RE: Trump has a problem

Be careful with the news. His actions so far actually charge him with being the first president actually trying to uphold his promises.

I didn't even read the articles associated with those headlines. I'm actually interested in him addressing real issues rather than a bunch of written rhetoric.

If obama's damages can speak so loud globally as well as nationally, we should be hoping that the same nation with the largest involvement and fault for them, may finally be able to start rolling them back.

Still seeing polls with his popularity and trust being on the rise. Polls don't hold much compared to what they used too. I never thought too highly of them to begin with.

RE: JOB OPENING: Only Foreign Workers WANTED

Already aware that like many companies, h-1b has been very popular. Seasonal work is something I can't decide is good or bad. Many citizens prefer full time because it's more reliable. Unemployment has guidelines that some seasonal work won't apply if it doesn't last long enough. Based on state laws as well as federal.

None of these are directly under control of Trump, even before his presidency. He pays people to manage and over see. Even his modeling agency, it's manger and the agency went to court. Trump stood by his employees and did what most corporations do for their smaller "arms" of business. Yes, many across the nation have used it since it passed. Many have greatly abused it too. What I am curious about, is if he will actually do something against the h-1b and h-2b. He did promise to do something about them.

I have often wondered if it could be used as a reasonable and legal way from some to attain citizenship.

If only people would have shown this much concern during nafta, the lack of action to reverse out sourcing and job diversion, continual cuts in education, over regulation, deals with known enemies, and so many other things over the years. We truly do have a sick nation where important things seem to go unnoticed.

Let's continue to cry about lesser things that the prior government has sold out too at much earlier dates and times.

RE: It's cheaper to build the wall

An actual wall would help with less man power to patrol and police. Man power than can be used to help with other tasks of government and security. Take away much of the porousness and it will help cut down illegal crossings and illegal dealings, both ways. A lot of resources go into such large amounts of government aid, policing, and deportation. It adds up.

It's about a decade plus over due as it is. If it were acted on and done in 2006 or even steadily worked on through the years, it would have been completed. There isn't any way to tell for certain how much might have been saved or even allowances for government restructuring from potential cost cuts.

RE: Tribute to Jack Daniels

I do like Jack Daniels.

How ever; very rarely do we visit and extremely limited when we do.drinking

RE: Do you think .......

I hope not.

Maybe there are people that don't bother with major topics.

It seems any one looking for a partner would have to communicate with their partner on a very large array of topics.

Politics or no politics, plus many more topics, can literally make or break a relationship. I never thought it would or could until I'd actually witnessed it a couple of times.

Always more "stuff" to consider when a relationship might be in the cards...Similar views or very opposite?

Long term topics and life style should be considered very important from the softest touch of acknowledgment to the absolute "bear" harder topics can awaken.

All these "churning waters" in the forums remind me that I have a small scaled model of the U.S.S. Constitution to put together soon.

RE: LIVE STREAM: Oroville Dam Spillway

The people will be okay I hope. Emergency federal aid funding was approved Tuesday, 2/14/17.

RE: 37 mental health experts sign a letter warning of Trump's 'grave emotional instability

Must be the same polls that said hillary would win. Rasmussen has a 52 over 48 approval. Still scoring low over all at the moment but there is never an absolute with polling as the elections proved.

Reagan, the Bush clan, the Clinton's, and even obama; all have said mental issues. Some go back even further. Some good, some bad, but if you look, I'm certain it might be possible for any one to find one that will fit their specific preferences on a president of their choosing. It seems many of the most recent have some at least. With out actual consultation and time spent to make a diagnosis. Wasn't that called "profiling" or "stereotyping" at some time or another?

I think I ran across a headline once that said as many as half of all U.S. presidents may have had some type of mental illness. I didn't read that either.

I can't even fathom what they might assess for most of us in CS. doh

That would also be with out actual consultation or time spent to make any type of "diagnosis". dunno

RE: Is the world heading towards WW3 ?

Like Revelation in the Bible. 7 Kings. There is an 8th but he is of the 7th.

Some speculate a pope singling out the term "KING". Some speculate the U.N. as one of the ten horns that will be the ultimate ruler in the one world government as it will subdue the others to take control. There are other "speculations" as well.

