RE: do you like christmas?

Short answer = No.

People talk about Christmas, sell Christmas, some even believe Christmas. But why should it only be for one day? Why not live the sentiment of Christmas every day? Why does our society only give it lip service in order to rip off people in the shops with false sales and inflated prices giving each other gifts that nobody really wants or really cares about after a very short time anyway.

If one believes in the true sentiment that has been bestowed supposedly on it, that being good will to others regardless of their race, faith, etc; the giving to others less fortunate, the forgiving others as Christ forgave us.... the list goes on. Why again are these things only celebrated one day (and that day just happening to be the same day pagans celebrate the winter solstice? - the source of the decorated tree custom, etc.)

Isn't Christmas supposed to be about remembering the Christ? Why do non-Christians observe Christmas? Maybe is is not about remembering Christ at all, so non-Christians are okay with it because nothing about it really impacts in our society for real change or even resonates in their soul.

Maybe it shouldn't be called Christmas (Christ Mass as the term came about from the Catholic church mass on this day).

No, I don't like Christmas because society, on the whole, is hypocritical when it comes to the observation of this festival that really has nothing to to with Jesus Christ (I don't know many shepherds out in the fields with their sheep in the dead of winter - as the bible clearly states that angels announced the birth of Christ to shepherds out in the fields at the time) and that was stolen or borrowed or plagiarized from the non-Christian believers who worship something other than God, the father of Jesus Christ on this very day.

RE: Matches on CS

I know of a couple where the wife is 20+ years older than her husband. They have been married for a couple of years now, and are happy. Life is good for them.

I also know of couples where the man is 65 plus and the woman is is her 20s. This also seems to work for them.

It all depends on attitude, on personalities, and on commitment to one another. It also depends on upbringing, cultural values, and one's sense of morality.

When I was dating Anna, she said to me that she was worried our relationship wouldn't last because in her culture 'a great man marries a younger woman' (I am younger than she is).

5 years on, and our marriage is still strong and lasting.

Who decides who your match is? The answer is simple. You do and your prospective partner do together.

There is no magic formula, just choice, and decisions.

In a world of billions of people, you be rest assured that there are hundreds of thousands that are compatible.

When I viewed my odds from that perspective, I met my beautiful wife and the rest is history.

Just don't limit yourself and where your potential partner may come from in the world.

RE: Is love possible on the Internet

Meeting someone who end up being the "one" sure is possible. I did and we are still together (happily married) after 4 years. Oh, and I met her on this site.

I would probably clarify finding love on the internet by saying "finding introductions on the internet". Love is something that really happens offline between two people.

There are also a number of psychological factors that will increase or decrease one's chances of success in finding the "one" on the internet.

These, I believe, include: have a rational and sound mind in the first place, having a realistic expectation of those one meet on the internet, and actually meeting and spending time with those that one meets on the internet in safe, offline ways.

I have seen people get addicted to the fantasies of what their partner should be like and get caught up in an "internet romance" where there is no other interaction than online. This is unreal, and most likely will not lead to a real relationship that is long lasting. The fact that scammers are and have been so successful shows just how many confuse reality with fantasy and actually think they are having a real relationship through the internet without ever spending real time offline with someone.

So to recap, I think it is possible. I'm one of the success stories. But the caveat is that it depends on ones realistic expectations and soundness of mind (phychologically speaking) as well as personalities and compatibilities.

The internet will not change the things that really make a relationship and dating work - it is just a platform for introductions that should, sooner or later, go offlline and into the real world.....

RE: Marriage regrets???

Yeah, I regretted marrying my first wife, but history is history. None of us know how things are going to pan out in the future, we just hope that our partner will hang in there and that we will grow and change together in our relationship.

It is not always the case and seems to be more so these days.

Regret is always a reflection, and should remain a reflection. Do no live in regret because we can't change what was. All we can do is live now.....

RE: Looking for a girl

Firstly, nobody can make you happy... happiness comes from within. You can be happier in a relationship, but the two don't necessarily go hand in hand.....

Secondly, you have to do the searching, for real, not just post an advert as if a relationship is something you want to buy.

Thirdly, you have to look for somebody at your own level, too many people have unrealistic ideas of a partner, they seek a fantasy, and not reality. Make sure you seek what is real, not what is fantasy.


RE: Are tall & slender women a dying breed???

I don't think that tall slender women are a dying breed, just that any decent looking woman, who has a decent personality, and no major hangups and who genuinely wants a relationship doesn't stay available for long if they are "on the market".....

Actually, I think that this is the case for most people (including men in this situation).


RE: Say Anything 2016

Popped back in for a visit to see if anything is new. The site has had a part makeover, and I still have found many here......

Life has moved on for me. Still married, still happy. Had a big storm hit this afternoon. Water was hitting the top of my kitchen window that is 3 metres under a covered patio! Now that is horizontal rain.....

RE: Almost 8 years here and....

Not me... I met my wife here on CS. Yes it was an effort because we are both from different countries, but when it is true love, distance, finances, and even borders don't really matter. If someone is important enough, one finds solutions to every problem. We've been together now for 4 years.


