SanguinariumSanguinarium Forum Posts (500)






The need for global cooperation is argued for in the context of existing institutions such as the United Nations. There are too many potential injustices caused by the current asymmetrical influence among the community of nations and now it appears that leaders such as Emanuel Macron are now showing their true colors of needing to occupy the seat of ultimate power for the sake of establishing a new Roman Empire. The integral development of peoples and world cooperation require the establishment of a greater degree of international order and a greater degree of enforcement to ensure compliance. The Globalist World Order ideology wishes to use phrases like “effective power to ensure security for all” and “to ensure compliance with its decisions from all parties” when detailing how they will implement their world Utopia. This language can be interpreted in many ways but in context, it appears to support some kind of global tyranny. Only by becoming aware of the pervasive grip that globalists wield in promoting their emerging New World Order can we citizens of the world come together to make every effort to thwart the elite’s sinister design.


The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted unanimously at the United Nations by world Heads of State and Governments in September 2015 is highly ambitious. If taken seriously it has the potential to change the prevailing development paradigm by re-emphasizing the multidimensional, multilateral and interrelated nature of sustainable development and its universal applicability. However, the 2030 Agenda is not free of contradictions and fails to adequately address a number of goals and targets, particularly when it comes to their means of implementation. The 2030 Agenda represents a compromise among 193 governments and is far from perfect. But for the first time in an intergovernmental document, it acknowledges the “enormous disparities of opportunity, wealth and power” as immense challenges to sustainable development. Disparities and inequalities also have detrimental human rights effects. This means that the lofty goals of the New World Order come with a price and for some, it will be loss of property, loss of freedom, and loss of life. In 1940, H.G. Wells wrote in his book, The New World Order, that “Countless people will hate the New World Order and will die protesting against it.” Wells was a Fabian socialist who was a proponent of the New World Order stated how the global government will be implemented. “A sturdy and assertive variety of the new young will be needed for the police work of the world. They will be more disposed for authority and less teaching or creative activities than their fellows. The old proverb will still hold for the new order that it takes all sorts to make a world, and the alternative to driving this type of temperament into conspiracy and fighting it and, if you can, suppressing it, is to employ it, win it over, trust it, and give it law behind it to respect and enforce. They want a loyalty and this loyalty will find its best use and satisfaction in the service of world order.”

Now, comprehend deeply the message of the young policing the world, disposed to follow authority, creating an atmosphere to fight the conspiracy against it and suppress it. Through zealous campaigning, they can employ it win it over, trust it and demand that laws be made to get behind and enforce it. Wells inadvertently is describing the resistance and the black-clad “Antifa” appearing in the streets fighting against the traditional system of government. In surveying the world today, the stresses on the post-Cold War global order are easy to pinpoint. The United States remains inherently powerful but is no longer unrivaled. China is rapidly rising as a peer competitor to the United States and with their refurbished form of state socialism, green economy and technical savvy – they appear to be the shining star in the eyes of technocrat globalists who are now very open about their agenda. China hit out against the U.S. in a 71-page paper, accusing President Donald Trump’s administration of “trade bullyism practices” that have become “the greatest source of uncertainty and risk for the recovery of the global economy.” President Trump has not given any wiggle room for China’s ambitions for their vision of the globalist agenda. Meanwhile, as China has to stew over trade practices, they are still working towards the dominance of the Internet of Things. Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt foresees two internets in the near future: one used by most of the world, and an entirely separate one used by China.


If and when aliens decide to reveal themselves to us on a grand scale, they probably won’t look like little green men or spiny insects. It’s likely they won’t be biological creatures at all, but rather, advanced robots that outstrip our intelligence in every conceivable way. While scores of philosophers, scientists and futurists have prophesied the rise of artificial intelligence and of the impending singularity, most have restricted their predictions to Earth. Few thinkers outside the realm of science fiction have considered the notion that Artificial Intelligence is already out there, and has been for eons. The question is whether or not we signaled them with our weapons and with that, they came to Earth and exchanged their technology with us.

Exploding the DNA within you: No religious idea has greater potential for shaping global politics in profoundly negative ways than the “New World Order.” The connotation of world government and globalist state spins a number of eschatological fears that traditional ideologies of liberty and freedom are at a nadir. Opponents of world take over have argued for years that a new order would bring about a tyrannical, one-world government that would crush freedom, democracy, and religion throughout the globe. Christians and Muslims have always talked about a ruler of a world order that is called either the antichrist or Djall — a man of corruption who represents the beast system of some technotronic monster government that has the power of overseeing the planet as a giant panopticon ready for the reaping. Many people dismiss the New World Order as a conspiracy theory. In truth, it is neither a conspiracy nor a theory. It may be true there are many conspirators working to bring about the New World Order and events and the preponderance of the evidence concludes that the world order envisioned by the elite is being established and that the commencing years of this new world vision is 2030. The United Nations have formed political policy for worldwide sustainable development and a green economy for the year of 2030. Their goals are outlined in their agenda which states that they will establish a world ideology that will free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and to heal and secure the planet. They are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path. The task obviously sounds like a pipe dream, but it certainly over time will be seen as ideal and the models and reforms are already being established and those who oppose the measure are being ridiculed and silenced.


It was said that the weapon had the capability of burning the sky and that it would send a signal to call creation both above and below. When Oppenheimer’s bomb was set off in New Mexico, Enrico Fermi offered wagers on “whether or not the bomb would ignite the atmosphere and cause a chain reaction, and if so, whether it would merely destroy New Mexico, destroy the world or even send a huge wave into space creating turbulence and maybe take out other planets. It was Fermi that suggested that there are billions of stars in the galaxy that are similar to the Sun, and many of these stars are billions of years older than the Solar System. With high probability, some of these stars have Earth-like planets, and if the Earth is typical, some may have developed intelligent life. Fermi theorized that an explosion of great magnitude would signal possible alien races and that they could very well visit this planet to at least make note of the area where the bomb was first detonated. Although many scientists would like to claim that the Fermi story is a myth, there was a definite concern that a thermonuclear reaction might trigger the fusion of nitrogen nuclei in the atmosphere causing a cascade effect. In most UFO discussions there has always been the theory that perhaps the detonation of the nuclear bomb was a ritual and that it was used not only for war, but to signal the sylphs or homunculus to come to Earth in order to exchange technological advancements and perhaps share the secret of Artificial Intelligence.