If you read, you'll find that China also has quite an army. Many would support Russia in the event of war which would also be quite an army.

None of the big players want war. I can't say that about some of the smaller, more radical, countries how ever.

I do believe there was something in one the Nos's quatrains that spoke of a smaller country starting a major war. Some even compared it to the 9/11 attack on the U.S. twin towers. I'm not a fan of Nostradamus and rarely bother with any of his works.

Much could have been applied in many points in history depending on "interpretation". It would seem some say nothing can be fully interpreted until after a major event happens. Nostradamus, for people that do read his works, is much like Prophecy.

Try as we might, we don't know who or what will happen until it does. I feel much better about the idea of war being avoided now than I did about four months ago.

RE: name what you reject most about society

Too much, too deep, too many sharp edges. Even when there shouldn't be any.

RE: anyway have you sussed out anyone on CS

No. I don't try.

Agreement or disagreement in forums or internet at all, for me, this isn't really a place where I can potentially do that with any real efficiency.

RE: Toxic People in Your Workplace

I don't handle it. I address it directly with the person or people involved. It doesn't always solve the problem but it's now in the open.

I can't say there's a good way to address it. Slow, reasonable Q&A can help lead up to the topics you want to get behind you. It can happen over a short period of time which is slower but possibly, a better approach. Learning more about the people as you go can help approach and reproach. I can say that once it's in the open air, there is a lot of stress automatically relieved. Always try to be careful of what you say, how you say it, and who you say it to. The work place can have many different, smaller "alliances" waiting to enhance or stir up more trouble.

At the same time, remember there may be many people good at circumventing or even putting a lid on trouble. Some of those people might be able to help too. Higher spirited co-workers can often give better insight to interpersonal dealings.

Some people use higher authority to address things. Only some avoidance might be able to be practiced in the work place.

My work life is kept separate from my personal life. That doesn't mean I don't or won't talk about the other in each environment, it just means I don't them bleed over into the other to interfere.

RE: Women ALL Over America in Opposition to Trump- 2017 PROTEST MARCH

I listened to the speech as well.

Sounds like hes trying to fix what should have been taken into account all along. The U.S. and it's citizens first. He openly states what the politicians have allowed and done. He even wants to allow things to move forward in development and growth. Every thing Trump stated about our economy and more is true. The global rise in the terrorism index is more than enough reason for any nation to want and add more security. It would seem many jobs are going to stay, more investments will be made, if regulations are lifted enough, thousands more ready to start back up. Actually, hundreds of thousands more. obama's regulations, support of terrorism, laws, fines, division, and taxes have cost us a terrible amount of every thing at tax payer expense as the deficit doubled.

He doesn't disrespect other countries but expects them the same for their respective regions. Not a single negative and a willingness to work with them. Better still; not wanting to try forcing them to the "political" America idealism that they have to be like us as many in the past have. Wasn't that part of the reason for embargoes and more against Cuba? Korea, Vietnam war? A few more too. Sounds like no more political wars other than what we have to keep stable or re-stabilize after obama. That would be a great plus. Want to make a fair trade deal? No? okay. Next!

Interestingly enough, by the 7.5 year mark, obama had a 1.5% growth rate. No one said word but many lies were built over it. Note the "over it" part. obama could have an imaginary son that might have looked like ol' trayvon martin. That helped him feed and build up division, class war fare as well as race, create a home grown terrorist group. That lead to riots, destruction, and murder. Many brainwashed are still trying to follow it today. No one says a word and there's so much more.

RE: Marie La Le Pen: I Do Not Run to Praise Brussels, But Rather To Bury It…

She's still a politician. Read a little deeper. Some headlines called her a a female french version of Trump a couple or more months back. Highly over stated. Her stance on immigration and government screw ups are about where it ends I think.

She's only maybe half of a "Trump" version. The half that knows her country can't continue like it is. The other half is full out politician. I think I read her position might have been primarily due to her father before her. I do think she's better than a lot of what they have now. Like the U.S., there are many other countries and regions where it would be easy for any one to improve as long as they stay the course.