RE: CS Dating History

Still married to the beautiful Chinese lady I met here on CS 4 years ago. This site is great for those who really want to find a partner and who are willing to have a go and try. One never knows if one never goes.....


RE: A question

I just watched some very interesting docos and it turns out that studies have linked a lot of the negative behavioural traits in many people nowadays with past pollutants and current pollutants. Lead feul apparently poisoned many young children who are now adults and has been linked with causing anger issues. Benzene pumped out by modern unleaded cars has been linked with many cancers and with mental illness that is becomming (or perhaps already is) a modern medical plague.

I think that it is a combination of all these poisonous things, plus the modifying of our foods into food like products full of chemicals, that is having a lot of influence over the behaviours of people these days.

Another very interesting doco I watched brought out the fact that on average in a typical city, people walk past about 6 psychopaths every day!

Frightening statistics and frightening to see what we are doing to future generations through our 'modern' lifestyles as a society.

RE: This is supposed to be a DATING site

If that's what you want to believe, but I meet couples with partners from all over the world (Aussie women with foreign men, and Aussie men with foreign women) from countries including Israel, India, Sri Lanka, Tebet, China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Indonesia, etc.

To be fair, if a 30 year old wants to marry a 65 year old, nobody is forcing them to do so.

As for me, my wife is actually older than me. And quite a few of the couples I have met are in the same boat.

But then it is easy to stereotype because then one can continue to foster delusional excuses and judge others for the choices that they have made.....

RE: This is supposed to be a DATING site

Well, it does happen and there are many examples of LDRs working out. I married my CS love who just happens to be Chinese.

I also dated a Vietnamese lady who I could have easily married. Not to mention dating a Kiwi girl as well.

Distance isn't the obstacle.... attitude is the obstacle.

There are heaps of guys in my area who have married internationally and visa versa.....

I meet heaps of them at international dinners held in our community every month.

It really is a game of attitude, of belief, and of guts. No guts, no glory as the saying goes.

There are a lot of cowards on this site.



Well I choose meizhiqiaoanna. Actually we are still dating. Would trade her for quids....

RE: profile pics w kids

Different strokes for different folks. There is also so much unnecessary fear of exposure of children that they are so wrapped up now as to never experience the things we kids did in past generations.

I was going to the local corner store by myself when I was 4. While I wouldn't recommend this, kids need to be taught how to defend themselves, how to be wise and how to still be able to enjoy the freedoms that kids should enjoy.

Putting kids in swaddling cloths is not going to help them in the long run, no matter what paranoid fears their parents have (real or perceived).

I think that it is okay for kids to appear in photos. They have their parent's consent after all.

So if you wouldn't, do through your fears onto others and think that everyone should be as paranoid as you.....


RE: What has everyone been up too?

Don't drink and drive..... you might spill your drink!

Molly hangs out in the international forums these days.... I see a lot of her responses in there.

Seems a few Aussies are hanging out in there.

Must admit, I seem to find myself like a Klingon hanging around there as well......

RE: What does it mean that iron sharpens iron?

This comes from a time when the final sharpening of swords was done with a "steel rod" even today butchers still use a steel sharpening rod to keep their knives sharp for cutting the meat.

So the saying "iron sharpens iron" comes from this and is a metaphor for two like people rubbing again each other to hone and improve each other.

Hope this helps.

RE: What does it take to show to girl that you love her?

Ha ha. You are right. Money should not be there, yet so many women look at a man's earning potential and bank balance as part of their criteria. And that is the truth.

Of course money should be there. I do not know many woman willing to marry a man in poverty..... So money really is one of the big deciding factors.....

And as my wise father said to me "marry for love..... of money".. And so many really do.......

RE: Still Searching for that Special Someone

Broken heart can only be mended by you. Otherwise you'll blame the other person for not mending it the way you want it mended.

The blame game is a big factor for some people. Get out of it. Don't put such expectations on others.

Let yourself go through the grief cycle, and then all of a sudden when it is finished you'll find your heart automatically mends itself, just like any other injury.

It may take time, and it may take a bit of strapping and protection for a while, but it will heal if you let time be your ally.


RE: Canadian eh:)

1. if someone is a regular tributor to the blogs and forums, there is a better chance that they are real.

2. I have noticed that quite a few scammers only have one, two or three photos on the profile. the real people tend to have a lot more.

3. Don't think that internet relationships are real. They are not. What a person is like online may bear absolutely no resemblance to them in real life.

4. Internet dating is a myth. It is internet introductions. Dating only ever happens in the real world. If you like someone, meet them (in a safe, and planned public place with exit strategies if it doesn't work out).


RE: Income disparity

for me it never mattered. But for my 'Version 1' it was a seed of great resentment toward me. She couldn't be happy with out moderately well off state. No she resented me and blamed me as if I didn't want to work.

Well, we all couldn't be in such a cushy job like she was, with plenty of holiday breaks.

She wanted me to earn a million dollars, and be available to skip work whenever she called and whenever it suited her.

Her expectations were nothing short of delusional.

So I suppose that is one extreme on the spectrum. Me personally, I couldn't give a toss if my partner works or doesn't work.