Significantly, in 1947 there was a report of what has now been called a crashed saucer in Roswell, New Mexico. Not only is Roswell near the first test site at Trinity, but it also sits on the 33rd parallel. Rocket scientist Jack Parsons had once said that he believed that the bottle at Trinity housed a golem. He claimed that it contained clay, placed in a sealed container with a variety of ingredients and that the scientists who were Kabbalists wanted to animate the primordial matter by alchemical means. The ritual would signal a new age of creation and bring the world closer to creating artificial life. It all sounds so unbelievable, I know but there seems to be some method to all of this alien, alchemical madness. An article in Scientific American published a recent study by a space and atmospheric physicist at the University of Reading in the U.K. found that the concussion waves from bombs that were detonated in World War II were felt at the edge of space. Christopher Scott claims that air raids over London in World War II released the energy of at least 300 lightning strikes. Scott said, and historical accounts from the ground attest to the far-reaching power of bombs like the 22,000-lb. British “Grand Slam.” When the researchers looked at the ionosphere-response records around the time of 152 large Allied air raids in Europe, they found that the electron concentration significantly decreased due to the shock waves from the bombs. Ingo Mueller-Wodarg, a planetary scientist at Imperial College London who was not involved in the study, said the research is “a neat demonstration of how the ionosphere is affected by activity on the ground, despite being many tens to hundreds of kilometers above the ground.”


In the past, however, it was in the field of alchemy that Medieval scientists sought to artificially create life. One of the beings that alchemists were purportedly able to create was the Homunculus, meaning ‘little man’ in Latin. The purpose of the Homunculus was to be a servant of man and over time scientists and magicians have wanted to bring into the world a perfect servant whether it be natural or unnatural. To the Kabbalists, the Homunculus was called the Golem, or a man made of clay. They compared the creation to breaking of a huge bottle where the flow of life began and man came into the world as a little version of himself, bald and sylph-like. In the beginning of creation these little bald human-like beings would thrive in the Pre-Adamic world until biblical mankind arrived in Eden. At the Trinity site, the scientists ordered that a 100-tonne bottle called Jumbo that it be brought in at a great expense in order to enclose the atomic bomb. However, it never was used for that purpose but it was placed a short distance from the explosion. The bomb was detonated on the 33rd north parallel on 7/16/1945 – when you add the numbers of the date separately it adds up to 33. The bomb was later used on a Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The 33rd north parallel runs through both of these cities. The 33rd President Harry S Truman, announced the news that the bomb had been detonated from the cruiser, USS Augusta, in the mid-Atlantic, saying that the device was more than 2,000 times more powerful than the largest bomb used at that time to date.

Many occult scholars have created the notion that in the realm of dark forces, a ritual performed at the 33rd parallel has more power than rituals performed elsewhere. Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, the architect of the modern atomic bomb who was in charge of the Manhattan project was asked by a student after the Manhattan explosion, “How do you feel after having exploded the first atomic bomb on earth”. Oppenheimer’s reply for the question was, “not the first atomic bomb, but the first atomic bomb in modern times”. He strongly believed that nukes were used in ancient India. What made Oppenheimer believe that a nuclear war was the accurate description of the weapons used in the Mahabharata War in the Epic which match with that of modern nuclear weapons? He was referring to something called the Brahmastra which was a weapon written about in ancient Sanskrit. According to ancient Sanskrit writings, the Brahmastra was a very powerful weapon that was created by the gods. It had to be detonated in a certain area after a key phrase or invocation was given by the user of the weapon. Through this invocation the user could call upon the weapon and use it through a medium against an adversary. The weapon was also believed to cause severe environmental damage. The land where the weapon was used became barren and all life in and around that area ceased to exist, as both men and women became infertile. There was also a severe decrease in rainfall with the land developing cracks, like in a drought. The Brahmastra is mentioned in the Epics and Vedas as a weapon of last resort and was never to be used in combat.


However, everyone seems to be in it with Hindu indians. But not all Hindus are against the humans. Those who aren't are poor and dislike mass surveillance. Those Hindus that are aiding in the destruction of humans empower surveillance, and secretly endorse and promote it no matter what occupation they are involved with. Americans should also know that Hindus and corrupt police using informants and lying informants at the Colonade Motel in East Windsor, New jersey, according to sources, are very well organized when it comes to these tactics. Americans must also understand that some of the most terrible weapons on earth hold the names of Hindu gods. And this tells you who were the crafters of the mighty weapons. Trust us, there will be many targeting this post and not all of them are Hindus. There are white supremacists, youth that enjoy causing chaos when law enforcement tells them to go for what they know, blacks who hate being black, and Mexicans, who can't seem to make up their minds as to what side they want to be on. The Mexicans have nothing to lose because many of them will be killed if they go back to Mexico. Being a snitch for the Pentagon and others within the federal government, comes with a price. But the Mexicans want the good life. They want new cars and trucks, a new home, plenty of money, and to be left alone by law enforcement. Betrayal is the way of life in 2018, and most so-called religious people have embraced the characteristics of Judas Iscariot, the man who betrayed Jesus. people don't care about this though becayuuse their gods are police and the government.

They don't go to God in a time of crisis. They go to the federal government and to police. They embrace the "see something say something mantra" which has divided Americans by the millions. And yet people in America are too ignorant to see this. But they womder why people in other countries don't trust them! The Hindus are more influencial than people give them credit for. They consider the Hindus human. But they are really extraterrestrials from the 6th star constellation. They know this but Americans don't. They are involved with all of the latest technology and weaponry, whether Americans know it or not. And America patterns alot of laws, policies, and practices after India. Remember, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. But what if we add a little wordplay and ask what if magic is responsible for the creation of advanced technology. Those who are familiar with alchemy know about chaos and synergy, the idea of breaking something apart and then putting it back together again or the creation and destruction of primordial matter. It has been proposed many times that when the atomic bomb was detonated at the Trinity site in White Sands, New Mexico, it accomplished many things. Not only did it send the message to our enemies that we have the ultimate weapon but perhaps to the magicians who hid behind the science that it was a “working” that channeled the power of the atomic bomb into the universe and that it animated what is now called the Homunculus. There are many that do not know the meaning of what the Homunculus is. Although science has made progress in and of the last century, there are numerous ethical issues that need to be addressed by the scientific community. One such issue is that of the creation of artificial life. For some, this is the logical progression of scientific knowledge; for others, this is a realm that should not be interfered with by human beings. Concepts relating to the creation of artificial life such as genetic engineering and human cloning are relatively modern scientific ideas.


We are not saying that there isn't black and caucasian lunatices out here in society. But what we are saying is that many of these loonies are actuualy alien human hybrids designed to implement certain missions at the orders of the secret superiors. And many of these alien human hybrids are police officers. However, everything is about psychology. They know that the youth born in the 1990's, and even the Millenials, have no interest in what the civil right battles actually entailed. There were people against the U.S. government in the early 1900's, when cloned soldiers were deployed on a yearly basis. Others fought against the government when the government, along with the secret militaries, were spraying strange chemicals within caucasian communities in the 1950's. And when North Carolina was using eugenics to prevent the reproduction of black people in the 1070's and the 1980's, there was a small backlash from that. But in 2018, everything seems to be more about money, houses, jobs, and women power. very little people are actually fighting against some of the stuff that is being unleashed onto the American population. This is why they are investing in the Millenials. They have successfully mixed in with humans; those alien human hybrid youth. And they know countless Americans can't tell the difference between the two. So you are being destroyed from the inside out. Much like a viral infection. They will continue to use police to cause schisma within communities, and these corrupt and evil cops have plegded allegience to your demise. president Trump, and others, cannot save you because they are vessels being used by others. Trump isn't as brilliant as he would have many of you to believe.