I think I'm winding down on a lot of foreign policies and politics. I'm actually watching the damages obama and hillary have caused. I hope like hell it won't be too hard for Trump to clean up at home and abroad. I also think he's set a precedence. Many regions are having similar troubles it would seem. Don't count on the media to say much about it, business as usual; nothing to see here folks, move along.....

RE: Crumbling Promises: LOL....This doesn’t sound like Trump's campaign promise??

People fail to realize that we're not worried about exports. We did well before nafta because a larger part of our industries and work were centralized. Trade was done but negotiations per contract and not this open crap now where taxes, fines, and regulations are hiked on the citizens.

Employers competed to keep employees. Health care and retirement were incentives for people to work. Welfare was an embarrassment which drove more people to work. It helped but it wasn't a replacement for what a working income could do. It will be nice to be back to that. Pharmaceuticals will need to be addressed in a straight forward manner which will also greatly increase health care affordability for employers and self employed.

Lifting EPA regulations and even cutting back government employment will also help a great deal
There are already companies starting to back track on their "job relocations" because it won't be so cheap to bring it back into the U.S. Tariffs and other costs WILL pay for that wall whether people recognize or like it or not. It doesn't matter if it's the U.S. economy expanding to avoid the import costs or companies thinking the import costs won't matter, it's going to happen at the expense of other places. It's already been set up since 2006 at the least and should already have been done as it is. It works both ways when it comes to negatives like human and drug trafficking with a whole lot more.

I do believe import/export and IMF banks play major roles because they gain from the fat of loans and financing no matter if it's wars or economic "stimulus". I can't say how deep it goes but there's no way to deny it's there and happening.

You're right about much of the media and how it spins. It amazes me how many can't comprehend economics 101(especially if they're citizens). It amazes me how many think open borders and "free" trade help when it really might only help their areas while breaking down others. We're going to actually try getting back to America, it's laws, and it's citizens while it scares the hell out of many.

RE: Do you think the U.S. should take a neutral stance regarding Israel.

A working economy would mean actual job growth. Trump is already working and his proposed policies are drawing attention and potential growth already. It would seem no one tries to go beyond television much. Our economic freedom hasn't dropped every year since 2010 while government and debt expand with out reasons. Those reasons don't include good policies, ethics, standards, or leadership. A working economy, investment into the inner cities, and more such actions for the nation and citizens, would help with many things on different levels.

The idea isn't to stop trade but for the trading to become more fair. It doesn't do much good to have a $70 billion dollar deficit one way but trying to openly claim a $60 billion dollar surplus in another. We have a lot going out in "aid" and other "political" fiascos. We are heavily regulated and taxed, even fined as the deficit has doubled and government has grown. Very little growth or improvement for the people but that's okay, many can have government subsidies(that we really don't have and can't afford). Let's keep open borders and take on more refugees we can't vet properly while we're at it.

As far as less meddling, things like obama's "arab springs" and such that have caused great damages to the middle east. Things we should have completed and many other things we should never have gotten involved in have been extreme factors in the rise of the global terrorism index. A major reason in itself to address national security and more, created by something that seems to know nothing about leadership, accountability, or responsibility, or even trying to keep it's word in any form except certain costs would be higher and regulations steeper. The "hope and change" rhetoric wasn't meant for the good of the U.S. and citizens. Too bad not many were actually listening to much of what he was saying either time. Doesn't seem to be much reading either.

Our laws were originally put into place for a reason. Those reasons haven't changed and need to be upheld. Our Constitution was designed for the U.S.. Obviously no other country abides by it because it's not theirs. We have a separation of powers that is supposed to help safe guard the people and the country. The oath of office is to uphold and defend. It needs to be upheld and defended in it's entirety. Government has greatly over stepped it's authority. Not many, if any politicians can claim saying the same things and sticking to them. obama as a senator 2006: it shows a level of irresponsibility to raise the debt ceiling. As a "president?", he was pressing for the ceiling to be raised even in 2015. Trump is the "truly something different" choice. He's been saying the same things for decades. National security falls in line with much of this.

Some of our allies like Israel, shouldn't be left to flounder, ever. obama has continually undermined them. The self destruction of their own party from their own criminality and more needs something or some one to take the blame. It's no longer the "democratic" way to accept the truth of failure and betrayal. Accountability is only good when lieing and crying can make many others believe it's the other guy's fault. Now Russia becomes a target of such tactics as the last great cover up for failure on all fronts.

