Sparky55Sparky55 Forum Posts (2,678)

Doctors vs. Gun Owners

And to youcheers

Doctors vs. Gun Owners

You're pretty much screwedlaugh

Doctors vs. Gun Owners

Thanks. The thread's remained fairly calm and light, I hope it stays that way. I believe most medical professionals give it there all to help people but their's is a pretty complex vocation. Accidents and errors are bound to happen. sorry if I somehow implied anything different.

Doctors vs. Gun Owners

OMG, you're horrible. laugh Funny but horrible...rolling on the floor laughing

Doctors vs. Gun Owners

of course not and hopefully I never am. More than anything, I hope my shrink is goodlaugh

Doctors vs. Gun Owners

Yeah, I remember him. A truly evil man. He finally killed the right person but too late.

Doctors vs. Gun Owners

How's that a blind statement. It's a fact that you just put into differnt words. "The problems with guns are those who use them to commit crime and those who fail to handle them properly" maybe I should have said safely instead properly.

Doctors vs. Gun Owners

Criminal intent/gross negligence vs mistake... We probably wouldn't have too many doctors in the world.

Doctors vs. Gun Owners

But it is a right unless there is a valid reason to remove that right.

I honestly believe that most gun owners have no desire to harm another individual and are careful with them. Certianly there are idiots in every group but we can't take away the rights of others based on what idiots or criminals do.

BTW, I only use short bareled weapons so they don't overshowdow other apendages..laugh

Doctors vs. Gun Owners

Thanks for clarifying

Doctors vs. Gun Owners

Aw come on, some people do and say a lot of things here. That doesn't make them anyless sane than anyone else (with a few exceptions) I do agree however, that not all people should have guns.

Doctors vs. Gun Owners

You almost always have a ood sense of humorcheers

Doctors vs. Gun Owners

Careful now... I'm in Kabul and it's snowing... laugh

Seriously, I think we should keep the options we have. There's nothing wrong with gun ownership for whatever the purpose i.e. hunting, home security, etc... What's wrong are those who use them to commit crime are those who fail to handle them properly.

RE: gaddafi

I thought the US was sitting this out which I agree with. No need for any military to get involved as the people in Lybia will do that job by themselves. If you're trying to say this is a CIA enhanced/produced uprising I would have to disagree.

As far as leadership goes, I would have to say Gaddafi, being the autocratic leader he is, has been somewhat successful at running the country but I wouldn't say he's been better than even the worst President we've ever had. I suspect he'll be deceased soon and Lybia may or may not be better off. I suspect it will be worse off.

Doctors vs. Gun Owners

Run Forrest Run....laugh

On a serious note, There really isn't that much of the crazy or postal people running amuck with a gun scenarios, they just get a lot of press. what doesn't get the press are the daily gang killings and other crimes gone bad scenarios. That of course does nothing to comfort those affected by either.

Anyway, I can understand why some don't like having them around and/or available.

Doctors vs. Gun Owners

Not very efficient and I would imagine. But then again I wouldn't want to bet on the chance of all guns disappearing. laugh

RE: Understanding The True Nature Of Politics And Its Finality

Excellent point Kid! The media in general isn't trustworthy. If just limited the bias to the political spectrum to those that are pro Dem or Pro Rep, one could figure the truth was actually somewhere in the middle but it's actually a lot more complicated than that.

Quite frankly, Ron Paul would have been a much better choice than McCain or Obama but he was definately elected by a media blitz. Almost like they tried to reinstate the 2nd kingdom of Camelot.

As always, good to see you.

Doctors vs. Gun Owners

Yes, but wouldn't the cause be the nut job that pulled the trigger. Even if guns were abolished from the face of the earth, we would still find ways of killing each other.

Doctors vs. Gun Owners

Nothing wrong with that. We're just a little different.

Doctors vs. Gun Owners

Doctors or gunsdunno laugh

Doctors vs. Gun Owners

Yes, I'm sure there are. Some information if you're interested.

Doctors vs. Gun Owners


(A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000.

(B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000.

(C) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171.

Statistics courtesy of the U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services.

Gun Owners:

(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000. (Yes, that's 80 million)

(B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500.

(C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .000188.

Statistics courtesy of the FBI

So, statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.

Remember, 'Guns don't kill people, doctors do.'

FACT: Not everyone has a gun, but almost everyone has at least one doctor. This means you are over 900 times more likely to be killed by a doctor as a gun owner!!!

Please alert your friends to this alarming threat. We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!!!!!

Out of concern for CS public, I withheld the statistics on Lawyers for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical attention!

RE: gaddafi

True, but the biggest problem are those that think they must have this or that and not be able to afford it. We'll eventually come to understand all the aspects once those consumables aren't available or we're so broke we wont be able to pay attantion..laugh

RE: gaddafi

Honestly, You make some good points but every individual has their own truth. The tea partiers for instance, which you state are brainwashing people, believe what they believe and if that's what the US needs to get people off thier butts then that's good. Not that I agree with everything they say or do, I don't but they are making an effort.

I would have to disagree with your comment about one party purposefully dividing a country instead of uniting it to deal with the real issues. I believe both parties have an equal share in this mess. Pointing to one party or one political philosophy with blame only negates your comments about no parties, no agenda, etc.. It's that fundemental flaw in ourselves that will always make us weak. some argue that political discourse is a healthy thing and I believe that's true but we (The US) and many other countries are well beyond that.

The truth as I see it is that until our two parties along with those that support them are willing to compromise rather than grandstanding and being dishonest, we're never going to get past the problems we have. The best thing we can do is pay attention and do our best to get rid of those who fail to play nice. The mid-term elections saw some of that. Perhaps the next elections will see more.

RE: Obama announced change! Obama created Change! Open ur eyes and see and Support the president!

I get it, anyone who does not agree with you is stupid...laugh
Good luck with that Dudelaugh Seems to me these Polls are everything to you when President Obama is on top.. dunno

RE: gaddafi

Yes it does bother me, a lot... but this the reality we live in. We can either adjust to it and try to make change by finding the truth or we can go along with it.

It is true that there are those struggling to make ends meet but the majority of people in the United States (for example) spend their free time in front of the big, flat screen idiot box and are apathetic to what happens around them.

The leadership in the US and other parts of the world can be removed from power through elections, protests or force as we've seen over recent weeks. Unfortunately, I imagine that there's a very low percentage of people who really understand our political system, lobbys, special interest groups, unions, etc... they only go by what the politician is saying that apeeals to the individual. I seriously doubt any President elected to office got there based on informed voters. Heck, our voting numbers alone show very clearly just how apathetic and lazy people really are.

RE: gaddafi

I'm glad we're agreeing on some things. I don't know that it's necessarily a bad thing to buy some of the things one wants but it's certainly not necessary and should never be done when one can't afford it.

RE: Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, 20, of Lubbock, Texas,

Oh my! I categorically change my mindlaugh

RE: gaddafi

Oh, I guess we do. Thankscheers

RE: Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, 20, of Lubbock, Texas,

I've always wanted to live in a commune..laugh

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