There are devices which can alter your speech patterns, implants thoughts within you and force you to revealed those thoughts openly. There are devices which can turn you from being strainght to being gay. There are devices which can trigger certain mental defects within you that suggest that you commit a crime or murder. And one reason why your government is pushing stuff on Americans is because creatures like President Obama, and many of his minions, have convinced their masters that they have folks in place, and is monitoring everything on a daily basis. They love the Hindus. even Hillary Clinton loves the Hindus. The Hindus are a mystical type of people with very seruious spells and rituals. Police are working in cvonnection with the Hindus all across the U.S. as well. Some of the most ruthless cops in New Jersey is in East Windsor and Hightstown. But there are ruthless and sinister cops all across the state of New Jersey. When they are ordered to go deeper into covert operations, they'll do it without question. And one of the greatest tools of deception used by police, Hindus, and secret societies involve planting rumors about Americans amongst Americans. Sometimes they'll use this method to isolate their targets. But most of the time they'll seek an assassination if their assassins can get away with it. There are so many cases in New Jersey that have been tied in with parties in New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and as far out as California. The Boule Society and other secret societies have a long reach. You can track the money flow by entrapping those they hire to carry out attacks.


Example: Friends staying at the Colonade Motel, located at: 472 U.S. Route 130, in East Windsor, New Jersey, claim that there have been alot of things going on at the motel since hindus have been exposed. A couple of Truck drivers claim that they recieved information from anonymous sources that the manager of that motel was to meet with powerful people in targeting a few folks at that motel, and arounf the East Windsor and Hightstown areas. One hispanic said that thyere are hispanic Comcast Contractors staying at the motel who have been targeting others secretly with devices that are high tech. Anyway, it was revealed that many Guests who have stayed a night or two were leaving and complained to certain outside parties regarding the sinisterism thaqt is being implemented by motel employees. So on september 27, 2018, before noon, Hindus in a vehicle pulled up and sought to get into every Guests' room by claiming that they were exterminators. Most of the Guests say, according to very reliable sources, that the move to get exterminators to go into rooms was a move to find out what Guests had within their rooms. Now most people will say, its normal for them to exterminate. And the Hindus will use that by saying that they hadn't exterminated in a while and were due for it. However, one of the Guests who happens to speak Hindi claims that they overheard the employees and the motel manager stating that they wanted to see what kind of electronic devices were within the rooms. Unfortunately, the Hindus can lie about this and its a matter that will never be resolved truthfully.

Also, it ws revealed that the motel manager at the Colonade Motel took off immediately to meet with certain parties in secret. So a couple of folks staying in Hightstown followed his vehicle fo0r days and witnessed everyone that he met with. And once all of the video recordings are deciphered and translted, there will be posts on Youtube and a few other websites. Americans have to understand that Hindus have great power and influence within the U.S. Nearly each and every Hindu business person in Hotels and Motels recieves at least $15,000 to $55,000 monthly from Guests. Some of them even make extra money by selling snacks and things behind the glass at the motels. they are making a bundle. Even in neighborhoods they are selling loose cigarttes and is making about three times that of one pack of cigaretts. The feds and state investigators all across the U.S. turn their heads to this. Americans need to understand that there are conspiracies against you by your governments and certain foreigners. remember when Americans sold their businesses to Koreans in the 1980's? Later those same businesses were transferred to the hands of pale Arabs, Pakistanis, and other so-called muslims. Today, those same buildings are ran by Hindu Indians. And many of you think there is nothing to this right? Wake up Americans. for the time for your demise is at hand. They have everyone against everyone. Some black women are destroying blackmen with allegations of various sorts. Then there is caucasian females destroying caucasian men with allegations of various sorts. Do you understand? Americans are attacking Americans which is being orchestrated by others and foreigners.


SEPTEMBER 30, 2018
7:00 AM

Americans must begin to understand that the devil never takes a break from his/her deviltry. They may, however, pause briefly, and then come back out stronger than previously. We must continue to remember that Hindu Indians are the descendants of Satan, within your Bibles and Qurans, who fight against the angel Michael or Micha'el. They lost the battle and were cast into a land later to be called Indra; the ancient name prior to the name India. Their most sacred language is Sanskrit, and the powers t6hat be are willing to destroy all religions on the earth just to keep this secret sacred. Within the past week we have been revealing alot of irrefutable information for all to witness. However, the devil will change situations, times, and landmarks just to protect their agendas. Some of the most pwerful information being spoken about concerning Hindu Indians is New Jersey, because many hindus are within very powerful positions there. One Hindus, whose religion may or may not be amongst the Sikh, holds the most powerful position that controls all law enforcement within the state of New Jersey. Jesus told the Hindus that they were just as their father Satan, because he was/is the father of lies. Unfortunately, most religious teachers and leaders place a spin on it to mean that he was talking about aothers. But when you fathom the original scrolls, you will clearly see that Jesus was talking about the Hindus.

Americans must also understand that the Hindus have a Pact with he/she that controls the Planet Earth with their unlimited money, power, and influence. So they can get you to believe whatever they want you to believe. Before the decision makers on earth decided to send the Men in Black to destroy Nikola Tesla, he knew that the governments across the globe possessed an evil that should not be trusted. Nikola Tesla designed a machine that would assist everyone on earth in recieving free electricity. But the governments had a different plan. They wanted to charge people just so they could control all energy. They even used Nikola tesla's magnet formula to produce what was known as the Philadelphia Experiment. And since the governments didn't know what tesla knew, time has been sped up and is moving at an alarming rate. But your government will also lie about this. They will se every form of copmmunication known to man to see to it that one is demonized or that their lies are paramount. The Hindus have been part of many things even long before tesla. They even tooke part in a weapon known as Brahmastra. Americans, and people around the globe, must be kept dumb founded about the existence of the Hindus who will aid in the destruxtion of earth herself, if not stopped. Have anyone ever wondered why when powerful allegations are being made about Hindu Indians, something massive would happen that will take control of all news medias? Even the Brett Kavanaugh story is a cover for many things that are taking place right before your eyes. Even though the government has critics within every facet of our society who will rebut all facts just to keep Americans ignorant, we assure you that alot is going on behind the scenes. Have you ever wondered who was behind the massive Facebook breach a few days ago? Hindu Indians have alot of hands in many pies folks.