A minor note. It would seem that Crimea was gifted to Ukraine some time back. 1954 I think. A gesture from Khrushchev. Crimea did hold a vote to be back directly with Russia. Russia acted on that. I did start gathering information as to why it matters now over then but Crimea wasn't really annexed as the media would portray. I lost track of the details after reading about the vote. It no longer mattered as much after that.

RE: Why are you on Connection Singles ?


RE: Do you think the U.S. should take a neutral stance regarding Israel.

U.S. Independence. A working economy, less meddling in world affairs, support of our allies, improved educational system, and better security for the nation. There's more with a lot more detail. We had it as a larger part in the past. It can go even further. It's late and I have to work later so please accept the summarized version with a strong idea of the troubles to come summarized in the sentences below. Take care Dream.

What some people neglect to realize, is that he's going to have to deal with a lot of "politics" riddled with many back stabbers still loyal to lobbyists, banks, corporations, and more. A questionable population that hasn't figured out we're not the center or able to supply full financial support for the entire planet doesn't help either. I don't see much of it falling into line very easily at all at this time.

RE: Do you think the U.S. should take a neutral stance regarding Israel.

Saudi Arabia and other suppliers had the U.S. cut and dried in the earlier 2000's. Our reserves helped a lot.

If Trump can get half of what he wants, the U.S will gain much more independence away from foreign imported resources.

That would erase a lot of politics, deal from a position of true strength, and give cause to actual "talks" instead of much of what ever is going on now.

Can it truly help with peace and co-operation is the big question. The bottom line is that we are not in control of other countries over all. For every thing we might step away from, there is another country ready to "cash in" regardless of what might be happening. Maybe the only control we have would be the loss of our "contributions". That might be good if we're a primary, but we're never the "only".

War, if necessary, will never be taken off of the table any where. A realization that has to be acknowledged. It's not just pertaining to the U.S either. With the dirty pool of politics, for what ever we might know and learn, there is always more that runs even deeper. There isn't much we can do over all except what we normally do for the obvious.

The U.S. has recall rights for bad leaders and representatives. Good luck on getting enough unity and motivation to use any of it. A sad but true example. Even when the people have the power, no one knows how, why, or when to use it. Yet will later ask and wonder how things got so bad.

Regardless of how things unfold, hopefully for the good this time, we're still going to be stuck. Some how, I think always powerless for a while to come. We'll still be tracking and pondering, etc.

RE: Do you think the U.S. should take a neutral stance regarding Israel.

Syria was part of the problem, along with Egypt, Jordan, and Palestinian terror attacks that led to Israel's 6 day war. The U.S. wanted to wait for U.N. Israel didn't have that long. Their "neighbors" wanted them annihilated and were already in position to do it. What they gained was "just". They did try being peaceful and still do when allowed.

As far as Christian goes, what does that say about something like obama when trying to use that term for world leaders?

It's not about forgetting the past. It's trying to improve from it. It's each leader's responsibility to put it's country and citizens first. Some leaders are monsters, some spineless, some marxists, some fair, strong, and more.

"Faith" based isn't a solid ground for a basis when it comes to humans AND the power some are granted. At the moment, there is no end or means. No one can tell the bad guys from the good guys as of yet.

I'm more concerned about how a leader is handling the affairs that come with the position. There are some "practices", politics and religious, that would rather destroy and control, than negotiate, deal, and stabilize jointly. Right now, I feel we're at ground zero in trying to re-establish who's who and for what purpose with reason.

RE: Do you think the U.S. should take a neutral stance regarding Israel.

Before it has a chance to get out of hand; I should clarify that there is a huge potential political game that can come from this. obama is once again shamed by Russia in his unreliability considering they allegedly "hacked" elections. Here was obama's chance to stand in their way and he not only back stabbed an ally but let an "opponent" win again.

Russia and China seem to do fairly well at picking up the pieces obozo leaves behind. While it would seem Russia is undermining Israel because Putin is allied with Iran and Syria at the moment, it leaves a potentially open door for a later date and time. Unless Trump has something planned, Israel could be a major pawn for now if it's put out far enough into limbo and partially controlled from else where.

