouts. On taxes, Obama concluded of retaining outrageously high middle-class tax rates and increasing the tax rates on the rich: “That’s how we’ll reduce our deficit.”

“It’s time to apply the same rules from top to bottom: No bailouts, no handouts, and no copouts. An America built to last insists on responsibility from everybody,” Obama told Congress in his January 24 prime time speech to a joint session of Congress. “We can either settle for a country where a shrinking number of people do really well, while a growing number of Americans barely get by. Or we can restore an economy where everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same set of rules.”

Though Obama claimed he didn’t want any more bailouts, he touted the supposed success of past federal government bailouts in the State of the Union address. “Today, General Motors is back on top as the world’s number one auto maker,” Obama boasted of the auto bailout he worked to get adopted back in early 2009. “We bet on American ingenuity, and tonight the American auto industry is back.” Obama had also supported passage of the TARP bailout bill in October 2008 and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act “Stimulus” bill in 2009, and in last year’s State of the Union address he heavily promoted a new stimulus bill (though he didn’t label it “stimulus”).

Obama also proposed new spending — or entirely new programs — where government picks winners and losers in the marketplace. One example of Obama’s proposal was to continue government subsidy of so-called “clean energy” programs: “Government support is critical in helping businesses get new energy ideas off the ground.” Obama has apparently learned nothing from the $500 million Solyndra disaster.

Homeland Security Wants to Spy on 4 Square Miles at Once

Obama: U.S. is determined to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon

Natasha Mozgovaya
January 25, 2012

The United States is determined to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon and will take no options off the table to achieve that goal, U.S. President Barack Obama said in his State of the Union address on Tuesday.

Obama said a peaceful resolution of the Iran nuclear dispute is still possible if Iran changes course and meets international obligations. He said Iran’s regime is “more isolated than ever before, its leaders are faced with crippling sanctions, and as long as they shirk their responsibilities, this pressure will not relent.”

While Obama could not engage in the same personal attacks that have characterized the Republican primaries debates, his words were unmistakably marked by the election-year. He began by reminding American citizens that he has fulfilled his elections promises, including bringing troops back from Iraq, and reminding them of one of the most symbolic accomplishments of his administration: killing al-Qaida leader Osama Bin Laden.

Food containing fetuses targeted under new Oklahoma bill

Nicole Burgin
January 25, 2012

You might think this is a story out of ‘The Onion’ but it is a real story.

An Oklahoma lawmaker files a bill to ban the making and selling of food or products that use aborted human fetuses.

State Senator Ralph Shortey says he’s done research and found reports that companies have used stem cells in the research and development of food.

“I don’t know if it is happening in Oklahoma, it may be, it may not be. What I am saying is that if it does happen then we are not going to allow it to manufacture here,” says Shortey

Homeland Security Wants to Spy on 4 Square Miles at Once

Helicopters To Buzz Downtown LA In Urban Warfare Drill

Exercises “designed to ensure the military’s ability to operate in urban environments”

Joint military training exercises involving helicopters are being conducted in downtown LA all this week through Thursday with the police providing support, according to a statement issued by the LAPD.

As reported by CBS News, the LAPD statement says that the exercises, closed to the public, are “designed to ensure the military’s ability to operate in urban environments, prepare forces for upcoming overseas deployments, and meet mandatory training certification requirements.”

Training sites “have been carefully selected to ensure the event does not negatively impact the citizens of Los Angeles and their daily routine,” a department spokesperson said.

Police also noted that the training, which has been coordinated with local authorities, involves helicopters.

At time of writing we have not received any reports of military activity in downtown LA or the Greater Los Angeles area.

The exercise is yet another in a spate of recent military drills to hit heavily populated areas throughout the country.

Back in April last year, residents of Brickell, Miami witnessed at least three large Black Hawk-like helicopters conducting military exercises over their heads. Some initially believed it was a movie shoot.

Commenting on this week’s scheduled drill in LA, Rob Richardson of Off Grid Survival notes:

“Maybe it’s just the prepper in me, but when I heard the U.S. Military will be conducting a massive training exercise in the streets of Los Angeles I must say it made me feel a little uneasy. And how could it not?”

“With the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act, which gives the President the power to arrest and detain American Citizens, it makes one wonder why the military is conducting drills in Urban America. While it could be, as LAPD insists, just a training exercise the timing sure does make you wonder what’s going on.”

Homeland Security Wants to Spy on 4 Square Miles at Once

It’s not just for the Afghanistan and Iraq wars anymore. The Department of Homeland Security is interested in a camera package that can peek in on almost four square miles of (constitutionally protected) American territory for long, long stretches of time.

Homeland Security doesn’t have a particular system in mind. Right now, it’s just soliciting “industry feedback” on what a formal call for such a “Wide Area Surveillance System” might look like.

But it’s the latest indication of how powerful military surveillance technology, developed to find foreign insurgents and terrorists, is migrating to the home front.

The Department of Homeland Security says it’s interested in a system that can see between five to 10 square kilometers — that’s between two and four square miles, roughly the size of Brooklyn, New York’s Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood — in its “persistent mode.”

By “persistent,” it means the cameras should stare at the area in question for an unspecified number of hours to collect what the military likes to call “pattern of life” data — that is, what “normal” activity looks like for a given area.

Persistence typically depends on how long the vehicle carrying the camera suite can stay aloft; DHS wants something that can fit into a manned P-3 Orion spy plane or a Predator drone — of which it has a couple.

When not in “persistent mode,” the cameras ought to be able to see much, much further: “long linear areas, tens to hundreds of kilometers in extent, such as open, remote borders.”

Mass Graves Filled with U.S. Citizens Pile Up as Bodies are Unloaded from Privately Rented U-Haul Trucks

CHICAGO — An uncanny site as human bodies in makeshift pine boxes are unloaded from a private U-Hual truck.

Mass graves prepared for U.S. citizens are not an urban legend, but a reality originally exposed by Shepard Ambellas of The Intel Hub in March of 2009 on The Alex Jones Show (and infowars.com) with the article titled: Military Industrial Complex Prepares Mass Graves for U.S. Citizens.

Now as a total breakdown of society and an economic collapse looms, the makeshift graves are stacking up.

Mail Online reports;

No mourners were present for the burial at the cemetery, which lies 25 miles south west of Chicago.

The gruesome discovery of the pauper’s burial section at Homewood was made last year, sparking a call for more strict federal regulations for cemeteries.

Sheriff’s officials had found caskets stacked on top of one another – some buried eight at a time – at Homewood.

And the morgue has been accused of missing markers and poor record keeping.

But coroners have said the practice is shared in other cities and states across the U.S.

Tony Cox, the legislative chairman and former president of the Illinois Coroners and Medical Examiners Association, earlier told the Chicago Sun Timesother cities, including New York, follow similar mass burial procedures for those with limited options.

New York City Department of Corrections spokesman Stephen Morello referred to a burial site in Hart Island, New York, where 800,000 bodies lie.

Officials there, he said, follow the same procedure – stacking coffins with inmates’ remains three deep.

Although the size of this operation pales in comparison to the original mass graves Ambellas exposed in 2009, it is still a gruesome find.

One can only wonder if the homeless will be rounded up into FEMA camps and then disposed of in mass graves already set in place nationwide.

Top Secret Lethal Weapon

Top Secret Lethal Weapon

Top Secret Lethal Weapon

This is a list of forum posts created by Legend905.

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