Americans must also know that a colonization is taking place right before your eyes and there seems to be very little you can do about it. There is also a great need to end relationships and to destroy families. Cases like the Bill Cosby trial will have elements of that case used in Domestic disputes, et cetera, from now on. Many witches and lesbians, amongst alien human hybrids, will continue to fight for, as they say, women's rights. Their intentions really are to destroy all relationships, and if they can't do this, they'll always have plants around couples listening to their conversations and getting involved openly or secretly. The American family is being dismantled, but Americans must ask themselves, why isn't this happening to Hindu indians, Pakistanis, pale Arabs, or pale Egyptians, just to name a few? Why is there such a great need to destroy the American family and demonize anyone who speaks out against their demonic and satanic acts? Alien human hybrid colonization is no form of fiction folks! Its as real as there are over 20,000 alien human hybrid cops working all across America right now. They are killers that lack emotion. They are protected by secret governments everywhere on the planet. In both east Windsor and Hightstown, New Jersey, residents fear police because they claim if they are doing 26 miles per an hour in a 25 milee per an hour speed zone, they will be stopped by police and shall be given tickets. However, the Dept. of Homeland security in New Jersey works with police and all cell ohone companies. They'll unleash killers, speeders, thieves, scammers, hackers, and the list goes on and on, just to past newer New World Order policies. Each and every crime in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts is being guided by unseen forces who have been exposed.

The only thing is that they will always want to know who it is that is exposing them just so they can dig up dirt on them. They know that every American have doine something in their lives that they aren't proud of. And these demonic forces will go back to the time you were a child just to find out who all have had contact with you for a certain amount of years. The sad thing is that they have centuries of convictions and will always try and remain in stealth mode. Their way of tracking every American is by use of cell phones. Doctors claim that if ObamaCare isn't repealed that Americans may all have to take micro-chip implants before 2020. This is why President Trump is such a threat. The Boule Society have pledged their allegience to their many devil gods and will always target anyone who doesn't agree with the New World Order. The same goes with many freemasons and eastern stars working with the Illuminati. Trust us, each and every crime that takes place in your communities have been carefully orchestrated by master-minds. And they will play out the chaos until the numbers of humans cease to outnumber that of their alien human hybrids. However, like we've stated earlier, the cell phones are the key. There’s no doubt that technology can be wonderful. Anyone experiencing car trouble will tell you that having a cell phone can literally be a life saver. But it’s actually not necessary for millions more cell towers to be installed in front of homes and everywhere else so we can all have cell phone service. Unfortunately, this may happen anyway thanks to The Federal Communication (FCC) and many U.S. elected officials due to their unrelenting push to pass legislation in order to win the ridiculous and the highly risky “Race for 5G”.


SEPTEMBER 26, 2018
7:00 AM

Today a party working for Verizon Wireless informed about 30 people in an undisclosed location that the secret societies and their many allies are planning mass deaths very soon. It was stated that 5G Network was one of the most terrifying frequencies which attacks human organs. And it was further revealed that most scientist who have doe studies on it have either had their lives destroyed by stealth forces, were involved in some sort of inexplicable car wreck, or were assassinated while hiking into the woods.Americans shouldn't take this lightly because a colonization is taking place right in front of your faces and many of you are without proper knowledge to know who is who on the Planet Earth in 2018. 5G Networks destroy the liver ad other organs in humans only, but your governments will have you to believe, much like with Monsanto and the chemical "Roundup," that it is safe. Learn of the several states which did test runs and the amount of people that ended up in the hospitals as a result of 5G. Learn about the many strange activities involving investigations into it as well. Americans need to understand, according to many employees, that Verizon Wireless employees are mostly hispanics and Hindu indians. There are some American employees but most of them can't be trusted like hispanics and the Hindus who act as devils guarding the gates, so to speak.

Hindus working for Verizon Wireless, when someone goes into a store and complains about issues, first conduct investigations targeting Customers as being scammers and liars. Only when they have pulled up all information about a Customer, and they seem to know everything about them, that they'll continue on seeking to satistfy the Customer. Hindu employees will always consider Americans as liars first. Its a known fact when a person tells a lie all of the time that eventually they'll think that others are lying to them just as much. Hindus trust each other but do not trust Americans. And there have been hundreds of caucasians and blacks confirming to how Hindu employees take their jon with Verizon to another level. It was further revealed that a Customer with ohone number: (303) 204-6256, is a major target for Verizon and for police everywhere. According to very reliable sources, the Customer with that number, no matter where they reside, will have parties working within Verizon linking to police in every County, in every city or town, or within every state. About 198 employees and ex-employees have confirmed that the customer with the above number stresses their 1st Amendment Freedom of Speech rights across the internet and Verizon have been logging all kinds of data. There are literally hundreds of Americans being done the same way by Verizon, and there is no law enforcement agency anywhere on the planet that will stop them! And according to sources, secret societies, police or the feds even have plants at motels such as the colonade Motel, located at: 472. U.S. Route 130, in East Windsor. Hinfu ran motels are havens for police experiments and practices.


Back in 1995, there was a board meeting at many radio stations about how radio would have to make a giant leap into becoming multimedia. This meant the radio hosts of the future would have to also become publishers of content, and also be camera ready for video on a new format called the internet. Many were told that the business model of radio and television broadcast would change and that not only would they be doing radio broadcasts, but they would have to maintain what was called a cyber store front, which is now called a website. The website would have to have content, meaning that not only was many supposed to do a radio show, but they were to create interesting blogs and other content in order to get the attention of the listeners. By the year 2000, China had the most extensive internet limits in the world due to a wide variety of laws and administrative regulations. Amnesty International stated that China “has the largest recorded number of imprisoned journalists and cyber-dissidents in the world,” and Paris-based Reporters Without Borders stated in 2010 and 2012 that “China is the world’s biggest prison for netizens.” The offences of which they were accused included communicating with groups abroad, signing online petitions, and calling for reform and an end to corruption in their government. Most of the journalist and netizens were jailed for merely expressing their political dissent against corrupt politicians. Harvard Law School Professor Lawrence Lessig predicted the internet would follow in China’s digital footsteps and become an apparatus that tracks our every move, erasing important aspects of privacy and free speech in our social and political lives. “Left to itself,” he said, “cyberspace will become a perfect tool of control.” A skeptical reviewer scoffed: “Lessig doesn’t offer much proof that a Soviet-style loss of privacy and freedom is on its way.”

If that critic has a job I would be surprised. It appears that Lessig was a visionary as he was able to figure out that if there is any policing of the internet in any form anywhere – it would become the cyber equivalent of the Stasi. Eighteen years later, it’s clear that the digital world born in freedom has evolved into a creature of control. Post-Snowden, we know the scale of NSA surveillance. We know we’re being watched. But equally, we might consider that the employee who decides what does and doesn’t go on Facebook for its 1.79 billion active users is the most powerful censor in the world. Obviously, this wasn’t a problem years ago because Facebook was not in the crosshairs of political censorship and the railroading of the internet smells of Chinese style censorship. The gradual Chinese takeover of all things Internet is again a concern for those of us who are active aggregators of content or for those of us who are active on social media sites. For years, China has exerted digital control with a system of internet filters known as the Great Firewall, which allows authorities to limit what people see online. To broaden its censorship efforts, Beijing is venturing outside the Great Firewall and paying more attention to what its citizens are saying on non-Chinese apps and services. As part of that shift, Beijing has at times pressured foreign companies like Google and Facebook, which are both blocked in China, to take down certain content. At other times, it has bypassed foreign companies entirely and instead directly pushed users of global social media to encourage self-censorship. This type of activity seems to be a very real internet version of Fahrenheit 451 written by Ray Bradbury.