RE: Do you think the U.S. should take a neutral stance regarding Israel.

You are right. It was the U.S. that helped Israel after WWII through the U.N. which was also put into play after the war. We've always stood by Israel and they have continued to beat the odds they are surrounded by over the decades. They have formed successful coalitions with some of their neighbors. Sometimes those coalitions have eroded. Egypt withdrew it's resolution but co-sponsors pushed it from what I've read. Most of those co-sponsors aren't even in the immediate region nor have they dealt with Israel as long or through as many of the things Egypt has. They should have shut up and with drew along side Egypt.

Israel seems to be under bigger threat BECAUSE of the flake we have in charge now. It would be wrong for us to abandon yet another ally. Israel isn't a weakling nation while most of their battles and wars have been provoked. We've been their largest supporter but in that support, a large part of the "aid" we might give comes back to the U.S. in business form for certain supplies and upkeep. Betrayal would be good grounds to start out sourcing "business" else where and no one would be able to condemn them for it. Maybe Russia would pick up where we leave off but would be more trust worthy than what we have to offer now.

Going back to their 6 day war, if Israel truly wanted to banish any type of threat or considered every one a threat instead of practicing diplomacy when able, they could have easily removed any Mosques and such in their territory. They chose to build their temple in another part of the city instead. With in Israel; Muslims, Jews, and others would seem to live primarily peacefully and it's almost always out side forces that continually pose the largest threats. Now we can add things like the current U.S. government to that list until it's biggest problem is gone on January 20th, 2017.

RE: How do you think the world will end?

As I look at the poll results; the one with fewest votes might actually be the one thing that takes Earth out sooner or later.

I do recall a comment where some one was hoping it to go out with bang...

RE: When is an age difference too much?

It truly is up to the people involved. Can they interact as a couple with out caring or worrying what others say or think?

My own reservations limit roughly 8 years younger than me. Not sure I trust mid 30's much.
I don't mind up to 12 years older how ever. I can't explain why that is, but that's the range I seem to be feel most comfortable with, and no internal questioning.

Keep in mind that what we say or "type" here, could be dramatically subject to change in life. We never know when that exception to the rule will strike us down and make us eat crow.

If there's a spark or interest and it's possible; those people should find out to know for certain. At the very least, one or both gain some sort of closure. At the very best, you have your partner to continue the journey where ever it may lead.

RE: The people has spoken, Trump our new Leader, Part 2

There are processes in place involving congress and even the supreme court system in the events of 270 not being reached by either side and involving electoral related changes.

A small margin it can become likely. I've read that Bush was actually given his presidency through the supreme court to stop the recounts of recounts in Florida because it was so close. I think that was in 2000.

The margin at present is too large. Physical count and electorally.

There are articles circulating with some of the potential reasoning behind the "recount" call. For it to come from some one that never had a chance to begin with is absurd that states will acknowledge it at all.

RE: The people has spoken, Trump our new Leader, Part 2

There are too many to change is actually more the idea.

The electorals could very well change in December if there weren't so many needed to reverse it.

It's just not likely or "possible" as some would say.

It's true to very large degree. How would 37 electorals explain turning coats against their states?

RE: The people has spoken, Trump our new Leader, Part 2

Yes. No system is perfect but they came up with something that would stop areas with larger populations, or even bigger states, like California, from being able to dictate over the majority of other states and areas. The electorals were put into place for this reason. They are even Constitutional.

Demonrats, oops. Democrats went over it again and again with Trump for him to be sure to accept the outcome of the election. Of course they would want that; all the media outlets with their "polls" showed hillary as a can't-lose, even under investigations loser.

My how quickly things turned once they realized they'd lost. Percentages might be small in some cases. Michigan is all paper ballot as far as I know. Wisconsin is allegedly, self contained with no internet access to their machine and a mix of ballots and computers. Not sure about Pennsylvania other than the court deadline to file which was 11/28/16.

Nothing will change the outcome unless they really want to worry about a potential true majority vote. California would need auditors, outside auditors, to go through their vote counts one by one, then got back again to count the legal votes. I'm certain of that. It would truly be an actually, interesting thing to know for certain.