When I met her, I thought she was poor. To my surprise, I have since found out (after 2 years or so) that she has quite a bit of dough all over the place.

It has taken me by surprise, but I am glad that we got together without my knowing, because I love her for being just her, not because of what she had to bring into the relationship.


RE: checking on the numbers who has found their life partner on CS

Hi Molly. By 'life parner' I suppose it is the intention when two get together that they will remain together for the rest of their life. This sometimes (or more often nowadays) doesn't happen, but it in no way detracts from the intention.

I certainly didn't enter into my relationships (with my first wife, and now with my second) with any intention other than for life.

But like you said, nobody knows for sure. You spin the barrels, pull the trigger and see what happens.

I believe most people enter into a serious relationship with an expectation that it will be for life, unless one is just a player or something like that, taking advantage of emotionally vulnerable people.

I think that is what is meant by 'life partner'.


RE: Moved on

Before one can "move on", firstly a person has to go through the grieving process, and this takes time. For females it is generally 2-5 years, for men it is generally 3-3 years.

If a person does not grieve their past, then they can't move on, as it will come back to 'haunt' them, triggered by little seemingly insignificant things.

Once the grief process has completed, a person automatically moves on because the past has been dealt with.

It is when the grief process is attempted to be circumvented and not allowed to go through its 5 stages, that there is emotional baggage that follows and keeps coming to the fore.

Of course, that is if a person has a healthy mind. Mental Illness can have a great impact on 'moving on'.

RE: Does age matter in the relationship / marriage of today's modernity.

Actually she is older than me! Yep, by about 2.5 years.....

RE: Does age matter in the relationship / marriage of today's modernity.

Age does ultimately matter, depending on how young or old the partners are. When young, there is a huge difference in maturity of an 18 year old, and a 25-30 year old. Relationships with large age gaps usually don't last. It seems relationships even of the same age range in the young don't seem to last these days either.

Similarly, life styles and desires change when there are greater than 10 years between partners in their 60's. This is when one partner begins to slow down and not want to do things like they did when they were younger, while their partner still has "get up and go" and begins to be torn and frustrated that their partner can't do what they used to do a few years back.

It is the age range that makes the difference. 0-10 years often doesn't make that much difference, but age differences greater than 10 years do tend to make relationships more difficult than they may be with a more similar aged partner.

This has been my observation.


RE: Why Do People Get Divorced?

People in my country get divorced because they have grown up in a consumer "throw away" society. If it is old, or one is bored with something they bought, throw it out and get a new one.

A few people treat their relationships with the same flippancy.

Other get divorced because of:
* Mental Illness
* Unfaithfulness
* Resentment / Dissatisfaction
* Unrealistic Expectations of their partner
* Immorality (including unfaithfulness, but including other things as well)
* Kids
* They married out of lust and not love

These are just a few reasons that people get divorced.

RE: In the whole world which country(continent) has beautiful, sincere,faithful, respectful, loving, kin

Every country has beautiful, sincere, faithful, respectful, loving, kind women.

The trick is that men have to be the same towards them. And that one has to make the effort to find them.

Too many people just want their partner to fall from the sky with no effort, or to be able to order one like buying a car or any other possession.

There are so many of these beautiful, sincere, faithful respectful, loving, kind women around. But some blokes just can't see the trees because of the forest.

Both men and women sometimes suffer "option paralysis"..... that being that faced with many options, they can't choose one, out of fear that someone better will come along. It is the lust and greed factor, the unsatisfied soul that some have that sabotage Mr. or Mrs. Right when they are right in front of them.....

RE: What does it take to show to girl that you love her?

Seriously, it depends on the girl. It depends on their culture, their personality, their past experiences, and their family experiences.

You forgot the following that are often needed when courting a girl:

Conversation (about her, and her feelings)
Little gifts
Hugs / cuddles

RE: Would you bring a pet with you on a first date?

You've got to be kidding..... if a person puts a pet before another person, it is one of my "pet" hates.....

RE: Women make first the move

I reckon it would be great if more women made the 'first move' and gave blokes a breather from being the ones to nearly always have to do it.

This is an age of supposed affirmative action in the west, yet most women cling to dating attitudes of a by-gone error when the man was dominant and women submissive, thus women waited for the man to make the first move. Well times have changed.

Go on ladies, take on your equality in dating as well as in the workforce. Take the risks and feel what it is like to be a man having to risk rejection after making the 'first move'.

You might begin to understand how hard this really is and how exposing it can also be to hurt and rejection....


RE: Fake

Hi there Geri,

Yep. Just got off the phone to Anna. Still sorting out a lot of estate matters after her mum died a couple of months ago. It is a complex process in China.

It must be the night for scammers, I've be hit on 3 times in about 30 minutes. Pity that they don't take the time to read my profile.

I just delete them now. Can't be bothered replying.

You should have given the scammer the local cop station email address to write to! Ha ha.

For most scammers, it is a blanket automated text thing... They just cut and paste into profile after profile hoping the mass marketing will get a bite. if they get one bite in a thousand, they are happy.

Have fun here in the forums. The Aussie forums are a bit dull of late and don't really interest me much.


This is a list of forum posts created by Halv0.

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