They do this by implementing a reign of harrassing with psychological terror. And once their many plants within communities have been located, these so-called "model citizens" will spread rumors on those who haven't been within the region for long. And from that point they will start to track each and every form of activity of the outlanders. Should it be determined that the outlanders are responsible for allegations made against police, the Hindus working with police, or the local federal government, the first thing they'll do is cause division. And while they are causing the division, they'll be trying to find out if the outlanders possess cell phones. The key of landing intricate attacks comes first by learning of cell phone possession. Then police, after having the outlanders on constant surveillance, will make sure that if they witness the outlanders moving around, they should immediately get police cruisers within the vicinity just to latch onto the frequencies.

And whether Americans know it or not, not all cop vehicles are equipted with the same technology. Some cop cars or police cruisers have some of the latest technology within them that usually tie them to the military or to the federal government. These cops, even if they have terrorized nearby Mexicans or Cetnral Americans, can somehow convince them to carry out esionage activities for them. Even some blacks and caucasians get involved when there is money involved. But not all of the time its about the money. Some people worship police so much that even if police lie on certain targets, an entire town may be against you if those same police have marked you. because of this police mark. New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts police do not believe any correcting problems or evils within their own departments. This is why the corruption never ceases! They only make sure that they won't be caught again. They will then start to get away with alot of illegal activities because of how they use their badges and positions to cause a reign of terror. Afterwards, those paying attention will slip up again. And when they do, these sort of things occur: . Make no mistake that not all police are corrupt. But those who are hold the highest in rank and is being used to do the sinister work. They are also protected by parties in high places. So it weill be nearly impossible to bring them to justice when the so-called justice system itself hires, promotes, and back up all of their sinister activities. The key is to never get caught! Once they are caught, the Establishment will cast them out to the dogs! An old military tactic.People in the East Windsor area even speak about how their dreams are being invaded by technological forces. Others are blaming nearby Hindu Indians because of their many spells and daily rituals.


SEPTEMBER 24, 2018
5:10 AM

As it was revealed in Part 1 of this thread, police and others are doing all they can to destroy those who either fights or exposes their reign of chaos and terror. Like we've stated earlier, very reliable sources went to the Colonade Motel, located at: 472 U.S. Route 130, in East Windsor, New Jersey, checked into the motel for a day or more, and then noticed how the motel's wifi was being invaded by various stealth sources. So at least 3 couples used their own wifi or data from cell phones, et cetera, to browse the internet within troubles. But they recorded how their browsing the internet was being hacked into by at least two parties at the Colonade Motel. The first form of hacking into their devices, according to another device which tracked them down, came from the motel's front office, or back in a room within the office. The next form of hacking came from a room where young adults occupy. The devices used to hack into cell phone data is very sophisticated, and according to Guests who have been tracking the hackers, each time the hackers get into their vehicles and take off, they always connect with someone who has ties to either certain police officers in East Windsor, or certain police officers in Hightstown, New Jersey. People fear police in both East Windsor and Hightstown because of their histories of deception and their reign of chaos. These police use lying informants to justify any sort of corruptions they may implement, and very few people are aware that there are informants involved in over 65% of police activities. This was they can always make sure that noone will ever catch up to their reign of terror. Americans must keep in mind that those police who claim to be so professional that they give out alot of citations, or make alot of arrests, ios usually hiding something. New Jersey Police get away with so much because of how they can lie, and for their inexplicable uses of secret informants. Some cops with secret society links will outright lie and are never disciplined due to those secret society connections. And all of the alien human hybrid cops is being protected by military contractors and others which makes it almost impossible to find them guilty of any obvious crimes they have committed.

It was further revealed by retired cops near the Trenton, New Jersey rigion that police in both East Windsor and Hightstown are very corrupt and deeply chaotic. Its those cops who does things alone that has pwoplw concerned. Do many New Jersey, New York, Conmecticut, and Massachusetts cops possess the ability to read thoughts and minds? Wel, there are many people who seems to think so. And the answer for this is because they are alien human hybrids in origin. These are the type of cops who, when seeking to degrade and destroy targets, will rely on fake information submitted inside communities just to weed out the undesirables. Many people in East Windsor and in Hightstown, just to name a couple of towns in New Jersey, swear that cops will use photos of targets to degrade and destroy even if the targets haven't committed any crimes. Others claim that if targets get on the internet and expose corruption within their regions, the first thing cops will do is try and locate the threats.


This planet was called Planet X by astronomers. “The most fascinating explanation of this mystery body, which is so cold it casts no light and has never been seen by optical telescopes on Earth or in space, is that it is a giant gaseous planet as large as Jupiter and as close to Earth as 50 trillion miles. While that may seem like a great distance in earthbound terms, it is a stone’s throw in cosmological terms, so close in fact that it would be the nearest heavenly body to Earth beyond the outermost planet Pluto.” No one spoke of it since, the idea has now long been forgotten except there has always been and always will be the reports of what are called, hypothetical planets. In 2012, NASA stated emphatically there was no scientific evidence to support the existence of Nibiru and NASA even released a statement refuting the claims, after the agency was accused of a conspiracy to cover up the Nibiru threat to avoid mass panic. While NASA still contends there is no threat from a doomsday planet, there are still other astronomers that are still looking for Nibiru – just as they have for Planet Vulcan.


The Babylonians called this “Nebu Uru” an effect of planetary interloping or crossing where the eventual conjunction of planets created a menacing shadow form in the heavens. If it sounds similar to Nibiru – there is no accident since the name Nibiru is Akkadian and also means “crossing place” or “place of transition”, which is connected to the transformation of alchemy or the changing catalyst in our solar system. In ancient texts the most threatening planet was Jupiter and so the Nebu Uru or the crossing often pointed to Jupiter as the planet that could have been a new Sun – it was then believed through Saturni cults that Saturn was the dark father or the dead sun. Way back in 1940, Chilean astronomer Carlos Munoz Ferrada predicted accurately that the powers-that-be would attempt to cover-up Planet X when it comes barreling towards the Earth. Ferrada referred to Nibiru/Planet X as a “Comet-Planet” because it has the size of a planet but speed and elliptical orbit of a comet. In 1976, Zecharia Sitchin wrote a book called, The Twelfth Planet or Nibiru. Nibiru in Sumerian tablets referred to an undiscovered 12th Planet or Planet X. Unlike the other planets in our solar system, Nibiru allegedly has an elliptical orbit and moves clockwise rather than counterclockwise. Nibiru’s orbit passes through our solar system only once every 3,600 years. On December 31, 1983 A Washington Post article entitled: “Possibly as Large as Jupiter; Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered,” said the following: “A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite. So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby “protostar” that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through.” The truth is stranger than fiction as this report was not on the Internet and was actually reported in hard copy to let the world know that someday we would be seeing this plane, or the arrival of the huge celestial body very soon.