Still not the full description I'd like but should be more than enough for most to understand things a little better.


Sorry. I did skip the Ode to Trump. I liked it though.

It's nice to see people in other countries rooting for America.

Things to notice: Trump has begun clearing his plate so there will be less outside distractions during his presidency. Including settling any legal processes, even if it might mean dropping some his own, personally filed, cases. Part of keeping his promise to be devoted and work tirelessly. At least that's how I'm viewing the actions to better uphold his words so far.

His cabinet is looking good over all so far with a few questions, like Romney, Sessions I'm not too versed on. I'm certain scandals of some sort, will rock as many of his picks as the media can muster.

Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan can be worrisome. The U.S. House and Senate have yet to be seen as to, if they will actually work for the country and citizens with Trump. He does have some ideas on where to start for lowering costs and raising revenues in favor of the country and people. He shows a great willingness to continue working with other countries as well. Even willing to step aside and let other countries help settle many disputes. Who knows? Certain areas and regions might actually calm better with other countries in the talks instead of the U.S.

One of the things that got my attention( besides Trump saying the same things for almost 30 years), was his mention of the mess over seas. A mess built and expanded on by the current misadministration. Hillary played a very large role in it as well and wanted to continue in worse fashion.

Like you, I am looking forward to most of it being settled. Since that region hasn't really known peace in over 1500 years for long, if ever; don't count on it being peaceful. Look for less U.S. involvement. This may also help some allied nations to back off a little more too.

I see your point about Marie. Some headlines refer to her as the French, female version of Trump. Not in the "brashness" of Trump, but I think more in directly addressing real issues and problems up front and unedited. I will be reading up her more in the future I think. Especially if she continues to do well and even wins.

RE: Trump meeting with Romney

I never said he didn't have failures. Many failures happen in the wold of business. Many lawsuits as well.

How ever they figure the ratings, it went to an A+. I wasn't a student and can't say one way or the other. Either way, it's settled and no one was killed. I guess that's the difference when people are held accountable vs. not.

It's not an excuse. It's actual accountability where some one is dealing with their issues. It's not costing 300 million plus people any tax dollars that aren't already accounted for with our legal system. People would rather worry about discredit. When he wasn't president, no one cared much. Business as usual.

As for not paying taxes. He lost about $1 billion dollars in a single year. After those years were gone that he was exempt, taxes resumed. People don't seem to read much beyond head lines.

No one seemed to talk this much when obama and hillary were equipping, funding, and training terrorists or even when obama opened the door by pulling out of Iraq. No one talked much while they divided the nation in every direction possible. Or as taxes and fines grew along with government and it's spending. It was obama holding the nation hostage. Not republicans. Few fail to realize that it's generally the states that take care of those federal parks and monuments. obama tried to make it look like he was strong when all he really is, is a marxist terrorist supporter. Grow the government then tax, fine, regulate, and spend at the peoples' expense. That's why our national deficit has about doubled with many of the problems compounded.

The marxist way is to do the damages then make it look like the other people did it.

We'll have to see if Ben Carson will take the secretary of housing and urban development job.

Carson and Trump were the only two I supported for this election cycle. Cruz messed Ben and himself up pretty good with the stunt his campaign pulled. In true political fashion, the politicians come back to save their careers.

Trump and Carson were already established. Trump loses and makes his own money. Carson made his money and retired, still making money.

RE: Trump meeting with Romney

It's been a while. $275 or slightly more( I've read $100 million-$290 million) turned into billions isn't much of a failure. I think over 500 companies. Have to use certain sites so there's a bias on both sides. Chapter 11 isn't a bankruptcy. It's a restructure. Many companies have used them and still do.

Lowest net worth with debt and an averaged highest. A little dated. If that's failure, sign me up.

RE: Trump meeting with Romney

Actually, I think he's more about stopping the U.S. interference and tail chasing policies that have been feeding those wars.

He's the potentially best chance we have at not getting into new ones. It's not going to be an easy thing to finish some problems that we have too, or even to with draw from other instances we should never have been in to start with.

This is a list of forum posts created by Draegoneer.

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