Because “Star Trek” creators eventually associated planet Vulcan with a real star, called 40 Eridani A, scientists have wondered for years whether a factual equivalent of the beloved science fiction planet exists, with or without pointy-eared inhabitants. And now, a team of scientists has said that the star really does host at least one planet. Bo Ma, the lead author of the new research and an astronomer at the University of Florida, said in a statement “This star can be seen with the naked eye, unlike the host stars of most of the known planets discovered to date. Now, anyone can see 40 Eridani A on a clear night and be proud to point out Spock’s home. That star, located about 16 light-years away from Earth, is also known as HD 26965. It’s a bit orange because it’s a little smaller and cooler than our sun. But it also has some clear similarities to Earth’s star: It’s about the same age and sports a fairly similar sunspot pattern. That’s good news for people hoping for real-life Vulcan residents. Matt Muterspaugh, an astronomer at Tennessee State University and a co-author on the new research said in a statement that “HD 26965 may be an ideal host star for an advanced civilization.” Two additional stars accompany HD 26965, and they would be visible from the planet’s surface. The planet itself doesn’t look quite as appealing as the star, because this world seems to orbit a little too close to its sun to be in the habitable zone where liquid water can be retained on the surface. However, scientists are still pinning down precisely what other characteristics determine a planet’s habitability. The newfound planet is about twice the size of Earth, and its year lasts about 42 days. The researchers behind the discovery are excited about more than just the “Star Trek” connection, though, they said. The new find is also the first so-called super-Earth discovered by the Dharma Planet Survey, which is designed to hunt down relatively small planets around relatively bright stars. Vulcan has been a name given to hypothetical and unknown rogue planets for centuries. It is recorded that a planet that would be similar to Vulcan was orbiting between Mercury and the sun and disturbing the order of the solar system – it in conjunction with Mars passing close to earth was said to bring war famine and pestilence.


As the other planets were all named for Roman gods, the new planet was fittingly called Vulcan to complete the pantheon. Vulcan was the god of the forge, the metalworker responsible for creating the weapons of the gods (after whom volcanoes take their name). The intense heat of an orbit so close to the Sun makes it an appropriate name. Or it would have, if the planet existed. It can be tempting to think of the story of Vulcan as a blunder, a laughable embarrassment in the history of science. Or worse, as evidence that science isn’t all it’s cracked up to be in general. There was a shocking study published in the Public Library of Science Journal, that found“ up to 72%” of scientists admitted their colleagues were engaged in “questionable research practices,” and that just over 14% of them were engaged in outright “falsification.” This becomes especially concerning when we consider how “science” seems to have replaced organized religion as the new authority that should blindly be obeyed in many ways. People speak of it as if it is infallible, and anyone who questions the high priests of science are generally attacked, degraded, and dismissed as modern day heretics. We recently discussed that secularism is being embraced by the younger generations as they want to use science to explain the mysteries of life rather than religion. Now even science is being scrutinized as being off in their discoveries and their answers. In and of itself, science is obviously inanimate and can do neither good nor bad because it has no mind of its own. It is not a person, so we need to stop talking about science like it is a super hero. It is simply a vehicle that requires a driver, and the destination obviously differs from one driver to the next. It also differs from one day to the next, especially when we talk about the solar system and the possibilities of hypothetical planets becoming real planets or real planets coming out or irregular orbits like Planet X. For example, Planet Vulcan, which most people are familiar with because it is the home planet to Mr. Spock on Star Trek, became a little more real recently, thanks to some exoplanet research.


The term Planet X has deep roots in the history of astronomy, dating back to the discovery of Neptune in 1846. Some oddities were found in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus that astronomers couldn’t explain. In 1903, Percival Lowell, the astronomer who’d go on to lay the groundwork for Pluto’s discovery, spoke about a possible ninth planet “X” that could be causing those abnormalities. In 1905, he started using the Lowell Observatory to hunt for it. Planet X is not a generic reference to some unknown planet, but a specific prediction of Lowell’s which led to the (accidental) discovery of Pluto. A study released last May, for example, suggests a rocky object dubbed 2015 BP519 orbits the sun on a bizarrely high and eccentric path. A planet about 10 times the mass of Earth and 20 times farther out than Neptune. No one is calling it Planet X, but I truly believe that there is some trickle down disclosure happening where we will have a definite confirmation of Planet X, but in as far as the scientific nomenclature will reveal. Having science admit that the planet is actually the mythological Nibiru is probably out of the question. Scientists are going rogue, playing in our galactic backyard to find answers about rogue planets and they are even considering naming Pluto a planet again. Then if another planet, a tenth planet in our Solar System is discovered the Roman numeral for it will coincidentally X – that is of course, if it truly is a coincidence. The simple fact is that Pluto was misclassified when it was first discovered; it was never on the same footing as the other eight worlds. The 2006 move by the IAU to demote it was an incomplete attempt to repair that mistake. It is yet another piece of controversy as a shell game is afoot because of possible inclusion of other worlds that they most certainly know about, one of those planets is a hypothetical planet called Vulcan. In earlier scientific speculation, this missing planet was predicted to have been even closer to the Sun than Mercury. And despite the lack of any reliable, consistent observational evidence, it remained there until Einstein shot it out of the sky.


American Horror story, Apocalypse, is certainly not for young people, but I am sure young people watch it. The opening credits and teasers all show a world that has been taken over by the antichrist, from birth to his domain amongst the fire and brimstone of the nuclear holocaust. It is breathtaking apocalyptic imagery that illustrates our fate which is drenched in the blood of the innocent. The main character in the show is Michael Langdon who was a baby conceived in the murder house series that was said to be the anti-christ. He is all grown up now and most certainly fits the bill of an androgynous avatar of Satan. Netflix debuted its trailer for Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, teasing viewers with glimpses at Baphomet, demonic rituals, pentagrams, spells and a birthday where one of the guests of honor is the goat-headed devil himself. The poster for the series gives the main character horns as the Satanic icon Baphomet hovers behind her. Netflix says in a press release that Chilling Adventures of Sabrina imagines the origin and adventures of Sabrina the Teenage Witch as a dark coming-of-age story that traffics in horror, the occult and, of course, witchcraft. Tonally in the vein of Rosemary’s Baby and The Exorcist, this adaptation finds Sabrina wrestling to reconcile her dual nature—half-witch, half-mortal, while standing against the evil forces that threaten her, her family and the daylight world humans inhabit. Sabrina first appeared as a comic then in cartoon form and then there was a hokey TV series in 1996. The new Netflix version looks far from hokey; in fact, it looks more hocus pocus with every Satanic image that can be flashed on the screen for the full effect. According to the synopsis and character descriptions, the show takes liberties with witchcraft and molds it into full-blown Satanism. In The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Salem is a nondescript black cat without the ability to speak. But Salem’s not actually a cat at all. He’s Sabrina’s familia, a goblin trapped in the body of a cat, dedicated to protecting and helping Sabrina. The new Zelda Spellman character is a Satan-worshipping queen, and absolutely terrifying, in the best way possible.


Like it or not, our beliefs about the world are interconnected with other beliefs we have been programmed to accept. As one thing is revealed, there are more that follow and you can either lie to yourself and say that it is a form of persecution or deception or you can learn more about what the facts are. It takes a great deal of strength in order to let go of one’s preconceived ideas and accept the new and factual data. Since the media guides, controls and even at times hijacks the zeitgeist, we sometimes forget that we have not defeated those who oppress us, we have simply enabled them by ignoring their nefarious activities. Children are constantly learning, experience is the teacher, life is learning and what is done in school is a different form of learning. In fact, if the child is raised in a good home where values are taught, including self-value, sometimes the school system will participate in trying to reshape those values. Schools teach kids that they cannot be trusted to learn and that they are no good at it. Teachers and peers make the eager valuable children feel worthless, untrustworthy and fit only to take other people’s orders. Students become a blank sheet for other people to write on. Oh there are plenty of people will tell you that this is not true and educators and parents make a lot of noise about respect for the child and their individual differences, but children find themselves in the middle of political shaping, and salary disputes. They are told to shut up and take orders to spend their day doing school work and then the rest of the time that is meant for family is mired in homework. What counts here, and the only thing that counts, is what the teachers know, what they think is important, what they want the child to think and be. The child feels misunderstood, he or she wants to be creative so they act out as the class clown and again are told they are disruptive. They go out of the margins and they end up bullied, not only by their peers but by the teacher as well. This kills curiosity and the teacher isn’t paid enough to satisfy curiosity So the student starts to feel ashamed. There is no chance for the young students to find out who they are and to develop into an adult. They simply accept the evaluation the teachers give them. They end up assuming that what they are experiencing is wrong. It breeds uncertainty, to be confused, is a crime. So young people learn at an early age to dodge, bluff, fake and cheat.


They are tricking you all because they believe Americans are stupid. Trust us, if any of you were to meet a Hindu Indian, a pale Arab, a pale Egyptian, or some other race from the Hindu genetic tree on September 23, 2018, they'll remember your face and alot of information about you 10 years later. Alot of them are alien human hubrids, and the U.S. Government protects them because of it. Thats why if Americans boycott Hindu ran businesses, the government will work with so many others that will plant rumors between blacks, latinos, and caucasians. You will then start to try and kill each other while the eyes on the Hindu are very limited a few.

At the Shoprite Grocery in East Windsor, New Jersey, corrupt hybrid and clone Americans work with the Hindus. They know how to use self checkout devices for saying that you placed something extra on the belt, even though it wasn't true. Then the information will be fed to corrupt cops who'll then black-ball you, for lack of a better word. American children are even becoming more and mopre demonic because of integration with the Hindus. In Biblical times, people were separated by countries for a reason. There were some so-called humans decent humans were not suppose to integrate with. But in America, everyone integrates with everyone else. There isn't anything wrong with integreation. Its just very important for us to know whao it is we are associating with. Blacks and caucasians have been dealing with one another in this country for over 400 years. And there's still forces who got you all hating one another, or only getting together to hurt innocent people. Why can't blacks and caucasians get together for true love, for true friendship, and for true community building and not separation of any sort. Blacks and caucasians have been destroying members of their own race based on class. The latest demonizing involves those who have been conicted of crimes. They are termed felons, and they are being crucified for the rest of their lives by members within their communities, and the U.S. government, along with nearly every news media within America. The true criminals are those who've committed crimes, or who still commit crimes and hold powerful positions that have never been convicted of their crimes! So turning your children into complete devils is an end game that noone will accept within the next few months. From time to time, the effects of immersing yourself in the news and trying to report corruption and lies can lead people into cognitive disillusionment. This is common to everyone. You either take action to find a solution or you do nothing and wait for things to happen that will change your attitude. Everyone has had the experience of believing in something that turned out not to be true. It can be said that depending on the situation it can be psychologically traumatic to realize what you thought was the truth, turns out to be at odds with your normalcy bias.


Many hispanics (Mexicans, Equadorians, or Central Americans) do alot of talking and think that most Americans aren't knowledgable of the spanish dialect. How wrong they are. Underestimating Americans is the very reason the national language isn't spanish, Hindi, Farsi, Urdu, Russian, et cetera. But there are powers within the American government who are trying to create chaos much more intense than whats occuring now. Mexicans brag about how they are being favored by law enforcement and other so-called authoritive figures when they target and snitch on blacks and Puerto Ricans. In New Jersey, the Hindus working with hispanics have been targeting working class caucasians, and the pale Puerto Ricans try and play two sides. When they are amongst white supremcists in East Windsor or Hightstown, New Jersey, they will brag that they have caucasian blood within them. But when they are around blacks and other Puerto Ricans, they claim that they are from Puerto Rico. Caucasians must denounce white supreamcy and how its being used to destroy the caucasian race. They are using others races to destroy you. And blacks have to do the same thing. Blacks and caucasians must work together because the two races have enemies inside the U.S. And not all of them are American. Quite a few are alien human hybrids.

Puerto Ricans who have been in America for years and have contributed to the fight for freedom beside all Americans are not the enemies. The enemies are infiltrators who join one side saying they are with them, and then join another side saying that they are really with them. They are destroying America from within. And if Americans start to pay attention to the psychology of the Hindu Indians, especially those running motels in America, you will find them to be pathological liars. They term it just doing business as usual. But they are taking over many markets and seem to be forcing Americans to embrace their culture and beliefs of all sorts. Tractor Trailer Drivers say that the Hindus, the Pakistanis, and many Americans working with them and the New World Order is responsible for the many camera surveillance units within Company trucks. But like with all things there is positive and there are negatives. The negatives try and find a reason to promote and empower more camera surveillance. Nearly all Hindus and their offspring (Pakistanis, pale Arabs, pale Egyptians, and Bangladeshians) have promoted and even empowered mass surveillance in America. And the sad thing many of them aren't even citizens. And yet, their infliction on America will plague many more generations to come. When motel managers, their kin, their comrads, or they're conspiracies with corrupt police in an attempt to mass incarcerate blacks and Puerto Ricans. Blacks and Puerto Ricans have been having drugs and other things planted on them for many years. . Just because it is now being exposed today doesn't bring justice to those who have been imprisoned for many years because of planted drugs on them. Many of the liars who set them up can't be found in 2018, or is deceased. They'll have to spend the rest of their lives in prison behind lies.


The hate is there because the media and the elite love this type of theater, and we are the players. They can drop the curtain at any time and strike the set they have constructed. It is like a sick version of the Matrix or even the Truman show. If you can see outside of the illusion of Right and Left, you can free yourself form lack of civility that has the nation in its grip. We are watching helplessly as a minority is seizing the social agenda of the Republic. We are beginning to see how most of America is finding a disconnect with the rapid change in social issues and what is frightening is that the government is expecting a violent blow back. To our dismay, we now find ourselves scrambling for a foothold as our once rock-solid constitutional foundation crumbles beneath us. And no longer can we rely on the president, Congress, the courts, or the police to protect us from radical ideologies or fomented hate and misunderstanding. Framing processes with loaded statements about immigration and attacks from both sides continue the vicious circle and no matter what your position is – the triggers are put in the narrative framework to guarantee anger and misunderstanding. It is all part of the grooming and programming process and any argument for or against the framed narrative has the same result – division and in some cases civil upheaval. Have you ever noticed how when the President tweets the media generates more stories about them than they would natural disasters or any other tragedy? The earthquake in Venezuela or even a compound in the United States that teaches kids to commit school shootings is ignored in favor of what would spark more national angst and agitprop.

The media has taken on the idea that the facts mean nothing until you put them in a political context. Everything else is excluded and what is revealed is trashed as conspiracy theory because it opens the discussion up to other possible answers to the one framed topic or ideology. There is an assumption that the media gives us all the concepts and facts we need to take a position on any topic. Granted we have the freedom to express anything we want. The truth is that the media does not give us all the ideas we need to make a safe and non emotional assessment of what is happening. We only fall for the issue that has been framed and repeated over and over again. The true issue that the media avoids is the freedom issue and how freedom can work without the divisive issues that are now edging us closer to civil instability. Hypocognition is our inability to see things that we’re not conditioned to see or to comprehend ideas for which we have no framework. We have a lack of ideas or metaphors to adequately describe and explain the world of complex ideas and circumstances, often leading to a state of whatever are comfortable –whatever is part of the conditioning is fact–whatever issue irritates you — you have to remedy it with views and framing that have already been chosen for you. We are somewhat victimized by our own programming. In the case of Mollie Tibbetts did the media adequately describe why we should care about her? What was she like, what was her job? Did she have any friends?


SEPTEMBER 10, 2018
10:22 AM

Snitching and hate baiting are very powerful tools being used to crush most Americans. And corporations like Verizon wireless, AT&T, Facebook, Twitter, and Google, to name a few, are pillars which empower the snitch systems and hate baiting. Hispanic friends working at the McDonalds, on Route 130, in East Windsor, New Jersey, contacted a few civil rights representatives and informed them that police were called to the place of business around 7:10 am on September 10, 2018. It was revealed that a homeless caucasian senior was hungry and needed help with something to eat. And according to the hispanics, they overheard police calling her Mrs. Sarah Alley. Many hispanics or Mexicans claimed that they have never witnessed so much hate within the caucasian race even though many of them claim to be white supremacists. The elderly woman got stranded in the area and instead of stealing or committing a crime for food, she just stood in the shadows and asked for help with something to eat. One sad thing is that every time a caucasian is seen asking for help in some way, it is always other caucasians who secretly call the police on them. No other race calls police on caucasians for trying to get food other than other caucasians, which clearly proves that the race is very much divided. Mrs. Alley had an NCIC done on her because she was seeking help with something to eat! Isn't this extreme? There are no facilities that help with complex issues surrounding outlanders within the section of East Windsor, New Jersey. people are simply criminalized for asking for help with something to eat. And yet those snitches and informants for Deep State and others claim that major threats are robberies, thefts, and home invasions.

Blacxk and latino people must understand that not all caucasians are part of the favoritism species in America. It all depends on their blood types and the success of their relatives. Caucasians are being experimented on just like blacks and latinos. The only difference is that in order to make effective hate baiting, these facts must be withheld from news media reports. Mny caucasian police officers have also sold out because they are mostly the ones who signed the newer emos during the Obama Presidency. They will fire on and kill Americans for the sake of the New World Order. And yet, many of these cops drive around causing racial divisions on a weekly basis. Americans must keep in mind that what happens within the black communities is also happening within caucasian communities. They just don't get the media reports. In North Fakota recently, a News Woman spoke about drugs which claimeed the life of her daughter. These opiods are being peddled into the country by Mexicans and others stemming from their region that is sold to white power affiliates and white supremacists. White supremacists are responsible for the opiod crisis in North Dakota. They can't blame this on blacks or Puerto Ricans this time. Hindu Indian doctors prescribe opioid drugs to Americans that are really transfer drugs. Thats why so many are on heroin. Institutions and agencies have never benefitted so much, financially, in suxh a small amount of time. The snitch system and hate baiting seems to also fuel this sort of activity. hate baiting isn't so farfetched as some would claim. Just check out the curious story of Mollie Tippets. Every day pictures of the young woman were shown on CNN. Nothing was known about her. It appeared that she was part of an affluent family; an All-American girl. Still, not much was known about her, only that she was missing. It was reported that this young woman was found in a cornfield, the victim of a murder.


Since December, when the venture started up, tens of thousands of medical images collected over a decade have been used to teach Biomind its job. After months of deep learning, the machine was ready for a competition against 25 experienced doctors at Beijing’s China National Convention Center testing their ability to analyze images of the brain. This is similar as when Gary Casperov played a game of chess against the computer, Deep Blue. With artificial nerves that can’t carry the warmth of blood, robots mimic life in their synthetic existence. They are the phantoms that claim immortality when they never even had a chance to truly live. It is the mechanical Pinocchio that wants to be a real boy, and from there a soldier, a doctor, or even a consultant. Who knows, maybe in the future a cyborg can be President.

Yancy controls public perception. But some aren’t happy with what Yancy is creating. The story illustrated how conformity can be used as a psychological tool and if you create an all American Icon that is a cross between Ronald Reagan and George Orwell’s big brother, the people will not care about things like foreign policy and terrorism. They will only care about what the devil in the box has to say and what the graven image of a manufactured messiah can do for national morale. Yancy is a manufactured media phenomenon rather than a real person, and we can say the same can be said for Donald Trump. Not that Trump is an A.I.; however, he once was a TV media personality molded and shaped by a court of public opinion. He is still being shaped and attacked by the same court of public opinion. We are hard pressed to know of any of his accomplishments because the algorithms have hijacked his Presidency and the divisiveness of meddling propaganda makes him larger than life. He truly may not be the president we want – he is the president we deserve. All of this leads us down the primrose path of techtopia with tech gods ruling us from their thrones, using technical drones and robot cops to enforce the laws. Being human in the future will not be about individual survival or escape. It will be how we live together fighting against your cybernetic overlords.

This is a list of forum posts created by Sanguinarium.

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